47 research outputs found

    Game design patterns from the university to design studio

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    Understanding Computer Role-Playing Games: A Genre Analysis Based on Gameplay Features in Combat Systems

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    A game genre as diverse as that of computer role-playing games is difficult to overview. This poses challenges or both developers and researchers to position their work clearly within the genre. We present an overview of the genre based on clustering games with similar gameplay features. This allows a tracing of relations between subgenres through their gameplay, and connecting this to concrete game examples. The analysis was done through using gameplay design patterns to identify gameplay features and focused upon the combat systems in the games. The resulting cluster structure makes use of 321 patterns to create 37 different subgenre classifications based solely on gameplay features. In addition to the clusters, we identify four categories of patterns that help designers and researchers understand the combat systems in computer role-playing games

    Dark Patterns in the Design of Games

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    Game designers are typically regarded as advocates for players. However, a game creator’s interests may not align with the players’. We examine some of the ways in which those opposed interests can manifest in a game’s design. In particular, we examine those elements of a game’s design whose purpose can be argued as questionable and perhaps even unethical. Building upon earlier work in design patterns, we call these abstracted elements Dark Game Design Patterns. In this paper, we develop the concept of dark design patterns in games, present examples of such patterns, explore some of the subtleties involved in identifying them, and provide questions that can be asked to help guide in the specification and identification of future Dark Patterns. Our goal is not to criticize creators but rather to contribute to an ongoing discussion regarding the values in games and the role that designers and creators have in this process

    Situating Quests: Design Patterns for Quest and Level Design in RolePlaying Games

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    Abstract. The design of role-playing games (RPGs) is very complex, involving an intricate interweaving of narrative, quest design, and level design. As an important means for conveying the game’s story, quests dictate the setting and contents of levels. Levels provide challenges for the player to overcome in the service of completing quests, and their structure can invite the inclusion of certain kinds of quests. This paper presents an analysis of design patterns present in existing RPGs that aims to better understand such relationships. These patterns identify common design practices for quests and levels at many different levels of granularity

    Enemy NPC Design Patterns in Shooter Games

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    Gameplay in single-player shooter games primarily consists of combat with Non-player Characters (NPCs). However, there has been little research done to study how enemy NPCs affect player behavior in shooter games. As a consequence, there is no formal language for designers to discuss how NPCs are used in shooter games. This paper presents design patterns for NPCs in shooter games and explores their effects on gameplay. These patterns help designers communicate about and explore new ideas for enemy NPCs and further our understanding about how NPC types can be implemented, enabling more engaging experiences

    Evolving interesting maps for a first person shooter

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    We address the problem of automatically designing maps for first-person shooter (FPS) games. An efficient solution to this procedural content generation (PCG) problem could allow the design of FPS games of lower development cost with near-infinite replay value and capability to adapt to the skills and preferences of individual players. We propose a search-based solution, where maps are evolved to optimize a fitness function that is based on the players’ average fighting time. For that purpose, four different map representations are tested and compared. Results obtained showcase the clear advantage of some representations in generating interesting FPS maps and demonstrate the promise of the approach followed for automatic level design in that game genre.peer-reviewe