1,332 research outputs found

    Development of a Sensor Readout Integrated Circuit Towards a Contact Lens for Wireless Intraocular Pressure Monitoring

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    This design covers the design of an integrated circuit (IC) in support of the active contact lens project at Cal Poly. The project aims to monitor intraocular eye pressure (IOP) to help diagnose and treat glaucoma, which is expected affect 6.3 million Americans by 2050. The IC is designed using IBM’s 130 nm 8RF process, is powered by an on-lens thin film 3.8 V rechargeable battery, and will be fabricated at no cost through MOSIS. The IC features a low-power linear regulator that powers a current-starved voltage-controlled oscillator (CSVCO) used for establishing a backscatter communication link. Additional circuitry is included to regulate power to and from the battery. An undervoltage lockout circuit protects the battery from deep discharge damage. When recharging, a rectifier and a voltage regulator provides overvoltage protection. These circuit blocks are biased primarily using a 696 mV subthreshold voltage reference that consumes 110.5 nA

    New Contact Sensorization Smart System for IoT e-Health Applications Based on IBC IEEE 802.15.6 Communications

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    [EN] This paper proposes and demonstrates the capabilities of a new sensorization system that monitors skin contact between two persons. Based on the intrabody communication standard (802.15.6), the new system allows for interbody communication, through the transmission of messages between di erent persons through the skin when they are touching. The system not only detects if there has been contact between two persons but, as a novelty, is also able to identify the elements that have been in contact. This sensor will be applied to analyze and monitor good follow-up of hand hygiene practice in health care, following the ÂżWorld Health Organization Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health CareÂż. This guide proposes specific recommendations to improve hygiene practices and reduce the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms between patients and health-care workers (HCW). The transmission of nosocomial infections due to improper hand hygiene could be reduced with the aid of a monitoring system that would prevent HCWs from violating the protocol. The cutting-edge sensor proposed in this paper is a crucial innovation for the development of this automated hand hygiene monitoring system (AHHMS).This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, grant number DPI2016-80303-C2-1-P.HernĂĄndez, D.; Ors Carot, R.; Capella HernĂĄndez, JV.; Bonastre Pina, AM.; Campelo Rivadulla, JC. (2020). New Contact Sensorization Smart System for IoT e-Health Applications Based on IBC IEEE 802.15.6 Communications. Sensors. 20(24):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20247097S117202

    Development of an acoustic measurement system of the Modulus of Elasticity in trees, logs and boards

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    The objective of this Bachelor’s Thesis is to develop a portable electronic device capable of quantifying the stiffness of the wood of standing trees, logs and boards using non-destructive testing (NDT) by means of acoustic wave analysis. As an indicator of stiffness, the Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) is used, a standard figure in the industry. This way, wood from forestry can be characterized and classified for different purposes. This Thesis is part of LIFE Wood For Future, a project of the University of Granada (UGR) financed by the European Union’s LIFE programme. LIFE Wood For Future aims to recover the cultivation of poplar (populus sp.) in the Vega de Granada, by proving the quality of its wood through innovative structural bioproducts. Recovering the poplar groves of Granada would have great benefits for the Metropolitan Area: creation of local and sustainable jobs, improvement of biodiversity, and increase in the absorption of carbon dioxide in the long term, helping to reduce the endemic air pollution of Granada. This Final Degree Project has been developed in collaboration with the ADIME research group of the Higher Technical School of Building Engineering (ETSIE) and the aerospace electronics group GranaSat of the UGR. The goal of the developed device, named Tree Inspection Kit (or TIK), is to be an innovative, portable and easy-to-use tool for non-destructive diagnosis and classification of wood by measuring its MOE. TIK is equipped with the necessary electronics to quantify the Time of Flight (ToF) of an acoustic wave that propagates inside a piece of wood. In order to do this, two piezoelectric probes are used, nailed in the wood and separated a given distance longitudinally. The MOE can be derived from the propagation speed of the longitudinal acoustic wave if the density of the is known. For this reason, this device has the possibility of connecting a load cell for weighing logs or boards to estimate their density. It also has an expansion port reserved for future functionality. A methodology based on the Engineering Design Process (EDP) has been followed. The scope of this project embraces all aspects of the development of an electronic product from start to finish: conceptualization, specification of requirements, design, manufacture and verification. A project of this reach requires planning, advanced knowledge of signal analysis, electronics, design and manufacture of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and product design, as well as the development of a firmware for the embedded system, based on a RTOS. Prior to the design of the electronics, a Reverse Engineering process of some similar products of the competition is performed; as well as an exhaustive analysis of the signals coming from the piezoelectric sensors that are going to be used, and the frequency response characterization of the piezoelectric probes themselves. This project has as its ultimate goal the demonstration of the multidisciplinary knowledge of engineering, and the capacity of analysis, design and manufacturing by the author; his skill and professionalism in CAD and EDA software required for these tasks, as well as in the documentation of the entire process.El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un dispositivo electrĂłnico portĂĄtil capaz de cuantificar la rigidez de la madera de ĂĄrboles en pie, trozas y tablas usando ensayos no destructivos (Non-Destructive Testing, NDT) por medio del anĂĄlisis de ondas acĂșsticas. Como indicador de la rigidez se usa el MĂłdulo de Elasticidad (MOE), una figura estĂĄndar en la industria. Este TFG forma parte de LIFE Wood For Future, un proyecto de la Universidad de Granada (UGR) financiado por el programa LIFE de la UniĂłn Europea. LIFEWood For Future tiene como objetivo recuperar el cultivo del chopo (populus sp.) en la Vega de Granada demostrando la viabilidad de su madera a travĂ©s de bioproductos estructurales innovadores. Recuperar las choperas de Granada tendrĂ­a grandes beneficios para la zona del Área Metropolitana: creaciĂłn de puestos de trabajo locales y sostenibles, mejora de la biodiversidad, e incremento de la tasa de absorciĂłn de diĂłxido de carbono a largo plazo, contribuyendo a reducir la contaminaciĂłn endĂ©mica del aire en Granada. Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha desarrollado con la colaboraciĂłn del grupo de investigaciĂłn ADIME de la Escuela TĂ©cnica Superior de IngenierĂ­a de EdificaciĂłn (ETSIE) y el grupo de electrĂłnica aeroespacial GranaSat de la UGR. El objetivo del dispositivo, denominado Tree Inspection Kit (TIK), es ser una herramienta innovadora, portĂĄtil y fĂĄcil de usar para el diagnĂłstico y clasificaciĂłn no destructiva de la madera por medio de su MOE. TIK estĂĄ dotado de la electrĂłnica necesaria para medir el tiempo de trĂĄnsito (ToF) de una onda acĂșstica que se propaga en el interior de una pieza de madera. Para ello, se utilizan dos sondas piezoelĂ©ctricas clavadas en la madera y separadas longitudinalmente una distancia conocida. De la velocidad de propagaciĂłn de la onda longitudinal se puede derivar el MOE, previo conocimiento de la densidad del material. Por ello, este dispositivo cuenta con la posibilidad de conectarle una cĂ©lula de carga y pesar trozas o tablas para estimar su densidad. TambiĂ©n tiene un puerto de expansiĂłn reservado para funcionalidad futura. Se ha seguido una metodologĂ­a basada en el Proceso de Diseño de IngenierĂ­a (Engineering Design Process, EDP), abarcando todos los aspectos del desarrollo de un producto electrĂłnico de principio a fin: conceptualizaciĂłn, especificaciĂłn de requisitos, diseño, fabricaciĂłn y verificaciĂłn. Un proyecto de este alcance requiere de planificaciĂłn, conocimientos avanzados de anĂĄlisis de señales, de electrĂłnica, de diseño y fabricaciĂłn de Placas de Circuito Impreso (PCB) y de diseño de producto, asĂ­ como el desarrollo de un firmware para el sistema empotrado, basado en un RTOS. Previo al diseño de la electrĂłnica, se realiza un proceso de IngenierĂ­a Inversa (Reverse Engineering) de algunos productos similares de la competencia; al igual que un exhaustivo anĂĄlisis de las señales provenientes de los sensores piezoelĂ©ctricos que van a utilizarse y la caracterizaciĂłn en frecuencia de las propias sondas piezoelĂ©ctricas. Este proyecto tiene como fin Ășltimo la demostraciĂłn de los conocimientos multidisciplinares propios de la ingenierĂ­a y la capacidad de anĂĄlisis, diseño y fabricaciĂłn por parte del autor; su habilidad y profesionalidad en el software CAD y EDA requerido para estas tareas, asĂ­ como en la documentaciĂłn de todo el proceso.UniĂłn Europe

    Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting for Millimeter-Scale Systems

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) based on mm-scale sensors is a transformational technology that opens up new capabilities for biomedical devices, surveillance, micro-robots and industrial monitoring. Energy harvesting approaches to power IoT have traditionally included thermal, vibration and radio frequency. However, the achievement of efficient energy scavenging for IoT at the mm-scale or sub mm-scale has been elusive. In this work, I show that photovoltaic (PV) cells at the mm-scale can be an alternative means of wireless power transfer to mm-scale sensors for IoT, utilizing ambient indoor lighting or intentional irradiation of near-infrared (NIR) LED sources through biological tissue. Single silicon and GaAs photovoltaic cells at the mm-scale can achieve a power conversion efficiency of more than 17 % for silicon and 30 % for GaAs under low-flux NIR irradiation at 850 nm through the optimized device structure and sidewall/surface passivation studies, which guarantees perpetual operation of mm-scale sensors. Furthermore, monolithic single-junction GaAs photovoltaic modules offer a means for series-interconnected cells to provide sufficient voltage (> 5 V) for direct battery charging, and bypassing needs for voltage up-conversion circuitry. However, there is a continuing challenge to miniaturize such PV systems down to the sub mm-scale with minimal optical losses from device isolation and metal interconnects and efficient voltage up-conversion. Vertically stacked dual-junction PV cells and modules are demonstrated to increase the output voltage per cell and minimize area losses for direct powering of miniature devices for IoT and bio-implantable applications with low-irradiance narrowband spectral illumination. Dual-junction PV cells at small dimensions (150 ”m x 150 ”m) demonstrate power conversion efficiency greater than 22 % with more than 1.2 V output voltage under low-flux 850 nm NIR LED illumination, which is sufficient for batteryless operation of miniaturized CMOS IC chips. The output voltage of dual-junction PV modules with eight series-connected single cells is greater than 10 V while maintaining an efficiency of more than 18 %. Finally, I demonstrate monolithic PV/LED modules at the ”m-scale for brain-machine interfaces, enabling two-way optical power and data transfer in a through-tissue configuration. The wafer-level assembly plan for the 3D vertical integration of three different systems including GaAs LED/PV modules, CMOS silicon chips, and neural probes is proposed.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163261/1/esmoon_1.pd

    Contributions to the design of energy harvesting systems for autonomous sensors in low power marine applications

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsOceanographic sensor platforms provide biological and meteorological data to help understand changes in marine environment and help to preserve it. Lagrangian drifters are autonomous passive floating platforms used in climate research to obtain surface marine data. They are low-cost, versatile, easy-to-deploy and can cover large extensions of the ocean when deployed in group. These deployments can last for years, so one of the main design challenges is the autonomy of the drifter. Several energy harvesting (EH) sources are being explored to reduce costs in battery replacement maintenance efforts such as solar panels. Drifters must avoid the impact of the wind because this may compromise proper surface current tracking and therefore, should ideally be mostly submerged. This interferes with the feasibility of solar harvesting, so other EH sources are being explored such as the oscillatory movement of the drifter caused by ocean waves. Wave energy converters (WEC) are the devices that turn this movement into energy. The motion of the drifter can principally be described by 3 oscillatory degrees of freedom (DoF); surge, heave and pitch. The heave motion includes the buoyancy’s response of the drifter, which can be explained by a mass-spring-damping model. By including the wave’s hydrodynamic load in this model, it is converted into a nonlinear system whose frequency response includes the wave’s frequency and the natural frequencies from the linear system. A smart option to maximize the captured energy is to design the inner WEC with a natural frequency similar to that of the drifter's movement. In this thesis, a 4 DoF model is obtained. This model includes the heave, the surge and the pitch motion of the drifter in addition to the inner pendulum motion relative to the buoy. Simultaneously, different pendulum-type WECs for small-size oceanic drifters are proposed. One of these converters consists of an articulated double-pendulum arm with a proof mass that generates energy through its relative motion with the buoy. Different experimental tests are carried out, with a prototype below 10 cm in diameter and 300 g of total mass, proving the capability of harvesting hundreds of microwatts in standard sea conditions EH sources require an additional power management unit (PMU) to convert their variable output into a constant and clean source to be able to feed the sensor electronics. PMUs should also ensure that the maximum available energy is harvested with a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm. Some sources, such as WECs, require fast MPPT as its output can show relatively rapid variations. However, increasing the sampling rate may reduce the harvested energy. In this thesis, this trade-off is analyzed using the resistor-based fractional open circuit voltage-MPPT technique, which is appropriate for low-power EH sources. Several experiments carried out in marine environments demonstrate the need for increasing the sampling rate. For this purpose, the use of a commercial PMU IC with additional low-power circuitry is proposed. Three novel circuits with a sampling period of 60 ms are manufactured and experimentally evaluated with a small-scale and low-power WEC. Results show that these configurations improve the harvested energy by 26% in comparison to slow sampling rate configurations. Finally, an EH-powered oceanographic monitoring system with a custom wave measuring algorithm is designed. By using the energy collected by a small-size WEC, this system is capable of transmitting up to 22 messages per day containing data on its location and measured wave parameters.Les plataformes d’observaciĂł oceanogrĂ fiques integren sensors que proporcionen dades fĂ­siques i biogeoquĂ­miques de l’oceĂ  que ajuden a entendre canvis en l’entorn marĂ­. Un exemple d’aquestes plataformes sĂłn les boies de deriva (drifters), que sĂłn dispositius autĂČnoms i passius utilitzats en l’àmbit de la recerca climĂ tica per obtenir dades in-situ de la superfĂ­cie marina. Aquests instruments sĂłn de baix cost, versĂ tils, fĂ cils de desplegar i poden cobrir grans superfĂ­cies quan s’utilitzen en grup. L’autonomia Ă©s un dels principals desafiaments en el disseny de drifters. Per tal d’evitar els costos en la substituciĂł de bateries, s’estudien diferents fonts de captaciĂł d’energia com per exemple la solar. Els drifters utilitzats per l’estudi dels corrents marins superficials han d’evitar l’impacte directe del vent ja que afecta al correcte seguiment de les corrents i, per tant, cal que estiguin majoritĂ riament submergides. AixĂČ compromet la viabilitat de l’energia solar, fet que requereix l’estudi d’altres fonts de captaciĂł com el propi moviment de la boia causat per les onades. Els convertidors d’energia de les onades (WEC, wave energy converters) compleixen aquesta funciĂł. El moviment dels drifters pot explicar-se bĂ sicament a travĂ©s de 3 graus de llibertat oscil·latoris: la translaciĂł vertical i la horitzontal i el balanceig. La translaciĂł vertical inclou la flotabilitat del dispositiu, que es pot descriure mitjançant el model massamolla- amortidor. Incloure la cĂ rrega hidrodinĂ mica de l’onada en aquest model el converteix en un sistema no lineal amb una resposta freqĂŒencial que inclou la de l’onada i les naturals del sistema lineal. Una opciĂł per maximitzar l’energia captada Ă©s dissenyar el WEC amb una freqĂŒĂšncia natural similar a la del moviment de la boia. En aquesta tesis es proposa un model de 4 graus de llibertat per a l’estudi del moviment del drifter. Aquest inclou els 3 graus de llibertat de la boia i el moviment del pĂšndul relatiu a ella. En paral·lel, es proposen diferents WEC del tipus pendular per drifters de reduĂŻdes dimensions. Un d’aquests WEC consisteix en un doble braç articulat amb massa flotant que genera energia a travĂ©s del seu moviment relatiu al drifter. S’han dut a terme diferents proves experimentals amb un prototip inferior a 10 cm de diĂ metre i 300 g de massa, les quals demostren la seva capacitat de captar centenars de microwatts en condicions marines estĂ ndard. Utilitzar fonts de captaciĂł d’energia requereix incloure una unitat gestora de potĂšncia (PMU, power management unit) per tal de convertir la seva sortida variable en una font constant i neta que alimenti l’electrĂČnica dels sensors. Les PMU tambĂ© tenen la funciĂł d’assegurar que es recull la mĂ xima energia mitjançant un algoritme de seguiment del punt de mĂ xima potĂšncia. Els WEC requereixen un seguiment d’aquest punt rĂ pid perquĂš la seva sortida consta de variacions relativament rĂ pides. Tanmateix, augmentar la freqĂŒĂšncia de mostreig pot reduir l’energia captada. En aquesta tesi, s'analitza a fons aquesta relaciĂł utilitzant la tĂšcnica de seguiment de la tensiĂł en circuit obert fraccionada basada en resistĂšncies, que Ă©s molt adequada per a fonts de baixa potĂšncia. Diversos experiments realitzats en el medi marĂ­ mostren la necessitat d'augmentar la freqĂŒĂšncia de mostreig, aixĂ­ que es proposa l'Ășs de PMU comercials amb una electrĂČnica addicional de baix consum. S’han fabricat tres circuits diferents amb un perĂ­ode de mostreig de 60 ms i s’han avaluat experimentalment en un WEC de reduĂŻdes dimensions. Els resultats mostren que aquestes configuracions milloren l'energia recollida en un 26% en comparaciĂł a PMU amb mostreig mĂ©s lent. Finalment, s’ha dissenyat un sistema autĂČnom de monitoritzaciĂł marina que inclou un algoritme de mesura d'ones propi. Aquest sistema Ă©s capaç de transmetre fins a 22 missatges al diaPostprint (published version

    Development of a low power reactive wireless chemical sensing network

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    ESTCube-1 nanosatelliidi alams usteemide ja tarkvara disain ja karakteriseerimine

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneElektrilise pĂ€ikesepurje tehnoloogia vĂ”imaldaks kosmosesondidel navigeerida planeetidevahelises ruumis ilma kĂŒtuseta, kasutades vaid pĂ€ikesetuult ja elektrienergiat. KĂŒll aga on tehnoloogiliselt keerukas pĂ€ikesepurje purjetraadi vĂ€ljakerimine, mis eeldab kosmosesondi pöörlemapanekut. 2013. aasta 7. mail maalĂ€hedasele orbiidile lĂ€kitatud tudengisatelliit ESTCube-1 oli esimene satelliit elektrilise pĂ€ikesepurje katsetusmooduliga. Satelliit seati edukalt vajaliku pöörlemiskiirusega pöörlema, kuid purje vĂ€ljakerimine ebaĂ”nnestus mehaanilise tĂ”rke tĂ”ttu katsetusmooduli motoriseeritud purjepoolis. ESTCube-1 pöörlemapanekut ja pĂ€ikesepurje katsetusmooduli juhtimist vĂ”imaldasid satelliidi pardaarvuti ja seda ĂŒmbritsevad liidesed, mille arendamise ja valideerimise tulemustele keskendub antud vĂ€itekiri. Pardaarvuti kogus mÔÔdiseid satelliidi asendi anduritelt, juhtis magnetmĂ€hiseid ning lĂŒlitas missioonilasti purjepooli mootorit, purjepooli kĂ”rgepinge toiteplokki ja elektronkiirgureid. Lisaks vahendas pardaarvuti pilte pardakaamerast ning salvestas mÔÔtmistulemusi satelliidi alamsĂŒsteemidelt et need hiljem maajaamale edastada. Satelliidi kaheaastase eluea jooksul ei tĂ€heldatud missioonikriitilisi tĂ”rkeid pardaarvuti ega selle liideste töös. ESTCube-1 missioon aitas edukalt tĂ”sta elektrilise pĂ€ikesepurje tehnoloogia komponentide valmidusastet tulevasteks missioonideks.Electrical solar wind sail (E-sail) technology would enable propellantless interplanetary navigation of space probes, using just solar wind and electricity. One of the main challenges of the technology is E-sail tether deployment, for which the space probe would be spun to a high angular rate. Launched on May 7th, 2013, the Estonian student satellite ESTCube-1 was the first spacecraft with an E-sail experiment payload. While the satellite was successfully spun to the spin rate necessary for the experiment, the motorised reel technology used on the payload proved immature for tether deployment. ESTCube-1 spin-up and payload control were enabled by the spacecraft on-board computer. This thesis is focused on the results of the development and in-orbit validation of the on-board computer and its interfaces to other related systems on the satellite. The on-board computer collected measurements from spacecraft attitude sensors, controlled its magnetic torquers, mediated camera images and stored telemetry from various subsystems for later transmission. The on-board computer also toggled the tether reel motor, electron emitters and controlled the high voltage supply for the E-sail tether. Throughout the two-year lifetime of the spacecraft, no mission-critical issues were encountered in the operation of the on-board computer or its interfaces. The ESTCube-1 mission successfully improved the technological readiness of E-sail components for future missions.https://www.ester.ee/record=b524281

    Live Wire - A Low-Complexity Body Channel Communication System for Landmark Identification

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    This paper presents a robust simplex Body Channel Communication (BCC) system aimed at providing an interactive infrastructure solution for visually impaired people. Compared to existing BCC solutions, it provides high versatility, weara- bility and installability in an environment in a low complexity hardware-software solution. It operates with a ground referred transmitter (TX) and it is based on an asynchronous thresh- old receiver (RX) architecture. Synchronization, demodulation and packetizing and threshold control are completely software defined and implemented using MicroPython. The RX includes BluetoothÂź (BT) radio connectivity and a cell-phone application provides push text-to-speech notifications to a smartphone. The hardware achieves a Packet Error Rate (PER) of ∌0.1 at 550 kHz pulse center frequency, Synchronized-On Off Keying (S- OOK) modulation and 1 kbps data rate, for an average current consumption of 44mA

    Sensores passivos alimentados por transmissão de energia sem fios para aplicaçÔes de Internet das coisas

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    Nowadays, the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) depend on the battery duration of the sensors and there is a renewed interest in creating a passive sensor network scheme in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) and space oriented WSN systems. The challenges for the future of radio communications have a twofold evolution, one being the low power consumption and, another, the adaptability and intelligent use of the available resources. Specially designed radios should be used to reduce power consumption, and adapt to the environment in a smart and e cient way. This thesis will focus on the development of passive sensors based on low power communication (backscatter) with Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) capabilities used in IoT applications. In that sense, several high order modulations for the communication will be explored and proposed in order to increase the data rate. Moreover, the sensors need to be small and cost e ective in order to be embedded in other technologies or devices. Consequently, the RF front-end of the sensors will be designed and implemented in Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC).Atualmente, as redes de sensores sem fios dependem da duração da bateria e,deste modo, existe um interesse renovado em criar um esquema de rede de sensores passivos na ĂĄrea de internet das coisas e sistemas de redes de sensores sem fios relacionados com o espaço. Os desafios do futuro das comunicaçÔes de rĂĄdio tĂȘm uma dupla evolução, sendo um o baixo consumo de energia e, outro, a adaptação e o uso inteligente dos recursos disponĂ­veis. RĂĄdios diferentes dos convencionais devem ser usados para reduzir o consumo de energia e devem adaptar-se ao ambiente de forma inteligente e eficiente, de modo a que este use a menor quantidade de energia possĂ­vel para estabelecer a comunicação. Esta tese incide sobre o desenvolvimento de sensores passivos baseados em comunicação de baixo consumo energĂ©tico (backscatter) com recurso a transmissĂŁo de energia sem fios de modo a que possam ser usados em diferentes aplicaçÔes inseridas na internet das coisas. Nesse sentido, vĂĄrias modulaçÔes de alta ordem para a comunicação backscatter serĂŁo exploradas e propostas com o objectivo de aumentar a taxa de transmissĂŁo de dados. AlĂ©m disso, os sensores precisam de ser reduzidos em tamanho e econĂłmicos de modo a serem incorporados em outras tecnologias ou dispositivos. Consequentemente, o front-end de rĂĄdio frequĂȘncia dos sensores serĂĄ projetado e implementado em circuito integrado de microondas monolĂ­tico.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia EletrotĂ©cnic
