8 research outputs found


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    The paper reviews that there are several issues and challenges in order to implement full 2D and 3D Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) in Oman. The state of current 2D SDI and 3D geospatial data has been investigated. Currently, Oman has made noticeable progress in 2D SDI but not yet in 3D domain. To date, there are no serious efforts and initiatives by the authority to materialize the 3D SDI. This paper ends by describing a framework for implementing the 3D SDI. We expect, these issues and challenges of 3D SDI in Oman can prompt better services for several potential users

    Geomatics in physiognomic landscape research: A Dutch view

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    Geomatics is a technology and service sector focussing on the acquisition, storage, analysis and management of geographically referenced information for improved decision-making. Landscape physiognomic and research –and its GI science application. The geomatics developments since 40 years confront us with many new algorithms and a variety of geo data. Due to these the interest in physiognomic research has been increased. This article links the variety of geodata and its processing functions to the landscape physiognomic research framework. This link is based on an overview of the geo data, the intended applications in landscape physiognomic research and the functions to perform. The article provides an overview of geographical data using/driving methods and applications that may support physiognomic landscape research that longs from methods that rely on geo-data that ranges from a administratively defined (INSPIRE), professional experiment acquired  up to collected by volunteers. These methods may act manifold: describe, proof and project of space as could be perceived, imagined and created from both perspectives affectively and cognitively. Besides to communicate results the methods include persistently also analysis by visualization. Other findings are the interest in changing objects of the landscape and perception via moving subjects

    Modelos urbanos tridimensionais: uma análise na perspectiva dos sistemas de informação geográfica

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    Tese de mestrado em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (Tecnologias e Aplicações), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2012A presente dissertação procura definir um método para a representação tridimensional de fachadas e integração e análise de dados acerca da radiação solar que zona elementar da estrutura recebe anualmente. A radiação solar nas fachadas apresenta uma variabilidade em Z e o seu estudo e análise ainda se encontram pouco desenvolvidos, devido à sua complexidade quer de modelação quer de representação. No entanto, os SIG começam a mostrar crescentes capacidades na área dos 3D, e como tal, foi levantada a possibilidade de utilizar modelos urbanos tridimensionais da área em estudo, o Campus da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL) para levar a cabo este objectivo. Para isso, foram criados os modelos tridimensionais dos edifícios do Campus, utilizando um método tradicional de modelação - bottom-up, partindo das pegadas dos edifícios e criando todos os detalhes do edifício de uma forma interactiva com base em fotografias. Foi também desenvolvida uma nova metodologia para a derivação de modelos digitais do terreno a partir de dados LiDAR reamostrados, utilizando indicadores locais de autocorrelação espacial para isolar e remover aglomerados classificados com valores residuais altos e positivos. Posteriormente foi gerada uma nova estrutura de pontos para receber os valores da radiação calculados previamente. Este estudo é parte integrante de um projecto a decorrer no Departamento de Engenharia Geográfica, Geofísica e Energia da FCUL, que visa calcular o potencial fotovoltaico urbano.This dissertation aims to define a method to represent three-dimensional façades that allow integration and analysis of solar radiation data that each element of the structure receives annually. The Z variability of the solar radiation phenomenon and its overall complexity sets a tone for its difficult modelling and analysis and this might be the reason why façades are often discarded from the scope of solar radiation studies. GIS software is starting to show great capabilities in the 3D field and therefore the possibility of using three-dimensional urban models of the study area, the Campus of the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon University (FCUL), was raised. To do so, the buildings of the study area were modeled using the traditional bottom-up approach, starting from the buildings’ footprints and adding details based on photographs of the site. Also a new methodology to create a digital terrain model from resampled LiDAR data was developed, and it uses local indicators of spatial association to separate and remove high residuals clusters that can be classified as non-terrain objects. Finally, a new point structure for the façade was generated and can be joined spatially with the solar radiation data calculated previously. This study is part of a project in development in the Department of Geographic Engineering, Geophysics and Energy that has the purpose of assess the urban photovoltaic potential

    Exploring the Visual Landscape: Advances in Physiognomic Landscape Research in the Netherlands

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    Exploring the Visual Landscape is about the combination of landscape research and planning, visual perception and Geographic Information Science. It showcases possible ways of getting a grip on themes like: landscape openness, cluttering of the rural landscape, high-rise buildings in relation to cityscape, historic landscapes and motorway panoramas. It offers clues for visual landscape assessment of spaces in cities, parks and rural areas. In that respect, it extends the long tradition in the Netherlands on physiognomic landscape research and shows the state of the art at this moment. Exploring the Visual Landscape offers important clues for theory, methodology and application in research and development of landscapes all over the world, from a specifically Dutch academic context. It provides a wide range of insights into the psychological background of landscape perception, the technical considerations of geomatics and methodology in landscape architecture, urban planning and design. Furthermore, there are some experiences worthwhile considering, which demonstrate how this research can be applied in the practice of landscape policy making

    BIM technologijų efektyvumo daugiapakopis vertinimas

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    BIM (Building Information Modelling) – pastato informacinis modeliavimas – tai naujos kartos projektavimo būdas. Projektuojama braižant ne linijomis, o jau elementais, kurie turi savo parametrus. Disertacijoje atliekamas BIM technologijų efektyvumo daugiapakopis vertinimas. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – pasiūlyti efektyvų BIM technologijų efektyvumo vertinimo daugiapakopį modelį. Autorius BIM efektyvumą įvertina atlikdamas BIM reikšmės statybos sektoriuje analizę, keturių dimensijų projektavimo modelio efektyvumo vertinimą ir pagrindimą taikant daugiaktriterinę analizę, BIM technologijų diegimo poreikio projektavimo įmonėse vertinimą bei siūlo BIM projektavimo atsiperkamumo skaičiavimo modelį. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, bendrosios išvados, naudotos literatūros sąrašas, autoriaus mokslinių publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašas ir du priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, aprašomas mokslinis darbo naujumas, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomi autoriaus pranešimai konferencijose ir publikacijos, pateikiama disertacijos struktūra. Pirmajame skyriuje aptariama BIM reikšmė statybos sektoriuje, nustatoma BIM technologijų įtaka darbo efektyvumui, vertinamas keturių dimensijų modelio efektyvumo teorinis aspektas, pateikiamas BIM technologijų projektavimo įmonėje daugiapakopio vertinimo teorinis pagrindas. Skyriaus pabaigoje formuluojamos išvados ir tikslinami disertacijos uždaviniai. Antrajame skyriuje pateikiamas 4 dimensijų projektavimo modelio efektyvumo vertinimas ir pagrindimas taikant daugiakriterinę analizę. Atliktas 4D efektyvumo vertinimo eksperimentas. Taip pat pateikiami BIM panaudojimo statybos inžinerijos studijose atlikto tyrimo vertinimo rezultatai. Trečiajame skyriuje pristatomas BIM technologijų diegimo projektavimo paslaugų įmonėje atsiperkamumo vertinimas. Sukurtas atsiperkamumo skaičiavimo metodas „ROI MR“, leidžiantis projektavimo įmonėms įvertinti pastato informacinio modeliavimo programos investicijų atsipirkimą pirmiesiems metams. Disertacijos tema paskelbti 8 moksliniai straipsniai, iš kurių 1 referuojamas Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge (ISI Web of Science) cituojamuose žurnaluose, 2 straipsniai referuojami konferencijos ISI Proceedings medžiagoje, 4 straipsniai – kituose recenzuojamuose užsienio ir Lietuvos mokslo leidiniuose, 1 straipsnis – recenzuojamoje Lietuvos konferencijos medžiagoje