10,901 research outputs found

    Sampling from a system-theoretic viewpoint

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    This paper studies a system-theoretic approach to the problem of reconstructing an analog signal from its samples. The idea, borrowed from earlier treatments in the control literature, is to address the problem as a hybrid model-matching problem in which performance is measured by system norms. \ud \ud The paper is split into three parts. In Part I we present the paradigm and revise the lifting technique, which is our main technical tool. In Part II optimal samplers and holds are designed for various analog signal reconstruction problems. In some cases one component is fixed while the remaining are designed, in other cases all three components are designed simultaneously. No causality requirements are imposed in Part II, which allows to use frequency domain arguments, in particular the lifted frequency response as introduced in Part I. In Part III the main emphasis is placed on a systematic incorporation of causality constraints into the optimal design of reconstructors. We consider reconstruction problems, in which the sampling (acquisition) device is given and the performance is measured by the L2L^2-norm of the reconstruction error. The problem is solved under the constraint that the optimal reconstructor is ll-causal for a given l0,l\geq 0, i.e., that its impulse response is zero in the time interval (,lh),(-\infty,-l h), where hh is the sampling period. We derive a closed-form state-space solution of the problem, which is based on the spectral factorization of a rational transfer function

    Estimation-based synthesis of H∞-optimal adaptive FIR filtersfor filtered-LMS problems

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    This paper presents a systematic synthesis procedure for H∞-optimal adaptive FIR filters in the context of an active noise cancellation (ANC) problem. An estimation interpretation of the adaptive control problem is introduced first. Based on this interpretation, an H∞ estimation problem is formulated, and its finite horizon prediction (filtering) solution is discussed. The solution minimizes the maximum energy gain from the disturbances to the predicted (filtered) estimation error and serves as the adaptation criterion for the weight vector in the adaptive FIR filter. We refer to this adaptation scheme as estimation-based adaptive filtering (EBAF). We show that the steady-state gain vector in the EBAF algorithm approaches that of the classical (normalized) filtered-X LMS algorithm. The error terms, however, are shown to be different. Thus, these classical algorithms can be considered to be approximations of our algorithm. We examine the performance of the proposed EBAF algorithm (both experimentally and in simulation) in an active noise cancellation problem of a one-dimensional (1-D) acoustic duct for both narrowband and broadband cases. Comparisons to the results from a conventional filtered-LMS (FxLMS) algorithm show faster convergence without compromising steady-state performance and/or robustness of the algorithm to feedback contamination of the reference signal

    Sampling from a system-theoretic viewpoint: Part II - Noncausal solutions

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    This paper puts to use concepts and tools introduced in Part I to address a wide spectrum of noncausal sampling and reconstruction problems. Particularly, we follow the system-theoretic paradigm by using systems as signal generators to account for available information and system norms (L2 and L∞) as performance measures. The proposed optimization-based approach recovers many known solutions, derived hitherto by different methods, as special cases under different assumptions about acquisition or reconstructing devices (e.g., polynomial and exponential cardinal splines for fixed samplers and the Sampling Theorem and its modifications in the case when both sampler and interpolator are design parameters). We also derive new results, such as versions of the Sampling Theorem for downsampling and reconstruction from noisy measurements, the continuous-time invariance of a wide class of optimal sampling-and-reconstruction circuits, etcetera

    Communicating over Filter-and-Forward Relay Networks with Channel Output Feedback

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    Relay networks aid in increasing the rate of communication from source to destination. However, the capacity of even a three-terminal relay channel is an open problem. In this work, we propose a new lower bound for the capacity of the three-terminal relay channel with destination-to-source feedback in the presence of correlated noise. Our lower bound improves on the existing bounds in the literature. We then extend our lower bound to general relay network configurations using an arbitrary number of filter-and-forward relay nodes. Such network configurations are common in many multi-hop communication systems where the intermediate nodes can only perform minimal processing due to limited computational power. Simulation results show that significant improvements in the achievable rate can be obtained through our approach. We next derive a coding strategy (optimized using post processed signal-to-noise ratio as a criterion) for the three-terminal relay channel with noisy channel output feedback for two transmissions. This coding scheme can be used in conjunction with open-loop codes for applications like automatic repeat request (ARQ) or hybrid-ARQ.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Efficient implementation of 90 degrees phase shifter in FPGA

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    In this article, we present an efficient way of implementing 90 phase shifter using Hilbert transformer with canonic signed digit (CSD) coefficients in FPGA. It is implemented using 27-tap symmetric finite impulse response (FIR) filter. Representing the filter coefficients by CSD eliminates the need for multipliers and the filter is implemented using shifters and adders/subtractors. The simulated results for the frequency response of the Hilbert transformer with infinite precision coefficients and CSD coefficients agree with each other. The proposed architecture requires less hardware as one adder is saved for the realization of every negative coefficient compared to convectional CSD FIR filter implementation. Also, it offers a high accuracy of phase shift

    Blind deconvolution of medical ultrasound images: parametric inverse filtering approach

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2007.910179The problem of reconstruction of ultrasound images by means of blind deconvolution has long been recognized as one of the central problems in medical ultrasound imaging. In this paper, this problem is addressed via proposing a blind deconvolution method which is innovative in several ways. In particular, the method is based on parametric inverse filtering, whose parameters are optimized using two-stage processing. At the first stage, some partial information on the point spread function is recovered. Subsequently, this information is used to explicitly constrain the spectral shape of the inverse filter. From this perspective, the proposed methodology can be viewed as a ldquohybridizationrdquo of two standard strategies in blind deconvolution, which are based on either concurrent or successive estimation of the point spread function and the image of interest. Moreover, evidence is provided that the ldquohybridrdquo approach can outperform the standard ones in a number of important practical cases. Additionally, the present study introduces a different approach to parameterizing the inverse filter. Specifically, we propose to model the inverse transfer function as a member of a principal shift-invariant subspace. It is shown that such a parameterization results in considerably more stable reconstructions as compared to standard parameterization methods. Finally, it is shown how the inverse filters designed in this way can be used to deconvolve the images in a nonblind manner so as to further improve their quality. The usefulness and practicability of all the introduced innovations are proven in a series of both in silico and in vivo experiments. Finally, it is shown that the proposed deconvolution algorithms are capable of improving the resolution of ultrasound images by factors of 2.24 or 6.52 (as judged by the autocorrelation criterion) depending on the type of regularization method used