580 research outputs found

    Critical analysis in proposing persuasive multimedia model of truancy awareness (PMTA)

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    This article reports on the ongoing research to propose a persuasive multimedia model of truancy awareness (PMTA) for secondary school students. Accordingly, 9 related models were compared and systematically analyzed with the main objectives to: i). Review and analyses the previous applications and models that are related to the development PMTA Model. ii).Identify and select the generic component in designing the PMTA model.Accordingly, by investigating the selected model, this study suggest the common components applied by the researchers in developing a persuasive application to create awareness.The result of the reviews, shows there are four general components and seven sub-component were outlined.In addition, future work need to be conducted to extract and gathering the detail of subcomponent that contains in each common component

    Persuasive technology: A systematic review on the role of computers in awareness study

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    This paper reviews an empirical research of persuasive technology (PT) with the aim are to: (i) examine the result of the 25 persuasive technology studies related to awareness as the intended outcome, (ii) investigate the effects of persuasive technology usage to target users (iii) to examine computer roles in creating awareness to users and the effects of persuasive technology to the domain of studies.The main aim of this review is to assist researchers developing a reference in setting a future research in a persuasive technology particularly in awareness domain. Result from the review indicates that persuasive technology has the ability to increase user awareness toward certain context or issues.Most of the studies shows that the computer as a media and social actor gives more impact to increase the awareness compared to the computer as a tool.It can be concluded that understanding the appropriate persuasive strategy is important in helping researchers developing effective applications towards the intended outcome. This paper also has an implications towards designing persuasive system and as a references for future research

    Context of Use and Timing of Social Comparison Techniques in Behavior Change Support: A qualitative systematic review

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    ABSTRACT This paper aims to examine the timing and contexts of use of social comparison techniques in supporting behavior change. Timing is evaluated through stages of the behavior change process in accordance with the Transtheoretical Model, while context of use is defined through the level of publicity at three levels: public, semi-public and private. A qualitative systematic review was conducted of prior research dealing with applications featuring social comparison techniques. Through a systematic search strategy, eleven IT artifacts were selected for analysis. Then, patterns of use were analyzed so as to identify experiences on proper timing and context of use. The analysis shows that the technology placed in public spaces is suitable mainly for the first stages in the behavior change process. A private context of use is preferred in later stages

    Ubiquitous computing and natural interfaces for environmental information

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Gestão e Sistemas AmbientaisThe next computing revolution‘s objective is to embed every street, building, room and object with computational power. Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) will allow every object to receive and transmit information, sense its surroundings and act accordingly, be located from anywhere in the world, connect every person. Everyone will have the possibility to access information, despite their age, computer knowledge, literacy or physical impairment. It will impact the world in a profound way, empowering mankind, improving the environment, but will also create new challenges that our society, economy, health and global environment will have to overcome. Negative impacts have to be identified and dealt with in advance. Despite these concerns, environmental studies have been mostly absent from discussions on the new paradigm. This thesis seeks to examine ubiquitous computing, its technological emergence, raise awareness towards future impacts and explore the design of new interfaces and rich interaction modes. Environmental information is approached as an area which may greatly benefit from ubicomp as a way to gather, treat and disseminate it, simultaneously complying with the Aarhus convention. In an educational context, new media are poised to revolutionize the way we perceive, learn and interact with environmental information. cUbiq is presented as a natural interface to access that information

    Designing for behavioural change: reducing the social impacts of product use through design

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    This thesis investigates the feasibility of applying design-led approaches to influence user behaviour to reduce the negative social impacts of products during use. A review of the literature revealed a distinct lack of design-led research in this area. Three promising approaches from other disciplines, however, were found; ecofeedback, behaviour steering and intelligence. The majority of product examples identified did not use a singular approach, but combined two or more approaches. Most of the examples were concepts and focused on the end result. Few commented on the research and development processes undertaken to generate the final design. These limitations reinforced the need for case studies detailing these processes. To this end, two design studies were carried out; a preliminary study using a range of products and a further, more in-depth study on the use of mobile phones. The results of these studies led to the development of a framework of attributes for 'behaviour changing' devices. In response to these findings, two design resources were developed; a detailed design project to reduce the social impacts of mobile phone use in public and a short film on texting whilst on the move. Evaluation by design professionals provided analysis of the effectiveness of these resources and wider reflections on designer's perceived responsibilities for use and the ethics of designing for behavioural change. Collectively, the findings indicated that resources for designing behavioural change should; be explorative not prescriptive, focus on problem solving, be tailored to meet the needs of the intended recipient and ideally be applied in the early 'ideation' stages of the design process. Additionally, the findings indicated that designer's involvement in, and responsibility for, lifecycle impacts must be extended beyond point-of-purchase. Designers, however, are reportedly often unable to influence product development at a strategic level. Prior work, therefore, is needed to engage those at a senior level. Furthermore, the findings strongly indicate that 'behaviour changing' devices must be prototyped and subjected to rigorous consumer testing not only to establish their effectiveness but also to determine their acceptability

    The Public\u27s Reactions to Precaution - On the Effects of Health Recommendations Regarding Wireless Communication Technologies

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    Kommen neue Technologien auf den Markt, ist oft nicht eindeutig geklärt, ob diese möglicherweise negative Effekte haben, zum Beispiel auf die Gesundheit ihrer Nutzer. Häufig werden dann Forderungen nach Vorsorge laut. Das Spektrum entsprechender Vorsorgemaßnahmen reicht von Moratorien über striktere Grenzwerte oder Kontrollen hin zu Empfehlungen, was Nutzer selbst tun können, um mögliche Risiken zu verringern. Derartige „Vorsorgeempfehlungen“ und ihre Effekte auf ihre Rezipienten stehen im Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit. Technologien zur drahtlosen Kommunikation haben unser Zusammenleben im Laufe der letzten 25 Jahre tiefgreifend verändert. Handys, Laptops, Tablets und andere drahtlose Geräte emittieren elektromagnetische Felder im Radiofrequenzbereich (RF EMF), die mit dem menschlichen Körper wechselwirken. Weltweit sind die meisten Gesundheitsbehörden der Auffassung, dass es keine hinreichenden Nachweise für schädliche Gesundheitseffekte von RF EMF gibt. Jedoch existieren noch wissenschaftliche Unsicherheiten. Dies spiegelt sich auch in der Bewertung der International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) wider: Die IARC bewertet RF EMF von Mobiltelefonen als „möglicherweise krebserregend“. Basierend auf dieser Sachlage empfehlen viele Strahlenschutzbehörden weltweit Vorsorge. Der wesentliche Nutzen solcher Empfehlungen besteht in einem besseren Gesundheitsschutz im Falle, dass tatsächlich gesundheitliche Risiken bestehen. Vorsorgeempfehlungen bringen jedoch auch Kosten mit sich: Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Meta-Analyse aller Studien zur Wirkung von Vorsorgeempfehlungen auf die Risikowahrnehmung ihrer Rezipienten durchgeführt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Risikowahrnehmung bezüglich Mobiltelefonen und Mobilfunk-Basisstationen durch die Empfehlungen steigt. Während der wesentliche Nutzen der Empfehlungen möglicherweise gar nicht existiert, gibt es damit offenkundig auch Kosten. Unklar sind jedoch Tragweite und Auswirkungen der durch die Vorsorgeempfehlungen gestiegenen Risikowahrnehmung. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war, diesen Effekt genauer zu beleuchten, um die mit ihm verbundenen Kosten besser eingrenzen zu können. Dazu wurden drei Forschungsfragen formuliert: (i) Bei wem erhöht sich die Risikowahrnehmung durch die Rezeption von Vorsorgeempfehlungen? (ii) Können Vorsorgeempfehlungen so verändert werden, dass sie die Risikowahrnehmung ihrer Rezipienten nicht mehr erhöhen? (iii) Was sind die Auswirkungen der durch die Vorsorgeempfehlungen erhöhten Risikowahrnehmung? Diese Fragen wurden im Rahmen von drei Experimenten untersucht. In den Experimenten lasen Probanden verschiedene Texte, die entweder Vorsorgeempfehlungen enthielten oder nicht. Anschließend wurden verschiedene Variablen erhoben und die Ergebnisse statistisch ausgewertet. Bezogen auf die erste Forschungsfrage wurde untersucht, ob Vorsorgeempfehlungen auf Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Persönlichkeiten verschieden wirken. „Trait anxiety“ (generelle Ängstlichkeit) stellte sich als wichtige Variable heraus. Vorsorgeempfehlungen erhöhten speziell bei Menschen mit niedriger trait anxiety die Risikowahrnehmung bezüglich RF EMF von Mobiltelefonen. Einschränkend muss erwähnt werden, dass dieser Befund komplexer wird, wenn die Risikowahrnehmung bezogen auf bestimmte, situationale Bedingungen erhoben wird. In einer der durchgeführten Studien sollten die Probanden ihre Risikowahrnehmung unter zwei verschiedenen, hypothetischen Bedingungen einschätzen: einmal, wenn Vorsorge angewendet und einmal, wenn sie nicht angewendet wird. Ein wichtiger methodischer Befund der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, dass diese Art der Erfassung der Risikowahrnehmung zusätzliche, hilfreiche Erkenntnisse liefert. In Bezug auf die zweite Forschungsfrage wurden Vorsorgeempfehlungen auf zwei verschiedene Arten ergänzt: Erstens wurde das Motiv dafür erklärt, Vorsorge zu kommunizieren (besorgten Menschen Mittel zur Expositionsreduktion an die Hand zu geben). Diese Erklärung des Motivs hatte keinen Effekt auf die Risikowahrnehmung. Zweitens wurde erklärt, warum die empfohlenen Maßnahmen die Exposition in effektiver Weise reduzieren. Diese Erklärung erhöhte die Risikowahrnehmung (unter der Bedingung eingeschätzt, dass keine Vorsorge getroffen wird) beträchtlich. Während eine der Ergänzungen also keine Wirkung hatte, bewirkte die andere gar eine zusätzliche Erhöhung der Risikowahrnehmung. Im Rahmen der dritten Forschungsfrage wurden zwei mögliche Implikationen des Effekts von Vorsorgeempfehlungen auf die Risikowahrnehmung untersucht. Zum einen wurde die von renommierten Wissenschaftlern aufgestellte, jedoch nie überprüfte Annahme untersucht, dass Vorsorgeempfehlungen Ängste schüren. Zum anderen zeigen Studien, dass Probanden unter Scheinexposition mit EMF teilweise Symptome entwickeln (Nocebo-Effekt). In der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigte sich nach der Rezeption von Vorsorgeempfehlungen weder eine erhöhte state anxiety (momentane Ängstlichkeit), noch ein Nocebo-Effekt unter Scheinexposition von einer angeblichen WLAN-Antenne. Diesen Ergebnissen zufolge sind die mit Vorsorgeempfehlungen verbundenen Kosten also klar begrenzt. Risikowahrnehmung ist in der Gesundheitspsychologie als guter Prädiktor von Verhalten und Verhaltensintention bekannt. Aus den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Schlussfolgerung gezogen, dass die mit der Rezeption von Vorsorgemaßnahmen verbundene Erhöhung der Risikowahrnehmung zu gering ausfällt, um weitere Effekte nach sich zu ziehen. Es bleibt offen, inwieweit sich die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit auf andere mögliche Risiken übertragen lassen

    The safe administration of medication within the electromagnetic scenarios of the Internet of Things (IoT): looking towards the future

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    This paper has focused on analyzing the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to prevent or reduce errors during therapeutic drug administration. The methodology used has included scientific literature and marketed appliances reviews and laboratory tests on radiant devices. The role of the patient has been analyzed, both in terms of compliance with the prescribed treatments and user of technical solutions designed for administering medication. In addition, it has taken into account, how a future characterized by multiple technologies designed to support our daily routines, including health care, might affect the current model of relationship between health professionals and patients. Particular attention has been given to safety risks of ICTs in environments characterized by concurrent electromagnetic emissions operating at different frequencies. Implications and new scenarios from Internet of Things or IoT, have been considered, in light of the approach taken jointly by the European Commission and the European Technology Platform on Intelligent Systems Integration – EPoSS, in their 2008 report Internet of Things in 2020: a roadmap for the future, and how the concept has evolved since then.Chapter 1. Adverse drug events. Chapter 2. ICTs in everyday life and healthcare. Chapter 3. the challenge of electromagnetic safety. Chapter 4. ICTs in health care and in the prevention of medication errors: IoT. Chapter 5. A more effective and safer alternative approach. Chapter 6. Technological proposal 7. Conclusions.N

    Designing for behavioural change : reducing the social impacts of product use through design

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    This thesis investigates the feasibility of applying design-led approaches to influence user behaviour to reduce the negative social impacts of products during use. A review of the literature revealed a distinct lack of design-led research in this area. Three promising approaches from other disciplines, however, were found; ecofeedback, behaviour steering and intelligence. The majority of product examples identified did not use a singular approach, but combined two or more approaches. Most of the examples were concepts and focused on the end result. Few commented on the research and development processes undertaken to generate the final design. These limitations reinforced the need for case studies detailing these processes. To this end, two design studies were carried out; a preliminary study using a range of products and a further, more in-depth study on the use of mobile phones. The results of these studies led to the development of a framework of attributes for 'behaviour changing' devices. In response to these findings, two design resources were developed; a detailed design project to reduce the social impacts of mobile phone use in public and a short film on texting whilst on the move. Evaluation by design professionals provided analysis of the effectiveness of these resources and wider reflections on designer's perceived responsibilities for use and the ethics of designing for behavioural change. Collectively, the findings indicated that resources for designing behavioural change should; be explorative not prescriptive, focus on problem solving, be tailored to meet the needs of the intended recipient and ideally be applied in the early 'ideation' stages of the design process. Additionally, the findings indicated that designer's involvement in, and responsibility for, lifecycle impacts must be extended beyond point-of-purchase. Designers, however, are reportedly often unable to influence product development at a strategic level. Prior work, therefore, is needed to engage those at a senior level. Furthermore, the findings strongly indicate that 'behaviour changing' devices must be prototyped and subjected to rigorous consumer testing not only to establish their effectiveness but also to determine their acceptability.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    An analysis of regulatory frameworks for wireless communications, societal concerns and risk: the case of radio frequency (RF) allocation and licensing.

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    This thesis analyses how and why culture and geography influence the allocation and licensing of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum in different nations. Based on a broad study of 235 countries, an inter-disciplinary approach is used to explore regulatory frameworks and attitudes toward risk. In addition, detailed case studies of the UK, France, the US and Ecuador provide deeper insights into the main contrasting regulatory styles. Three alternative sociological theories are used to analyse and explain the results for both the in-depth and broad brush studies. The Cultural Theory of Mary Douglas and co-workers is first used to categorise countries in terms of perceptual filters. The empirical findings indicate some countries to be apparently exceptional in their behaviour. The theory of Bounded Rationality is used to investigate and explain these apparent irrationalities. Finally, Rational Field Theory shows how beliefs and values guide administrations in their RF regulation. A number of key factors are found to dominate and patterns emerge. The European RF harmonisation is unique. Following European unification, wireless regulation is divided into two major camps (the EU and the US), which differ in their risk concerns, approach to top-down mandated standards, allocation of RF spectrum to licence-exempt bands and type approval process. The adoption of cellular and TV standards around the world reflects geopolitical and colonial influence. The language of a country is a significant indicator of its analogue TV standard. Interestingly, the longitude of a country to a fair extent defines RF allocation: Africa and West Asia follow Europe, whereas the Americas approximate the US. RF regulation and risk tolerability differ between tropical and non-tropical climates. The collectivised/centralised versus the individualised/market-based rationalities result in different regulatory frameworks and contrasting societal and risk concerns. The success of the top-down European GSM and the bottom-up Wi-Fi standards reveal how the central- planning and market-based approaches have thrived. Attitudes to RF human hazards and spurious emissions levels reveal that the US, Canada and Japan are more tolerant of these risks than Europe. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK and USA encourage technological innovation. A practical benefit of this study is that it will give regulators more freedom to choose a rational RF licensing protocol, by better understanding the possibly self-imposed boundaries of cultural and geographical factors which are currently shaping allocation. Academically, there is utility in undertaking a cultural and geographic analysis of a topic that is mostly the domain of engineering, economic and legal analysts