3,727 research outputs found

    Layout design analysis for the storage area in a distribution center.

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    A main component of a company\u27s supply chain is their distribution center. In a distribution center the product is brought in from the manufacturer and then shipped out either to retail stores or end users. There are five main processes that are present in all distribution centers. They are receiving, putaway, picking, packing and shipping. The picking process is the most time consuming. This is due to the amount of time it takes to travel through the storage area. Historically, the main objective when designing the storage area is to reduce the amount of distribution center space it consumes. Recently, a new idea for a layout design using a Fishbone was proposed in the literature to reduce the amount of travel time for an employee. This fishbone design was reported to reduce the amount of travel time for an employee by 23.5% when compare to the traditional grid layout design. This thesis will evaluate the fishbone layout for two different order fulfillment processes; unit-load and order picking. The performance of the fishbone layout in terms of travel distance and space utilization will be compared to that of a traditional grid layout. The results for the fishbone layout storage corroborated the results presented by Meller and Gue (2006). There was a reduction in the process travel time for the unit-load and the order picking process for the new fishbone layout compared to the traditional layout. While these results indicate the fishbone layout reduces travel time, the traditional layout design still offers higher storage density advantages

    Development of an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) based Smart Robotic Warehouse Management System

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    According to data of Census and Statistics Department, freight transport and storage services contributed to 90% of the employment of logistics sector in the period from 2010 to 2014. Traditional warehouse operations in Hong Kong are labor-intensive without much automation. With the rapid increasing transaction volume through multi-channel, the preference for next-day delivery service has been increasing. As a result, 3rd party logistics providers have realized the importance of operational efficiency. With the advent of Industry 4.0 emerging technologies including Autonomous Robots, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Cloud Computing, etc., a smart robotic warehouse management system is proposed as it redefines the warehouse put-away and picking operations from man-to-goods to goods-to-man using autonomous mobile robots. This paper aims to develop and implement an IIoT-based smart robotic warehouse system for managing goods and autonomous robots, as well as to make use of the autonomous mobile robots to deliver the goods automatically for put-away and picking operations. The significance of the paper is to leverage the Industry 4.0 emerging technologies to implement the concept of smart warehousing for better utilization of floor space and labor force so as to improve logistics operational efficiency

    Progress in Material Handling Research: 2010

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    RoboPlanner: Towards an Autonomous Robotic Action Planning Framework for Industry 4.0

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    Autonomous robots are being increasingly integrated into manufacturing, supply chain and retail industries due to the twin advantages of improved throughput and adaptivity. In order to handle complex Industry 4.0 tasks, the autonomous robots require robust action plans, that can self-adapt to runtime changes. A further requirement is efficient implementation of knowledge bases, that may be queried during planning and execution. In this paper, we propose RoboPlanner, a framework to generate action plans in autonomous robots. In RoboPlanner, we model the knowledge of world models, robotic capabilities and task templates using knowledge property graphs and graph databases. Design time queries and robotic perception are used to enable intelligent action planning. At runtime, integrity constraints on world model observations are used to update knowledge bases. We demonstrate these solutions on autonomous picker robots deployed in Industry 4.0 warehouses

    Managing Warehouse Utilization: An Analysis of Key Warehouse Resources

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    The warehousing industry is extremely important to businesses and the economy as a whole, and while there is a great deal of literature exploring individual operations within warehouses, such as warehouse layout and design, order picking, etc., there is very little literature exploring warehouse operations from a systems approach. This study uses the Theory of Constraints (TOC) to develop a focused resource management approach to increasing warehouse capacity and throughput, and thus overall warehouse performance, in an environment of limited warehouse resources. While TOC was originally developed for reducing operational bottlenecks in manufacturing, it has allowed companies in other industries, such as banking, health care, and the military, to save millions of dollars. However, the use of TOC has been limited to case studies and individual situations, which typically are not generalizable. Since the basic steps of TOC are iterative in nature and were not designed for survey research, modifications to the original theory are necessary in order to provide insight into industry-wide problems. This study further develops TOC\u27s logistics paradigm and modifies it for use with survey data, which was collected from a sample of warehouse managers. Additionally, it provides a process for identifying potentially constrained key warehouse resources, which served as a foundation of this study. The findings of the study confirm that TOC\u27s methods of focused resource capacity management and goods flow scheduling coordination with supply chain partners can be an important approach for warehouse managers to use in overcoming resource capacity constraints to increase warehouse performance

    Reverse Logistics Optimization

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    The purpose of the Reverse Logistic Optimization project is to achieve best in class logistics and repair capabilities by integrating with an insurance providing company as a reverse logistics return center for remorse returns for all channels to a cellular providing company. Product recovery, which comprises return, refurbish and repair processes, requires an efficient reverse logistic network. One of the main characteristics of reverse logistics network problem is uncertainty that further amplifies the complexity of the problem. The degree of uncertainty in terms of the capacities, demands and quantity of products exists in reverse logistics parameters. The goal is to expedite the repair process, leverage their dynamic handling of blind receipts and improved Reverse Logistics Planning–Repair Plan and Kitting Plan to optimize cost and provide new opportunities for revenue creation. The benefits of integration and control will reduce costs in megabucks by optimizing the return, refurbish and repair processes. Very nearly all organizations expect an increment of administration consideration for reverse logistics, and the results demonstrate a substantial potential regarding outsider administration suppliers, including choice help devices around there. Besides, the paper also presents the analyzed hidden reasons for the general low turn around logistics execution and call attention to issues that need change

    The possibility of implementing intelligent systems and the respective impact of artificial intelligence on inventory management and warehousing

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    The industry is in a new phase: Industry 4.0. This fourth industrial revolution focuses on improving processes within industries. The basis for this improvement is artificial intelligence, which, by digitizing the operations of companies operating in different sectors, improves their productivity, innovation, reduces costs and improves their markets on the international stage. In the context of retail companies, the sourcing and storage of products is one of the most important operations. Thus, this study intends to investigate the concept of artificial intelligence, that is, its benefits, trust, and risks to, consequently, analyze the possibility of its application in stock and storage management. The first phase of the study underwent a literature review, where all these aspects were thoroughly analyzed. Then, to collect data and reach conclusions, two methodologies were used: an online questionnaire and interviews. After analyzing the outputs of the online questionnaire, it was concluded that Artificial Intelligence has benefits and trust indicators that positively influence its implementation in stock and warehouse management. Regarding the interviews, these reveal that Artificial Intelligence is beginning to be recognized for its advantages, but it is still seen as a large investment, especially for small industrial companies. However, the applications that are taking place are considered by AI experts as beneficial, being machine learning, robotics and computer vision technologies that can enhance the productivity of the logistics operations addressed in this investigation.A indústria está numa nova fase: Indústria 4.0. Esta quarta revolução industrial concentra-se em melhorar os processos dentro das indústrias. A base para essa melhoria é a inteligência artificial, que, ao digitalizar as operações das empresas que atuam nos diversos setores, melhora a sua produtividade, inovação, reduz custos e melhora os seus mercados no cenário internacional. No contexto das empresas de retalho, o aprovisionamento e armazenamento de produtos é uma das operações mais importantes. Assim, este estudo pretende investigar o conceito de inteligência artificial, ou seja, os seus benefícios, confiança e riscos para, consequentemente, analisar a possibilidade da sua aplicação na gestão de stock e armazenamento. A primeira fase do estudo passou por uma revisão de literatura, onde todos esses aspetos foram minuciosamente analisados. Em seguida, para coletar dados e chegar a conclusões, foram utilizadas duas metodologias: um questionário online e entrevistas. Após a análise dos outputs do questionário online, concluiu-se que a Inteligência Artificial tem benefícios e indicadores de confiança que influenciam positivamente a sua implementação na gestão de stock e de armazém. Relativamente às entrevistas, estas revelam que a Inteligência Artificial começa a ser reconhecida pelas suas vantagens, mas ainda é vista como um investimento avultado, principalmente para pequenas empresas industriais. No entanto, as aplicações que estão a decorrer são consideradas pelos especialistas de AI como benéficas, sendo a machine learning, a robótica e computer vision tecnologias que podem potenciar a produtividade das operações logísticas abordadas nesta investigação

    Support the decision processes in management through the automatic generation of simulation models of warehouses

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    PURPOSE: The most important goal of the paper is to demonstrate the possibility of developing and implementing the methodology of automatic generation of warehouse models of various types with the use of ABS – agent-based simulation.METHODOLOGY: The highlights of the paper include management support through simple simulation modeling of storage and logistics systems using an agent-based approach, methodology of automatic generation of simulation models using Agent Based Simulation; Description of a new type of mobile, automatically controlled shelves. Simulation modeling is performed with the use of LogABS simulation software. The software engine/source code is written in the C ++ language.FINDINGS: The described mechanism can be extended with the ability to generate other types of storage systems to enable comparisons of their usability for specific input and output streams.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The paper describes the methodology, the use of which significantly reduces the time of decision-making in designing warehouse layouts. These decisions concern the organization of space and the choice of the storage technology. Using the described tools enables rapid verification of the given concept by automatically generating simulation models of warehouses, considering various storage technologies, including the drawer rack system.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The publication proves that automating the simulation modeling processes of warehouses brings many benefits, allowing simulation technologies to become a tool available to users with neither advanced programming skills nor previous experience in working with such programs.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education/Poznan University of Technology, Project ID: 0812/SBAD/4180.peer-reviewe

    Determine planning method in the storage area

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    ABSTRACT Ji Yuan Hai Wan Shi Ye AB started in the December of 2011, is co-funded by the Xiamen Hai Wan AB and Luo Yang Shi Hua. It has integrated business such as scientific research, production and trade together. The company locates in the industrial manufactory area at Ji Yuan, Henan Province. The main products are verity of unsaturated polyester resin. Their products are widely used in the fields like industry, agricultural, transportation and construction. This shows its wide coverage status quo and broad future (Company´s website). Inventory is the network-node among goods flow, information flow and cash flow, and is of great importance to economic development nowadays. The rational management in transportation, packaging, loading/unloading, processing, delivery, can efficiently alleviate working strength, damage ratio, Inventory turnover and distribution costs. The storage area is not only the most important but also the most difficult part to plan. According to the statistics, unloading, picking, sorting and loading take 40% time of the whole process, and the rest are consumed by staff’s patrolling. As a result, a cost effective design in storage area can effectively lower down internal transportation cost, and highly improve the performance of the whole inventory. In order to increase the efficiency inside storage area, and create a best possible environment for material handlers in the inventory; this article intended to generate a directive description by studying the design inside storage area of the inventory. Based on the case study, author has raised a recommendation to the inventory´s equipment and slot planning. MATLAB is the main programming tool in the slot planning and it contains aspects below: 1, A brief introduction to company and their main activities. 2, Storage area planning and design theories: The definition, types, functions of storage area were introduced in the beginning. Then storage area and several ways of storage were briefly described. At last, author described the classical EIQ analysis and its applications in the logistics system. Page IV 3, Selection of equipment in storage area Author elaborated basic principles of the equipment choice; and introduced types, choice methods in storing and material handling equipment. Finally the EIQ analysis was applied and its influence in equipment choice was proved. 4, Planning and design of slots in the storage area This part mainly included following contents A. Coding The article began with methodology introduction for the coding of both location and goods, and the principles of choice methodology for different goods. B. Spacing plan and corresponding information Principles and concepts of location planning as well as corresponding benefits were introduced, which are the reasons of location planning. C. Modeling The author has presented the aim of the location planning; and according to that, a model has been introduced. There are two things has to be concerned, one is the total transporting distance for the goods and the other one is the stability of the racking. The aim of the location planning is to increase picking efficiency by storing the fastest-moving goods in the most convenient positions which is gate in this case. To increase racking ´s stability, lighter goods have to put in higher than heavier things. D. The algorithm Location planning is a multi-objective optimization problem. Author has analyzed and compared several algorithms; finally genetic algorithm was chosen to solve the problem. Author introduced the principles of the methodology about using genetic algorithm to solve a multi-objective optimization problem. After that, according to the model introduced in the previously step, author has decided to use parallel selection method, multi-Gender evolutionary method and constraint method. To get an optimal solution of location planning, MATLAB has been used as the tool. Page V 5, Applied and analyzed the methods and programs, mentioned in the article, to the design of inventory´s storage area. 6, Summary and prospect Author has summarized the article’s result and raised future research topics. This article has given some new points in the following aspect: 1.By thinking of velocity of goods circulation and goods weigh, a multi-objective optimization model for location planning has been made. Model has been solved, via using Genetic Algorithm’s paratactic selection, multi-gender evolution and constraint methods. 2.By using MATLAB, author programmed the location plan which generates solutions to optimization problems using techniques inspired by natural evolution. Programming has been used crossover, mutation methods and the algorithm terminated when the 500 generations has been produced, then a satisfactory fitness solution has been reached for the location

    The role of logistics in enhancing competitive advantage in global logistics organization

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    Abstract: Customer demands and increased competition create significant complexity for logistics organizations. Global logistics organizations are seeking the advantage of cost management, increased productivity and competitiveness. Companies that want to remain in business have to respond strategically and to fulfill the needs of customers. The objectives of the study are to determine the role of logistics in a global organization and to determine the relationship between applying continuous improvement and adoption of technology in enhancing competitive advantage in logistics. The study commences with a literature review to explore improvement methodologies and the adoption of information technology in logistics. The literature study discussed Value Stream Mapping as a lean tool and simulation as a tool to aid in decision making. The study narrowed to the warehouse operation of a global logistics organization...M.Phil. (Engineering Management