24 research outputs found

    GigaHertz Symposium 2010

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    Synthesis, design, and fabrication techniques for reconfigurable microwave and millimeter-wave filters

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    As wireless communication becomes increasingly ubiquitous, the need for radio receivers which can dynamically adjust to their operating environment grows more urgent. In order to realize reconfigurable receivers, tunable RF front-end components are needed. This dissertation focuses on the theory, design, and implementation of reconfigurable microwave and millimeter-wave filters for use in such receivers. First, a theoretical framework is developed for absorptive bandstop filters, a new class of bandstop filters which overcomes some of the limitations of traditional tunable bandstop filters caused by the use of lossy tunable resonators. This theory is used in conjunction with silicon-micromachining fabrication technology to realize the first ever tunable bandstop filter at W-Band frequencies, as well as a state-of-the-art Ka-band tunable bandstop filter. The problem of bandwidth variation in tunable filters is then addressed. Widely-tunable filters often suffer from variations in bandwidth, excluding them from many applications which require constant bandwidth. A new method for reducing the bandwidth variation of filters using low-loss evanescent-mode cavity resonators is presented, and this technique is used to realize up to 90% reduction of bandwidth variation in octave-tunable bandstop filters. Lastly, a new differential coupling structure for evanescent-mode cavity resonators is developed, enabling the design of fully-balanced and balanced-to-unbalanced (balun) filters. An octave-tunable 3-pole bandpass balun filter using this coupling structure is presented. The balun filter has excellent amplitude and phase balance, resulting in common-mode rejection of greater than 40 dB across its octave tuning range

    Synthesis, design, and fabrication techniques for reconfigurable microwave and millimeter-wave filters

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    As wireless communication becomes increasingly ubiquitous, the need for radio receivers which can dynamically adjust to their operating environment grows more urgent. In order to realize reconfigurable receivers, tunable RF front-end components are needed. This dissertation focuses on the theory, design, and implementation of reconfigurable microwave and millimeter-wave filters for use in such receivers. First, a theoretical framework is developed for absorptive bandstop filters, a new class of bandstop filters which overcomes some of the limitations of traditional tunable bandstop filters caused by the use of lossy tunable resonators. This theory is used in conjunction with silicon-micromachining fabrication technology to realize the first ever tunable bandstop filter at W-Band frequencies, as well as a state-of-the-art Ka-band tunable bandstop filter. The problem of bandwidth variation in tunable filters is then addressed. Widely-tunable filters often suffer from variations in bandwidth, excluding them from many applications which require constant bandwidth. A new method for reducing the bandwidth variation of filters using low-loss evanescent-mode cavity resonators is presented, and this technique is used to realize up to 90% reduction of bandwidth variation in octave-tunable bandstop filters. Lastly, a new differential coupling structure for evanescent-mode cavity resonators is developed, enabling the design of fully-balanced and balanced-to-unbalanced (balun) filters. An octave-tunable 3-pole bandpass balun filter using this coupling structure is presented. The balun filter has excellent amplitude and phase balance, resulting in common-mode rejection of greater than 40 dB across its octave tuning range

    Tunable Filters and RF MEMS Variable Capacitors with Closed Loop Control

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    Multi-band and multi-mode radios are becoming prevalent and necessary in order to provide optimal data rates across a network with a diverse and spotty landscape of coverage areas (3G, HSPA, LTE, etc.). As the number of required bands and modes increases, the aggregate cost of discrete RF signal chains justi es the adoption of tunable solutions. Tunable fi lters are one of the pieces crucial to signal chain amalgamation. The main requirements for a tunable fi lter are high unloaded quality factor, wide tuning range, high tuning speed, high linearity, and small size. MEMS technology is the most promising in terms of tuning range, quality factor, linearity and size. In addition, a fi lter that maintains a constant passband bandwidth as the center frequency is tuned is preferred since the analog baseband processing circuitry tends to be tailored for a particular signal bandwidth. In this work, a novel design technique for tunable fi lters with controlled and predictable bandwidth variation is presented. The design technique is presented alongside an analysis and modeling method for predicting the final filter response during design optimization. The method is based on the well known coupling matrix model. In order to demonstrate the design and modeling technique, a novel coupling structure for stripline fi lters is presented that results in substantial improvements in coupling bandwidth variation over an octave tuning range when compared to combline and interdigitated coupled line fi lters. In order for a coupled resonator filter to produce an equal ripple Chebyshev response, each resonator of the fi lter must be tuned to precisely the same resonant frequency. Production tuned fi lters are routinely tuned in the lab and production environments by skilled technicians in order to compensate for manufacturing tolerances. However, integrated tunable filters cannot be tuned by traditional means since they are integrated into systems on circuit boards or inside front end modules. A fixed tuning table for all manufactured modules is inadequate since the required tuning accuracy exceeds the tolerance of the tuning elements. In this work, we develop tuning techniques for the automatic in-circuit tuning of tunable filters using scalar transmission measurement. The scalar transmission based techniques obviate the use of directional couplers. Techniques based on both swept and single frequency scalar transmission measurement are developed. The swept frequency technique, based on the Hilbert transform derived relative groupdelay, tunes both couplings and resonant frequencies while the single frequency technique only tunes the center frequency. High performance filters necessitate high resonator quality factors. Although fi lters are traditionally treated as passive devices, tunable fi lters need to be treated as active devices. Tuning elements invariably introduce non-linearities that limit the useful power handling of the tunable fi lter. RF MEMS devices have been a topic of intense research for many years for their promising characteristics of high quality factor and high power handling. Control and reliability issues have resulted in a shift from continuously tunable devices to discretely switched devices. However, fi lter tuning applications require fine resolution and therefore many bits for digital capacitor banks. An analog/digital hybrid tuning approach would enable the tuning range of a switched capacitor bank to be combined with the tuning resolution of an analog tunable capacitor. In this work, a device-level position control mechanism is proposed for piezoresistive feedback of device capacitance over the device's tuning range. It is shown that piezoresistve position control is ef ective at improving capacitance uncertainty in a CMOS integrated RF MEMS variable capacitor

    Circuit Design Techniques For Wideband Phased Arrays

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation.June 2015. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Ramesh Harjani. 1 computer file (PDF); xii, 143 pages.This dissertation focuses on beam steering in wideband phased arrays and phase noise modeling in injection locked oscillators. Two different solutions, one in frequency and one in time, have been proposed to minimize beam squinting in phased arrays. Additionally, a differential current reuse frequency doubler for area and power savings has been proposed. Silicon measurement results are provided for the frequency domain solution (IBM 65nm RF CMOS), injection locked oscillator model verification (IBM 130nm RF-CMOS) and frequency doubler (IBM 65nm RF CMOS), while post extraction simulation results are provided for the time domain phased array solution (the chip is currently under fabrication, TSMC 65nm RF CMOS). In the frequency domain solution, a 4-point passive analog FFT based frequency tunable filter is used to channelize an incoming wideband signal into multiple narrowband signals, which are then processed through independent phase shifters. A two channel prototype has been developed at 8GHz RF frequency. Three discrete phase shifts (0 & +/- 90 degrees) are implemented through differential I-Q swapping with appropriate polarity. A minimum null-depth of 19dB while a maximum null-depth of 27dB is measured. In the time domain solution, a discrete time approach is undertaken with signals getting sampled in order of their arrival times. A two-channel prototype for a 2GHz instantaneous RF bandwidth (7GHz-9GHz) has been designed. A QVCO generates quadrature LO signals at 8GHz which are phase shifted through a 5-bit (2 extra bits from differential I-Q swapping with appropriate polarity) cartesian combiner. Baseband sampling clocks are generated from phase shifted LOs through a CMOS divide by 4 with independent resets. The design achieves an average time delay of 4.53ps with 31.5mW of power consumption (per channel, buffers excluded). An injection locked oscillator has been analyzed in s-domain using Paciorek's time domain transient equations. The simplified analysis leads to a phase noise model identical to that of a type-I PLL. The model is equally applicable to injection locked dividers and multipliers and has been extended to cover all injection locking scenarios. The model has been verified against a discrete 57MHz Colpitt's ILO, a 6.5GHz ILFD and a 24GHz ILFM with excellent matching between the model and measurements. Additionally, a differential current reuse frequency doubler, for frequency outputs between 7GHz to 14GHz, design has been developed to reduce passive area and dc power dissipation. A 3-bit capacitive tuning along with a tail current source is used to better conversion efficiency. The doubler shows FOMT_{T} values between 191dBc/Hz to 209dBc/Hz when driven by a 0.7GHz to 5.8GHz wide tuning VCO with a phase noise that ranges from -114dBc/Hz to -112dBc/Hz over the same bandwidth

    Advanced CMOS Integrated Circuit Design and Application

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    The recent development of various application systems and platforms, such as 5G, B5G, 6G, and IoT, is based on the advancement of CMOS integrated circuit (IC) technology that enables them to implement high-performance chipsets. In addition to development in the traditional fields of analog and digital integrated circuits, the development of CMOS IC design and application in high-power and high-frequency operations, which was previously thought to be possible only with compound semiconductor technology, is a core technology that drives rapid industrial development. This book aims to highlight advances in all aspects of CMOS integrated circuit design and applications without discriminating between different operating frequencies, output powers, and the analog/digital domains. Specific topics in the book include: Next-generation CMOS circuit design and application; CMOS RF/microwave/millimeter-wave/terahertz-wave integrated circuits and systems; CMOS integrated circuits specially used for wireless or wired systems and applications such as converters, sensors, interfaces, frequency synthesizers/generators/rectifiers, and so on; Algorithm and signal-processing methods to improve the performance of CMOS circuits and systems

    Photonic techniques for indoor spatially-multiplexed wireless communication

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    Integrated millimeter-wave broadband phased array receiver frontend in silicon technology

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    Large-Scale Photonics Integration: Data Communications to Optical Beamforming

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    Integrated photonics is an emerging technology that has begun to transform our way of life with the same amount of impact that integrated CMOS electronics has. Currently, photonics integration is orders of magnitude less complicated than its electronics counterparts. Nonetheless, it serves as one of the main driving forces to meet the exponentially increasing demand for high-speed and low-cost data transfer in the Information Age. It also promises to provide solutions for next-generation high-sensitivity image sensors and precision metrology and spectroscopy instruments. In this thesis, integrated photonics architectures for solid-state photonic beamforming and processing are investigated for high-resolution and high sensitivity lens-free transceiver applications. Furthermore, high-efficiency integrated electro-optical modulators aiming to meet the demand of high-density photonic integration with improved modulation efficiency, small footprint, and lower insertion loss are investigated. Two integrated photonic solid-state beamforming architectures incorporating two-dimensional apertures are explored. First, a novel transceiver architecture for remote sensing, coherent imaging, and ranging applications is demonstrated. It reduces system implementation complexity and offers a methodology for very-large-scale coherent transceiver beamforming applications. Next, a transmitter beamforming architecture inspired by the diffraction pattern of the slit annular ring is analyzed and demonstrated. This transceiver architecture can be used for coherent beamforming applications such as imaging and point-to-point optical communication. Finally, a coherent imager architecture for high-sensitivity three-dimensional imaging and remote-sensing applications is present. This novel architecture can suppress undesired phase fluctuations of the optical carrier signal in the illumination and reference paths, providing higher resolution and higher acquisition speed than previous implementations. Moreover, several compact, high-speed CMOS compatible modulators that enable high-density photonic integration are explored. Ultra-compact and low insertion loss silicon-organic-hybrid modulators are designed and implemented for high-speed beamforming and high-efficiency complex signal modulation applications. Finally, a novel integrated nested-ring assisted modulator topology is analyzed and implemented for high-density and high modulation efficiency applications.</p