6 research outputs found

    Tangible AR interaction based on fingertip touch using small-sized nonsquare markers

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    AbstractAlthough big-sized markers are good for accurate marker recognition and tracking, they are easily occluded by other objects and deteriorate natural visualization and level of immersion during user interaction in AR environments. In this paper, we propose an approach to exploiting the use of rectangular markers to support tangible AR interaction based on fingertip touch using small-sized markers. It basically adjusts the length, width, and interior area of rectangular markers to make them more suitably fit to longish objects like fingers. It also utilizes convex polygons to resolve the partial occlusion of a marker and properly enlarges the pattern area of a marker while adjusting its size without deteriorating the quality of marker detection. We obtained encouraging results from users that the approach can provide better natural visualization and higher level of immersion, and be accurate and tangible enough to support a pseudo feeling of touching virtual products with human hands or fingertips during design evaluation of digital handheld products


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    Occupational safety has a crucial role in every technological process in industry environments. Recently, smart mobile devices have become standard hardware that can help inform workers about their duties and procedures during work. In this paper, we present an augmented reality (AR) system for mobile devices as a tool for safeguarding health and safety, and the secure performance of tasks in a technological process by following virtual instructions in the workplace.In a case study, we explored the task procedures and defined the risk factors in the electro-energetics industry. Based on that, we implement a corresponding AR system that should be used to issue occupational safety and work instructions to workers during task execution. With that aim in mind, we designed a client-server architecture to project the related instructions on the screen of the mobile device, to ensure the confirmation of implementing them, as well as to keep a record of all the steps the worker performed. As an illustrative example, we present the application of the designed AR system to particular tasks in electro-energetics industrial plants

    A materialização digital e sua sistematização no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design, Florianópolis, 2016.É comum, no processo de Design de produtos, que o início da atividade projetual ocorra de forma abstrata, passando posteriormente para o físico. Uma alternativa que contribui para minimizar os erros nas tomadas de decisões é realizar a materialização de propostas já na fase de concepção do processo de Design. Neste aspecto se encontra o diferencial desta pesquisa, ao se focar em processos de materialização mediados por meios digitais usados já nas etapas iniciais do processo projetual para a construção de mock-ups, modelos e protótipos. Objetivou-se desenvolver um Protocolo de identificação e priorização de critérios para a realização de Materialização Digital ainda na fase de conceituação. Na metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa houve uma revisão bibliográfica, realização de entrevistas com pesquisadores brasileiros e atividade de grupo focal composto por designers de produto. Foram hierarquizados critérios e criaram-se regras para compor o Protocolo, que a partir das combinações destes elementos, gera sugestões relativas à aplicação dos processos de Materialização Digital. Os testes, realizados por meio de um site (leopardpro.com.br) elaborado especificamente para este fim, mostraram que os critérios de tomada de decisão identificados ao longo da pesquisa abrangem os aspectos relevantes quanto a aplicação de cortadora laser, impressão 3D e usinagem com CNC. As sugestões de aplicação da Materialização Digital oferecidas pelo sistema contribuem assertivamente para as dúvidas dos designers de produto quanto à seleção dos processos técnicos.Abstract : It is common, in product design process, that the beginning of design activity takes place in an abstract way, posteriorly going through a physical phase. An alternative that contributes to minimize mistakes during decision making phases is to accomplish proposal materialization during conception phases of the design process. Therefore, this is the differential of this research, when focusing digital materialization processes in early phases of design processes aiming mock-ups, scale models and prototypes construction. The objective was to develop an identification protocol and criteria priorization to achieve digital materialization during concept phases of design process. The methodology used in this research focused a literature review, interviews with Brazilian researchers and a focal group activity formed by product designers. Criteria were hierarchized and rules were created to set a protocol system that, from these elements arrangement, generates suggestions that are related to digital materialization processes. The tests, performed through a website (leopardpro.com.br) which was specially created to this activity, showed that decision making criteria identified throughout this research embraces relevant aspects regarding applications in equipment such as laser cutters, 3D printing and CNC milling. The suggestions on digital materialization applications offered by this system contribute assertively to product design doubts regarding the selection of technical processes

    Primena tehnologije proširene stvarnosti za poboljšanje bezbednosti i efikasnosti rada u industrijskim okruženjima

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    This doctoral dissertation presents a system based on augmented reality (AR) technology for improvement of safety and efficiency at work in industrial environments. The AR system is a solution intended to assign work tasks to workers, provide necessary instructions for implementing them, and issue related occupational safety instructions directly at the workplace. At the same time, the system provides ability to record all the issued instructions and control their proper execution. It is formulated a model of a typical technological process broad enough that can be applied in different industrial environments. Based on that, the functionality and the structure of the intended AR system is determined. A practical implementation of the system is done, and its evaluation performed in two concrete electroenergetic industrial environments. In these implementations different AR technologies are used and tested. An evaluation of the proposed AR system is done, and it is concluded that the proposed AR system improves the human resources management and ensures performing of occupational safety measures

    Investigating Spatial Augmented Reality for Collaborative Design

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