119 research outputs found

    Pixie: A heterogeneous Virtual Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array for high performance image processing applications

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    Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs) enable ease of programmability and result in low development costs. They enable the ease of use specifically in reconfigurable computing applications. The smaller cost of compilation and reduced reconfiguration overhead enables them to become attractive platforms for accelerating high-performance computing applications such as image processing. The CGRAs are ASICs and therefore, expensive to produce. However, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are relatively cheaper for low volume products but they are not so easily programmable. We combine best of both worlds by implementing a Virtual Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (VCGRA) on FPGA. VCGRAs are a trade off between FPGA with large routing overheads and ASICs. In this perspective we present a novel heterogeneous Virtual Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (VCGRA) called "Pixie" which is suitable for implementing high performance image processing applications. The proposed VCGRA contains generic processing elements and virtual channels that are described using the Hardware Description Language VHDL. Both elements have been optimized by using the parameterized configuration tool flow and result in a resource reduction of 24% for each processing elements and 82% for each virtual channels respectively.Comment: Presented at 3rd International Workshop on Overlay Architectures for FPGAs (OLAF 2017) arXiv:1704.0880

    Multi-Tenant Cloud FPGA: A Survey on Security

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    With the exponentially increasing demand for performance and scalability in cloud applications and systems, data center architectures evolved to integrate heterogeneous computing fabrics that leverage CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. FPGAs differ from traditional processing platforms such as CPUs and GPUs in that they are reconfigurable at run-time, providing increased and customized performance, flexibility, and acceleration. FPGAs can perform large-scale search optimization, acceleration, and signal processing tasks compared with power, latency, and processing speed. Many public cloud provider giants, including Amazon, Huawei, Microsoft, Alibaba, etc., have already started integrating FPGA-based cloud acceleration services. While FPGAs in cloud applications enable customized acceleration with low power consumption, it also incurs new security challenges that still need to be reviewed. Allowing cloud users to reconfigure the hardware design after deployment could open the backdoors for malicious attackers, potentially putting the cloud platform at risk. Considering security risks, public cloud providers still don't offer multi-tenant FPGA services. This paper analyzes the security concerns of multi-tenant cloud FPGAs, gives a thorough description of the security problems associated with them, and discusses upcoming future challenges in this field of study

    Techniques for low-overhead dynamic partial reconfiguration of FPGAs

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    FPGA structures for high speed and low overhead dynamic circuit specialization

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    A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a programmable digital electronic chip. The FPGA does not come with a predefined function from the manufacturer; instead, the developer has to define its function through implementing a digital circuit on the FPGA resources. The functionality of the FPGA can be reprogrammed as desired and hence the name “field programmable”. FPGAs are useful in small volume digital electronic products as the design of a digital custom chip is expensive. Changing the FPGA (also called configuring it) is done by changing the configuration data (in the form of bitstreams) that defines the FPGA functionality. These bitstreams are stored in a memory of the FPGA called configuration memory. The SRAM cells of LookUp Tables (LUTs), Block Random Access Memories (BRAMs) and DSP blocks together form the configuration memory of an FPGA. The configuration data can be modified according to the user’s needs to implement the user-defined hardware. The simplest way to program the configuration memory is to download the bitstreams using a JTAG interface. However, modern techniques such as Partial Reconfiguration (PR) enable us to configure a part in the configuration memory with partial bitstreams during run-time. The reconfiguration is achieved by swapping in partial bitstreams into the configuration memory via a configuration interface called Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP). The ICAP is a hardware primitive (macro) present in the FPGA used to access the configuration memory internally by an embedded processor. The reconfiguration technique adds flexibility to use specialized ci rcuits that are more compact and more efficient t han t heir b ulky c ounterparts. An example of such an implementation is the use of specialized multipliers instead of big generic multipliers in an FIR implementation with constant coefficients. To specialize these circuits and reconfigure during the run-time, researchers at the HES group proposed the novel technique called parameterized reconfiguration that can be used to efficiently and automatically implement Dynamic Circuit Specialization (DCS) that is built on top of the Partial Reconfiguration method. It uses the run-time reconfiguration technique that is tailored to implement a parameterized design. An application is said to be parameterized if some of its input values change much less frequently than the rest. These inputs are called parameters. Instead of implementing these parameters as regular inputs, in DCS these inputs are implemented as constants, and the application is optimized for the constants. For every change in parameter values, the design is re-optimized (specialized) during run-time and implemented by reconfiguring the optimized design for a new set of parameters. In DCS, the bitstreams of the parameterized design are expressed as Boolean functions of the parameters. For every infrequent change in parameters, a specialized FPGA configuration is generated by evaluating the corresponding Boolean functions, and the FPGA is reconfigured with the specialized configuration. A detailed study of overheads of DCS and providing suitable solutions with appropriate custom FPGA structures is the primary goal of the dissertation. I also suggest different improvements to the FPGA configuration memory architecture. After offering the custom FPGA structures, I investigated the role of DCS on FPGA overlays and the use of custom FPGA structures that help to reduce the overheads of DCS on FPGA overlays. By doing so, I hope I can convince the developer to use DCS (which now comes with minimal costs) in real-world applications. I start the investigations of overheads of DCS by implementing an adaptive FIR filter (using the DCS technique) on three different Xilinx FPGA platforms: Virtex-II Pro, Virtex-5, and Zynq-SoC. The study of how DCS behaves and what is its overhead in the evolution of the three FPGA platforms is the non-trivial basis to discover the costs of DCS. After that, I propose custom FPGA structures (reconfiguration controllers and reconfiguration drivers) to reduce the main overhead (reconfiguration time) of DCS. These structures not only reduce the reconfiguration time but also help curbing the power hungry part of the DCS system. After these chapters, I study the role of DCS on FPGA overlays. I investigate the effect of the proposed FPGA structures on Virtual-Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (VCGRAs). I classify the VCGRA implementations into three types: the conventional VCGRA, partially parameterized VCGRA and fully parameterized VCGRA depending upon the level of parameterization. I have designed two variants of VCGRA grids for HPC image processing applications, namely, the MAC grid and Pixie. Finally, I try to tackle the reconfiguration time overhead at the hardware level of the FPGA by customizing the FPGA configuration memory architecture. In this part of my research, I propose to use a parallel memory structure to improve the reconfiguration time of DCS drastically. However, this improvement comes with a significant overhead of hardware resources which will need to be solved in future research on commercial FPGA configuration memory architectures

    Leading the Blind:Automated Transistor-Level Modeling for FPGA Architects

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    The design and development of innovative FPGA architectures hinge on the flexibility of its toolchain. Retargetable toolchains, like the Verilog-to-Routing (VTR) flow, have been developed to enable the testing of new FPGAs by mapping circuits onto easily-described and possibly theoretical architectures. However, in reality, the difficulty extends beyond having CAD tools that support the architectural changes: it is equally important for FPGA architects to be able to produce reliable delay and area models for these tools. In addition to having acute architectural intuitions, designing and optimizing the circuit at the transistor-level requires architects to have, as well, a particular set of electrical engineering skills and expertise. The process is also painstaking and time-consuming, rendering the comparison of a variety of architectures or the exploration of a wide design space quite complicated and even impossible in practice. In this work, we present a novel approach to model the delay and area of FPGA architectures with various structures and characteristics, quickly and with acceptable accuracy. Abstracting from the user the transistor-level design and optimization that normally accompany the model- ing process, this approach, called FPRESSO, can be used by any architect without prerequisites. We take inspiration from the way a standard-cell flow performs large-scale transistor-size optimization and apply the same concepts to FPGAs, only at a coarser granularity. Skilled designers prepare for FPRESSO a set of locally optimized libraries of basic parameterizable components with a variety of drive strengths. Then, inexperienced users specify arbitrary FPGA architectures as interconnects of these basic components. The architecture is globally optimized, within minutes, through a standard logic synthesis tool, by choosing the most fitting version of each cell and adding buffers wherever appropriate. The resulting delay and area characteristics are automatically returned, in a format suitable for the VTR flow. A correct modeling of any architecture requires not only an optimization of the logic components, but also a proper modeling of the wires connecting these components. This does not only include measuring the length of the wires to determine their respective resistance and capacitance, but also, minimizing their length to reduce the wireload effect on the overall performance. To that end, FPRESSO features an automatic and generic wire modeling approach based on a simulated annealing floorplanning algorithm, to estimate the wires between the different components of the FPGA architecture. To evaluate the results of FPRESSO and confirm the validity of its modeled architectures, we use it to explore a wide range of FPGA architectures. First, we repeat a known study that helped set the standards on the optimal Look-Up-Table (LUT) and cluster size for conventional FPGAs. We show, by comparing with the results of the study, that modeling in FPRESSO preserves the very same trends and conclusions, with significantly less effort. We then extend the search space to cover fracturable LUTs and sparse crossbars, and show how FPRESSO makes the exploration of a huge search space not only possible but easy, efficient, and affordable, for any class of VTR users

    Architectures and EDA for 3D FPGAs

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    Towards the development of a reliable reconfigurable real-time operating system on FPGAs

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    In the last two decades, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been rapidly developed from simple “glue-logic” to a powerful platform capable of implementing a System on Chip (SoC). Modern FPGAs achieve not only the high performance compared with General Purpose Processors (GPPs), thanks to hardware parallelism and dedication, but also better programming flexibility, in comparison to Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). Moreover, the hardware programming flexibility of FPGAs is further harnessed for both performance and manipulability, which makes Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) possible. DPR allows a part or parts of a circuit to be reconfigured at run-time, without interrupting the rest of the chip’s operation. As a result, hardware resources can be more efficiently exploited since the chip resources can be reused by swapping in or out hardware tasks to or from the chip in a time-multiplexed fashion. In addition, DPR improves fault tolerance against transient errors and permanent damage, such as Single Event Upsets (SEUs) can be mitigated by reconfiguring the FPGA to avoid error accumulation. Furthermore, power and heat can be reduced by removing finished or idle tasks from the chip. For all these reasons above, DPR has significantly promoted Reconfigurable Computing (RC) and has become a very hot topic. However, since hardware integration is increasing at an exponential rate, and applications are becoming more complex with the growth of user demands, highlevel application design and low-level hardware implementation are increasingly separated and layered. As a consequence, users can obtain little advantage from DPR without the support of system-level middleware. To bridge the gap between the high-level application and the low-level hardware implementation, this thesis presents the important contributions towards a Reliable, Reconfigurable and Real-Time Operating System (R3TOS), which facilitates the user exploitation of DPR from the application level, by managing the complex hardware in the background. In R3TOS, hardware tasks behave just like software tasks, which can be created, scheduled, and mapped to different computing resources on the fly. The novel contributions of this work are: 1) a novel implementation of an efficient task scheduler and allocator; 2) implementation of a novel real-time scheduling algorithm (FAEDF) and two efficacious allocating algorithms (EAC and EVC), which schedule tasks in real-time and circumvent emerging faults while maintaining more compact empty areas. 3) Design and implementation of a faulttolerant microprocessor by harnessing the existing FPGA resources, such as Error Correction Code (ECC) and configuration primitives. 4) A novel symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)-based architectures that supports shared memory programing interface. 5) Two demonstrations of the integrated system, including a) the K-Nearest Neighbour classifier, which is a non-parametric classification algorithm widely used in various fields of data mining; and b) pairwise sequence alignment, namely the Smith Waterman algorithm, used for identifying similarities between two biological sequences. R3TOS gives considerably higher flexibility to support scalable multi-user, multitasking applications, whereby resources can be dynamically managed in respect of user requirements and hardware availability. Benefiting from this, not only the hardware resources can be more efficiently used, but also the system performance can be significantly increased. Results show that the scheduling and allocating efficiencies have been improved up to 2x, and the overall system performance is further improved by ~2.5x. Future work includes the development of Network on Chip (NoC), which is expected to further increase the communication throughput; as well as the standardization and automation of our system design, which will be carried out in line with the enablement of other high-level synthesis tools, to allow application developers to benefit from the system in a more efficient manner

    Circuit Design, Architecture and CAD for RRAM-based FPGAs

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been indispensable components of embedded systems and datacenter infrastructures. However, energy efficiency of FPGAs has become a hard barrier preventing their expansion to more application contexts, due to two physical limitations: (1) The massive usage of routing multiplexers causes delay and power overheads as compared to ASICs. To reduce their power consumption, FPGAs have to operate at low supply voltage but sacrifice performance because the transistors drive degrade when working voltage decreases. (2) Using volatile memory technology forces FPGAs to lose configurations when powered off and to be reconfigured at each power on. Resistive Random Access Memories (RRAMs) have strong potentials in overcoming the physical limitations of conventional FPGAs. First of all, RRAMs grant FPGAs non-volatility, enabling FPGAs to be "Normally powered off, Instantly powered on". Second, by combining functionality of memory and pass-gate logic in one unique device, RRAMs can greatly reduce area and delay of routing elements. Third, when RRAMs are embedded into datpaths, the performance of circuits can be independent from their working voltage, beyond the limitations of CMOS circuits. However, researches and development of RRAM-based FPGAs are in their infancy. Most of area and performance predictions were achieved without solid circuit-level simulations and sophisticated Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, causing the predicted improvements to be less convincing. In this thesis,we present high-performance and low-power RRAM-based FPGAs fromtransistorlevel circuit designs to architecture-level optimizations and CAD tools, using theoretical analysis, industrial electrical simulators and novel CAD tools. We believe that this is the first systematic study in the field, covering: From a circuit design perspective, we propose efficient RRAM-based programming circuits and routing multiplexers through both theoretical analysis and electrical simulations. The proposed 4T(ransitor)1R(RAM) programming structure demonstrates significant improvements in programming current, when compared to most popular 2T1R programming structure. 4T1R-based routingmultiplexer designs are proposed by considering various physical design parasitics, such as intrinsic capacitance of RRAMs and wells doping organization. The proposed 4T1R-based multiplexers outperformbest CMOS implementations significantly in area, delay and power at both nominal and near-Vt regime. From a CAD perspective, we develop a generic FPGA architecture exploration tool, FPGASPICE, modeling a full FPGA fabric with SPICE and Verilog netlists. FPGA-SPICE provides different levels of testbenches and techniques to split large SPICE netlists, in order to obtain better trade-off between simulation time and accuracy. FPGA-SPICE can capture area and power characteristics of SRAM-based and RRAM-based FPGAs more accurately than the currently best analyticalmodels. From an architecture perspective, we propose architecture-level optimizations for RRAMbased FPGAs and quantify their minimumrequirements for RRAM devices. Compared to the best SRAM-based FPGAs, an optimized RRAM-based FPGA architecture brings significant reduction in area, delay and power respectively. In particular, RRAM-based FPGAs operating in the near-Vt regime demonstrate a 5x power improvement without delay overhead as compared to optimized SRAM-based FPGA operating at nominal working voltage