149 research outputs found

    Study to investigate and evaluate means of optimizing the Ku-band combined radar/communication functions for the space shuttle

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    The performance of the space shuttle orbiter's Ku-Band integrated radar and communications equipment is analyzed for the radar mode of operation. The block diagram of the rendezvous radar subsystem is described. Power budgets for passive target detection are calculated, based on the estimated values of system losses. Requirements for processing of radar signals in the search and track modes are examined. Time multiplexed, single-channel, angle tracking of passive scintillating targets is analyzed. Radar performance in the presence of main lobe ground clutter is considered and candidate techniques for clutter suppression are discussed. Principal system parameter drivers are examined for the case of stationkeeping at ranges comparable to target dimension. Candidate ranging waveforms for short range operation are analyzed and compared. The logarithmic error discriminant utilized for range, range rate and angle tracking is formulated and applied to the quantitative analysis of radar subsystem tracking loops

    Study to investigate and evaluate means of optimizing the radar function for the space shuttle

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    A detailed analysis of the spiral scan was performed for antenna sizes ranging from 20 inches to 36 inches in diameter and for search angles characteristic of both the radar and the communication acquisition modes. The power budgets for passive target radar detection were calculated for antenna diameters ranging from 20 to 36 inches. Dwell times commensurate with spiral scan were used for these budget calculations. The signal design for the candidate pulse Doppler system is summarized. Ground return analysis carried out for the passive target radar mode is examined, and the details are presented. A concluding description of the proposed candidate radar/communication system configuration is given


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    A desirable candidate for future weather observation is a polarimetric phased array radar (PPAR), which is capable of both using polarimetry for multi-parameter measurements and the fast-scan proficiency of the PAR. However, it is challenging to collect high-quality polarimetric radar data of weather with a planar PPAR (PPPAR), whose beam and polarization characteristics change with the electronic beam direction, causing geometrically induced cross-polarization coupling, sensitivity losses, and measurement biases when the PPPAR beam is steered away from the broadside. As an alternative to PPPAR, the concept of cylindrical polarimetric phased array radar (CPPAR) was proposed, which has scan-invariant beam characteristics in azimuth and polarization purity in all directions using commutating scan, thus enables high quality polarimetric weather measurements. To validate the CPPAR concept, a small-scale CPPAR demonstrator has been jointly developed by the Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC) at the University of Oklahoma (OU) and the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) of NOAA. This dissertation presents the results of initial weather measurements, shows the performance of the CPPAR demonstrator, and evaluates the polarimetric data quality that has been achieved. The system specifications and field tests of the CPPAR demonstrator are provided, including system overview, waveform design and verification, pattern optimization and far-field tests. In addition, three methods of system calibration are introduced and compared, including calibration with an external source, calibration with weather measurements of mechanical scan, and calibration with ground clutter. It is found that calibration with weather measurements of mechanical scan has the best performance and it is applied on the CPPAR demonstrator for the first time, which effectively improved the beam-to-beam consistency and radar data quality in commutating beam electronic scan by minimizing gain and beamwidth variations. Performance of the CPPAR is assessed through system simulation and weather measurements. The CPPAR is evaluated through an end-to-end phased array radar system simulator (PASIM). The simulation framework, weather returns modeling, antenna pattern, channel electronics, and simulation results of CPPAR, as well as comparison with those that would be obtained with a PPPAR, are provided. Also, weather measurements of a few convective precipitation cases and a stratiform precipitation case made with the CPPAR, employing the single beam mechanical scan and commutating beam electronic scan respectively, are presented. First, a qualitative comparison is made between the CPPAR and a nearby operational NEXRAD. Then a quantitative comparison is conducted between the mechanical scan and electronic scan, and error statistics are estimated and discussed. In addition, a theoretical explanation of a feature of the commutating beam electronic scan in clutter detection that is different from mechanical scan is presented and verified by measurements in clear air conditions with the CPPAR. Moreover, clutter detection results based on multi-lag phase structure function, dual-scan cross-correlation coefficient, copolar correlation coefficient, and differential reflectivity obtained from both electronic scan and mechanical scan modes of the CPPAR are compared

    Low cost tracking Navaids error model verification

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    Features and characteristics of the tracking navaids (Microwave Scanning Beam Landing System, Radar Altimeter, Tacan, rendezvous radar and one way Doppler extracter) were investigated. From the investigation, a set of specifications were developed for building equipment to verify the error model of the tracking navaids. Breadboard verification equipment (BVE) was built for the Microwave Scanning Beam Landing System and the radar altimeter. The breadboard verification equipment generates signals to the tracking navaids which simulate the space shuttles trajectory in the terminal area. The BVE simulates sources of navaids error by generating pseudorandom perturbations on the navaids signals. Differences between the trajectory value and the navaid derived values are taped and form the basis for the navaids error model

    Biologically Inspired Sensing and MIMO Radar Array Processing

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    The contributions of this dissertation are in the fields of biologically inspired sensing and multi-input multi-output: MIMO) radar array processing. In our research on biologically inspired sensing, we focus on the mechanically coupled ears of the female Ormia ochracea. Despite the small distance between its ears, the Ormia has a remarkable localization ability. We statistically analyze the localization accuracy of the Ormia\u27s coupled ears, and illustrate the improvement in the localization performance due to the mechanical coupling. Inspired by the Ormia\u27s ears, we analytically design coupled small-sized antenna arrays with high localization accuracy and radiation performance. Such arrays are essential for sensing systems in military and civil applications, which are confined to small spaces. We quantitatively demonstrate the improvement in the antenna array\u27s radiation and localization performance due to the biologically inspired coupling. On MIMO radar, we first propose a statistical target detection method in the presence of realistic clutter. We use a compound-Gaussian distribution to model the heavy tailed characteristics of sea and foliage clutter. We show that MIMO radars are useful to discriminate a target from clutter using the spatial diversity of the illuminated area, and hence MIMO radar outperforms conventional phased-array radar in terms of target-detection capability. Next, we develop a robust target detector for MIMO radar in the presence of a phase synchronization mismatch between transmitter and receiver pairs. Such mismatch often occurs due to imperfect knowledge of the locations as well as local oscillator characteristics of the antennas, but this fact has been ignored by most researchers. Considering such errors, we demonstrate the degradation in detection performance. Finally, we analyze the sensitivity of MIMO radar target detection to changes in the cross-correlation levels: CCLs) of the received signals. Prior research about MIMO radar assumes orthogonality among the received signals for all delay and Doppler pairs. However, due to the use of antennas which are widely separated in space, it is impossible to maintain this orthogonality in practice. We develop a target-detection method considering the non-orthogonality of the received data. In contrast to the common assumption, we observe that the effect of non-orthogonality is significant on detection performance

    On the Potential of Adaptive Beamforming for Phased-Array Weather Radar

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    As the Weather Surveillance Radar 1988 Doppler network reaches the end of its expected life, a network of multifunction phased-array radars (MPAR) supporting both aircraft and weather surveillance missions has been proposed. A phased-array system should match the sensitivity, spatial resolution, and data quality of the WSR-88D while having a update time of 60 seconds for weather surveillance. Since an MPAR system must complete both weather and aircraft surveillance missions, the update time reduction provided by having multiple faces is insufficient to achieve the desired 60 second update time for weather surveillance. Therefore, it is likely that multiple simultaneous beams would be needed per face to meet the timeline requirements. An approach to achieve multiple receive beams is to use a spoiled transmit beam and to form a cluster of simultaneous receive beams. However, a significant challenge for this approach is the potential of high sidelobe levels in the two-way radiation pattern, which can result in significantly biased estimates of the radar variables in situations where the signal power has large spatial variation. This dissertation proposes an adaptive beamspace algorithm designed for phased-array weather radar that utilizes a spoiled transmit beam and a cluster of simultaneous receive beams to achieve the desired timeline. Taking advantage of the adaptive algorithm's ability to automatically adjust sidelobe levels to match the scene, the high-sidelobe problem associated with a spoiled transmit beam is mitigated. Through extensive simulations, it is shown that adaptive beamspace processing can produce accurate and calibrated estimates of weather radar variables. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the adaptive beamspace algorithm can automatically reject interference signals and reduce their impact on the radar-variable estimates. Additionally, it is shown that, despite higher sidelobe levels, the adaptive beamspace algorithm can perform similarly to a conventional system based on a dish antenna in terms of biases when reflectivity gradients are present. Finally, the adaptive beamspace algorithm is shown to compare favorably to some alternative solutions that can also achieve the desired MPAR timeline requirement while preserving data quality

    Multistatic Passive Weather Radar

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    Practical and accurate estimation of three-dimensional wind fields is an ongoing challenge in radar meteorology. Multistatic (single transmitter / multiple receivers) radar architectures offer a cost effective solution for obtaining the multiple Doppler measurements necessary to achieve such estimates. In this work, the history and fundamental concepts of multistatic weather radar are reviewed. Several developments in multistatic weather radar enabled by recent technological progress, such as the widespread availability of high performance single-chip RF transceivers and the proliferation of phased array weather radars, are then presented. First, a network of compact, low-cost passive receiver prototypes is used to demonstrate a set of signal processing techniques that have been developed to enable transmitter / receiver synchronization through sidelobe radiation. Next, a pattern synthesis technique is developed which allows for the use of sidelobe whitening to mitigate velocity biases in multistatic radar systems. The efficacy of this technique is then demonstrated using a multistatic weather radar system simulator

    Autonomous agents for multi-function radar resource management

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    The multifunction radar, aided by advances in electronically steered phased array technology, is capable of supporting numerous, differing and potentially conflicting tasks. However, the full potential of the radar system is only realised through its ability to automatically manage and configure the finite resource it has available. This thesis details the novel application of agent systems to this multifunction radar resource management problem. Agent systems are computational societies where the synergy of local interactions between agents produces emergent, global desirable behaviour. In this thesis the measures and models which can be used to allocate radar resource is explored; this choice of objective function is crucial as it determines which attribute is allocated resource and consequently constitutes a description of the problem to be solved. A variety of task specific and information theoretic measures are derived and compared. It is shown that by utilising as wide a variety of measures and models as possible the radar’s multifunction capability is enhanced. An agent based radar resource manager is developed using the JADE Framework which is used to apply the sequential first price auction and continuous double auctions to the multifunction radar resource management problem. The application of the sequential first price auction leads to the development of the Sequential First Price Auction Resource Management algorithm from which numerous novel conclusions on radar resource management algorithm design are drawn. The application of the continuous double auction leads to the development of the Continuous Double Auction Parameter Selection (CDAPS) algorithm. The CDAPS algorithm improves the current state of the art by producing an improved allocation with low computational burden. The algorithm is shown to give worthwhile improvements in task performance over a conventional rule based approach for the tracking and surveillance functions as well as exhibiting graceful degradation and adaptation to a dynamic environment

    Study to investigate and evaluate means of optimizing the Ku-band combined radar/communication functions for the space shuttle

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    The Ku band radar system on the shuttle orbiter operates in both a search and a tracking mode, and its transmitter and antennas share time with the communication mode in the integrated system. The power allocation properties and the Costa subloop subcarrier tracking performance associated with the baseline digital phase shift implementation of the three channel orbiter Ku band modulator are discussed
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