9 research outputs found

    Bayesian Design in Clinical Trials

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    In the last decade, the number of clinical trials using Bayesian methods has grown dramatically. Nowadays, regulatory authorities appear to be more receptive to Bayesian methods than ever. The Bayesian methodology is well suited to address the issues arising in the planning, analysis, and conduct of clinical trials. Due to their flexibility, Bayesian design methods based on the accrued data of ongoing trials have been recommended by both the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency for dose-response trials in early clinical development. A distinctive feature of the Bayesian approach is its ability to deal with external information, such as historical data, findings from previous studies and expert opinions, through prior elicitation. In fact, it provides a framework for embedding and handling the variability of auxiliary information within the planning and analysis of the study. A growing body of literature examines the use of historical data to augment newly collected data, especially in clinical trials where patients are difficult to recruit, which is the case for rare diseases, for example. Many works explore how this can be done properly, since using historical data has been recognized as less controversial than eliciting prior information from experts’ opinions. In this book, applications of Bayesian design in the planning and analysis of clinical trials are introduced, along with methodological contributions to specific topics of Bayesian statistics. Finally, two reviews regarding the state-of-the-art of the Bayesian approach in clinical field trials are presented

    Simulation Experiment Platform for Evaluating Clinical Trial Designs, with Applications to Phase 1 Dose-Finding Clinical Trials

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    Clinical Trial (CT) simulation is used by academic research centers and pharmaceutical companies to improve the efficiency and accuracy of drug development. Sophisticated commercial software for CT simulations is available for those with resources to cover fees and with design challenges that happen to match the software's capabilities. Academic research centers usually use locally developed or shared software for study design, mainly due to cost and flexibility considerations. Inspired by the success and immense influence of open-source software development projects, we are building an open-source simulation experiment platform with the intention of utilizing the power of distributed study design expertise, development talent, and peer review of code. The code base relies on S4 classes and methods within R. Design, baseline characteristic model, population model, outcome model, and evaluation criterion are five key object types. An action queue-based approach allows for complex decision making at the patient or CT level. Name matching mechanism is used to check interoperability among the objects. Extensibility, reuse and sharing come from the class/method architecture, together with automatic object and documentation discovery mechanisms.An extensive literature review of existing design evaluation criteria did not reveal the use of criteria based on utility functions. In this dissertation, we propose flexible criteria for evaluating Phase I trial designs by assessing through CT simulation the expected total personal utility, societal utility and total utility. To illustrate the application, we present several examples using the platform to investigate important questions in clinical trial designs. Specifically, we look at the logit model in the continual reassessment method (CRM), choices of parameterization and prior distribution for its model parameters, and the effect of patient heterogeneity on the performance of the standard "3+3" design and the CRM.This work creates an open-source highly flexible and extensible platform for evaluating CT designs via simulation, and promotes collaborative statistical software development. Its impact on public health will manifest itself in greatly speeding and expanding thorough and thoughtful design evaluations when developing clinical trials, for a community of CT designers

    Essais cliniques de recherche de dose en oncologie : d'un schéma d'essai permettant l'inclusion continue à l’utilisation des données longitudinales de toxicité

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    Phase I dose-finding trials aim at identifying the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). The “3+3” design requires an interruption of enrolment while the evaluation of the previous three patients is pending. In pediatric oncology, investigators proposed the Rolling 6 design to allow for a more continuous enrollment. In a simulation study, we showed that an adaptive dose-finding design, with dose allocation guided by a statistical model not only minimizes accrual suspension as with the rolling 6, and but also led to identify more frequently the MTD. However, the performance of these designs in terms of correct identification of the MTD is limited by the binomial variability of the main outcome: the occurrence of dose-limiting toxicity over the first cycle of treatment. We have then proposed a new adaptive design using repeated ordinal data of toxicities experienced during all the cycles of treatment. We aim at identifying the dose associated with a specified tolerable probability of severe toxicity per cycle. The outcome was expressed as the worst toxicity experienced, in three categories (severe / moderate / no toxicity), repeated at each treatment cycle. It was modeled through a proportional odds mixed model. This model enables to seek for cumulated toxicity with time, and to increase the ability to identify the targeted dose, with no increased risk of toxicity, and without delaying study completion. We also compared this ordinal model to a more parsimonious logistic mixed model.Because of their applicability and efficiency, those models for longitudinal data should be more often used in phase I dose-finding trials.L’objectif des essais de phase I en oncologie est d’identifier la dose maximale tolérée (DMT). Le schéma « 3+3 » nécessite d’interrompre les inclusions en attendant l’évaluation d’une cohorte de trois patients pour définir la dose à attribuer aux patients suivants. Les investigateurs d’oncologie pédiatrique ont proposé l’adaptation Rolling 6 pour éviter cette suspension temporaire des inclusions. Dans une étude de simulation, nous avons montré qu’un schéma adaptatif avec attribution des doses basées sur un modèle statistique permettait de pallier ce problème, et identifiait plus fréquemment la DMT. Néanmoins ces trois schémas restent limités pour identifier la DMT, notamment du fait que le critère de jugement est un critère binaire, la survenue de toxicité dose-limitante sur un cycle de traitement. Nous avons proposé un nouveau schéma adaptatif utilisant les données ordinales répétées de toxicité sur l’ensemble des cycles de traitement. La dose à identifier est celle associée au taux de toxicité grave maximal par cycle que l’on juge tolérable. Le grade maximal de toxicité par cycle de traitement, en 3 catégories (grave / modéré / nul), a été modélisé par le modèle mixte à cotes proportionnelles. Le modèle est performant à la fois pour détecter un effet cumulé dans le temps et améliore l’identification de la dose cible, sans risque majoré de toxicité, et sans rallonger la durée des essais. Nous avons aussi étudié l’intérêt de ce modèle ordinal par rapport à un modèle logistique mixte plus parcimonieux. Ces modèles pour données longitudinales devraient être plus souvent utilisés pour l’analyse des essais de phase I étant donné leur pertinence et la faisabilité de leur implémentation