145,609 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Based Design Methodology for Electric Machines

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    Replacing a portion of high-energy Permanent Magnets (PMs) with low-energy PMs, generally known as hybrid PM machines, is an effective solution to lower the manufacturing cost in PM machines. However, partial removal of high-energy PMs without proper design adjustments could lower the overall torque capacity and introduces operational expenses. In addition, the hybrid structure requires a coordinated distribution between the two types of PMs to ensure a smooth operation. Such sophisticated design considerations could impose a high computational burden and may not be easily achievable with classical design methods. This dissertation presents a semi-analytical and deep-learning-based design methodology to facilitate design, development and optimization of PM machines. The ultimate goal is to lower the manufacturing cost of PM based electric machine systems, while keeping the operational quality intact. This includes basic performance measures of the machine such as Back electromagnetic force (EMF), power factor, cogging torque and electromagnetic torque. Cogging torque causes major operational setbacks for PM machine operation, particularly in applications where a quiet performance is desired. For this reason, this dissertation presents a heuristic optimization framework to optimize the cogging torque in Surface-mounted PM (SPM) machines consisting of a hybrid magnetic structure (i.e., rare-earth and ferrite magnets). To avoid excessive computational time and volume associated with Finite Element (FE)-based optimization solutions, the analytical approach is paired up with the optimization algorithm to determine the optimal design while FE is utilized for verification and validation purposes. Next, a novel topology of a hybrid PM machine is designed and proposed by coupling FE with deep neural network (DNN) algorithm. Finally, the DNN (prediction model) successfully predicts the machine\u27s performance for any random set of parameters, as confirmed via FE. Then the prediction model is used to optimize the machine performance using a heuristic optimization algorithm

    Engine Data Classification with Simultaneous Recurrent Network using a Hybrid PSO-EA Algorithm

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    We applied an architecture which automates the design of simultaneous recurrent network (SRN) using a new evolutionary learning algorithm. This new evolutionary learning algorithm is based on a hybrid of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and evolutionary algorithm (EA). By combining the searching abilities of these two global optimization methods, the evolution of individuals is no longer restricted to be in the same generation, and better performed individuals may produce offspring to replace those with poor performance. The novel algorithm is then applied to the simultaneous recurrent network for the engine data classification. The experimental results show that our approach gives solid performance in categorizing the nonlinear car engine data

    Hybrid Precoder and Combiner Design with Low Resolution Phase Shifters in mmWave MIMO Systems

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) communications have been considered as a key technology for next generation cellular systems and Wi-Fi networks because of its advances in providing orders-of-magnitude wider bandwidth than current wireless networks. Economical and energy efficient analog/digial hybrid precoding and combining transceivers have been often proposed for mmWave massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems to overcome the severe propagation loss of mmWave channels. One major shortcoming of existing solutions lies in the assumption of infinite or high-resolution phase shifters (PSs) to realize the analog beamformers. However, low-resolution PSs are typically adopted in practice to reduce the hardware cost and power consumption. Motivated by this fact, in this paper, we investigate the practical design of hybrid precoders and combiners with low-resolution PSs in mmWave MIMO systems. In particular, we propose an iterative algorithm which successively designs the low-resolution analog precoder and combiner pair for each data stream, aiming at conditionally maximizing the spectral efficiency. Then, the digital precoder and combiner are computed based on the obtained effective baseband channel to further enhance the spectral efficiency. In an effort to achieve an even more hardware-efficient large antenna array, we also investigate the design of hybrid beamformers with one-bit resolution (binary) PSs, and present a novel binary analog precoder and combiner optimization algorithm with quadratic complexity in the number of antennas. The proposed low-resolution hybrid beamforming design is further extended to multiuser MIMO communication systems. Simulation results demonstrate the performance advantages of the proposed algorithms compared to existing low-resolution hybrid beamforming designs, particularly for the one-bit resolution PS scenario

    Hybrids of Uniform Test and Sequential Uniform Designs with "Intersection" Method for Multi- objective Optimization

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    For multi-objective optimization under condition of complicated objective function, the data processing in the evaluation is sometime tediously long, special algorithm is needed to be adopted. Since the remarkable features of uniform distribution of test points within the test domain and the small number of tests, fully representative of each point, and easy to perform regression analysis, the uniform test design method is hybrid with the “intersection” method for multi-objective optimization to simplify the complicated data process in evaluation first. Furthermore, the "intersection" multi-objective optimization methodology is combined with sequential uniform design so as to get a more precise approximation for solving multi-objective optimization problem, the procedure for searching optimum of the “intersection“ multi-objective optimization methodology with sequential uniform design algorithm is put forward. A multi-objective optimization of linear programming problem with three variables is taken as our example, which involves a maximum for one objective and a minimum for another objective. The result for applying the novel approach to the example indicates the effectiveness of current hybrids

    DeepAdjoint: An All-in-One Photonic Inverse Design Framework Integrating Data-Driven Machine Learning with Optimization Algorithms

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    In recent years, hybrid design strategies combining machine learning (ML) with electromagnetic optimization algorithms have emerged as a new paradigm for the inverse design of photonic structures and devices. While a trained, data-driven neural network can rapidly identify solutions near the global optimum with a given dataset's design space, an iterative optimization algorithm can further refine the solution and overcome dataset limitations. Furthermore, such hybrid ML-optimization methodologies can reduce computational costs and expedite the discovery of novel electromagnetic components. However, existing hybrid ML-optimization methods have yet to optimize across both materials and geometries in a single integrated and user-friendly environment. In addition, due to the challenge of acquiring large datasets for ML, as well as the exponential growth of isolated models being trained for photonics design, there is a need to standardize the ML-optimization workflow while making the pre-trained models easily accessible. Motivated by these challenges, here we introduce DeepAdjoint, a general-purpose, open-source, and multi-objective "all-in-one" global photonics inverse design application framework which integrates pre-trained deep generative networks with state-of-the-art electromagnetic optimization algorithms such as the adjoint variables method. DeepAdjoint allows a designer to specify an arbitrary optical design target, then obtain a photonic structure that is robust to fabrication tolerances and possesses the desired optical properties - all within a single user-guided application interface. Our framework thus paves a path towards the systematic unification of ML and optimization algorithms for photonic inverse design

    Hybrid Sine Cosine Algorithm for Solving Engineering Optimization Problems

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    Engineering design optimization problems are difficult to solve because the objective function is often complex, with a mix of continuous and discrete design variables and various design constraints. Our research presents a novel hybrid algorithm that integrates the benefits of the sine cosine algorithm (SCA) and artificial bee colony (ABC) to address engineering design optimization problems. The SCA is a recently developed metaheuristic algorithm with many advantages, such as good search ability and reasonable execution time, but it may suffer from premature convergence. The enhanced SCA search equation is proposed to avoid this drawback and reach a preferable balance between exploitation and exploration abilities. In the proposed hybrid method, named HSCA, the SCA with improved search strategy and the ABC algorithm with two distinct search equations are run alternately during working on the same population. The ABC with multiple search equations can provide proper diversity in the population so that both algorithms complement each other to create beneficial cooperation from their merger. Certain feasibility rules are incorporated in the HSCA to steer the search towards feasible areas of the search space. The HSCA is applied to fifteen demanding engineering design problems to investigate its performance. The presented experimental results indicate that the developed method performs better than the basic SCA and ABC. The HSCA accomplishes pretty competitive results compared to other recent state-of-the-art methods
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