88 research outputs found

    Supporting teachers’ collaboration in design teams to develop Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: the case of science teachers in Tanzania

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    This study assessed the effect of support on the teachers’ collaboration in design teams and development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). The study was carried out in two secondary schools in Tanzania: Chang’ombe and Jitegemee secondary schools. From each school 10 teachers participated in the professional development program intended to develop TPACK. Four supports were provided during the professional development program: collaboration guidelines, online learning materials, exemplary lessons and human support (an expert). The pre and post intervention assessment of teachers’ perceived and observed knowledge and skills of integrating technology in teaching was done through questionnaire and interview. Other data collection instruments were observation checklist and focus group discussion. Findings revealed a significant different between the pre and post intervention teachers’ TPACK. Through support, teachers’ discussions in the design teams were precise, focused to the goals of the meeting and time efficient

    Computational Facilities and Web-Resources: Case Study of Large Private University with Fast-Growing Clients

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    Speed, space and judicious sharing web-related resources are the key indicators of successful management of the computing-facilities and other web-resources of any progressive organisation. Such a case becomes much more demanding for any professional academic institution, where the majority stake-holders, that is the young student-users of web-resources, are heavily dependent on web-based learning and personal communications. Other stake holders, like administrative staff, teaching and research community of universities have web-dependence, mostly for known resources. Fast growing dependence of different categories of stake-holders of such large institutes warrants a case-study research, so as to study the present pattern of uses of web-resources, including the timing and pockets of users, and then to have a sustainable strategic planning for a better resource-management of web-resources for future. The present paper is a case study of a leading private university of Odisha (in India) with over 65,000 users of ‘university web-network' and over 7500 fixed-systems, which analyses users' time-series data of last quarter and suggests a futuristic model for optimal and effective use of - ˜Institute Web-Resources and computing facilities'. It studies both fixed-line load and load-management of wireless (Wi Fi) connections, across the 25 campuses of the Institute, scattered and geographically located within 15 sq. km


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    Teacher development is an ongoing process through which teachers keep growing with their capabilities. They must be adaptive to the demands of changing times and open to self-professional development. Today, teacher development is challenged to develop not only mastery of science and teaching abilities but also technology. In the perspective of Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), the meeting of these three competence dimensions can be further divided into seven sub-competencies: technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, knowledge of course content, technological pedagogical knowledge, technological content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and technological pedagogical content knowledge. This paper ends with pedagogic implications for teacher professional development that demands high quality and perceived as valuable

    Investigating contextual knowledge within TPACK: How has it been done empirically so far?

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    The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework traditionally describes seven domains of knowledge which teachers rely on for effectively combining technology, pedagogy and content within their teaching contexts. To date, the context construct has been acknowledged interchangeably as both the settings within which teachers operate as well as teachers’ knowledge of their teaching environments. The need to distinguish between the two has been emphasized by Mishra (2019) by explicitly upgrading context as an eighth domain of knowledge of TPACK. To support future research on contextual knowledge, based on a systematic review of the TPACK literature published between 2005 and 2020, this study offers an overview of the current empirical methods, instruments, and findings surrounding this construct. Findings reveal a range of approaches (i.e., self-report, interviews, artifacts, observations, vignettes, and multimethods) for investigating contextual knowledge and the comparison of these approaches and their related findings are discussed

    A case study of secondary pre-service teachers’ technological pedagogical and content knowledge mastery level

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    In recent years, researchers reported that effective ICT integration requires teachers to acquire knowledge of technology, content, pedagogy and the intersection of these, known as TPACK (Mishra & Koehler, 2006; Archambault, & Crippen, 2009).This study specifically sought to answer: 1) What are pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their TPACK mastery level before and after field experience; and, 2) Is there a significant difference of TPACK after field experience in schools? The TPACK survey instrument was adapted from Schmidt et al.(2009) and Archambault and Crippen (2009) and administered before and after their field experience to 107 pre-service teachers in a research intensive university programme in New Zealand.In addition, three student teachers were interviewed before and after field experience. These pre-service teachers scored highest in Content Knowledge (CK) and lowest in Technology Knowledge (TK) domains within TPACK at both before and after field experience. Paired-sample t-tests showed significant increases in most TPACK domains, namely, TK, PK, PCK, TCK and TPACK.Interviews and observations of three students clarified complex changes in knowledge of TPACK that linked to their experience in schools.The study continues to support the need for field experience while also adding caution to the interpretation of TPACK survey evidence given the strength of the student teachers’ perceived knowledge before field experience.Further research is underway with a comparative survey in a programme that prepares teachers for secondary schools in Malaysia

    User Resistance Factor to UTM e-learning in Post- Implementation

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    E-learning stands for Electronic Learning. E-Learning systems are becoming mature technologies to support study method in the university. However, there are factors frequently cited as the major reason for the failure of E-Learning system in post implementation is “User Resistance”. E-Learning implementation doesn’t finish after the program run, instead the real test of the system starts when a user begins using the system. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence user resistance in E-Learning post implementation stage. To achieve this objective, the quantitative method was conducted with 400 E-Learning end users. The result shows Resistance due to change, User Age, Cultural study method, User Expectations, Previous Bad Experience, Lack of Education, Training are the factors behind user resistance. Recommendations and guideline to avoid user resistance in E-Learning post implementation is also presented. The benefits and outcomes of this study shall aid university to overcome user resistance in post E-Learning implementation. Keywords: User resistance factor; E-Learning; Post Implementation; UTM E-Learnin


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    Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran maka seorang guru SD seharusnya mempunyai kompetensi di bidang pedagogis, profesionalisme, sosial dan kepribadian. Penguasaan materi/subjek (contein) dalam IPA mencakup fakta, konsep, prinsip dan teori. Cara mengajar dan memecahkan masalah pada pembelajaran IPA serta pemanfaatan teknologi harus dikuasai oleh guru.  Oleh karena itu pengetahuan materi subjek dan teknologi atau Pedagogicalcal Contein Knowledge/PCK sangat mendukung dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan kompetensi mengajar IPA berbasis Pedagogicalcal Contein Knowledge pada calon guru SD. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian diskripstif kualitatif dengan subjek mahasiswa calon guru SD yang sedang PPL di sekolah dasar sejumlah 50 orang. Pengambilan data dengan wawancara, tes dan angket. Data dianalisis diskriptif kualitatif dengan validitas teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kompetensi pedagogik yang masih belum optimal adalah penguasaan tentang mengajar dan pemahaman tentang kebutuhan siswa. Masih terdapat miskonsepsi dalam pembelajaran IPA. Mahasiswa calon guru masih belum menggunakan metode-metode pembelajaran yang dapat lebih memotivasi siswa belajar dan penguasaan materi prasayarat yang lemah oleh siswa belum menjadi perhatian guru. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat membantu calon guru SD mengevaluasi pembelajaran sebagai bagian dari upaya meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa

    Modeling technological change on telecenter effectiveness

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    Technological change (TC) is the overall process of continuous invention, innovation and diffusion of technology that aims at improving the quality of technical performance. Without TC, there would be no business growth and development particularly in a telecenter. A telecenter is public environments that people develop essential digital skills to access information and communications technologies to create, learn and achieve their specific needs. The major goal of a telecenter is to bridge the digital gap between the urban and the rural areas, and provide digital support services to the neighbouring community. Telecenter effective usage is a major issue of telecenter sustainability because it has been found that there a lack of usage. Hence, this study focused on identifying TC factors that contribute significantly to telecenter effectiveness. The first objective of the study was to identify the contributing factors of TC. The second objective was to construct a computational model based on selected factors obtained from objective 1. The third objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of the model. The research was conducted using the computational model approach through three phases: abstraction, formlization, and evaluation. The results showed that the computational model was able to show the effect of the selected TC on telecenter effectiveness in different types of scenarios. The usage of telecenter can be more effective by considering the TC factors that are appropriate
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