356 research outputs found

    From FPGA to ASIC: A RISC-V processor experience

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    This work document a correct design flow using these tools in the Lagarto RISC- V Processor and the RTL design considerations that must be taken into account, to move from a design for FPGA to design for ASIC

    Agile SoC Development with Open ESP

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    ESP is an open-source research platform for heterogeneous SoC design. The platform combines a modular tile-based architecture with a variety of application-oriented flows for the design and optimization of accelerators. The ESP architecture is highly scalable and strikes a balance between regularity and specialization. The companion methodology raises the level of abstraction to system-level design and enables an automated flow from software and hardware development to full-system prototyping on FPGA. For application developers, ESP offers domain-specific automated solutions to synthesize new accelerators for their software and to map complex workloads onto the SoC architecture. For hardware engineers, ESP offers automated solutions to integrate their accelerator designs into the complete SoC. Conceived as a heterogeneous integration platform and tested through years of teaching at Columbia University, ESP supports the open-source hardware community by providing a flexible platform for agile SoC development.Comment: Invited Paper at the 2020 International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) - Special Session on Opensource Tools and Platforms for Agile Development of Specialized Architecture

    Design and implementation of dual-core MIPS processor for LU decomposition based on FPGA

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    Many systems like the control systems and in communication systems, there is usually a demand for matrix inversion solution. This solution requires many operations, which makes it not possible or very hard to meet the needs for real-time constraints. Methods were exists to solve this kind of problems, one of these methods by using the LU decomposition of matrix which is a good alternative to matrix inversion. The LU matrices are two matrices, the L matrix, which is a lower triangular matrix, and the U matrix, which is an upper triangular matrix. In this paper, a design of dual-core processor is used as the hardware of the work and certain software was written to enable the two cores of the dual-core processor to work simultaneously in computing the value of the L matrix and U matrix. The result of this work are compared with other works that using single-core processor, and the results found that the time required in the cores of the dual-core is more less than using single-core. The designed dual-core processor is invoked using the VHDL language

    Improved RISC Processor Design Using MIPS Instruction Set Approach

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    Processor's are playing vital role in today's environment. A lot many processor's are into the market but daily a new processor is making its position in the society. The trade off parameter's of VLSI are playing a key role in the selecting the particular processor for its application. In the days a Low Power and Low Area circuit is to be designed. This paper totally concentrates on synthesizing a low power processor in Verilog HDL. The complexity of the processor can be increased by making it suitable for low power applications. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15052

    Using Rapid Prototyping in Computer Architecture Design Laboratories

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    This paper describes the undergraduate computer architecture courses and laboratories introduced at Georgia Tech during the past two years. A core sequence of six required courses for computer engineering students has been developed. In this paper, emphasis is placed upon the new core laboratories which utilize commercial CAD tools, FPGAs, hardware emulators, and a VHDL based rapid prototyping approach to simulate, synthesize, and implement prototype computer hardware

    Instruction-Level Abstraction (ILA): A Uniform Specification for System-on-Chip (SoC) Verification

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    Modern Systems-on-Chip (SoC) designs are increasingly heterogeneous and contain specialized semi-programmable accelerators in addition to programmable processors. In contrast to the pre-accelerator era, when the ISA played an important role in verification by enabling a clean separation of concerns between software and hardware, verification of these "accelerator-rich" SoCs presents new challenges. From the perspective of hardware designers, there is a lack of a common framework for the formal functional specification of accelerator behavior. From the perspective of software developers, there exists no unified framework for reasoning about software/hardware interactions of programs that interact with accelerators. This paper addresses these challenges by providing a formal specification and high-level abstraction for accelerator functional behavior. It formalizes the concept of an Instruction Level Abstraction (ILA), developed informally in our previous work, and shows its application in modeling and verification of accelerators. This formal ILA extends the familiar notion of instructions to accelerators and provides a uniform, modular, and hierarchical abstraction for modeling software-visible behavior of both accelerators and programmable processors. We demonstrate the applicability of the ILA through several case studies of accelerators (for image processing, machine learning, and cryptography), and a general-purpose processor (RISC-V). We show how the ILA model facilitates equivalence checking between two ILAs, and between an ILA and its hardware finite-state machine (FSM) implementation. Further, this equivalence checking supports accelerator upgrades using the notion of ILA compatibility, similar to processor upgrades using ISA compatibility.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Application specific instruction set processor design for embedded application using the coware tool

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    An Application Specific Instruction Set Processor (ASIP) is widely used as a System on a Chip(SoC) Component. ASIPs possess an instruction set which is tai-lored to benefit a specific application. Such specialization allows ASIPs to serve as an intermediate between two dominant processor design styles- ASICs which has high processing abilities at the cost of limited programmability and Programmable solu-tions such as FPGAs that provide programming exibility at the cost of less energy eficiency. In this dissertation the goal is to design ASIP, keeping in mind a temper-ature sensor system. The platform used for processor design is LISA 2.0 description language and processor designing environment from CoWare. Coware processor de-signer allows processor architecture to be defined at an abstract level and automatic generation of chain of software tools like assembler, linker and simulator for functional verification followed by RTL level description. RTL level description is used to gen-erate synthesized report of the design using RTL compiler and finally the layout is created using Cadence encounter

    Teaching Asynchronous Digital Design in the Undergraduate Computer Engineering Curriculum

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    As demand continues for circuits with higher performance, higher complexity, and decreased feature size, asynchronous (clockless) paradigms will become more widely used in the semiconductor industry, as evidenced by the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors\u27 (ITRS) prediction of a likely shift from synchronous to asynchronous design styles in order to increase circuit robustness, decrease power, and alleviate many clock-related issues. ITRS predicts that asynchronous circuits will account for 19% of chip area within the next 5 years, and 30% of chip area within the next 10 years. To meet this growing industry need, students in Computer Engineering should be introduced to asynchronous circuit design to make them more marketable and more prepared for the challenges faced by the digital design community for years to come

    A BiCMOS current carrier transceiver on low voltage power lines

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    This paper presents a BiCMOS technology project of a Current Carrier Transceiver (CCT) for data and digital broadcasting on Low Voltage (LV) power lines (230-240~Vac). The CCT is the central piece in using the LV power lines network as communication channel for various "intelligent" sensors, actuators, monitors, and remote control for domotic or industrial purpose