1,563 research outputs found

    Design of a Huggable Social Robot with Affective Expressions Using Projected Images

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    We introduce Pepita, a caricatured huggable robot capable of sensing and conveying affective expressions by means of tangible gesture recognition and projected avatars. This study covers the design criteria, implementation and performance evaluation of the different characteristics of the form and function of this robot. The evaluation involves: (1) the exploratory study of the different features of the device, (2) design and performance evaluation of sensors for affective interaction employing touch, and (3) design and implementation of affective feedback using projected avatars. Results showed that the hug detection worked well for the intended application and the affective expressions made with projected avatars were appropriated for this robot. The questionnaires analyzing users’ perception provide us with insights to guide the future designs of similar interfaces

    Brotate and Tribike: Designing Smartphone Control for Cycling

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    The more people commute by bicycle, the higher is the number of cyclists using their smartphones while cycling and compromising traffic safety. We have designed, implemented and evaluated two prototypes for smartphone control devices that do not require the cyclists to remove their hands from the handlebars - the three-button device Tribike and the rotation-controlled Brotate. The devices were the result of a user-centred design process where we identified the key features needed for a on-bike smartphone control device. We evaluated the devices in a biking exercise with 19 participants, where users completed a series of common smartphone tasks. The study showed that Brotate allowed for significantly more lateral control of the bicycle and both devices reduced the cognitive load required to use the smartphone. Our work contributes insights into designing interfaces for cycling.Comment: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI '20), October 5--8, 2020, Oldenburg, German

    Communicating beyond the word - designing a wearable computing device for Generation Z

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    Humans have always communicated with each other. When the smartphone technology was launched on the market, it revolutionized the way people communicate. This smartphone technology is constantly evolving and during 2014 wearable computing seems to be in the focal point at most smartphone technology conferences. This master thesis aims to discover how a wearable computing device can further develop the communication between people with focus on communication beyond using words. Generation Z was chosen as a focus group. Their communication patterns, behavior and needs were the central parts for this thesis. A concept with a Low-Fidelity prototype was developed to visualize how a wearable computing device can be designed to take the communication beyond using only words. This concept and its design were developed using features of participatory design with help from possible end-users. Additionally, a usability evaluation on the final prototype was carried out. Three essential characteristics of the concept have been identified during the work process; beyond using words, predetermined message and spontaneous and easy. All three characteristics together make the concept well suitable for a wearable computing device since it takes the user’s interaction and communication behavior to a new level

    Time Out: Influence of user experience design on behavior to reduce smartphone use

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    We are more connected than we used to be but people are becoming disengaged from the real world. Are smartphones a blessing or a bane? That depends on how we use it. Being hooked to a smartphone while interacting with family or friends is a definite no-no. To address the issue of being neglected in social situations, timeOut allows neglected users to send anonymous timeouts to obsessive smartphone users who are preoccupied with their smartphones and are in close proximity to neglected users. The timeOut app allows neglected users to express their feelings without upsetting or embarrassing anyone. The application leveraged lean UX methodologies to quantify smartphone usage to make people aware of their distractive behavior. The goal of the project is to influence behavior through nudges, prompts and challenges that help the users in making positive behavioral changes.This project takes the form of a proof-of-concept prototype. The final outcome is based on research, user experience and human-computer interaction, design principles and technology to demonstrate the underlying concepts. timeOut has four main objectives: • To positively influence social behavior and impact smartphone usage with the help of user-friendly interface • To promote conversation • To make obsessive smartphone users aware of their distractive social behavior • To limit the interactions to bare minimum and design an externally consistent design for the iOS platfor

    Brotate and Tribike:Designing Smartphone Control for Cycling

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    The more people commute by bicycle, the higher is the number of cyclists using their smartphones while cycling and compromising traffic safety. We have designed, implemented and evaluated two prototypes for smartphone control devices that do not require the cyclists to remove their hands from the handlebars - the three-button device Tribike and the rotation-controlled Brotate. The devices were the result of a user-centred design process where we identified the key features needed for a on-bike smartphone control device. We evaluated the devices in a biking exercise with 19 participants, where users completed a series of common smartphone tasks. The study showed that Brotate allowed for significantly more lateral control of the bicycle and both devices reduced the cognitive load required to use the smartphone. Our work contributes insights into designing interfaces for cycling

    Designing smart garments for rehabilitation

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