21 research outputs found

    A Novel User Pairing Scheme for Functional Decode-and-Forward Multi-way Relay Network

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    In this paper, we consider a functional decode and forward (FDF) multi-way relay network (MWRN) where a common user facilitates each user in the network to obtain messages from all other users. We propose a novel user pairing scheme, which is based on the principle of selecting a common user with the best average channel gain. This allows the user with the best channel conditions to contribute to the overall system performance. Assuming lattice code based transmissions, we derive upper bounds on the average common rate and the average sum rate with the proposed pairing scheme. Considering M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation with square constellation as a special case of lattice code transmission, we derive asymptotic average symbol error rate (SER) of the MWRN. We show that in terms of the achievable rates, the proposed pairing scheme outperforms the existing pairing schemes under a wide range of channel scenarios. The proposed pairing scheme also has lower average SER compared to existing schemes. We show that overall, the MWRN performance with the proposed pairing scheme is more robust, compared to existing pairing schemes, especially under worst case channel conditions when majority of users have poor average channel gains.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, submitted for journal publicatio

    The Three-User Finite-Field Multi-Way Relay Channel with Correlated Sources

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    This paper studies the three-user finite-field multi-way relay channel, where the users exchange messages via a relay. The messages are arbitrarily correlated, and the finite-field channel is linear and is subject to additive noise of arbitrary distribution. The problem is to determine the minimum achievable source-channel rate, defined as channel uses per source symbol needed for reliable communication. We combine Slepian-Wolf source coding and functional-decode-forward channel coding to obtain the solution for two classes of source and channel combinations. Furthermore, for correlated sources that have their common information equal their mutual information, we propose a new coding scheme to achieve the minimum source-channel rate.Comment: Author's final version (accepted and to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communications

    Iterative receiver in multiuser relaying systems with fast frequency-hopping modulation

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    In this thesis, a novel iterative receiver and its improved version are proposed for relay-assisted multiuser communications, in which multiple users transmit to a destination with the help of a relay and using fast frequency-hopping modulation. Each user employs a channel encoder to protect its information and facilitate interference cancellation at the receiver. The signal received at the relay is either amplified, or partially decoded with a simple energy detector, before being forwarded to the destination. Under flat Rayleigh fading channels, the receiver at the destination can be implemented non-coherently, i.e., it does not require the instantaneous channel information to demodulate the users’ transmitted signals. The proposed iterative algorithm at the destination exploits the soft outputs of the channel decoders to successively extract the maximum likelihood symbols of the users and perform interference cancellation. The iterative method is successfully applied for both cases of amplify-and-forward and partial decode-and-forward relaying. The error performance of the proposed iterative receiver is investigated by computer simulation. Under the same spectral efficiency, simulation results demonstrate the excellent performance of the proposed receiver when compared to the performance of decoding without interference cancellation as well as the performance of the maximum likelihood multiuser detection previously developed for uncoded transmission. Simulation results also suggest that a proper selection of channel coding schemes can help to support significant more users without consuming extra system resources. In addition, to further enhance the receiver’s performance in terms of the bit error rate, an improved version of the iterative receiver is presented. Such an improved receiver invokes inner-loop iterations between the channel decoders and the demappers in such a way that the soft outputs of the channel decoders are also used to refine the outputs of the demappers for every outer-loop iteration. Simulation results indicate a performance gain of about 2.5dB by using the two-loop receiver when compared to the performance of the first proposed receiver

    Efficient Globally Optimal Resource Allocation in Wireless Interference Networks

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    Radio resource allocation in communication networks is essential to achieve optimal performance and resource utilization. In modern interference networks the corresponding optimization problems are often nonconvex and their solution requires significant computational resources. Hence, practical systems usually use algorithms with no or only weak optimality guarantees for complexity reasons. Nevertheless, asserting the quality of these methods requires the knowledge of the globally optimal solution. State-of-the-art global optimization approaches mostly employ Tuy's monotonic optimization framework which has some major drawbacks, especially when dealing with fractional objectives or complicated feasible sets. In this thesis, two novel global optimization frameworks are developed. The first is based on the successive incumbent transcending (SIT) scheme to avoid numerical problems with complicated feasible sets. It inherently differentiates between convex and nonconvex variables, preserving the low computational complexity in the number of convex variables without the need for cumbersome decomposition methods. It also treats fractional objectives directly without the need of Dinkelbach's algorithm. Benchmarks show that it is several orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art algorithms. The second optimization framework is named mixed monotonic programming (MMP) and generalizes monotonic optimization. At its core is a novel bounding mechanism accompanied by an efficient BB implementation that helps exploit partial monotonicity without requiring a reformulation in terms of difference of increasing (DI) functions. While this often leads to better bounds and faster convergence, the main benefit is its versatility. Numerical experiments show that MMP can outperform monotonic programming by a few orders of magnitude, both in run time and memory consumption. Both frameworks are applied to maximize throughput and energy efficiency (EE) in wireless interference networks. In the first application scenario, MMP is applied to evaluate the EE gain rate splitting might provide over point-to-point codes in Gaussian interference channels. In the second scenario, the SIT based algorithm is applied to study throughput and EE for multi-way relay channels with amplify-and-forward relaying. In both cases, rate splitting gains of up to 4.5% are observed, even though some limiting assumptions have been made

    Design of Network Coding Schemes and RF Energy Transfer in Wireless Communication Networks

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    This thesis focuses on the design of network coding schemes and radio frequency (RF) energy transfer in wireless communication networks. During the past few years, network coding has attracted significant attention because of its capability to transmit maximum possible information in a network from multiple sources to multiple destinations via a relay. Normally, the destinations are only able to decode the information with sufficient prior knowledge. To enable the destinations to decode the information in the cases with less/no prior knowledge, a pattern of nested codes with multiple interpretations using binary convolutional codes is constructed in a multi-source multi-destination wireless relay network. Then, I reconstruct nested codes with convolutional codes and lattice codes in multi-way relay channels to improve the spectrum efficiency. Moreover, to reduce the high decoding complexity caused by the adopted convolutional codes, a network coded non-binary low-density generator matrix (LDGM) code structure is proposed for a multi-access relay system. Another focus of this thesis is on the design of RF-enabled wireless energy transfer (WET) schemes. Much attention has been attracted by RF-enabled WET technology because of its capability enabling wireless devices to harvest energy from wireless signals for their intended applications. I first configure a power beacon (PB)-assisted wireless-powered communication network (PB-WPCN), which consists of a set of hybrid access point (AP)-source pairs and a PB. Both cooperative and non-cooperative scenarios are considered, based on whether the PB is cooperative with the APs or not. Besides, I develop a new distributed power control scheme for a power splitting-based interference channel (IFC) with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT), where the considered IFC consists of multiple source-destination pairs

    Multi-way relay networks: characterization, performance analysis and transmission scheme design

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    Multi-way relay networks (MWRNs) are a growing research area in the field of relay based wireless networks. Such networks provide a pathway for solving the ever in- creasing demand for higher data rate and spectral efficiency in a general multi-user scenario. MWRNs have potential applications in video conferencing, file sharing in a social network, as well as satellite networks and sensor networks. Recent research on MWRNs focuses on efficient transmission protocol design by harnessing different network coding schemes, higher dimensional structured codes and advanced relaying protocols. However, the existing research misses out the characterization and analysis of practical issues that influence the performance of MWRNs. Moreover, the existing transmission schemes suffer some significant limitations, that need to be solved for maximizing the benefits of MWRNs. In this thesis, we investigate the practical issues that critically influence the perfor- mance of a MWRN and propose solutions that can outperform existing schemes. To be specific, we characterize error propagation phenomenon for additive white Gaus- sian noise (AWGN) and fading channels with functional decode and forward (FDF) and amplify and forward (AF) relaying protocols, propose a new pairing scheme that out- performs the existing schemes for lattice coded FDF MWRNs in terms of the achievable rate and error performance and finally, analyze the impact of imperfect channel state information (CSI) and optimum power allocation on MWRNs. At first, we analyze the error performance of FDF and AF MWRNs with pair- wise transmission using binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation in AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels. We quantify the possible error events in an L-user FDF or AF MWRN and derive accurate asymptotic bounds on the probability for the general case that a user incorrectly decodes the messages of exactly k (k ∈ [1, L − 1]) other users. We show that at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the higher order error events (k ≥ 3) are less probable in AF MWRN, but all error events are equally probable in a FDF MWRN. We derive the average BER of a user in a FDF or AF MWRN under high SNR conditions and provide simulation results to verify them. Next, we propose a novel user pairing scheme for lattice coded FDF MWRNs. Lattice codes can achieve the capacity of AWGN channels and are used in digital communica- tions as high-rate signal constellations. Our proposed pairing scheme selects a common user with the best average channel gain and thus, allows it to positively contribute to the overall system performance. Assuming lattice code based transmissions, we derive upper bounds on the average common rate and the average sum rate with the proposed pairing scheme. In addition, considering M-ary QAM with square constellation as a special case of lattice codes, we derive asymptotic average symbol error rate (SER) of the MWRN. We show that in terms of the achievable rates and error performance, the proposed pairing scheme outperforms the existing pairing schemes under a wide range of channel scenarios. Finally, we investigate lattice coded FDF and AF MWRNs with imperfect CSI. Con- sidering lattice codes of sufficiently large dimension, we obtain the bounds on the com- mon rate and sum rate. In addition, considering M-ary quadrature amplitude mod- ulation (QAM) with square constellations, we obtain expressions for the average SER in FDF MWRNs. For AF MWRNs, considering BPSK modulation as the simplest case of lattice codes, we obtain the average BER. Moreover, we obtain the optimum power allocation coefficients to maximize the sum rate in AF MWRN. For both FDF and AF relaying protocols, the average common rate and sum rate are decreasing functions of the estimation error. The analysis shows that the error performance of a FDF MWRN is an increasing function of both the channel estimation error and the number of users, whereas, for AF MWRN, the error performance is an increasing function of only the channel estimation error. Also, we show that to achieve the same sum rate in AF MWRN, optimum power allocation requires 7 − 9 dB less power compared to equal power allocation depending upon users’ channel conditions

    Analysis and design of physical-layer network coding for relay networks

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    Physical-layer network coding (PNC) is a technique to make use of interference in wireless transmissions to boost the system throughput. In a PNC employed relay network, the relay node directly recovers and transmits a linear combination of its received messages in the physical layer. It has been shown that PNC can achieve near information-capacity rates. PNC is a new information exchange scheme introduced in wireless transmission. In practice, transmitters and receivers need to be designed and optimized, to achieve fast and reliable information exchange. Thus, we would like to ask: How to design the PNC schemes to achieve fast and reliable information exchange? In this thesis, we address this question from the following works: Firstly, we studied channel-uncoded PNC in two-way relay fading channels with QPSK modulation. The computation error probability for computing network coded messages at the relay is derived. We then optimized the network coding functions at the relay to improve the error rate performance. We then worked on channel coded PNC. The codes we studied include classical binary code, modern codes, and lattice codes. We analyzed the distance spectra of channel-coded PNC schemes with classical binary codes, to derive upper bounds for error rates of computing network coded messages at the relay. We designed and optimized irregular repeat-accumulate coded PNC. We modified the conventional extrinsic information transfer chart in the optimization process to suit the superimposed signal received at the relay. We analyzed and designed Eisenstein integer based lattice coded PNC in multi-way relay fading channels, to derive error rate performance bounds of computing network coded messages. Finally we extended our work to multi-way relay channels. We proposed a opportunistic transmission scheme for a pair-wise transmission PNC in a single-input single-output multi-way relay channel, to improve the sum-rate at the relay. The error performance of computing network coded messages at the relay is also improved. We optimized the uplink/downlink channel usage for multi-input multi-output multi-way relay channels with PNC to maximize the degrees of freedom capacity. We also showed that the system sum-rate can be further improved by a proposed iterative optimization algorithm

    Adaptive Communication for Wireless Massive MIMO Systems

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    The demand for high data rates in wireless communications is increasing rapidly. One way to provide reliable communication with increased rates is massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems where a large number of antennas is deployed. We analyze three systems utilizing a large number of antennas to provide enhancement in the performance of wireless communications. First, we consider a general form of spatial modulation (SM) systems where the number of transmitted data streams is allowed to vary and we refer to it as generalized spatial modulation with multiplexing (GSMM). A Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is shown to accurately model the transmitted spatially modulated signal using a precoding framework. Using this transmit model, a general closed-form expression for the achievable rate when operating over Rayleigh fading channels is evaluated along with a tight upper and a lower bounds for the achievable rate. The obtained expressions are flexible enough to accommodate any form of SM by adjusting the precoding set. Followed by that, we study quantized distributed wireless relay networks where a relay consisting of many geographically dispersed nodes is facilitating communication between unconnected users. Due to bandwidth constraints, distributed relay networks perform quantization at the relay nodes, and hence they are referred to as quantized distributed relay networks. In such systems, users transmit their data simultaneously to the relay nodes through the uplink channel that quantize their observed signals independently to a few bits and broadcast these bits to the users through the downlink channel. We develop algorithms that can be employed by the users to estimate the uplink channels between all users and all relay nodes when the relay nodes are performing simple sign quantization. This setup is very useful in either extending coverage to unconnected regions or replacing the existing wireless infrastructure in case of disasters. Using the uplink channel estimates, we propose multiple decoders that can be deployed at the receiver side. We also study the performance of each of these decoders under different system assumptions. A different quantization framework is also proposed for quantized distributed relay networking where the relay nodes perform vector quantization instead of sign quantization. Applying vector quantization at the relay nodes enables us to propose an algorithm that allocates quantization resources efficiently among the relay nodes inside the relay network. We also study the beamforming design at the users’ side in this case where beamforming design is not trivial due to the quantization that occurs at the relay network. Finally, we study a different setup of distributed communication systems called cell-free massive MIMO. In cell-free massive MIMO, regular cellular communication is replaced by multiple access points (APs) that are placed randomly over the coverage area. All users in the coverage area are sharing time and frequency resources and all APs are serving all UEs while power allocation is done in a central processor that is connected to the APs through a high speed backhaul network. We study the power allocation in cell-free massive MIMO system where APs are equipped with few antennas and how the distribution of the available antennas among access points affects both the performance and the infrastructure cost

    Collaborative Coding Techniques with Analog Network Coding in Wireless Y-Channel-Relay Networks

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    After channel coding reached near Shannon-limit performance with the introduction of Turbo codes and Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes, research moved on to network coding techniques to enhance overall network performance. The most recent and novel of those approaches is the idea of Physical (Analog) Network Coding which embraces interference from other users, mixes signals in the channel rather than in a relay, and can theoretically increase throughput in the two-way relay channel by up to two folds. In this thesis, we explore this idea, and analyze the theoretical gains of using network coding in a Y-Channel problem - where three users communicate through a common relay. We study existing collaborative coding techniques for the Y-Channel like nested recursive convolutional codes, and Combined Network Channel (CNC). After that, we introduce enhanced nested codes based on turbo codes that achieve good performance in poor SINR conditions. In addition, we propose a novel equal-rate collaborative coding scheme based on algebraic linear block codes. This scheme is simpler to implement than CNC, yet its burst-traffic performance is better than any of the studied solutions. In theory, this code reduces the number of transmission timeslots by up to three folds. Finally, we put forward practical scenarios where physical network coding can be harnessed – mainly in Long Term Evolution (LTE) Multicast (eMBMS), and opportunistic routing in Wireless Mesh Networks