7,802 research outputs found

    Pressure-based Impedance Control of A Pneumatic Actuator

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    In this thesis, three control methods are developed for the impedance control of a linear pneumatic actuator for contact tasks using discrete valves. Linear pneumatic actuators, particularly with discrete valves, utilize compressed air to produce linear motion. It is a low cost and clean system with straightforward implementation compared to other actuators. Impedance control is applied to the pneumatic actuator to regulate not only force and position, but also the relationship between them. Specifically, the impedance control yields a desired air pressure based on the actual and desired positions, velocity, and force of a pneumatic cylinder to drive the dynamics of the actuator system. Three controllers including Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC), Sliding Mode Control (SMC), and Extended State Observer (ESO) based SMC are implemented to control the pressure output of the actuator system. The control goal is to drive the actual pressure output to the desired pressure from the impedance control module despite the presence of parameter variations and external disturbances. The performances of these controllers are compared based on their abilities of regulating position, force, and pressure in contact and non-contact situations, as well as the amount of control efforts that excite the valve to achieve these goals. Simulation results demonstrate that ADRC provides the best solution to accomplish the control goals in terms of accurate tracking of position, effectively regulating impedance in the presence of an object, and requiring the least amount of control effort necessary to excite valves

    End to End Satellite Servicing and Space Debris Management

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    There is growing demand for satellite swarms and constellations for global positioning, remote sensing and relay communication in higher LEO orbits. This will result in many obsolete, damaged and abandoned satellites that will remain on-orbit beyond 25 years. These abandoned satellites and space debris maybe economically valuable orbital real-estate and resources that can be reused, repaired or upgraded for future use. Space traffic management is critical to repair damaged satellites, divert satellites into warehouse orbits and effectively de-orbit satellites and space debris that are beyond repair and salvage. Current methods for on-orbit capture, servicing and repair require a large service satellite. However, by accessing abandoned satellites and space debris, there is an inherent heightened risk of damage to a servicing spacecraft. Sending multiple small-robots with each robot specialized in a specific task is a credible alternative, as the system is simple and cost-effective and where loss of one or more robots does not end the mission. In this work, we outline an end to end multirobot system to capture damaged and abandoned spacecraft for salvaging, repair and for de-orbiting. We analyze the feasibility of sending multiple, decentralized robots that can work cooperatively to perform capture of the target satellite as a first step, followed by crawling onto damage satellites to perform detailed mapping. After obtaining a detailed map of the satellite, the robots will proceed to either repair and replace or dismantle components for salvage operations. Finally, the remaining components will be packaged with a de-orbit device for accelerated de-orbit.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, Space Traffic Management Conference. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1809.02028, arXiv:1809.04459, arXiv:1901.0971

    Hybrid Motor System for High Precision Position Control of a Heavy Load Plant

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    The lift up or press process with high precision position control is an important application in industries. An example of the process lift up and press is the process of a machine tool for drilling, milling, or injection. It is difficult to design the mechanism and controller to control the position of the base table accuracy because it needs to control the base position of the system with the weight varying in a large range. Also, the friction in the system would vary in a large range. This lead to low performance of the system in some range of load. Therefore, the new design system utilizes a DC motor and ball screw and pneumatic actuator to create the hybrid motor system for applying to the lift up and press system. The pneumatic actuator is designed to support the heavy load and the DC motor and ball screw is designed to control the position. Then, the developed hybrid motor can be used to improve the performance of the system. The simulation and experiment results show that the developed system can improve the rise time, setting time, and steady state error. Then, the time response of the system with heavy load look similar to the time response of the system with light load. Moreover, the developed hybrid motor technique can apply to the applications such as to control the 3D powder painter tank base position, and the silicon injection system, the 3D print head, which is a challenge system due to the high friction in tube

    Diseño de un controlador de seguimiento para un sistema SISO de servoposicionamiento neumático

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    Pneumatic systems have many advantages, such as simplicity, reliability, low-cost, long life, etc. making them attractive for rapid development and widespread application, but the complexity of the airflow through the valve port and the friction between the cylinder and piston make it difficult to establish an exact mathematical model and control the pneumatic system with high precision. Experiments were conducted with a 25 mm bore rod-less pneumatic cylinder and a 5/3 way proportional control valve. In this contribution, I propose a nonlinear robust tracking control strategy to solve the tracking problem of the servo pneumatic positioning system. The approach is novel in the sense that it takes into account the nonlinearities inherent to pneumatic servo positioning systems and considers position, velocity and pressure difference in the chambers of the pneumatic cylinder as feedback states. The suggested control strategy is implemented in simulation and on the real system. Experimental results from an implementation on a test ring show a high position tracking control performance.Los sistemas neumáticos tienen varias ventajas que permitieron su rápido desarrollo y uso generalizado, tales como: simplicidad, confiabilidad, bajo costo, larga vida etc. Sin embargo, la complejidad del flujo de aire a través de los orificios de la válvula y la naturaleza de la fuerza de fricción entre las paredes del cilindro y el pistón, dificultan la obtención de modelos matemáticos exactos y el control de los sistemas neumáticos con alta precisión. Experimentos fueron llevados a cabo con un cilindro sin vástago de 25 mm de diámetro y una válvula de control proporcional de 5 puertos -3 vías. En este artículo, proponemos una estrategia de control de posicionamiento robusta para solucionar el problema de un sistema de servo posicionamiento neumático. El enfoque es novedoso en el sentido de que tiene en cuenta las no linealidades inherentes a los sistemas de servo posicionamiento neumático y considera posición, velocidad y diferencia de presiones en las cámaras del cilindro neumático como estados de retroalimentación.  La estrategia de control propuesta es implementada en simulación y sobre el sistema real. Los resultados experimentales de la implementación de la estrategia en el sistema de servo-posicionamiento  neumático muestran un alto desempeño en el control de seguimiento de posición

    Control of an over-actuated nanopositioning system by means of control allocation

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    This Master’s Thesis is devoted to the analysis and design of a control structure for the nanopositioning system LAU based on the dynamic control allocation technique. The objective is to control the vertical displacement with nanometer precision under a control effort distribution criterion among the actuator set. In this case, the pneumatic actuator is used as a passive gravity compensator while the voice coil motor generates the transient forces. The analysis of the system characteristics allows defining the design criterion for the control allocation. In this direction, the proposed dynamic control allocation stage considers a frequency distribution of the control effort. The lower frequency components are assigned to the pneumatic actuator while the higher frequencies are handled by the voice coil drive. The significant actuator dynamics are compensated through a Kalman filter approach. The position controller is based on a feedback linearization framework with a disturbance observer for enhanced robustness. The experimental validation demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed technique.Diese Masterarbeit widmet sich der Analyse und dem Entwurf einer Regelungsstruktur für das Nanopositioniersystem LAU. Dabei werden Methoden untersucht, welche das notwendige Stellsignal auf zwei Aktoren aufteilen. Ziel ist es, die vertikale Verschiebung des LAU mit Nanometerpräzision zu regeln. In diesem Fall wird der pneumatische Aktor als passiver Schwerkraftkompensator verwendet, während die elktromagnetische Tauchspule die transienten Kräfte erzeugt. Die Analyse der Eigenschaften des LAUSystems ermöglicht die Definition der Entwurfskriterien zur Aufteilung der Stellgröße. In dieser Richtung berücksichtigt die vorgeschlagene dynamische Methode eine Aufteilung der Stellgröße bezüglich der Frequenzanteile. Die niederfrequenten Komponenten werden dem pneumatischen Aktor zugeordnet. Dem elektromagnetische Aktor werden die verbliebenen hochfrequenten Anteile zugeordnet. Die signifikanten Effekte der Aktordynamik in Bezug auf die Bewegungsdynamik werden durch einen Kalman- Filteransatz kompensiert. Nichtlineare Streckenanteile werden basierend auf dem Modell und einem Störbeobachter kompensiert, sodass der verbleibende Anteil des Positionsreglers mit linearen Methoden entworfen werden kann. Die experimentelle Validierung zeigt die Effektivität des untersuchten Konzeptes.Tesi


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    A new approach to reducing low frequency, in-plane harmonic noise of helicopter rotors is explored theoretically and experimentally in this dissertation. The active jet acoustic control methodology employs on-blade, tip located unsteady air blowing to produce an acoustic anti-noise waveform that reduces or cancels the observed noise at targeted positions in the acoustic far-field of the rotor system. This effectively reduces the distance at which the helicopter rotor can be aurally detected. An extended theoretical model of the subsonic air jet, which is modeled as both a source of mass and momentum, is presented. The model is applied to a baseline, full-scale, medium weight helicopter rotor for both steady and unsteady blowing. Significant reductions in low frequency, in-plane harmonic noise are shown to be possible for the theoretical rotor system by using physically reasonable unsteady jet velocities. A new model-scale active jet acoustic control experimental test rotor system is described in detail. Experimental measurements conducted in the University of Maryland Acoustic Chamber for the ~1/7th rotor, operated at a full-scale hover tip Mach number of 0.661, indicate that active jet acoustic control is a viable option for reducing low frequency, in-plane harmonic noise. Good correlation between theoretical predictions and measured data for four valve control cases are observed in both the time and frequency domains. Model-scale limitations of the tip-jet blowing experiment limited the peak noise level reductions to 30%. However, theory suggests that if the limitations of the model-scale controller are mitigated, much larger noise reductions are possible

    Experimental Evaluation of A Cylinder Actuator Control Using McKibben Muscle

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    There has been an increased interest in applying pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA) in robotic systems because of its low weight and high compliant characteristics. On the other hand, pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA) is gaining attention in robotic applications because of its low weight and high compliant characteristics. It is known that the McKibben muscle is different from the fluidic cylinder actuator in that the cylinder was unstable in its position and in its velocity in an open-loop system unlike the McKibben that is stable in its position. The modeling and control of McKibben muscle as the actuator for the cylinder are crucial because it is known to have non-linear response, hysteresis and small stroke. In this project, a single acting cylinder model which would have uncontrolled extension to push direction by compressed air, is actuated and controlled using a PMA. The system is designed with two 1.3mm-diameter McKibben muscles attached to the cylinder. Open loop control was used and the result shows that the PMA is able to control the cylinder with good performance