18 research outputs found

    Network simplicity for latency insensitive cores

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    Journal ArticleIn this paper we examine a latency insensitive net- work composed of very fast and simple circuits that connects SoC cores that are also latency insensitive, de-synchronized, or asynchronous. These types of cores provide native flow control that is compatible with this network, thus reducing adapter overhead and buffering needs by applying backpressure directly to the sending core. We show that under realistic traffic patterns our sample network meets performance requirements and uses less power compared to a similar design. This concept of a simplified network, along with latency insensitive cores lends itself well to meeting the needs of low-power interconnect components in future design processes

    Bringing NoCs to 65nm

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    Very deep submicron process technologies are ideal application fields for NoCs, which offer a promising solution to the scalability problem. This article sheds light on the benefits and challenges of Noc-Based interconnect design in nanometer CMOS. The author present experimental results from fully working 65-NM Noc Designs and a detailed scalability analysis

    Comparing energy and latency of asynchronous and synchronous NoCs for embedded SoCs

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    Journal ArticlePower consumption of on-chip interconnects is a primary concern for many embedded system-on-chip (SoC) applications. In this paper, we compare energy and performance characteristics of asynchronous (clockless) and synchronous network on-chip implementations, optimized for a number of SoC designs. We adapted the COSI-2.0 framework with ORION 2.0 router and wire models for synchronous network generation. Our own tool, ANetGen, specifies the asynchronous network by determining the topology with simulated-annealing and router locations with force-directed placement. It uses energy and delay models from our 65 nm bundled-data router design. SystemC simulations varied traffic burstiness using the self-similar b-model. Results show that the asynchronous network provided lower median and maximum message latency, especially under bursty traffic, and used far less router energy with a slight overhead for the interrouter wires

    Routing Aware Switch Hardware Customization for Networks on Chips

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    Networks on Chip (NoC) has been proposed as a scalable and reusable solution for interconnecting the ever- growing number of processor/memory cores on a single silicon die. As the hardware complexity of a NoC is significant, methods for designing a NoC with low hardware overhead, matching the application requirements are essential. In this work, we present a method for reducing the hardware complexity of the NoC by automatically configuring the architecture of the NoC switches to suit the application traffic characteristics. The crossbar matrix and the arbiters of each switch in the NoC design are customized to support the traffic flows utilizing that switch. This application- specific switch customization is integrated with an existing design flow, which automates NoC topology synthesis, mapping, RTL code and physical layout generation. Several experimental studies on NoC benchmark designs are carried out, which show that the proposed switch customization technique leads to large reduction in the NoC switch area (28% on average) and power consumption (21% on average). Moreover, the critical paths of the switches reduce significantly, thereby leading to a significant speed-up of the NoC design

    Comparative Analysis of NoCs for Two-Dimensional Versus Three-Dimensional SoCs Supporting Multiple Voltage and Frequency Islands

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    In many of today’s system-on-chip (SoC) designs, the cores are partitioned into multiple voltage and frequency islands (VFIs), and the global interconnect is implemented using a packetswitched network on chip (NoC). In such VFI-based designs, the benefits of 3-D integration in reducing the NoC power or delay are unclear, as a significant fraction of power is spent in link-level synchronization, and stacked designs may impose many synchronization boundaries. In this brief, we show the quantitative benefits of the 3-D technology on NoC power and delay values for such application-specific designs. We show a design flow for building application-specific NoCs for both 2-D and 3-D SoCs with multiple VFIs. We present a detailed case study of NoCs designed using the flow for a mobile platform. Our results show that power savings strongly depend on the number of VFIs used (up to 32% reduction). This motivates the need for an early architectural space exploration, as allowed by our flow. Our experiments also show that the reduction in delay is only marginal when moving from 2-D to 3-D systems (up to 11%), if both are designed efficiently

    NoC Topology Synthesis for Supporting Shutdown of Voltage Islands in SoCs

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    In many Systems on Chips (SoCs), the cores are clustered in to voltage islands. When cores in an island are unused, the entire island can be shutdown to reduce the leakage power consumption. However, today, the interconnect architecture is a bottleneck in allowing the shutdown of the islands. In this paper, we present a synthesis approach to obtain customized application-speciïŹc Networks on Chips (NoCs) that can support the shutdown of voltage islands. Our results on realistic SoC benchmarks show that the re- sulting NoC designs only have a negligible overhead in SoC active power consumption (average of 3%) and area (average of 0.5%) to support the shutdown of islands. The shutdown support provided can lead to a signiïŹcant leakage and hence total power savings

    A DRAM Centric NoC Architecture and Topology Design Approach

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    Most communication traffic in today\u2019s System on Chips (SoC) is DRAM centric. The NoC should be designed to efficiently handle the many-to-one communication pattern, funneling to and from the DRAM controller. In this paper, we motivate the use of a separate network for the DRAM traffic and justify the power overhead and performance improvement obtained, when compared to traditional solutions. We also show how the topology of this DRAM network can be designed and optimized to account for the funnel-shaped pattern. Our experiments on a realistic SoC multimedia benchmark shows a large reduction in power consumption and improvement in performance when compared to existing solutions

    NoC emulation: a tool and design flow for MPSoC

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    Current Systems-On-Chip (SoC) execute applications that demand extensive parallel processing; thus, the amount of processors, memories and application-specific signal pro- cessing cores is rapidly increasing. In these new Multi- Processor SoCs, (MPSoCs) one of the most critical elements regarding overall efficiency is on-chip interconnections. Network-On-Chip(NoC) provides a structured way of realizing interconnections on silicon, and obviate the limitations of bus-based solutions. NoCs can have regular or ad hoc topologies and can be tuned by a large set of parameters. Simulation and functional validation are essential to assess the correctness and performance of MPSoC architectures. We present a flexible hardware-software emulation framework implemented on an FPGA that is specially designed to suitably explore, evaluate and compare a wide range of NoC solutions with a very limited effort. Our experimental results show a speed-up of four orders of magnitude with respect to cycle-accurate HDL simulation, while retaining cycle accuracy and flexibility of software simulators. Finally, we propose a validation flow for MPSoCs based on our flexible NoC emulation framework, which allows designers to explore and optimize a range of solutions, as well as quickly characterize performance figures and identify possible limitations in their on-chip interconnection architectures