8 research outputs found

    Las TICs en el aprendizaje de la Fisica

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    A partir de la pregunta ¿qué debemos hacer para enseñar fí­sica más efectivamente en colegios y universidades? este artí­culo se propuso intentar precisar las posibles aplicaciones de las TICs que puedan recomendarse para mejorar la enseñanza de disciplina. Se realizó para ello una revisión tanto en Google Académico (997 referencias) como en ScienceDirect (737 referencias). La cantidad de artí­culos encontrados reveló la diversidad de enfoques, aplicaciones y contextos en que de una forma u otra se aplican las TICs en la Fí­sica.El análisis de contenidos realizado permitió destacar que la   aplicación de las TICs requiere un enfoque cognitivo y lo que es más importante que estas se enmarquen en un ambiente de aprendizaje. La falta de investigaciones sobre los efectos de la aplicación de las TICs y sobre las diferentes percepciones de estudiantes y profesores impide el formular estrategias de carácter general.Dado que la calidad de la enseñanza de las   Ciencias Técnicas     depende que el estudiante pueda utilizar laboratorios reales resulta importante que se estimulen investigaciones sobre el uso y experiencias en el desarrollo de laboratorios remotos y virtuales que pueden constituir alternativas de bajo costo.    Una experiencia en el uso de las TICs en la enseñanza de la Fí­sica que puede ser extrapolada a otras disciplinas es la importancia de la simulación con el uso de las TICs o de programas especí­ficos que permitan analizar modelos matemáticos que permitan analizar sistemas de diverso tipo.  

    Applications of Educational Serious Games for Information Technology Related Subjects in Higher Education

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    Serious games which are designed for purposes rather than pure entertainment have become one of the popular topics these days as they have the potential to be effective and efficient teaching tools which are interactive, attractive and immersive. This study conducts a systematic literature review on the past research on the application of educational serious games in Information Technology (IT) related subjects in tertiary sector, and aims at broadening our understanding of the role of games in education. Herewith, we searched the selected keywords on several academic databases and found an initial set of 3437 studies. Then we excluded papers on the basis of their title, abstract and full text to come up with a set of more relevant studies. This paper proposes a new classification for applied games in this area and classifies them into five categories of simulation games, puzzle-solving games, 3D games, board games, and role-playing games. The results of the data analysis show that majority of the studies have used simulation and role-playing games. A summary of the results and conclusions of each paper is also provided to inform both teachers and researchers on the topic.Full Tex

    Design and evaluation of a computer game for the learning of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) concepts by physical education and sport science students

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    This study addresses the learning of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) concepts by physical education and sport science students through a computer game. Its aims are: (a) the design of the prototype of a computer game aimed at supporting the development of an appropriate mental model about how a computer works by the students, and (b) the evaluation of the impact of the use of this prototype on students as to appeal, basic usability issues and learning outcomes. The most significant elements of the game prototype (narrative, characters, interface, scenarios, puzzles, gameplay) are presented in connection with the constructivist learning principles that guided the game design. A hundred and three (103) physical education and sport science students participated in the evaluation of the game prototype, which was conducted through pretest and posttest written questionnaires that elicited both quantitative and qualitative data. The data analysis showed that the game prototype was well-accepted as an alternative learning tool for ICT, compared to traditional learning tools, and that most game elements elicited average to positive responses from the students. It was also found that the game prototype had a significant positive effect on students' knowledge regarding the concepts of input, program, output and their interplay, and that it helped certain students overcome their misconceptions and form more scientifically acceptable and elaborate mental conceptions about basic functions of a computer. Future improvements and extensions to the game as well as future research perspectives are discussed on the basis of the findings. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Enseñanza de vocabulario chino a través de Flash Cards

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    [ES] Tras entrar en el siglo XXI, y debido a la popularización de los dispositivos electrónicos en la sociedad humana, las personas pueden acceder a información más compleja, lo que ha provocado cambios en el campo de la enseñanza de idiomas y ha hecho que los estudiantes y los profesores intenten adaptarse a las nuevas herramientas y modelos de enseñanza. En este proceso cada vez más docentes están prestando atención al aprendizaje basado en juegos digitales por lo que gradualmente aparecen muchos programas de juegos similares en Internet, programas que compensan las deficiencias de la enseñanza tradicional en el aula y ofrecen un tiempo de aprendizaje más flexible.Se trata de recursos didácticos más ricos, experiencias en el aula más interesantes, etc. Sin embargo, este modelo no cuenta con una teoría y una práctica completas en el campo de la enseñanza del chino como lengua extranjera. Por un lado, debido a la diferencia entre la familia de lenguas sino-tibetanas y la familia de lenguas indoeuropeas, los caracteres chinos presentan métodos únicos de formación de palabras, que resultan complicados para los estudiantes extranjeros. Por otro lado, las dificultades ligadas a la comprensión se deben a que el desarrollo del chino como lengua extranjera es relativamente tardío y los métodos de enseñanza no son perfectos. El propósito del presente artículo es abordar las dificultades en la enseñanza del chino como lengua extranjera. Según las tres etapas de la adquisición de la lengua, a saber, input, procesamiento y producción se diseñan una serie de tareas didácticas para ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender la diferencia entre los dos métodos de enseñanza del chino "basado en caracteres chinos" y "basado en vocabulario", y de acuerdo con la teoría del aprendizaje constructivista, los estudiantes coleccionan el vocabulario en juegos de tarjetas para poder construir su propio sistema de vocabulario chino. El presente trabajo analiza principalmente la manera de adaptar el chino como lengua extranjera al nuevo entorno de enseñanza en la era de la información. No puede olvidarse que al integrar los videojuegos en las aulas de idiomas se practican las teorías tradicionales de aprendizaje de idiomas con la esperanza de llegar más lejos en la enseñanza en la nueva era en la que vivimos.[EN] Entering the twenty-first century, and due to the popularization of electronic devices in human society, people can access more complex information, which has caused significant changes in the field of language teaching and has made that students and teachers try to adapt to new teaching tools and models. In this process, more and more teachers are paying attention to learning based on digital games, which is why many similar game programs are gradually appearing on the Internet, programs that compensate for the shortcomings of traditional classroom teaching and offer a more flexible learning time. richer didactics, more interesting classroom experiences, etc. However, this model does not have a complete theory and practice in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. This is due to the differences between the Sino-Tibetan language family and the Indo-European language family, Chinese characters, that present unique methods of word formation and are difficult for foreign students. Also, the are difficulties associated with understanding. This is because the development of Chinese as a foreign language is relatively late and the teaching methods are not perfect. The purpose of this master's thesis is to address the difficulties in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. According to the three stages of language acquisition, namely input, processing and production. A series of didactic tasks are designed to help students understand the difference between the two teaching methods. Teaching Chinese "based on Chinese characters" and "based on vocabulary", and according to constructivist learning theory, students collect vocabulary in flashcard games in order to build their own Chinese vocabulary system. way to adapt Chinese as a foreign language to the new teaching environment in the information age.Yu, P. (2020). Enseñanza de vocabulario chino a través de Flash Cards. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/159015TFG

    O ensino-aprendizagem de piano através do Youtube: estudo de três casos

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    Mestrado em Ensino de MúsicaO presente trabalho propõe-se analisar e refletir sobre o ensino de piano através da página de Internet youtube. Foram observados três diferentes casos, analisando as características relacionadas com o estilo de ensino (modelo, metodologia, ferramentas), com o funcionamento das mecânicas e funções da página, reconhecimento da popularidade das aulas e opinião dos alunos. Concluiu-se que quem pratica este tipo de ensino necessita ainda de explorar mais aprofundadamente as capacidades do Youtube enquanto ferramenta de ensino, sendo ainda difícil ou impossível produzir nesta forma o mesmo tipo de resultados que se obtêm em aulas convencionais de piano, na lógica presencial.The present study aims to analize and reflect about the piano teaching through the internet page Youtube. Three different cases were observed, anazying the characteristics related to the theaching style (model, methodology, tools), mechanics and functions of the page and recognition of the popularity of the classes and the students’ opitions. It was concluded that those who practice this kind of teaching still need to make a deeper exploration of Youtube’s capacities as a teaching tool, being still difficult or impossible to produce in this shape the same results that are obtainable in a conventional piano lesson

    Promoção do Interesse em Criança com Autismo a partir de uma Plataforma Educacional Assistiva com Fantoche Eletrônico

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    A tecnologia, na sua evolução e transformação, influencia novos desdobramentos da técnica, dos processos e de aplicações, não somente na indústria, mas, também, em processos sociais e culturais. Salienta-se o uso de Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação na Educação, Engenharia e de modelos da Computação Afetiva como recurso de ação mediadora para promoção do ser humano social. Neste contexto, a presente Tese desenvolveu, à luz da Teoria Sócio-Histórica, uma Plataforma Educacional Assistiva capaz de possibilitar a promoção do estado afetivo de interesse em crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. O TEA leva a uma condição de déficit no desenvolvimento, em escala de manifestação, nos domínios comportamental, comunicativo e ou cognitivo. O déficit de “atenção conjunta”, de reciprocidade emocional, de interesse, e prejuízo qualitativo na comunicação verbal e não verbal são características mencionadas largamente na literatura. Para “compensar” esse gap, o professor (assim como pais e terapeutas) precisa enfrentar o desafio de projetar estratégias de interação que possam promover cenas de atenção conjunta. Além disso, segundo dados do censo de educação básica de 2015, das quase 8 milhões de matrículas na Educação Infantil, cerca de 900 mil são para Educação Especial, sendo 700 mil no Ensino Fundamental e o preocupante afunilamento para 30 mil no 1º ano do Ensino Médio. Esses números reafirmam a importância da inclusão social e acredita-se que este decréscimo esteja relacionado à necessidade de um apoio tecnológico contextualizado nas atividades comunicativas e de atenção conjunta. A metodologia de pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, e utilizou o método de estudo de caso, de múltiplos casos. A atividade educativa foi desenvolvida por meio da contação de história infantil e uso de recurso tecnológico, dispositivo robótico, de ação mediadora, denominado de Fantoche Eletrônico, especialmente projetado para esta investigação. A práxis teve como base sociocognitiva as três etapas de intenção comunicativa da aquisição da linguagem proposta por Tomasello e de indicadores para a análise do estado afetivo de interesse. Os dados foram coletados por meio de instrumentos de entrevistas e observação sob a contação de quatro histórias infantil para quatro estudantes com autismo do 7º e 8º anos do ensino fundamental, totalizando 16 casos. Os resultados demonstraram que o uso do Fantoche Eletrônico promoveu mais de 80% de cenas de atenção conjunta, e um aumento, de três casos positivos com fantoche não eletrônico para quase 10 com o Fantoche Eletrônico, representado um ganho de mais de 200%. Além disso, 83% dos casos apresentaram indicativo positivo de estado afetivo de interesse. A Plataforma Educacional Assistiva foi denominada de Asistranto, assistência em Esperanto, e se mostrou adequada para o desenvolvimento de diferentes atividades acadêmicas com o objetivo de incluir estudantes com autismo em espaços escolares.Technology, in its evolution and transformation, influences new developments in the techniques, processes and applications, not only in industry, but also in social and cultural processes. The use of Information Technology and Communication in Education, Engineering and Affective Computing models as a resource of mediating action to promote the social human being. In this context, the present developed, in the light of Socio-Historical Theory, an Assistive Educational Platform capable of to promote the affective state of interest in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder(ASD) of the initial years of Elementary School. The ASD leads to a condition of development, demonstration scale, behavioral, communicative and or cognitive. The deficit of "joint attention", emotional reciprocity, of interest, and qualitative impairment in verbal and non-verbal communication verbal characteristics are widely mentioned in the literature. To "compensate" this gap, the teacher (as well as parents and therapists) must face the challenge of designing interaction strategies that can promote scenes of joint attention. Besides that, according to data from the 2015 basic education census, of the almost 8 million enrollments in the Education, about 900 thousand are for Special Education, of which 700 thousand are Elementary School and the worrying bottleneck for 30 thousand in the first year of high school. Those reaffirm the importance of social inclusion and it is believed that this related to the need for technological support contextualized in the activities communicative and joint attention. The research methodology is qualitative in nature, and used multiple cases study technique. The educational activity was developed through the account of children's history and the use of technological resources, device robotic, of mediating action, denominated of Electronic Puppet, specially designed for this research. The praxis was based on sociocognitive three stages of communicative intention of language acquisition proposed by Tomasello and of indicators for the analysis of the affective state of interest. The data were collected by medium of instruments of interviews and observation under the account of four children's stories for four students with autism in the 7th and 8th years of elementary school, totaling 16 cases. The results showed that the use of the Electronic Puppet promoted more than 80% of scenes of joint attention, and an increase, of three positive cases with non-electronic puppet for almost 10 with the Electronic Puppet, represented a gain of over 200%. In addition, 83% of the cases presented positive indicative affective status of interest. The Assistive Educational Platform was denominated Asistranto, assistance in Esperanto, and proved adequate for the development of different activities with the aim of including students with autism in school settings

    The role of the writer in creating narrative-driven digital educational games

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    &nbsp;The two interlocking studies within this inquiry were undertaken to discover how the writers of narrative-driven digital educational games can improve these games&rsquo; potential effectiveness, using action and textual elements. This was achieved by conducting a critical analysis of the literature, analysing best practice games and interviewing their writers.<br /