75 research outputs found

    Force Sensing Surgical Grasper with Folding Capacitive Sensor

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    Minimally-invasive surgery (MIS) has brought many benefits to the operating room, however, MIS procedures result in an absence of force feedback, and surgeons cannot as accurately feel the tissue they are working on, or the forces that they are applying. One of the barriers to introducing MIS instruments with force feedback systems is the high cost of manufacturing and assembly. Instruments must also be sterilized before every use, a process that can destroy embedded sensing systems. An instrument that can be disposed of after a single use and produced in bulk at a low cost is desirable. Printed circuit micro-electro-mechanical systems (PCMEMS) is an emerging manufacturing technology that may represent an economically viable method of bulk manufacturing small, single-use medical devices, including surgical graspers. This thesis presents the design and realization of a PCMEMS surgical grasper that can fit within a 5 mm trocar, and can accurately measure forces in 3 axes, over a range of +/-4 N. The designed instrument is the first PCMEMS grasper to feature multi-axis sensing, and has a sensing range twice as large as current PCMEMS devices. Experimental results suggest that the performance of the sensing system is similar to conventionally-manufactured MIS instruments that use capacitive force transducers. The techniques applied in this thesis may be useful for developing a range of PCMEMS devices with capacitive sensors. Improvements to the design of the grasper and sensing system are suggested, and several points are presented to inform the direction of future work related to PCMEMS MIS instruments

    A soft multi-axial force sensor to assess tissue properties in RealTime

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    Objective: This work presents a method for the use of a soft multi-axis force sensor to determine tissue trauma in Minimally Invasive Surgery. Despite recent developments, there is a lack of effective haptic sensing technology employed in instruments for Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS). There is thus a clear clinical need to increase the provision of haptic feedback and to perform real-time analysis of haptic data to inform the surgical operator. This paper establishes a methodology for the capture of real-time data through use of an inexpensive prototype grasper. Fabricated using soft silicone and 3D printing, the sensor is able to precisely detect compressive and shear forces applied to the grasper face. The sensor is based upon a magnetic soft tactile sensor, using variations in the local magnetic field to determine force. The performance of the sensing element is assessed and a linear response was observed, with a max hysteresis error of 4.1% of the maximum range of the sensor. To assess the potential of the sensor for surgical sensing, a simulated grasping study was conducted using ex vivo porcine tissue. Two previously established metrics for prediction of tissue trauma were obtained and compared from recorded data. The normalized stress rate (kPa.mm⁻Âč) of compression and the normalized stress relaxation (ΔσR) were analyzed across repeated grasps. The sensor was able to obtain measures in agreement with previous research, demonstrating future potential for this approach. In summary this work demonstrates that inexpensive soft sensing systems can be used to instrument surgical tools and thus assess properties such as tissue health. This could help reduce surgical error and thus benefit patients

    Modular instrument for a haptically-enabled robotic surgical system (HeroSurg)

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    To restore the sense of touch in robotic surgical systems, a modular force feedback-enabled laparoscopic instrument is developed and employed in a robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgical system (HeroSurg). Strain gauge technology is incorporated into the instrument to measure tip/tissue lateral interaction forces. The modularity feature of the proposed instrument makes it interchangeable between various tip types of different functionalities, e.g., cutter, grasper, and dissector, without losing force sensing capability. Series of experiments are conducted and results are reported to evaluate force sensing capability of the instrument. The results reveal mean errors of 1.32 g and 1.98° in the measurements of tip/tissue load magnitude and direction across all experiments, respectively

    Robotic technology and endoluminal surgery in digestive surgery

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    BACKGROUND. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in males and second in females, and the fourth most common cause of cancer death worldwide. The implementation of screening programs has allowed to the identification of an increasing number of early-stage neoplastic lesions. Presently, superficial colorectal neoplasms (including precancerous lesions and early cancer) can be resected in the colon by Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) and Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD), while in the rectum by Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM). They are the preferred choices inside of the minimally invasive panorama regarding the CRC treatment. TEM technique offers more advantages than EMR and ESD, but it can’t overcome the recto-sigmoid junction. Many authors, research institutes and biomedical industries have proposed different solutions for microsurgery dissection of early lesions in the colon, but all these proposals have in common the development of platforms expressly designed for this use, with significant purchasing and management costs. The aim of our research project is to develop a robotic platform that allows to treat lesions throughout the colon limiting the costs of management and purchasing. This new robotic platform, developed in collaboration with Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, is called RED (Robot for Endoscopic Dissection). At the tip of a standard endoscope a hood (RED) is placed. RED is equipped by two extractable teleoperated robotic arms (i.e., diathermic hook and gripper); their motion is provided by onboard miniaturized commercial motors and a dedicated external platform. The endoscopist holds the endoscope near the lesion, while the operator drives the robotic arms through a remote control. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Several preliminary studies have been conducted in the following order. A first test was conducted for identification of force value for lifting and pulling maneuvers using a modified TEM instrument. A CAD study was conducted to determine the maximum size that the hood must have in order to overcome the critical angle represented by the splenic flexure. Several tests were conducted to determine the degrees of freedom of each robotic arm, starting with the CAD drawing to make subsequently the mock-ups of each configuration. Finally, a 3D mock-up was produced that was assembled on an endoscope to perform the in vitro test to evaluate the workspace and field of view using a pelvic trainer for TEM. RESULTS. The first test shown that the minimum force that the gripper will have to develop with the push-pull is 1.5N. The CAD study shown that the maximum dimensions the hood must have to overcome splenic flexure are: maximum diameter 28mm, maximum length 57mm. After several configurations was been tested, the final prototype features are: gripper arm with pitch sliding and open/close of the tip and diathermic hook arm with pitch, roll and sliding. There will be 6 such distributed motors: 3 external motors for the gripper arm that will operate through cables contained in a sheath adherent to colonscope and 3 embedded motors for diathermic hook arm (one integrated on the hood for the sliding degree of motion and the other two inside of the arm). The in-vitro test has been carried out to evaluate the workspace and they proved that the operating field vision is not obstructed by the hood and the working range is sufficiently wide to perform a dissection. CONCLUSION. Tests conducted up to this point have allowed us to identify the overall layout of the RED: dimensions, degrees of freedom, number and distribution of motors needed for the operation of robotic arms; moreover, it is proved that the device, once assembled, maintained the visual and operational field characteristics necessary to perform an accurate dissection. The next step will be to realize a RED steel final prototype and in-vivo tests will be carry out to replicate an endoscopic dissection into the colon

    Incipient slip detection and grasping automation for robotic surgery

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    Robotic minimally invasive surgery provides multiple improvements over traditional laparoscopic procedures, but one significant issue still encountered is their limited force control during the grasping and retraction of tissue, as the surgeon is separated from the instrument, and therefore denuded of their sense of touch and the applied forces. Prior solutions have largely looked towards haptic feedback to resolve this issue, but an alternative approach is to detect and monitor the occurrence of tissue slip events. This would allow the force to be automatically adjusted to prevent slip, minimising the clamp force used to maintain control, thus reducing the probability of tissue trauma. The aim of this work is to develop a method for the early detection and mitigation of tissue slip during robotic surgical manipulation tasks, helping to reduce tissue trauma and minimise tissue slip events. Initial investigations into literature, and evaluation of the slip mechanics when grasping soft, lubricated, deformable materials, indicated that small localised slips occur before the onset of macro slip. Two phenomena were identified in the slip mechanics investigation that could be employed to induce these slip in a measurable and repeatable manner. Firstly through using the tissue's deformable properties to create slip differentials between the front and rear of the grasper face, and secondly through using a curved surface to create a variation in the normal force, and thus frictional force, across the surface. Two instrumented grasper faces were developed, based on each of these phenomena, that were capable of monitoring the occurrence of localised tissue slip through monitoring the displacement of a series of independent movable islands that made up the grasper face. These were then demonstrated to be capable of automatically detecting slip events for a range of test conditions with tissue simulants, before being utilised to automatically control the grasping forces during a tissue retraction task. Both sensor systems provided similar levels of tissue control to one which utilised the maximum clamp force throughout the task, whilst applying lower forces during the early stages of retraction, reducing the probability of tissue damage. In addition the normal force based method, with the curved grasper face, was demonstrated to be effective for the early detection of slip when grasping porcine liver tissue, successfully detecting incipient slip in 77% of cases. This work provides a strong basis for further development of incipient slip sensing for surgical applications. It provides novel contributions in the understanding of slip mechanics of soft tissues, as well as presenting two separate novel sensing approaches for the automatic detection and mitigation of slip events, offering an opportunity for reducing the occurrence of tissue slip events whilst minimising tissue trauma, as well as surgeon fatigue

    Cable-driven parallel mechanisms for minimally invasive robotic surgery

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    Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has revolutionised surgery by providing faster recovery times, less post-operative complications, improved cosmesis and reduced pain for the patient. Surgical robotics are used to further decrease the invasiveness of procedures, by using yet smaller and fewer incisions or using natural orifices as entry point. However, many robotic systems still suffer from technical challenges such as sufficient instrument dexterity and payloads, leading to limited adoption in clinical practice. Cable-driven parallel mechanisms (CDPMs) have unique properties, which can be used to overcome existing challenges in surgical robotics. These beneficial properties include high end-effector payloads, efficient force transmission and a large configurable instrument workspace. However, the use of CDPMs in MIS is largely unexplored. This research presents the first structured exploration of CDPMs for MIS and demonstrates the potential of this type of mechanism through the development of multiple prototypes: the ESD CYCLOPS, CDAQS, SIMPLE, neuroCYCLOPS and microCYCLOPS. One key challenge for MIS is the access method used to introduce CDPMs into the body. Three different access methods are presented by the prototypes. By focusing on the minimally invasive access method in which CDPMs are introduced into the body, the thesis provides a framework, which can be used by researchers, engineers and clinicians to identify future opportunities of CDPMs in MIS. Additionally, through user studies and pre-clinical studies, these prototypes demonstrate that this type of mechanism has several key advantages for surgical applications in which haptic feedback, safe automation or a high payload are required. These advantages, combined with the different access methods, demonstrate that CDPMs can have a key role in the advancement of MIS technology.Open Acces

    Analysis of Strain Transfer to FBG’s for Sensorized Telerobotic End-effector Applications

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    Sensorized instruments which cater for the measurement of interaction forces during surgical procedures are not available on current commercial Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgical (MIRS) systems. This paper investigates the ef-fectiveness of advanced optical sensing technology (Fiber Bragg Grating) as sur-gical end effector strain/force sensors. The effects of adhesive bonding layer thickness and length are specifically addressed owing to their importance for ef-fective strain transfer and ensuring compactness of the resulting sensing arrange-ment. The strain transfer characteristics of the compound sensing arrangement are evaluated by the examination of shear transfer through the fiber coating and adhe-sive layers. Detailed analysis of the sensing scheme is facilitated through the use of FEA. Validation of the resulting models is achieved through experimentation carried out on an application-specific evaluation platform. Results show that strain values from an FBG are comparable to that of an electrical strain gauge sensor
