3 research outputs found

    Design and evaluation of an interactive training system for scrub nurses.

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    OBJECTIVE The current trend toward increasingly integrated technological support systems and the rise of streamlined processes in the OR have led to a growing demand for personnel with higher levels of training. Although simulation systems are widely used and accepted in surgical training, they are practically non-existent for perioperative nursing, especially scrub nursing. This paper describes and evaluates an interactive OR environment simulation to help train scrub nurses. METHODS A system comprising multiple computers and monitors, including an interactive table and a touchscreen combined with a client-server software solution, was designed to simulate a scrub nurse's workplace. The resulting demonstrator was evaluated under laboratory conditions with a multicenter interview study involving three participating ear, nose, and throat (ENT) departments in Germany and Switzerland. RESULTS The participant group of 15 scrub nurses had an average of 12.8 years hands-on experience in the OR. A series of 22 questions was used to evaluate various aspects of the demonstrator system and its suitability for training novices. DISCUSSION The system received very positive feedback. The participants stated that familiarization with instrument names and learning the instrument table setup were the two most important technical topics for beginners. They found the system useful for acquiring these skills as well as certain non-technical aspects. CONCLUSIONS Interactive training through simulation is a new approach for preparing novice scrub nurses for the challenges at the instrument table in the OR. It can also improve the lifelong training of perioperative personnel. The proposed system is currently unique in its kind. It can be used to train both technical and non-technical skills and, therefore, contributes to patient safety. Moreover, it is not dependent on a specific type of surgical intervention or medical discipline

    Detektion, Simulation und Analyse der chirurgischen Instrumentation: Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Dr. rer. med. an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig

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    Die Dissertation widmet sich dem vielfältigen Feld der chirurgischen Instrumentation mit dem Schwerpunkt des instrumentierenden Personals aus zwei eng verwobenen Richtungen, indem sie den Bogen von einem Erkennungssystem zu einem Simulationssystem schlägt und durch entsprechende Analysen ergänzt. Beide Systeme stellen für sich ein Novum dar. Als Ergänzung wird eine Untersuchung zum Aufbau des Instrumententischs vorgestellt.:1 Einleitung 1.1 Klinische Motivation 1.2 Zielstellung der Arbeit 1.3 Einordnung der Arbeit 1.4 Struktur der Arbeit 2 Medizinischer Kontext 2.1 Instrumentierende Person und Operationsteam 2.1.1 Technische und nicht-technische Fähigkeiten 2.1.2 Training und Simulation 2.1.3 Gesundheit und Ergonomie 2.2 Instrumente und Sterilgutcontainer 2.2.1 Patientensicherheit 2.2.2 Erkennung 2.2.3 Wirtschaftlichkeit und Logistik 2.3 Workflow und Arbeitsumgebung 2.3.1 Surgical Workflow 2.3.2 Robotische Instrumentation 2.3.3 Supportsysteme 2.4 Eingriff (FESS) 2.5 Abschluss 3 Publikationen 3.1 Intra-operative surgical instrument usage detection on a multi-sensor table 3.2 Design and evaluation of an interactive training system for scrub nurses 3.3 Measuring and evaluating standardization of scrub nurse instrument table setups 4 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 4.1 Zusammenfassung 4.2 Ausblic