122 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of storage batteries charge being a part of wind-driven complex under the conditions of passenger carriages

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    Исследовано место и роль аккумуляторных батарей в составе ветроэнергетических комплексов в условиях пассажирских вагонов. Проанализированы характеристики и режимы заряда аккумуляторных батарей в составе ветроэнергетических комплексов в условиях пассажирских вагонов. Обосновано применение контроля заряда аккумуляторных батарей в составе ветроэнергетических комплексов, которые эксплуатируются в условиях пассажирских вагонов. Доказано, что устройство контроля заряда аккумуляторных батарей в составе ветроэнергетических комплексов есть необходимым компонентом, с позиции мониторинга состояния уровня заряда аккумуляторных батарей и своевременного выявления неисправностей.The place and role of storage batteries charge being a part of wind-driven complex under the conditions of passenger carriages is investigated. Characteristics and rates of storage batteries charge being a part of wind-driven complexes under the conditions of passenger carriages are analyzed. Applying of control of storage battery charge being a part of wind-driven complex exploiting under the conditions of passenger carriages is explained. It is proven that control device of storage battery charge being a part of wind-driven complex is an essential component from the position of monitoring of state of storage battery charge and early problem identification


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    The place and role of storage batteries charge being a part of wind-driven complex under the conditions of passenger carriages is investigated. Characteristics and rates of storage batteries charge being a part of wind-driven complexes under the conditions of passenger carriages are analyzed. Applying of control of storage battery charge being a part of wind-driven complex exploiting under the conditions of passenger carriages is explained. It is proven that control device of storage battery charge being a part of wind-driven complex is an essential component from the position of monitoring of state of storage battery charge and early problem identification. Lib. 10, Table 0, Fig. 2Исследовано место и роль аккумуляторных батарей в составе ветроэнергетических комплексов в условиях пассажирских вагонов. Проанализированы характеристики и режимы заряда аккумуляторных батарей в составе ветроэнергетических комплексов в условиях пассажирских вагонов. Обосновано применение контроля заряда аккумуляторных батарей в составе ветроэнергетических комплексов, которые эксплуатируются в условиях пассажирских вагонов. Доказано, что устройство контроля заряда аккумуляторных батарей в составе ветроэнергетических комплексов есть необходимым компонентом, с позиции мониторинга состояния уровня заряда аккумуляторных батарей и своевременного выявления неисправностей. Библ. 10, табл. 0, рис. 2.Досліджено місце і роль акумуляторних батарей у складі вітроенергетичних комплексів в умовах пасажирських вагонів. Проаналізовані характеристики і режими заряду акумуляторних батарей у складі вітроенергетичних комплексів в умовах пасажирських вагонів. Обгрунтовано застосування контролю заряду акумуляторних батарей у складі вітроенергетичних комплексів, які експлуатуються в умовах пасажирських вагонів. Доведено, що пристрій контролю заряду акумуляторних батарей у складі вітроенергетичних комплексів є необхідним компонентом, з позиції моніторингу стану рівня заряду акумуляторних батарей і своєчасного виявлення несправностей. Бібл. 10, табл. 0, рис. 2

    Modeling and Control of a Marine Current Turbine Driven Doubly-Fed Induction Generator

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    This paper deals with the modeling and the control of a variable speed DFIG-based marine current turbine with and without tidal current speed sensor. The proposed MPPT control strategy relies on the resource and the marine turbine models that were validated by experimental data. The sensitivity of the proposed control strategy is analyzed regarding the swell effect as it is considered as the most disturbing one for the resource model. Tidal current data from the Raz de Sein (Brittany, France) are used to run simulations of a 7.5-kW prototype over various flow regimes. Simulation results are presented and fully analyzedThis work has been funded by Brest Métropole Océan

    Wind Energy Conversion System With Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Generator

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    This paper presents a study on grid-connected WECS with PMSG. The application of non-conventional energy resources develops much rapidly to improve low carbon energy resources in India. Nowadays, we are going to depend on solar, wind for the fulfillment of energy demand. Wind energy applications develop much more rapidly than other renewable resources such as solar, geothermal, and so on in the 21st century. It becomes the third core energy resource following non-conventional fuels as oil and chemical. The electrical energy generated by wind power plants is the best developing and most promising renewable energy source. The wind is a clean, free, and limitless energy source. Wind Energy Generation Systems (WECS) are confronted with increasing demands for power quality and harmonic distortion control. With the advance in power electronics technology, the fast growth of variable speed WECS is now witnessed

    Küçük dikey eksenli rüzgâr türbini için basit kontrol tasarımı (Simple control design for a small vertical axis wind turbine)

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    Bu makalede, küçük dikey eksenli rüzgâr türbinin elde ettiği enerjiyi maksimize edecek basit bir kontrolör tasarlanmıştır. Bu önerilen kontrol algoritmasının amacı mevcut sistemlere kıyasla daha basit bir yapıda olmasıdır. Algoritma kontrol işlemini sisteme uygulanan yük katsayısını önceden belirlenen değer aralıklarında müdahalede bulunarak yapabilmektedir. Bunu yapmak için önceden enerjiyi maksimize eden bir optimizasyon yöntemiyle belirlenmiş olan sınır değerlerinden faydalanmaktadır. Bu makalede, değişik simülasyonlar sonucu elde edilen enerjiyi maksimize ederken, basitleştirilmiş bir dikey eksenli rüzgâr türbini modeli kullanılmıştır

    Input current control of boost converters using current-mode controller integrated with linear quadratic regulator

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    The application of power electronic converter in the renewable energy systems significantly increases their efficiencies by maintaining the operation of these systems at the optimal operating points, therefore, absorbing the maximum available power from the renewable sources all the time. In this paper, the small-signal models of the open-loop, current-mode controlled boost converter are derived. In addition, both the Current Mode Control (CMC) and the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) methods are combined to design a controller that forces the input current of the converter to follow accurately a reference current, which could be generated using maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms. The controller performance is tested under transient conditions and with disturbance signals using MATLAB/Simulink simulation package. The simulation results indicate that both a good response and disturbance rejection are achieved in tested conditions

    MPPT control design for variable speed wind turbine

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    Variable speed wind turbine systems (VSWT’s) have been in receipt of extensive attention among the various renewable energy systems. The present paper focuses on fuzzy fractional order proportional-integral (FFOPI) control segment for variable speed wind turbine (VSWT) directly driving permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The main objective of this study is to reach maximum power point tracking (MPPT) through combination of advanced control based on FFOPI control applied to generator side converter (turbine and PMSG). The basic idea of the FFOPI controller is to implement a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) in cascade with Fractional Order Proportional Integral controller (FOPI). A comparative study with FOPI and classical PI control schemes is made. The traditional PI controller cannot deliver a sufficiently great performance for the VSWT. However, the results found that the proposed approach (FFOPI) is more effective and feasible for controlling the permanent magnet synchronous generator to mantain maximum power extraction. The validation of results has been performed through simulation using Matlab/Simulink®

    A low-cost non-mechanical maximum power point tracking scheme for grid-tied single-phase induction generators

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    Journal ArticleA new configuration of a single-phase induction generator based power generation system with maximum power point tracking capability is proposed in this paper, and this configuration is suitable for small-scale variable speed wind energy conversion system. Using this technique, the synchronous speed of the single-phase machine can be adjusted by regulating the frequency of the voltage applied at the auxiliary winding of the motor. Therefore, with variable electrical frequencies the maximum power can be extracted at different wind velocity. The steady-state model as well as the dynamic model of a single-phase induction generator is presented in order to analyze the system characteristics. In addition, a prototype of the system is implemented and tested. The experimental results have been presented and compared with simulation results to validate the peak power extracting capability. Using the proposed configuration, the generated power from the induction generator seems to be consistent with the available wind power