DeepAdjoint: An All-in-One Photonic Inverse Design Framework Integrating Data-Driven Machine Learning with Optimization Algorithms


In recent years, hybrid design strategies combining machine learning (ML) with electromagnetic optimization algorithms have emerged as a new paradigm for the inverse design of photonic structures and devices. While a trained, data-driven neural network can rapidly identify solutions near the global optimum with a given dataset's design space, an iterative optimization algorithm can further refine the solution and overcome dataset limitations. Furthermore, such hybrid ML-optimization methodologies can reduce computational costs and expedite the discovery of novel electromagnetic components. However, existing hybrid ML-optimization methods have yet to optimize across both materials and geometries in a single integrated and user-friendly environment. In addition, due to the challenge of acquiring large datasets for ML, as well as the exponential growth of isolated models being trained for photonics design, there is a need to standardize the ML-optimization workflow while making the pre-trained models easily accessible. Motivated by these challenges, here we introduce DeepAdjoint, a general-purpose, open-source, and multi-objective "all-in-one" global photonics inverse design application framework which integrates pre-trained deep generative networks with state-of-the-art electromagnetic optimization algorithms such as the adjoint variables method. DeepAdjoint allows a designer to specify an arbitrary optical design target, then obtain a photonic structure that is robust to fabrication tolerances and possesses the desired optical properties - all within a single user-guided application interface. Our framework thus paves a path towards the systematic unification of ML and optimization algorithms for photonic inverse design

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