32 research outputs found

    A Stiffness-Adjustable Hyperredundant Manipulator Using a Variable Neutral-Line Mechanism for Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    In robotic single-port surgery, it is desirable for a manipulator to exhibit the property of variable stiffness. Small-port incisions may require both high flexibility of the manipulator for safety purposes, as well as high structural stiffness for operational precision and high payload capability. This paper presents a new hyperredundant tubular manipulator with a variable neutral-line mechanisms and adjustable stiffness. A unique asymmetric arrangement of the tendons and the links realizes both articulation of the manipulator and continuous stiffness modulation. This asymmetric motion of the manipulator is compensated by a novel actuation mechanism without affecting its structural stiffness. The paper describes the basic mechanics of the variable neutral-line manipulator, and its stiffness characteristics. Simulation and experimental results verify the performance of the proposed mechanism.Samsung Advanced Institute of Technolog

    Tubular Shaped (Continuum) Soft Robotic Arm with Variable Stiffness: Design, Fabrication, and Testing

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    Soft robots are designed to be highly flexible and adaptable to their surroundings. Often times conventional rigid robots are at a disadvantage due to lack of versatility in complex environments and safety concerns on human-robot interactions. Soft robots can be compliantly designed to overcome those limitations at the expense of lower precision and reduced load capacity. To improve the precision and weight carrying capability, this research built a compliant robotic arm of tunable stiffness by using layer jamming technique. Most of continuum and compliant robotic arm designs have a center backbone, which connects the subsections and provides the majority of the stiffness. However, the center backbone takes large internal space of the robotic arm which could be used for wiring and sensor/gadget placement. This research project provided a tubular shaped solution by redesigning the backbone and placing the compliant backbone at the perimeter of each tubular subsection, thus leaving large space available inside the robotic arm. With the novel body design and the incorporation of layer jamming, the arm is able to pass through complex environment to reach target locations with its compliant body, that contains 3 subsections with 90 degrees maximum bending angle on each. Stiffness can be tuned up to 87 times higher in high stiffness mode (12.5psi vacuum pressure) than its natural state (0psi). This robotic arm is able to eliminate or reduce impact injury in its low stiffness mode and perform accurately while carrying large load in its high stiffness mode. The features of this robotic arm give benefit in minimal invasive surgery and rescue robotics applications.No embargoAcademic Major: Mechanical Engineerin

    Designing a robotic port system for laparo-endoscopic single-site surgery

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    Current research and development in the field of surgical interventions aim to reduce the invasiveness by using few incisions or natural orifices in the body to access the surgical site. Considering surgeries in the abdominal cavity, the Laparo-Endoscopic Single-site Surgery (LESS) can be performed through a single incision in the navel, reducing blood loss, post-operative trauma, and improving the cosmetic outcome. However, LESS results in less intuitive instrument control, impaired ergonomic, loss of depth and haptic perception, and restriction of instrument positioning by a single incision. Robot-assisted surgery addresses these shortcomings, by introducing highly articulated, flexible robotic instruments, ergonomic control consoles with 3D visualization, and intuitive instrument control algorithms. The flexible robotic instruments are usually introduced into the abdomen via a rigid straight port, such that the positioning of the tools and therefore the accessibility of anatomical structures is still constrained by the incision location. To address this limitation, articulated ports for LESS are proposed by recent research works. However, they focus on only a few aspects, which are relevant to the surgery, such that a design considering all requirements for LESS has not been proposed yet. This partially originates in the lack of anatomical data of specific applications. Further, no general design guidelines exist and only a few evaluation metrics are proposed. To target these challenges, this thesis focuses on the design of an articulated robotic port for LESS partial nephrectomy. A novel approach is introduced, acquiring the available abdominal workspace, integrated into the surgical workflow. Based on several generated patient datasets and developed metrics, design parameter optimization is conducted. Analyzing the surgical procedure, a comprehensive requirement list is established and applied to design a robotic system, proposing a tendon-driven continuum robot as the articulated port structure. Especially, the aspects of stiffening and sterile design are addressed. In various experimental evaluations, the reachability, the stiffness, and the overall design are evaluated. The findings identify layer jamming as the superior stiffening method. Further, the articulated port is proven to enhance the accessibility of anatomical structures and offer a patient and incision location independent design

    Design of Soft Composite Finger with Adjustable Joint Stiffness

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    This research presents the design of a soft composite finger with tunable joint stiffness. The composite finger, made from two different types of silicone, has hybrid actuation principle combining tendon and pneumatic actuation schemes. Tendons control the finger shape in a prescribed direction to demonstrate discrete bending behavior due to different material moduli, similar to the human finger’s discrete bending. Whereas, pneumatic actuation changes the stiffness of joints using air chambers. The feasibility of adjustable stiffness joints is proven using both the parallel spring-damper model and experiments, demonstrating the stiffening effect when pressurized. A set of experiments were also conducted on fingers with four different chamber designs to see the effect of chamber shape on stiffening and the discrete bending capability of the finger. These stiffened fingers lead to firm grasp as they constrain the object better and apply higher grasping force. The gripper made up of soft composite fingers can grasp objects of various sizes, shapes and in different orientations

    Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventions: Advances and Outlook

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    Since the emergence of soft robotics around two decades ago, research interest in the field has escalated at a pace. It is fuelled by the industry's appreciation of the wide range of soft materials available that can be used to create highly dexterous robots with adaptability characteristics far beyond that which can be achieved with rigid component devices. The ability, inherent in soft robots, to compliantly adapt to the environment, has significantly sparked interest from the surgical robotics community. This article provides an in-depth overview of recent progress and outlines the remaining challenges in the development of soft robotics for minimally invasive surgery

    A Study on Phase-Changing Materials for Controllable Stiffness in Robotic Joints

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    This paper studies the viability of using a class of phase-changing materials for the design of controlled variable stiffness robotic joints which enable the design of robots that can operate in confined spaces. In such environments, robots need to be able to navigate in proximity or while in contact with their environment to reach one or more manipulated target. Joints with controllable stiffness can substantially enhance functionality of this class of robots where relatively higher joint stiffness is required to support the robot weight against gravity and low stiffness is desired when operating in complex or delicate environments. The research work presented in this paper focuses on examining thermorheological fluids (TRF) to design and manufacture thermally controlled variable stiffness joints. Two phase-changing materials are considered in the study: low-melting-point solder and hot-melt adhesive. Both materials are embedded in a custom designed joint fabricated using 3D printing and silicone casting. Joint stiffness was investigated with both materials and reported here. The results shows that the proposed variable stiffness joints with TRF achieve wide ranges of load-deflection ratio varying between 0.05 N/mm (when thermally activated) to about 10 N/mm (in bonding state). On average, the joint can withstand 20 times its total weight when in the bonding state. Design challenges and durability of TRF-based joints are discussed

    Phase Change Materials for Controllable Stiffness of Robotic Joints

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    Snake-like manipulators are well suited for operation in restricted and confined environments where the manipulator body can bend around obstacles to place an end effector at a difficult to access location. They require high stiffness when self-supporting weight against gravity and undertake precision manipulation task, but also require soft properties when operating in complex and delicate environments. A controllable stiffness manipulator has the potential to meet the application demands as it can switch between rigid and soft state. This thesis experimentally investigates the properties of four materials, (low melting point solder, hot-melt adhesive, low melting point alloy and granular material) as candidates for mechanically altering the stiffness of the joints/modules in snake-like manipulators. These materials were evaluated for bonding strength, repeatability, and activation time. Modules for a snake-like manipulator were fabricated using 3D printing and silicone casting techniques including, for the first time, variable stiffness joints that use hot-melt adhesive and low melting point alloy. These modules were evaluated for stiffness properties and low melting point solder based module was found to achieve a stiffness change 150X greater than the state of the art granular material approach. In addition, the proposed modules were able to support 25X of their own weight

    Controllable and reversible tuning of material rigidity for robot applications

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    Tunable rigidity materials have potentially widespread implications in robotic technologies. They enable morphological shape change while maintaining structural strength, and can reversibly alternate between rigid, load bearing and compliant, flexible states capable of deformation within unstructured environments. In this review, we cover a range of materials with mechanical rigidity that can be reversibly tuned using one of several stimuli (e.g. heat, electrical current, electric field, magnetism, etc.). We explain the mechanisms by which these materials change rigidity and how they have been used for robot tasks. We quantitatively assess the performance in terms of the magnitude of rigidity, variation ratio, response time, and energy consumption, and explore the correlations between these desired characteristics as principles for material design and usage