Communicating beyond the word - designing a wearable computing device for Generation Z


Humans have always communicated with each other. When the smartphone technology was launched on the market, it revolutionized the way people communicate. This smartphone technology is constantly evolving and during 2014 wearable computing seems to be in the focal point at most smartphone technology conferences. This master thesis aims to discover how a wearable computing device can further develop the communication between people with focus on communication beyond using words. Generation Z was chosen as a focus group. Their communication patterns, behavior and needs were the central parts for this thesis. A concept with a Low-Fidelity prototype was developed to visualize how a wearable computing device can be designed to take the communication beyond using only words. This concept and its design were developed using features of participatory design with help from possible end-users. Additionally, a usability evaluation on the final prototype was carried out. Three essential characteristics of the concept have been identified during the work process; beyond using words, predetermined message and spontaneous and easy. All three characteristics together make the concept well suitable for a wearable computing device since it takes the user’s interaction and communication behavior to a new level

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