24,058 research outputs found

    The Impact of Modern Technologies of Virtual Reality on the Design of Performance Auditoriums

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    يتناول البحث دراسة النتاج التكنولوجي، والتقنيات الحديثة للواقع الافتراضي والطفرة التي أحدثها في الإنتاج المسرحي وعمارة المسرح، وانشاء المشاهد الادائية. فضلا عن تأثيرها على مبنى المسرح وما يمكن ان تحدثه من تغييرات على تصميم القاعات الادائية والمسارح، ومعايرها التصميمية، وابعادها. حيث تركزت المشكلة البحثية حول نقص المعرفة حول تثير دخول التكنولوجيا الحديثة لتقنيات الواقع الافتراضي على المسرح وتأثيرها على تصميم الخشبة والقاعة. وبالتالي يهدف البحث الى توضيح دور التقنيات الحديثة للواقع الافتراضي، وتأثيرها على العروض الادائية، وتصميم الخشبة المسرحية، فضلا عن دورها في تحقيق المشاهد الافتراضية. ويفترض البحث بان التقنيات الحديثة تشكل هدفا لتغيير بعض الضوابط والمعايير الكلاسيكية لعمارة القاعات الادائية بمختلف أنواعها، فضلا عن استغلال المفاهيم الجديدة لتقنيات العروض الافتراضية الرقمية التي تعطي متطلبات الخشبة الجديدة، والتي أصبحت أساس للمشاهد المعاصرة. قام البحث بتطبيق المؤشرات المستخلصة من الإطار النظري على العينة الدراسية المنتخبة ليتوصل البحث الى نتائج التطبيق. حيث تم اختيار مشروعين عالميين للاختبار، وهما مسرح كرافيتون بريير (Crafton Preyer) في ولاية كنساس في الولايات المتحدة، والاخر مركز العالم الجديد (New World Center) في ميامي، في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية. وقد توصل البحث الى اهمية دور التكنولوجيا الحديثة للوسائط المتعددة والواقع الافتراضي كأداة سينوغرافية جديدة على الخشبة المسرحية, و دورها الكبير في تطوير العروض المسرحية التفاعلية، فضلا عن تقدم مؤشر استخدام تقنيات الوسائط المتعددة والاسقاط الضوئي على مؤشر استخدام التقنيات الاحدث للواقع الافتراضي كتقنية الهولوغرام لكونها لاتزال تقنيات فتية حيث دخلت المجال المسرحي في العقود القليلة المنصرمة, ولايزال استخدامها محدود في عدد من المسارح والقاعات الشهيرة حول العالم الا ان المستقبل يتجه نحو استخدامها على نطاق واسع. وقد تطلب تحقيق هدف البحث، اعتماد المنهج العلمي الوصفي التحليلي، الذي تتطور بنيته مع ما يتوصل الية البحث من حقائق واستنتاجات.The research deals with the technological production, modern techniques of virtual reality, and the revolution which it created in theatre production, theatre architecture, and the creation of performance scenes. As well as its impact on the theatre building, theatre design, theatre standards, and dimensions. The research problem focused in the lack of knowledge about the impact of the introduction of modern technology of virtual reality techniques on the stage and impact on the design of the stage and the auditorium. thus, the research aims at clarifying the role of modern techniques of virtual reality, its effect on performance performances, and the design of theater, as well as its role in achieving the virtual scenes. The research suggests that modern techniques are the goal of changing some of the classical rules and regulations of various types of performance auditorium, as well as exploiting the new concepts of digital virtual presentation techniques that provide the requirements of the new stage, which became the basis of contemporary scenes. The research applied the indicators which reached from the theoretical framework on the selected case study to reach the research results. Two international projects were selected as case studies: The Crafton Preyer Theatre in Kansas, USA,  and The New World Center in Miami, USA. The research reach the importance role of modern technologies of multimedia and virtual reality as a new stenographic instrument on the stage, and its role in the development of interactive theatre performance, as well as the progress of using multimedia technologies and projection indicator on the newer technology of virtual reality use's indicator, such as hologram technology, which entered the theater in the past few decades, and it use is still limited in a number of famous theaters and auditorium around the world. But the future tends to use them on a large scale. The achievement of the research aim has necessitated the adoption of the analytical descriptive scientific method, whose structure evolves with the research result and conclusions

    Prepare for Citizen Science Challenges at CERN

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    Abstract: To inspire more people to contribute to science, and educate the public about science, two Citizen Science "challenges" were prepared during summer 2013: the CERN Summer Webfest 2013 and the Virtual LHC Challenge. The first part of this report summarizes how to organize a Webfest at CERN and the outcome of the CERN Summer Webfest 2013.The second part gives an introduction to the current state of the Virtual LHC Challenge: a development of the LHC@Home Test4Theory project planned to attract many unskilled volunteers. This work was supported by a grant from the EU Citizen Cyberlab project, with assistance from the Citizen Cyberscience Centre (CCC)

    Complete LibTech 2013 Print Program

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    PDF of the complete print program from the 2013 Library Technology Conferenc

    ALT-C 2010 Programme Guide

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    Second Life as a Learning and Teaching Environment for Digital Games Education

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    Previous studies show that online virtual worlds can contribute to the social aspects of distance learning, improve student engagement, and enhance students’ experience as a whole [4]; [3]. This paper reviews previous research of using online virtual worlds in teaching and learning, compares Second Life with traditional classroom sessions and the Blackboard, and discusses the benefits and problems of using virtual environments in the post-sixteen education and how they affect students’ learning. It also reports a study of using Second Life as an educational environment for teaching games design at undergraduate level, and investigates the impacts and implications of online virtual environments on learning and teaching processes and their application to digital games education. The sample was 27 first year students of the Computer Games Modelling and Animation course. Students’ views on using Second Life for learning and teaching were collected through a feedback questionnaire. The results suggest that virtual learning environments like Second Life can be exploited as a motivational learning tool. However, problems such as identify issues and lacking of role markers may change student behaviour in virtual classroom. We discuss this phenomenon and suggest ways to avoid it in the preparation stage

    Graduating live and on line: the multimedia webcast of the Open Universitys worldwide virtual degree ceremony

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    As the foremost international open learning institution, the UK Open University has now webcast two live and on-line degree ceremonies. Most higher education establishments routinely videotape degree presentations and many now broadcast these videos as ways of including remote family and friends who could not attend the physical event. In contrast, the UKOU has presented live ceremonies at which the graduands themselves, plus guests, family and friends were all remote and online! The first worldwide virtual degree ceremony took place at 15:00 GMT/UT on March 31st 2000. This ceremony was the first in the Open University’s calendar for 2000, and therefore the first formal ceremony of this leading open learning institution in the new millennium. The second online ceremony took place on 18th April 2001, and further ceremonies are planned as part of the routine of open learning

    Spartan Daily, October 18, 1993

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    Volume 101, Issue 35https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/8463/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily, January 10, 1938

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    Volume 26, Issue 59https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/2696/thumbnail.jp