13 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Algoritma Random Forest, Decision Stump, Naïve Bayes, Bayesian Network dan Algoritma C4.5 Untuk Prediksi Pola Kartu Poker

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    Poker merupakan salah satu permainan terpopuler didunia dengan kombinasi kartu tangan lebih dari ratusan juta. Karena jumlah yang banyak ini, pemain poker sulit untuk mengambil keputusan yang akurat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan saran dari perbadingan algoritma data mining yang berbeda. Pengujian algoritma dilakukan pada algoritma C4.5, algoritma Decision Stump, algoritma Naive Bayes, algoritma Bayesian Network, serta algoritma Random Forest dengan menggunakan 25.010 data dengan 11 atribut dan melalui tahap cross-validation sebanyak sepuluh (10) kali

    Cloud-based machine learning for the detection of anonymous web proxies

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    Makine öğrenmesi teknikleriyle saldırı tespiti: Karşılaştırmalı analiz

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    İnternet, günlük hayatımızın vazgeçilmez bir parçasıdır. Artan web uygulamaları ve kullanıcı sayısı, veri güvenliği açısından bazı riskleri de beraberinde getirmiştir. Ağ güvenliği için önemli araçlardan biri olan saldırı tespit sistemleri, güvenli iç ağlara yapılan saldırıları ve beklenmeyen erişim taleplerini tespit etmede başarılı bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Günümüzde, pek çok araştırmacı, daha etkin saldırı tespit sistemi gerçekleştirilmesi amacıyla çalışma yapmaktadır. Bu amaçla literatürde farklı makine öğrenme teknikleri ile gerçekleştirilmiş pek çok saldırı tespit sistemi vardır. Yapılan bu çalışmada, saldırı tespit sistemlerinde sıklıkla kullanılan makine öğrenme teknikleri araştırılmış, kullandıkları sınıflandırıcılar, veri setleri ve elde edilen başarılar değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla 2007-2013 yılları arasında SCI, SCI Expanded ve EBSCO indekslerince taranan ulusal ve uluslararası dergilerde yayınlanmış 65 makale incelenmiş, sonuçlar, karşılaştırılmalı bir şekilde sunulmuştur. Böylece, gelecekte yapılacak makine öğrenme teknikleri ile saldırı tespiti çalışmalarına bir bakış açısı kazandırılması amaçlanmıştır

    Design of an evolutionary approach for intrusion detection,”

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    A novel evolutionary approach is proposed for effective intrusion detection based on benchmark datasets. The proposed approach can generate a pool of noninferior individual solutions and ensemble solutions thereof. The generated ensembles can be used to detect the intrusions accurately. For intrusion detection problem, the proposed approach could consider conflicting objectives simultaneously like detection rate of each attack class, error rate, accuracy, diversity, and so forth. The proposed approach can generate a pool of noninferior solutions and ensembles thereof having optimized trade-offs values of multiple conflicting objectives. In this paper, a three-phase, approach is proposed to generate solutions to a simple chromosome design in the first phase. In the first phase, a Pareto front of noninferior individual solutions is approximated. In the second phase of the proposed approach, the entire solution set is further refined to determine effective ensemble solutions considering solution interaction. In this phase, another improved Pareto front of ensemble solutions over that of individual solutions is approximated. The ensemble solutions in improved Pareto front reported improved detection results based on benchmark datasets for intrusion detection. In the third phase, a combination method like majority voting method is used to fuse the predictions of individual solutions for determining prediction of ensemble solution. Benchmark datasets, namely, KDD cup 1999 and ISCX 2012 dataset, are used to demonstrate and validate the performance of the proposed approach for intrusion detection. The proposed approach can discover individual solutions and ensemble solutions thereof with a good support and a detection rate from benchmark datasets (in comparison with well-known ensemble methods like bagging and boosting). In addition, the proposed approach is a generalized classification approach that is applicable to the problem of any field having multiple conflicting objectives, and a dataset can be represented in the form of labelled instances in terms of its features

    Design of an Evolutionary Approach for Intrusion Detection

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    A novel evolutionary approach is proposed for effective intrusion detection based on benchmark datasets. The proposed approach can generate a pool of noninferior individual solutions and ensemble solutions thereof. The generated ensembles can be used to detect the intrusions accurately. For intrusion detection problem, the proposed approach could consider conflicting objectives simultaneously like detection rate of each attack class, error rate, accuracy, diversity, and so forth. The proposed approach can generate a pool of noninferior solutions and ensembles thereof having optimized trade-offs values of multiple conflicting objectives. In this paper, a three-phase, approach is proposed to generate solutions to a simple chromosome design in the first phase. In the first phase, a Pareto front of noninferior individual solutions is approximated. In the second phase of the proposed approach, the entire solution set is further refined to determine effective ensemble solutions considering solution interaction. In this phase, another improved Pareto front of ensemble solutions over that of individual solutions is approximated. The ensemble solutions in improved Pareto front reported improved detection results based on benchmark datasets for intrusion detection. In the third phase, a combination method like majority voting method is used to fuse the predictions of individual solutions for determining prediction of ensemble solution. Benchmark datasets, namely, KDD cup 1999 and ISCX 2012 dataset, are used to demonstrate and validate the performance of the proposed approach for intrusion detection. The proposed approach can discover individual solutions and ensemble solutions thereof with a good support and a detection rate from benchmark datasets (in comparison with well-known ensemble methods like bagging and boosting). In addition, the proposed approach is a generalized classification approach that is applicable to the problem of any field having multiple conflicting objectives, and a dataset can be represented in the form of labelled instances in terms of its features

    An adaptive and distributed intrusion detection scheme for cloud computing

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    Cloud computing has enormous potentials but still suffers from numerous security issues. Hence, there is a need to safeguard the cloud resources to ensure the security of clients’ data in the cloud. Existing cloud Intrusion Detection System (IDS) suffers from poor detection accuracy due to the dynamic nature of cloud as well as frequent Virtual Machine (VM) migration causing network traffic pattern to undergo changes. This necessitates an adaptive IDS capable of coping with the dynamic network traffic pattern. Therefore, the research developed an adaptive cloud intrusion detection scheme that uses Binary Segmentation change point detection algorithm to track the changes in the normal profile of cloud network traffic and updates the IDS Reference Model when change is detected. Besides, the research addressed the issue of poor detection accuracy due to insignificant features and coordinated attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). The insignificant feature was addressed using feature selection while coordinated attack was addressed using distributed IDS. Ant Colony Optimization and correlation based feature selection were used for feature selection. Meanwhile, distributed Stochastic Gradient Decent and Support Vector Machine (SGD-SVM) were used for the distributed IDS. The distributed IDS comprised detection units and aggregation unit. The detection units detected the attacks using distributed SGD-SVM to create Local Reference Model (LRM) on various computer nodes. Then, the LRM was sent to aggregation units to create a Global Reference Model. This Adaptive and Distributed scheme was evaluated using two datasets: a simulated datasets collected using Virtual Machine Ware (VMWare) hypervisor and Network Security Laboratory-Knowledge Discovery Database (NSLKDD) benchmark intrusion detection datasets. To ensure that the scheme can cope with the dynamic nature of VM migration in cloud, performance evaluation was performed before and during the VM migration scenario. The evaluation results of the adaptive and distributed scheme on simulated datasets showed that before VM migration, an overall classification accuracy of 99.4% was achieved by the scheme while a related scheme achieved an accuracy of 83.4%. During VM migration scenario, classification accuracy of 99.1% was achieved by the scheme while the related scheme achieved an accuracy of 85%. The scheme achieved an accuracy of 99.6% when it was applied to NSL-KDD dataset while the related scheme achieved an accuracy of 83%. The performance comparisons with a related scheme showed that the developed adaptive and distributed scheme achieved superior performance

    Design of multiple-level hybrid classifier for intrusion detection system using Bayesian clustering and decision trees

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    10.1016/j.patrec.2008.01.008Pattern Recognition Letters297918-92

    Intrusion Detection from Heterogenous Sensors

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    RÉSUMÉ De nos jours, la protection des systèmes et réseaux informatiques contre différentes attaques avancées et distribuées constitue un défi vital pour leurs propriétaires. L’une des menaces critiques à la sécurité de ces infrastructures informatiques sont les attaques réalisées par des individus dont les intentions sont malveillantes, qu’ils soient situés à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de l’environnement du système, afin d’abuser des services disponibles, ou de révéler des informations confidentielles. Par conséquent, la gestion et la surveillance des systèmes informatiques est un défi considérable considérant que de nouvelles menaces et attaques sont découvertes sur une base quotidienne. Les systèmes de détection d’intrusion, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) en anglais, jouent un rôle clé dans la surveillance et le contrôle des infrastructures de réseau informatique. Ces systèmes inspectent les événements qui se produisent dans les systèmes et réseaux informatiques et en cas de détection d’activité malveillante, ces derniers génèrent des alertes afin de fournir les détails des attaques survenues. Cependant, ces systèmes présentent certaines limitations qui méritent d’être adressées si nous souhaitons les rendre suffisamment fiables pour répondre aux besoins réels. L’un des principaux défis qui caractérise les IDS est le grand nombre d’alertes redondantes et non pertinentes ainsi que le taux de faux-positif générés, faisant de leur analyse une tâche difficile pour les administrateurs de sécurité qui tentent de déterminer et d’identifier les alertes qui sont réellement importantes. Une partie du problème réside dans le fait que la plupart des IDS ne prennent pas compte les informations contextuelles (type de systèmes, applications, utilisateurs, réseaux, etc.) reliées à l’attaque. Ainsi, une grande partie des alertes générées par les IDS sont non pertinentes en ce sens qu’elles ne permettent de comprendre l’attaque dans son contexte et ce, malgré le fait que le système ait réussi à correctement détecter une intrusion. De plus, plusieurs IDS limitent leur détection à un seul type de capteur, ce qui les rend inefficaces pour détecter de nouvelles attaques complexes. Or, ceci est particulièrement important dans le cas des attaques ciblées qui tentent d’éviter la détection par IDS conventionnels et par d’autres produits de sécurité. Bien que de nombreux administrateurs système incorporent avec succès des informations de contexte ainsi que différents types de capteurs et journaux dans leurs analyses, un problème important avec cette approche reste le manque d’automatisation, tant au niveau du stockage que de l’analyse. Afin de résoudre ces problèmes d’applicabilité, divers types d’IDS ont été proposés dans les dernières années, dont les IDS de type composant pris sur étagère, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) en anglais, qui sont maintenant largement utilisés dans les centres d’opérations de sécurité, Security Operations Center (SOC) en anglais, de plusieurs grandes organisations. D’un point de vue plus général, les différentes approches proposées peuvent être classées en différentes catégories : les méthodes basées sur l’apprentissage machine, tel que les réseaux bayésiens, les méthodes d’extraction de données, les arbres de décision, les réseaux de neurones, etc., les méthodes impliquant la corrélation d’alertes et les approches fondées sur la fusion d’alertes, les systèmes de détection d’intrusion sensibles au contexte, les IDS dit distribués et les IDS qui reposent sur la notion d’ontologie de base. Étant donné que ces différentes approches se concentrent uniquement sur un ou quelques-uns des défis courants reliés aux IDS, au meilleure de notre connaissance, le problème dans son ensemble n’a pas été résolu. Par conséquent, il n’existe aucune approche permettant de couvrir tous les défis des IDS modernes précédemment mentionnés. Par exemple, les systèmes qui reposent sur des méthodes d’apprentissage machine classent les événements sur la base de certaines caractéristiques en fonction du comportement observé pour un type d’événements, mais ils ne prennent pas en compte les informations reliées au contexte et les relations pouvant exister entre plusieurs événements. La plupart des techniques de corrélation d’alerte proposées ne considèrent que la corrélation entre plusieurs capteurs du même type ayant un événement commun et une sémantique d’alerte similaire (corrélation homogène), laissant aux administrateurs de sécurité la tâche d’effectuer la corrélation entre les différents types de capteurs hétérogènes. Pour leur part, les approches sensibles au contexte n’emploient que des aspects limités du contexte sous-jacent. Une autre limitation majeure des différentes approches proposées est l’absence d’évaluation précise basée sur des ensembles de données qui contiennent des scénarios d’attaque complexes et modernes. À cet effet, l’objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir un système de corrélation d’événements qui peut prendre en considération plusieurs types hétérogènes de capteurs ainsi que les journaux de plusieurs applications (par exemple, IDS/IPS, pare-feu, base de données, système d’exploitation, antivirus, proxy web, routeurs, etc.). Cette méthode permettra de détecter des attaques complexes qui laissent des traces dans les différents systèmes, et d’incorporer les informations de contexte dans l’analyse afin de réduire les faux-positifs. Nos contributions peuvent être divisées en quatre parties principales : 1) Nous proposons la Pasargadae, une solution complète sensible au contexte et reposant sur une ontologie de corrélation des événements, laquelle effectue automatiquement la corrélation des événements par l’analyse des informations recueillies auprès de diverses sources. Pasargadae utilise le concept d’ontologie pour représenter et stocker des informations sur les événements, le contexte et les vulnérabilités, les scénarios d’attaques, et utilise des règles d’ontologie de logique simple écrites en Semantic Query-Enhance Web Rule Language (SQWRL) afin de corréler diverse informations et de filtrer les alertes non pertinentes, en double, et les faux-positifs. 2) Nous proposons une approche basée sur, méta-événement , tri topologique et l‘approche corrélation d‘événement basée sur sémantique qui emploie Pasargadae pour effectuer la corrélation d’événements à travers les événements collectés de plusieurs capteurs répartis dans un réseau informatique. 3) Nous proposons une approche alerte de fusion basée sur sémantique, contexte sensible, qui s‘appuie sur certains des sous-composantes de Pasargadae pour effectuer une alerte fusion hétérogène recueillies auprès IDS hétérogènes. 4) Dans le but de montrer le niveau de flexibilité de Pasargadae, nous l’utilisons pour mettre en oeuvre d’autres approches proposées d‘alertes et de corrélation d‘événements. La somme de ces contributions représente une amélioration significative de l’applicabilité et la fiabilité des IDS dans des situations du monde réel. Afin de tester la performance et la flexibilité de l’approche de corrélation d’événements proposés, nous devons aborder le manque d’infrastructures expérimental adéquat pour la sécurité du réseau. Une étude de littérature montre que les approches expérimentales actuelles ne sont pas adaptées pour générer des données de réseau de grande fidélité. Par conséquent, afin d’accomplir une évaluation complète, d’abord, nous menons nos expériences sur deux scénarios d’étude d‘analyse de cas distincts, inspirés des ensembles de données d’évaluation DARPA 2000 et UNB ISCX IDS. Ensuite, comme une étude déposée complète, nous employons Pasargadae dans un vrai réseau informatique pour une période de deux semaines pour inspecter ses capacités de détection sur un vrai terrain trafic de réseau. Les résultats obtenus montrent que, par rapport à d’autres améliorations IDS existants, les contributions proposées améliorent considérablement les performances IDS (taux de détection) tout en réduisant les faux positifs, non pertinents et alertes en double.----------ABSTRACT Nowadays, protecting computer systems and networks against various distributed and multi-steps attack has been a vital challenge for their owners. One of the essential threats to the security of such computer infrastructures is attacks by malicious individuals from inside and outside of the system environment to abuse available services, or reveal their confidential information. Consequently, managing and supervising computer systems is a considerable challenge, as new threats and attacks are discovered on a daily basis. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) play a key role in the surveillance and monitoring of computer network infrastructures. These systems inspect events occurred in computer systems and networks and in case of any malicious behavior they generate appropriate alerts describing the attacks’ details. However, there are a number of shortcomings that need to be addressed to make them reliable enough in the real-world situations. One of the fundamental challenges in real-world IDS is the large number of redundant, non-relevant, and false positive alerts that they generate, making it a difficult task for security administrators to determine and identify real and important alerts. Part of the problem is that most of the IDS do not take into account contextual information (type of systems, applications, users, networks, etc.), and therefore a large portion of the alerts are non-relevant in that even though they correctly recognize an intrusion, the intrusion fails to reach its objectives. Additionally, to detect newer and complicated attacks, relying on only one detection sensor type is not adequate, and as a result many of the current IDS are unable to detect them. This is especially important with respect to targeted attacks that try to avoid detection by conventional IDS and by other security products. While many system administrators are known to successfully incorporate context information and many different types of sensors and logs into their analysis, an important problem with this approach is the lack of automation in both storage and analysis. In order to address these problems in IDS applicability, various IDS types have been proposed in the recent years and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) IDS products have found their way into Security Operations Centers (SOC) of many large organizations. From a general perspective, these works can be categorized into: machine learning based approaches including Bayesian networks, data mining methods, decision trees, neural networks, etc., alert correlation and alert fusion based approaches, context-aware intrusion detection systems, distributed intrusion detection systems, and ontology based intrusion detection systems. To the best of our knowledge, since these works only focus on one or few of the IDS challenges, the problem as a whole has not been resolved. Hence, there is no comprehensive work addressing all the mentioned challenges of modern intrusion detection systems. For example, works that utilize machine learning approaches only classify events based on some features depending on behavior observed with one type of events, and they do not take into account contextual information and event interrelationships. Most of the proposed alert correlation techniques consider correlation only across multiple sensors of the same type having a common event and alert semantics (homogeneous correlation), leaving it to security administrators to perform correlation across heterogeneous types of sensors. Context-aware approaches only employ limited aspects of the underlying context. The lack of accurate evaluation based on the data sets that encompass modern complex attack scenarios is another major shortcoming of most of the proposed approaches. The goal of this thesis is to design an event correlation system that can correlate across several heterogeneous types of sensors and logs (e.g. IDS/IPS, firewall, database, operating system, anti-virus, web proxy, routers, etc.) in order to hope to detect complex attacks that leave traces in various systems, and incorporate context information into the analysis, in order to reduce false positives. To this end, our contributions can be split into 4 main parts: 1) we propose the Pasargadae comprehensive context-aware and ontology-based event correlation framework that automatically performs event correlation by reasoning on the information collected from various information resources. Pasargadae uses ontologies to represent and store information on events, context and vulnerability information, and attack scenarios, and uses simple ontology logic rules written in Semantic Query-Enhance Web Rule Language (SQWRL) to correlate various information and filter out non-relevant alerts and duplicate alerts, and false positives. 2) We propose a meta-event based, topological sort based and semantic-based event correlation approach that employs Pasargadae to perform event correlation across events collected form several sensors distributed in a computer network. 3) We propose a semantic-based context-aware alert fusion approach that relies on some of the subcomponents of Pasargadae to perform heterogeneous alert fusion collected from heterogeneous IDS. 4) In order to show the level of flexibility of Pasargadae, we use it to implement some other proposed alert and event correlation approaches. The sum of these contributions represent a significant improvement in the applicability and reliability of IDS in real-world situations. In order to test the performance and flexibility of the proposed event correlation approach, we need to address the lack of experimental infrastructure suitable for network security. A study of the literature shows that current experimental approaches are not appropriate to generate high fidelity network data. Consequently, in order to accomplish a comprehensive evaluation, first, we conduct our experiments on two separate analysis case study scenarios, inspired from the DARPA 2000 and UNB ISCX IDS evaluation data sets. Next, as a complete field study, we employ Pasargadae in a real computer network for a two weeks period to inspect its detection capabilities on a ground truth network traffic. The results obtained show that compared to other existing IDS improvements, the proposed contributions significantly improve IDS performance (detection rate) while reducing false positives, non-relevant and duplicate alerts