1,975 research outputs found

    Implementasi Design For Six Sigma Menggunakan Metode Eksperimen Shainin/bhote pada Proses Pembuatan Milk Cup (Studi Kasus PT Agronesia Divisi Makanan dan Minuman)

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    Kualitas merupakan performa standar pada nilai-nilai kebutuhan yang diharapkan konsumen. Kualitas pada saat ini mengarah pada strategi Perusahaan untuk bersaing dengan kompetitor. Six Sigma merupakan alat pengembangan kualitas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas dan optimalisasi bisnis. Design for Six Sigma merupakan metode pendekatan Six Sigma yang bertujuan untuk design atau redesign proses dan produk sesuai dengan nilai-nilai kebutuhan konsumen. Untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas dan optimalisasi bisnis, Perusahaan dapat menggunakan metode Six Sigma dengan pendekatan Design for Six Sigma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan Design for Six Sigma pada salah satu Perusahaan dalam meningkatkan kapabilitas dan optimalisasi bisnis. Tahapan dalam mengimplementasikan Design for Six Sigma adalah Identify, Characteristic Design, Optimize, dan Verify. Untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik kebutuhan konsumen, penulis menggunakan model kano sebagai alat untuk menentukan Critical to Quality Priority pada proyek desain. Sebagai tambahan, penelitian ini menggunakan metode Shainin/Bhote dalam menentukan Characteristic Design, Optimize, dan Verify. Objek pada penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan susu pasteurisasi yang memproduksi susu cup. Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukan terjadinya peningkatan kapabilitas proses pada produk susu cup yang gagal (reject) pada kemasan. Kapabilitas proses mengalami peningkatan dari 4.45σ (Sigma) 1550 defect per-million opportunity menjadi 4.87σ (Sigma) 377 defect per-million opportunity

    Design For Six Sigma

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    Cílem diplomové práce je analýza mezí praktického uplatnění obtokového ventilu TwinScroll turbodmychadla automobilu BMW X6 M užitím nástrojů DFSS (Design For Six Sigma). Cílem je tedy vytvoření speciálního přípravku pro měření těsnosti obtokového ventilu s možností otestování nejrůznějších charakteristik majících vliv na klíčové parametry turbodmychadla.The aim of the master’s thesis is analysis of practical application limits of waste-gate TwinScroll turbocharger located in BMW X6 M vehicle by using DFSS (Design For Six Sigma) tools. The goal is to create a special measurement device for a measurement of waste gate leakage with chance of testing all sorts of characteristics having impact on key parameters of turbocharger.

    Evaluation of the applicability of design for six sigma to metal additive manufacturing technology

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    Design for Six Sigma has been applied in traditional and conventional manufacturing technologies to enhance both products and manufacturing processes. It has yielded great results and proven to be a key driver for quality improvement using Six Sigma strategy. Design for Six Sigma uses an organized methodology for designing new products and processes using statistical tools to minimize defects and process deviations. Modern manufacturing technologies such as Additive Manufacturing are complex and require a lot of consideration in terms of selected process parameters that affect part quality. The quality of the resultant parts in additive manufacturing is influenced and affected by the design of the parts to be fabricated, the build process and the chosen process parameters. Quality deviations in additive manufacturing can be observed within a batch of similar parts and from batch to batch production. Due to the complexity of Additive Manufacturing technology and its application, defect reduction remains a key barrier towards further acceptance in highly regulated industries. This paper aims to evaluate the applicability of design for Six Sigma principle to Additive Manufacturing. It seeks to outline how Design for Six Sigma can be applied to Additive Manufacturing to reduce variability and which tools can be used to enhance the quality of the resultant parts. The study critically reviews best practices for Design for Six Sigma to evaluate its applicability to modern manufacturing

    Robust multilevel optimization of PMSM using design for six sigma

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    In this paper, a robust optimization method based on design for six sigma (DFSS) is combined to the optimization of a surface mounted permanent synchronous machine (PMSM) by using multilevel genetic algorithm (MLGA). First, MLGA and DFSS are introduced in the robust optimization. Second, by taking into account the tolerances of the motor products, important input parameters could be varied with six sigma distribution and Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method is used to reduce the calculation cost. Third, to verify the new algorithm, the presented algorithm is applied to the optimization of a PMSM. The results compared with those of traditional GA and MLGA and the discussion of the robust optimization combined with MLGA are presented. © 2011 IEEE

    Design for Six Sigma in Software

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    Design for Six Sigma Digital Model for Manufacturing Process Design

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    The transition to digital manufacturing has become more important as the quantity and quality of the use of computer systems in manufacturing companies has increased. It has become necessary to model, simulate and analyse all machines, tools, and raw materials to optimise the manufacturing process. It is even better to determine the best possible solution at the stage of defining the manufacturing process by using technologies that analyse data from simulations to calculate an optimal design before it is even built. In this paper, Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) principles are applied to analyse different scenarios using digital twin models for simulation to determine the best configuration for the manufacturing system. The simulation results were combined with multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods to define a model with the best possible overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). The OEE parameter reliability was identified as the most influential factor in the final determination of the most effective and economical manufacturing process configuration

    Robust optimization in HTS cable based on design for six sigma

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    The nonuniform ac current distribution among the multilayer conductors in a high-temperature superconducting (HTS) cable reduces the current capacity and increases the ac loss. Various numerical simulation techniques and optimization methods have been applied in structural optimization of HTS cables. While the existence of fluctuation in design variables or operation conditions has a great influence on the cable quality, in order to eliminate the effects of parameter perturbations in design and to improve the design efficiency, a robust optimization method based on design for six sigma (DFSS) is presented in this paper. The optimization results show that the proposed optimization procedure can not only achieve a uniform current distribution, but also improve significantly the reliability and robustness of the HTS cable quality, comparing with those by using the particle swarm optimization. © 2008 IEEE

    Design for six sigma (DFSS) applied to a new eco-motorbike

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    The primary purpose of this work is to organize, in the best possible way, the design of an ecological transport vehicle, using an advanced design methodology, namely design for six sigma (DFSS). The DFSS is indeed a design approach, able to implement, in a logical and integrated way, other advanced methodologies of systematic design, such as quality function deployment (QFD), TRIZ (in Russian, Teorija Resenija Izobretatel'skich Zadac), benchmarking, top-flop analysis and others, in order to propose design solutions oriented both to quality and innovation, for satisfying customers. The above described has been demonstrated through the application of DFSS to a case study in which the set up phase of an industrial project was completed, without having overlooked any aspect useful for obtaining a new attractive product. The case study concerns the application of DFSS to a new low-polluting motorcycle. At the end of the work, the designer obtained the achievement of the conceptual project

    Development of Environmental Performance Model Using Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)

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