5,585 research outputs found

    Development of a novel 3D simulation modelling system for distributed manufacturing

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    This paper describes a novel 3D simulation modelling system for supporting our distributed machine design and control paradigm with respect to simulating and emulating machine behaviour on the Internet. The system has been designed and implemented using Java2D and Java3D. An easy assembly concept of drag-and-drop assembly has been realised and implemented by the introduction of new connection features (unified interface assembly features) between two assembly components (modules). The system comprises a hierarchical geometric modeller, a behavioural editor, and two assemblers. During modelling, designers can combine basic modelling primitives with general extrusions and integrate CAD geometric models into simulation models. Each simulation component (module) model can be visualised and animated in VRML browsers. It is reusable. This makes machine design re-configurable and flexible. A case study example is given to support our conclusions

    Synthetic biology and microdevices : a powerful combination

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    Recent developments demonstrate that the combination of microbiology with micro-and nanoelectronics is a successful approach to develop new miniaturized sensing devices and other technologies. In the last decade, there has been a shift from the optimization of the abiotic components, for example, the chip, to the improvement of the processing capabilities of cells through genetic engineering. The synthetic biology approach will not only give rise to systems with new functionalities, but will also improve the robustness and speed of their response towards applied signals. To this end, the development of new genetic circuits has to be guided by computational design methods that enable to tune and optimize the circuit response. As the successful design of genetic circuits is highly dependent on the quality and reliability of its composing elements, intense characterization of standard biological parts will be crucial for an efficient rational design process in the development of new genetic circuits. Microengineered devices can thereby offer a new analytical approach for the study of complex biological parts and systems. By summarizing the recent techniques in creating new synthetic circuits and in integrating biology with microdevices, this review aims at emphasizing the power of combining synthetic biology with microfluidics and microelectronics

    Panning for gold: designing pedagogically-inspired learning nuggets

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    Tools to support teachers and learning technologists in the creation of effective learning designs are currently in their infancy. This paper describes a metadata model, devised to assist in the conception and design of new learning activities, that has been developed, used and evaluated over a period of three years. The online tool that embodies this model was not originally intended to produce runtime executable code such as IMS-LD, but rather focussed on assisting teachers in the thought processes involved in selecting appropriate methods, tools, student activities and assessments to suit the required learning objectives. Subsequently, we have modified the RELOAD editor such that the output from our tool can be translated into IMS-LD. The contribution of this paper is the comparison of our data model with that of IMS-LD, and the analysis of how each can inform the other

    The teacher as action researcher : Using technology to capture pedagogic form

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    The paper argues that we make best use of learning technologies if we begin with an understanding of educational problems, and use this analysis to target the solutions we should be demanding from technology. The focus is to address the issue from the perspective of teachers and lecturers – the 'teaching community', and to consider how they could become the experimental innovators and reflective practitioners who will use technology well. Teachers could become 'action researchers', collaborating to produce their own development of knowledge about teaching with technology. For this to be possible, they must be able to share that knowledge, and the paper proposes the use of an online learning activity management system (LAMS) as a way of capturing and sharing the pedagogic forms teachers design. An action research approach, like all research, needs a theoretical framework from which to challenge practice, and paper shows how teachers could use the Conversational Framework to design and test an optimally effective learning experience. Examples of 'generic' learning designs illustrate how such approach can help the teaching community rethink their teaching, collectively, and embrace the best of conventional and digital methods. In this way they will be more likely to harness technology to the needs of education, rather than simply search for the problems to which the latest technology is a solution

    Discovering Nuxt with Form Builder and Table Component

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    La creació d'un lloc web intuïtiu i cosmopolita requereix l'assistència del marc adequat i la definició del marc adequat en el desenvolupament web depèn de l'abast i el requisit del projecte que s'està desenvolupant. Entre molts altres frameworks populars, Vue ha estat un marc JavaScript de front-end progressiu utilitzat per crear interfícies d'usuari. Aquest projecte està inspirat per entendre Nuxt, un marc de Vue, desenvolupant components basats en això i, eventualment, migrant la base de codi Vue a Nuxt. Els dos components principals que s'estan construint són el component Form-Builder i el component UserTable, per estudiar la compatibilitat i l'accessibilitat de Nuxt. El primer component permet als usuaris crear el seu propi tipus de formularis depenent del sector per al qual l'utilitzin, mentre que el segon component es va crear per mostrar dades juntament amb altres funcions com ordenar, filtrar, editar, afegir i suprimir elements d'aquesta taula.Creating an intuitive and cosmopolitan website requires the assistance of the right framework and the definition of the right framework in web development depends on the scope and requirement of the project being developed. Among many other popular frameworks, Vue has been a progressive front-end JavaScript framework used in building user interfaces. This project is inspired to understand Nuxt, a Vue framework, by developing components based on so, and eventually migrating the Vue code-base to Nuxt. The major two components being built are Form-Builder Component and UserTable Component, to study Nuxt's compatibility and accessibility. The former component allows users to make their own kind of forms depending on the sector they are using it for whereas the latter component was built to display data along with other features like sorting, filtering, editing, adding, and deleting items from that table.La creación de un sitio web intuitivo y cosmopolita requiere la asistencia del marco correcto y la definición del marco correcto en el desarrollo web depende del alcance y los requisitos del proyecto que se está desarrollando. Entre muchos otros marcos populares, Vue ha sido un marco JavaScript de front-end progresivo que se utiliza para crear interfaces de usuario. Este proyecto está inspirado para comprender Nuxt, un marco de Vue, mediante el desarrollo de componentes basados en él y, finalmente, la migración del código base de Vue a Nuxt. Los dos componentes principales que se están construyendo son el componente Form-Builder y el componente UserTable, para estudiar la compatibilidad y accesibilidad de Nuxt. El primer componente permite a los usuarios crear su propio tipo de formularios según el sector para el que lo estén utilizando, mientras que el último componente se creó para mostrar datos junto con otras funciones como ordenar, filtrar, editar, agregar y eliminar elementos de esa tabla

    Innovative digital learning

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    The new programming technologies allow for the creation of components which can be automatically or manually assembled to reach a new experience in knowledge understanding and mastering or in getting skills for a specific knowledge area. A Visual C# .NET implementation under development is discussed.learning component, user control, automatic assembly, adaptor

    A review of design issues specific to hypersonic flight vehicles

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    This paper provides an overview of the current technical issues and challenges associated with the design of hypersonic vehicles. Two distinct classes of vehicles are reviewed; Hypersonic Transports and Space Launchers, their common features and differences are examined. After a brief historical overview, the paper takes a multi-disciplinary approach to these vehicles, discusses various design aspects, and technical challenges. Operational issues are explored, including mission profiles, current and predicted markets, in addition to environmental effects and human factors. Technological issues are also reviewed, focusing on the three major challenge areas associated with these vehicles: aerothermodynamics, propulsion, and structures. In addition, matters of reliability and maintainability are also presented. The paper also reviews the certification and flight testing of these vehicles from a global perspective. Finally the current stakeholders in the field of hypersonic flight are presented, summarizing the active programs and promising concepts

    Design and construction of a vertical landing vehicle using a cold gas thruster

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    With the “New Space” era we are now seeing a prominent rise in the development of Reusable Launch Vehicles with vertical landing capabilities. This project aims to design and construct a scaled model of such a vehicle but using a cold gas thruster as a means of propulsion. In order to do so, multiple disciplines of engineering are required to develop critical systems such as retro-propulsion, thrust vector control and aerobraking. From structural simulations and CFD analysis to stabilization algorithms and FDM manufacturing, all the methods employed to carry out this complex task presented their complications and challenges, all of which had to be recorded, analysed and overcome. The propellant chosen for the task of propulsion was compressed air, due to its compatibility and availability. Design requirements were established from the beginning but as the project evolved it was clear several of these could not be realized due to limitations of the components available. Most noticeably, the maximum thrust value was found to be restricted by the propulsion system, which makes it impossible to achieve sufficient deceleration for a controlled landing. Having said that, the project successfully lays down the foundations for future iterations and outlines the next steps required in order to solve the main issues related to thrust. If these issues were to be resolved, there is confidence in coming closer to the project’s aim of using compressed air as a means of propulsio
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