82 research outputs found

    Evaluating users’ emotions for Kansei-based Malaysia higher learning institution website using Kansei checklist

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    Emotions play a crucial role in human-computer interaction. Emotion research in the field of human-computer interaction has only started recently and continuously evolving through the investigation and understanding of emotional effects. Thus, it forms an intelligent interaction between human and computer by responding effectively to the humans’ feelings. Emotional design generates remarkable user experiences for websites as the emotional experiences create an intense impression on our long-term memory. Recent scientific findings recommend emotional elements to be considered in designing websites as emotions influences one’s perception, conception and decision-making throughout the interaction with a website. A poorly designed user interface leads to bad user interaction while rising the users’ arousal and a displeasing user experience with a website elicits dissatisfaction emotion where consecutively results in avoidance and prevents revisit to the website. This proves the importance of emotional engagement in a website design. This research evaluated users’ emotions toward a Malaysian higher learning institution website which was designed in accordance with the standard Kansei-based web design guideline. The result justified the standard Kansei-based web design guideline for website of higher learning institutions in Malaysia

    Kansei Engineering in Designing Web-Based e-Commerce UMKM Product

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    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a part of the development of a system in addition to the usability factor. Several methods were developed in HCI to produce a User Interface design that persuasively attracts the user’s interest. One of these methods was Kansei Engineering which involved psychological factors and user emotions in the stage. The study focused on developing the e-commerce User Interface for UMKM products which based on how to maximize the service and quality of e-Commerce because so far the development of the web-based UMKM  e-Commerce product user interface has not paid attention to psychological factors. The Research followed Kansei Engineering Type 1 (KEPack) with the stages: (1) Research Initiation, (2) Collecting Kansei Words (KW), (3) Translating KW into SD scale, (4) Collecting Specimens, (5) Classifying Item / Category Specimens, (6) Evaluating Questionnaire Participants’ Data, (7) Multivariate Statistical Analysis, (8) Translating Statistical Data into Design Elements, (9) Creating Guideline Matrix Kansei Engineering. This study involved 40 participants, 20 Kansei Words, and ten specimens of UMKM e-Commerce products. The final result is the Kansei e-Commerce matrix guideline for web-based UMKM products, which had two main concepts, they were complexity consisting of formal, natural and simple emotion factors; and Uniqueness consisting of Comfortable, Soft, and Unique which consists of 8 main parts which divided into 65 design elements. The contribution of this Research in the informatics area is to provide recommendations for the appearance of  web-based UMKM  e-Commerce products based on the psychological factors of the user through the Kansei Engineering Stages

    A conceptual model for e-learning supporting tools design based on cue model and Kansei engineering

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered changes in learning due to the practice of social distancing to curb the spread of the virus. E-learning platforms have become the main platform for learning throughout the pandemic. However, e-learning does have challenges when it comes to ensuring student’s optimum participation throughout the learning experience that require extensive research about techniques and methods for an optimum e-learning experience. This includes various e-learning supporting tools that provides easy communication and immediate assistance to enhance user experience. The supporting tools or software usability and functionality design determined as imperative in enhancing the e-learning user experience. Thus, this research proposes a conceptual model for designing the e-learning supporting tools based on the CUE Model, integrated with Kansei Engineering for optimum user experience that can serve as a guideline for the e-learning supporting tools designer. The outcome of this research will create new research fields that incorporate multiple domains, including the e-learning domain, software and supporting tools design, emotions and user experience

    Application of Kansei Engineering Method in the development of e-Government job portals

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    Nowadays, companies often find it difficult to predict consumers’ needs and requirements and have been looking for ways to quantify customers’ impression on their products. Kansei Engineering (KE) is a method originated from Japan that could be used in achieving the companies’ goal. This method is often used in humanoriented product development to generate products with improved economic value. In this study, Kansei Engineering is applied in website development. This study reveals that e-government websites in Malaysia have lower usability values among the others website domains. There is a significant potential of improving the usability value of the e-Government job portals by implementing a effective usability testing methodology on them. This study aimed to use usability as a testing method by applying Kansei Engineering in the evaluation of e-Government job portals in Malaysia. This study proposes to improve the quality of job-seeking website managed by Malaysia government by measuring the user experience of the website users. The research is aimed to address the dominant factors that affect the impression of a user on the website as well as to compare the design elements of other sample job-seeking websites. Methodologies devised from the investigation are based on proven and existing approaches by other researchers of the same field. Thus, recommendations obtained and analysis of the results shall be useful to guide the improvement of existing job portals to better serve the good cause of its existence

    Implementasi Kansei Engineering Pada Aplikasi Kontrol Gula darah Mandiri Untuk Membantu Pasien Diabetes Tipe 2 Non Insulin

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    Prosentase penderita penyakit diabetes di Indonesia adalah sebesar 6.9 % dari keseluruhan populasi. 90 % diantaranya termasuk ke dalam diabetes tipe 2. Dalam usahanya untuk membantu penanganan diabetes, International Diabetes Foundation (IDF) memiliki suatu program yang disebut dengan Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG). Program tersebut dirancang untuk mengetahui informasi terkait dengan level gula darah pada waktu tertentu, dimana hasil informasi akan digunakan sebagai acuan dalam penentuan diet makanan serta aktivitas fisik yang harus dilakukan penderita dalam usahanya menurunkan level gula darah mereka. Di Indonesia, sistem self-monitoring belum diimplementasikan secara merata dikarenakan banyaknya hambatan dalam penggunaan aplikasi. Salah satunya adalah kemampuan penderita untuk menginterpretasikan level gula darah yang dicek dan penggunaannya dalam menentukan diet makanan yang harus dilakukan. Melihat perkembangan penggunaan smartphone dan internet pada beberapa tahun terakhir, media informasi dan teknologi dapat dijadikan salah satu solusi kesuksesan implementasi SMBG di Indonesia. Untuk penyelesaian permasalahan yang ada, digunakan metode Kansei Engineering sebagai upaya dalam menangkap suara customer terkait aplikasi tersebut untuk kemudian ditranslasikan ke komponen-komponen rancangan baru pada aplikasi. Penggunaan Kansei Engineering pada penelitian diakibatkan oleh kemampuannya dalam menangkap atribut tersembunyi dalam produk. Analisa statistik yang digunakan untuk mendukung penggunaan Kansei Engineering merupakan Factor Analysis dan Partial Least Squares (PLS). Hasil dari analisa statistik menunjukkan terdapat empat (4) komponen kansei terpilih, diantaranya konsistensi pencatatan data (data record persistence), kemudahan penggunaan (ease of use), tampilan data (data presentation), dan tampilan visual (visual attractiveness). Dari Partial Least Analysis, empat komponen ini kemudian dijadikan konsep rancangan dasar dalam pembuatan rancangan baru aplikasi. ================================================================================================================== The proportion of people having diabetic in Indonesia is 6.9% of Indonesia population, and 90% of the diabetic population is including in Type 2 Diabetes. To control diabetes, International Diabetes Foundation (IDF) has a program named Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG). It is designed to gather detail information about the blood glucose on the certain time that will be used to adjust dietary habit and physical activity. In Indonesia, self-monitoring have not been done widely, because there are many obstacles in its application. One of them is patient’s ability to read blood glucose level they have recorded, and use it to determine their food consumption. Seeing the rapid development of smartphone and internet in recent years, information and technology can become a solution for the success of SMBG in Indonesia. To solve this problem, Kansei Engineering method is used to translate the customer / patient’s perception of the application into design elements. Kansei Engineering usage in this research is based on the ability of this method to catch the impression of the product that usually hidden. Statistical analysis which are Factors Analysis and Partial Least Squares (PLS) Analysis are used to support Kansei Engineering. From the statistical analysis, there are four selected Kansei components which are data record persistence’, ‘ease of use’, ‘data presentation’, and ‘visual attractiveness’. From Partial Least Analysis, these new concepts were transferred to new design specifications that became the basic design concepts

    Peluang Penelitian UI/UX pada Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile: Systematic Literature Review

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    Mobile application is one form of information technology development that continues to increase from year to year. In the development of the digital world, it is increasingly encouraging to increase the affordability of the use of mobile devices (smartphones) to generate the most sustainable technological growth. This enormous growth in its development has given impetus to smartphone manufacturers to produce new applications on mobile devices to meet user needs. A mobile application development must have user interface and user experience aspects as part of the human-computer interaction (HCI) discipline. Mobile applications under development can run on Android and iOS platforms. This study aims to identify research opportunities in the UI/UX aspect of mobile application development whose data was obtained from related journals in 2017-2021 to provide an overview of the latest studies on research related to UI/UX mobile applications and provide analysis on topics and areas that do not have enough information and what factors to focus on. This study uses the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. The result of this research is to provide a systematic literature review of existing studies on UI/UX mobile applications. This research is expected to be useful for the HCI community in seeing the UI/UX description in the development of mobile applications to shape the direction of future research


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    Avanttítol: KEER2022. DiversitiesDescripció del recurs: 25 juliol 202

    A health-oriented emotion-centred origami-based PSS concept. A product-service system concept aimed to help users manage and reduce their stress more tangibly to improve their health and well-being.

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    Emotions have a fundamental role in the experience, perception, cognition, and development of people (Barrett et al., 2016; Plutchik, 2001). Negative emotions such as stress, if not managed appropriately, may be a risk factor in developing diseases such as dementia, cardiovascular problems, and depression, amongst others (Dum et al., 2016; Sandi et al., 2001). This interdisciplinary research presents OrigamEase, a health-oriented emotion-centred origami-based PSS concept to help adults manage their stress more tangibly, in response to its main research question: How can engineering design research contribute to improving people’s emotional health and wellbeing? OrigamEase was designed throughout this research, and its design and testing served to develop a health & well-being oriented, emotion-centred engineering design methodology (HWOEED). Therefore, the design of this methodology is the result of the structuring and ordering of the developmental process of exploring, conducting and streamlining the research, design and testing of OrigamEase. The design of OrigamEase (both the product and the service part) is based on the cognitive research stream of emotions and stress. Therefore, this research also aims to broaden the knowledge about the implications and management of the emotional experience of stress from an engineering and design point of view, complementing the available solutions for stress management through a structured, measurable, and tangible tool. The HWOEED methodology is influenced by Kansei Engineering and Design Thinking methodologies and integrates various engineering design research methods. However, this methodology proposes a different application of the integration of emotional considerations into engineering design processes., it seeks to improve the emotional experience of users to preserve and promote their health and well-being through specifically designed products, services or PSS. Therefore, these designs become the means and not the end of the engineering design efforts. Also, this methodology can be transferrable to other engineering design solutions. OrigamEase was tested with 114 adults between 18 and 70 years old through three pilot tests (n=43) and six trial tests (n=71) using a concurrent triangulation mixed methods design. Then the results from these tests were contrasted with two control tests (n=22). The results show that using OrigamEase reduced the measured stress levels of participants (self-reported, heart rate and electrodermal activity) significantly, supporting the experiment hypothesis. Stress levels were recorded before and after using OrigamEase; then, a repeated-measures t-test was applied to find if these differences were significant or not. After using OrigamEase, 73.2% of participants reported feeling less stressed (mean reduction=13.94%), 85.5% experienced a reduction in their heart rate (mean reduction=9.8 bpm), and 78.9% had a lower electrodermal activity (mean reduction= 10.8 points). The testing of OrigamEase served as an initial application validation of the HWOEED methodology. This research demonstrates that engineering and design fields not only can but need to contribute to research on emotions through interdisciplinary research. Emotions are a fundamental part of all human experiences, impacting a person’s health and well-being profoundly

    Beyond Usability: A Rubric to Evaluate the Emotional Impact of E-commerce Homepages

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    Given the popularity of usability testing, why do people still feel uncomfortable interacting with websites? Could it be because usability testing does not address the user experience but rather tends to deal with efficiency and navigation but seldom with experience? The current implementation of usability research heavily relies on quantitative analysis when the nature of the issue is qualitative. Few studies have adequate scope to include both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Activity theory describes several elements involved in human activity. By incorporating Activity Theory with quantitative and qualitative measures of user experience, the designer will be better able to assess the affective impact of a website design. The purpose of this study is to create a suitable instrument to measure and predict affective and experiential aspects of web interaction. The resulting instrument will provide affective data relevant to the overall emotional and experiential response to a website

    Design revolutions: IASDR 2019 Conference Proceedings. Volume 2: Living, Making, Value

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    In September 2019 Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University was honoured to host the bi-annual conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) under the unifying theme of DESIGN REVOLUTIONS. This was the first time the conference had been held in the UK. Through key research themes across nine conference tracks – Change, Learning, Living, Making, People, Technology, Thinking, Value and Voices – the conference opened up compelling, meaningful and radical dialogue of the role of design in addressing societal and organisational challenges. This Volume 2 includes papers from Living, Making and Value tracks of the conference
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