4 research outputs found

    A Distributed Approach to Efficient Model Predictive Control of Building HVAC Systems

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    Model based predictive control (MPC) is increasingly being seen as an attractive approach in controlling building HVAC systems. One advantage of the MPC approach is the ability to integrate weather forecast, occupancy information and utility price variations in determining the optimal HVAC operation. However, application to largescale building HVAC systems is limited by the large number of controllable variables to be optimized at every time instance. This paper explores techniques to reduce the computational complexity arising in applying MPC to the control of large-scale buildings. We formulate the task of optimal control as a distributed optimization problem within the MPC framework. A distributed optimization approach alleviates computational costs by simultaneously solving reduced dimensional optimization problems at the subsystem level and integrating the resulting solutions to obtain a global control law. Additional computational efficiency can be achieved by utilizing the occupancy and utility price profiles to restrict the control laws to a piecewise constant function. Alternatively, under certain assumptions, the optimal control laws can be found analytically using a dynamic programming based approach without resorting to numerical optimization routines leading to massive computational savings. Initial results of simulations on case studies are presented to compare the proposed algorithms

    Enhancement of control’s parameter of decoupled HVAC system via adaptive controller through the system identification tool box

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    Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems have nonlinear character and nature. Current models for control components and the optimization of HVAC system parameters can be linear approximations based on an operating or activation point, or alternatively, highly complex nonlinear estimations. This duality creates problems when the systems are used with real time applications. The two parameters temperature and relative humidity (RH) have a more direct effect in most applications of HVAC systems than the execution. This study’s objective is to implement and simulate an adaptive controller for decoupled bi-linear HVAC systems for the purpose of controlling the temperature and RH in a thermal zone. The contribution of this study is to apply the adaptive controller for the decoupled bi linear HVAC system via relative gain array (RGA). To achieve this objective, we used a system identification toolbox to increase the speed and accuracy of the identification of system dynamics, as was required for simplification and decoupled HVAC systems. The method of decoupling is relative gain array. The results of the simulation show that when compared with a classical PID controller, the adaptive controller performance is superior, owing to the high efficiency with which the steady state set points for temperature and RH are reached

    Optimal tuning of proportional integral derivative controller for simplified heating ventilation and air conditioning system

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    A Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system (HVAC) is an equipment that is designed to adapt and adjust the humidity as well as temperature in various places. To control the temperature and humidity of the HVAC system, various tuning methods such as Ziegler–Nichols (Z-N), Chien-Hrones-Reswick (CHR), trial and error, robust response time, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and radial basis function neural network (RBF-NN) were used. PID is the most commonly used controller due to its competitive pricing and ease of tuning and operation. However, to effectively control the HVAC system using the PID controller, the PID control parameters must be optimized. In this work, the epsilon constraint via radial basis function neural network method is proposed to optimize the PID controller parameters. The advantages of using this method include fast and accurate response and follow the target values compared to other tuning methods. This work also involves the estimation of the dynamic model of the HVAC system. The non-linear decoupling method is used to modify the model of HVAC system. The benefits of using the proposed simplification technique rather than other techniques such as the relative gain array techniques (RGA) is because of its simplification, accuracy, and reduced non-linear components and interconnection effect of the HVAC system. It is observed that the amount of integral absolute error (IAE) for temperature and humidity based on the simplified model are decreased by 18% and 20% respectively. Moreover, it is revealed that optimization of PID controller through multi objective epsilon constraint method via RBF NN of the simplified HVAC system based on non-linear decoupling method shows better transient response and reaches better dynamic performance with high precision than other PID control tuning techniques. The proposed optimum PID controller and estimation of dynamical model of the HVAC system are compared with the different tuning techniques such as RBF and ZN based on original system. It is observed that the energy cost function due to temperature (JT) and humidity (JRH) are lowered by 15.7% and 4.8% respectively; whereas the energy cost functions reflect the energy consumptions of temperature and humidity which are produced by the humidifier and heating coil. Therefore, based on the new optimization method the energy efficiency of the system is increased. The unique combination of epsilon constraint method and RBF NN has shown that this optimization method is promising method for the tuning of PID controller for non-linear systems

    Decentralized thermal control of building systems

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    Energy requirements for heating and cooling of buildings constitute a major fraction of end use energy consumed. Therefore, it is important to provide the occupant comfort requirements in buildings in an energy efficient manner. However, buildings are large scale complex systems, susceptible to sensor, actuator or communication network failures in their thermal control infrastructure, that can affect their performance in terms of occupant comfort and energy efficiency. The degree of decentralization in the control architecture determines a fundamental tradeoff between performance and robustness. This thesis studies the problem of thermal control of buildings from the perspective of partitioning them into clusters for decentralized control, to balance underlying performance and robustness requirements. Measures of deviation in performance and robustness between centralized and decentralized architectures in the Model Predictive Control framework are derived. Appropriate clustering algorithms are then proposed to determine decentralized control architectures which provide a satisfactory trade-off between the underlying performance and robustness objectives. Two different partitioning methodologies – the CLF-MCS method and the OLF-FPM method – are developed and compared. The problem of decentralized control design based on the architectures obtained using these methodologies is also considered. It entails the use of decentralized extended state observers to address the issue of unavailability of unknown states and disturbances in the system. The potential use of the proposed control architecture selection and decentralized control design methodologies is demonstrated in simulation on a real world multi-zone building