776 research outputs found

    Recommendations for a preparatory English language program for hearing-impaired college students

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    The purpose of this research was to develop recommendations for a preparatory English language program for hearing-impaired college students for Clark County Community College, Las Vegas, Nevada, and other concerned colleges that do not presently offer such a program. A questionnaire designed to elicit program information regarding the goals and objectives, instructional practices and procedures, assessment and evaluation, and major problems and solutions was developed. The questionnaire was sent to directors of current preparatory hearing-impaired English language programs in two-year, liberal arts colleges; An analysis of the data received revealed a good deal of diversity as well as considerable similarity in the goals and objectives, practices and procedures, and problems and solutions of the 35 responding programs. A synthesis and discussion of the data considered the relative merits and detriments, advantages and disadvantages of current program goals and objectives, practices and procedures. Based on these considerations, recommendations for a preparatory English language program for hearing-impaired college students were presented

    Ultra-Wideband Transceiver Design And Optimization

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. July 2015. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Ramesh Harjani. 1 computer file (PDF); xiii, 128 pages.The technology landscape has quickly changed over the last few years. Developments in personal area networks, IC technology, DSP processing and bio-medical devices have enabled the integration of short range communication into low cost personal health care solutions. Newer technologies and solutions are being developed to cater to the personal operating space(POS) and body area networks(BAN). Health care is driving towards using multiple sensor and therapeutic nodes inside the POS. Technology has enabled remote patient care where the patient has low cost on-body wearables that allow the patient/physician to access vital signs without the patient physically visiting the clinic. Big semiconductor giants want to move into the wearable health monitor space. Along with the developments in fitness based health wearables, there has been a lot of interest towards developing BAN devices catering to the 'mission-critical' wearables and implants. Hearing aids, EKG monitors, neurostimulators are some examples. This work explores the use of the 802.15 ulta wideband (UWB) standard for designing a radio to operate in the a wireless sensor network in the BAN. The specific application targeted is a hearing aid. However, the design in this work is capable of working in a low power low range application with the ability to have multiple data rates ranging from a few kHz to 10's of MHz. The first radio designed by Marconi using spark-gap transmitters was an impulse radio (IR). The IR UWB technology boasts of low power, low cost, high data rates, multiple channels, simultaneous networking, the ability to carry information through obstacles that more limited bandwidths cannot, and also potentially lower complexity hardware design. The inherent timing accuracy associated with the technology gives UWB transmissions immunity to multipath fading and are hence make them more suitable for a cluttered indoor environment. The key difference with the traditional narrowband transceiver is that instead of using continuous wave (CW) transmission, impulses in time are used. The timing accuracy associated with these impulses require synchronization in time, rather than synchronization in frequency for carrier-based CW systems. A complete fully integrated system is presented in thesis. This work presents a low-power noncoherent IR UWB transceiver operating at 5GHz in 0.13um CMOS. A fully-digital transmitter generates a shaped output pulse of 1GHz 3-dB bandwidth. DLLs provide a PVT-tolerant time-step resolution of 1ns over the entire symbol period and regulate the pulse generator center frequency. The transmitter outputs -31dBm (0.88pJ/pulse at 1Mpulse/s) with a dynamic (energy) efficiency of 16pJ/pulse. The transmit out pulse is FCC part 15 compliant over process voltage and temperature (PVT) variations. The transmitter is semi-compliant with IEEE 802.15.6 and IEEE 802.15.4 standards and will become completely compliant with minor modifications. The receiver presented in this work is a non-coherent energy detect IR UWB receiver. The receiver has an on-chip transformer preceding the LNA, which is followed by a super-regenerative amplifier (SRA), envelope detector, sample-and-holds, and a bank of comparators. The design is SRA based energy-detection receiver. Measured results show a receiver efficiency of 0.32nJ/bit at 20.8Mb/s and operation with inputs as low as -70dBm. The SRA based energy-detection receiver utilizes early/late detection for a two-step baseband synchronization algorithm. An integrated solution to the issue of synchronization is also proposed. The system proposed is capable of synchronization and tracking control. The system in this work utilizes early/late detection for a two-step baseband synchronization algorithm. The algorithm is implemented in Matlab and the time to synchronization is observed to be between 250us to a few couple of ms. Measurements have also been made using the receiver and manually implementing the algorithm. This work addresses all aspects time synchronization in an IR transceiver. The initial mismatch is addressed by two methods. Beyond the initial synchronization, the system presented in this system is also capable of tracking. This would mean that once the transceiver has been synchronized, the timing generation would continue to track the phase and the frequency changes depending upon crystal drift over time or movement between the receiver and the transmitter. A test was also performed on the complete transceiver system with two radios talking to each other over a highly attenuated wired channel

    Virtual visual cues:vice or virtue?

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    A Sensing Platform to Monitor Sleep Efficiency

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    Sleep plays a fundamental role in the human life. Sleep research is mainly focused on the understanding of the sleep patterns, stages and duration. An accurate sleep monitoring can detect early signs of sleep deprivation and insomnia consequentially implementing mechanisms for preventing and overcoming these problems. Recently, sleep monitoring has been achieved using wearable technologies, able to analyse also the body movements, but old people can encounter some difficulties in using and maintaining these devices. In this paper, we propose an unobtrusive sensing platform able to analyze body movements, infer sleep duration and awakenings occurred along the night, and evaluating the sleep efficiency index. To prove the feasibility of the suggested method we did a pilot trial in which several healthy users have been involved. The sensors were installed within the bed and, on each day, each user was administered with the Groningen Sleep Quality Scale questionnaire to evaluate the user’s perceived sleep quality. Finally, we show potential correlation between a perceived evaluation with an objective index as the sleep efficiency.</p

    Data Segmentation in Electronic Health Information Exchange: Policy Considerations and Analysis

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    The issue of whether and, if so, to what extent patients should have control over the sharing or withholding of their health information represents one of the foremost policy challenges related to electronic health information exchange. It is widely acknowledged that patients\u27 health information should flow where and when it is needed to support the provision of appropriate and high-quality care. Equally significant, however, is the notion that patients want their needs and preferences to be considered in the determination of what information is shared with other parties, for what purposes, and under what conditions. Some patients may prefer to withhold or sequester certain elements of health information, often when it is deemed by them (or on their behalf) to be sensitive, whereas others may feel strongly that all of their health information should be shared under any circumstance. This discussion raises the issue of data segmentation, which we define for the purposes of this paper as the process of sequestering from capture, access or view certain data elements that are perceived by a legal entity, institution, organization, or individual as being undesirable to share. This whitepaper explores key components of data segmentation, circumstances for its use, associated benefits and challenges, various applied approaches, and the current legal environment shaping these endeavors

    Ayuda técnica para la autonomía en el desplazamiento

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    The project developed in this thesis involves the design, implementation and evaluation of a new technical assistance aiming to ease the mobility of people with visual impairments. By using processing and sounds synthesis, the users can hear the sonification protocol (through bone conduction) informing them, after training, about the position and distance of the various obstacles that may be on their way, avoiding eventual accidents. In this project, surveys were conducted with experts in the field of rehabilitation, blindness and techniques of image processing and sound, which defined the user requirements that served as guideline for the design. The thesis consists of three self-contained blocks: (i) image processing, where 4 processing algorithms are proposed for stereo vision, (ii) sonification, which details the proposed sound transformation of visual information, and (iii) a final central chapter on integrating the above and sequentially evaluated in two versions or implementation modes (software and hardware). Both versions have been tested with both sighted and blind participants, obtaining qualitative and quantitative results, which define future improvements to the project. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------El proyecto desarrollado en la presente tesis doctoral consiste en el diseño, implementación y evaluación de una nueva ayuda técnica orientada a facilitar la movilidad de personas con discapacidad visual. El sistema propuesto consiste en un procesador de estereovisión y un sintetizador de sonidos, mediante los cuales, las usuarias y los usuarios pueden escuchar un código de sonidos mediante transmisión ósea que les informa, previo entrenamiento, de la posición y distancia de los distintos obstáculos que pueda haber en su camino, evitando accidentes. En dicho proyecto, se han realizado encuestas a expertos en el campo de la rehabilitación, la ceguera y en las técnicas y tecnologías de procesado de imagen y sonido, mediante las cuales se definieron unos requisitos de usuario que sirvieron como guía de propuesta y diseño. La tesis está compuesta de tres grandes bloques autocontenidos: (i) procesado de imagen, donde se proponen 4 algoritmos de procesado de visión estéreo, (ii) sonificación, en el cual se detalla la propuesta de transformación a sonido de la información visual, y (iii) un último capítulo central sobre integración de todo lo anterior en dos versiones evaluadas secuencialmente, una software y otra hardware. Ambas versiones han sido evaluadas con usuarios tanto videntes como invidentes, obteniendo resultados cualitativos y cuantitativos que permiten definir mejoras futuras sobre el proyecto finalmente implementado