5 research outputs found

    HeIse Wheels: a Family of Mechanisms for Implementing Variable Geometry Hybrid Wheels

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    This paper presents a family of mechanisms of two degrees of freedom for implementing variable geometry hybrid wheels. These mechanisms are capable of transforming a circular wheel into a hybrid wheel with multiple legs. In this paper we describe the main attributes and advantages of these mechanisms, which we named HeIse Wheels. In addition, various terms and concepts related to the mathematical modeling of these devices are defined. The family of mechanisms consists of 14 original designs, which represent a sound solution to the problem of wheel-hybrid wheel transformation

    Metodología para la toma de decisiones en el cambio de locomoción de un robot híbrido multi-terreno

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    RESUMEN: Se verifica la funcionalidad de una metodología basada en lógica difusa para la toma de decisiones sobre el cambio de locomoción entre patas y orugas de un robot híbrido todo-terreno. Para esto, se implementa el algoritmo de agrupamiento semi-supervisado fuzzy c-means estándar con 3 clases: usar orugas, usar patas o usar otro medio de locomoción, y se analizan los resultados para un conjunto de imágenes de terreno virtual, a las que se les extrae, por medio del uso de herramientas de procesamiento digital de imágenes, los descriptores geométricos: altura máxima de obstáculos en las regiones donde se apoya el robot (extremos), altura máxima de obstáculos en la región central (entre apoyos), y desnivel entre alturas máximas de obstáculos en las regiones de apoyo. Además, se prueba el algoritmo con un prototipo robótico controlado en tiempo real con el software Matlab y la plataforma Arduino, que cuenta con 2 orugas y 6 patas de 2 grados de libertad cada una; este envía al computador imágenes de una pista de obstáculos, de las que se extraen los mismos descriptores usados en la simulación para ejecutar el algoritmo

    Design and Real Time Control of a Versatile Scansorial Robot

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    This thesis presents investigations into the development of a versatile scansorial mobile robot and real-time realisation of a control system for different configurations of the robot namely climbing mode, walking mode and steering mode. The mobile robot comprises of a hybrid leg and wheel mechanism with innovative design that enables it to interchange its configuration to perform the specific tasks of pole climbing in climbing mode, walking and step climbing in walking mode, and skid steering and inclined slope climbing in steering mode. The motivation of this research is due to the surrounding environment which is not always structured for exploration or navigation missions, and thus poses significant difficulty for the robot to manoeuvre and accomplish the intended task. Hence, the development of versatile scansorial robot with a flexible and interchangeable configuration can provide a broad range of applications and locomotion system and to achieve the mission objective successfully. The robot design consists of four arms/legs with wheel attached at each end-effector and has two link manipulation capability. In climbing mode, the arms are configured as grippers to grip the pole and wheels accelerate to ascend or descend. The climbing angle is monitored to retain the level of the robot while climbing. However, in walking mode, the arms are configured as legs and the wheels are disabled. By implementing a periodic walking gait, the robot is capable of performing stable walking and step climbing. In steering mode, the arms are configured as suspension and the wheels are used for manoeuvring. In this mode, the skid steering system is used to enable the robot perform the turn. The versatile scansorial robot’s configurations and locomotion capabilities are assessed experimentally in real time implementation using the physical prototype. The experiments provided demonstrate the versatility of the robot and successfully fulfill the aims and objectives of the research

    Design and development of a low-cost hybrid wheeled-leg for an agricultural robot : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Mechatronics at Massey University, Manawatū Campus, Palmerson North, New Zealand

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    The following Figures are re-used with the publishers' permission: 9a, 11c, 13b, 14a, 16a, 19. These Figures are re-used with permission from IEEE: 10a ©2005 IEEE; 10b ©2008 IEEE; 11b ©2011 IEEE; 12a ©2010 IEEE; 13a ©2015 IEEE; 13c ©2010 IEEE; 14b ©2013 IEEE; 14c ©2010 IEEE; 15 & 22 ©2016 IEEE; 16b ©2017 IEEE; 18a, b &c ©2005 IEEE; 20a & b ©2011 IEEE; 21 ©2009 IEEE; 23 ©2016 IEEE. Other Figures are either in the public domain, or re-used under a Creative Commons license.Currently, New Zealand is financially dependent on its agricultural industry quite heavily. However, the agricultural sector faces several problems such as labour shortages, environmental issues and increasing costs. In other industries, robotics and automation have been used to combat these issues successfully. Yet, in agriculture, robotics and automation have only been adopted in horticulture but not in pastoral farming (dairy, sheep, and cattle). This is because the tasks and terrain in horticultural are well defined and structured, whereas, in pastoral farming, the terrain and tasks are unstructured and dynamic. The locomotion used by current horticulture robots is either not capable of operating in unstructured terrain or are inefficient. Therefore, pastoral farming will need to adopt new forms of locomotion in automation platforms. In this thesis, it is proposed that hybrid wheel-leg locomotion will enable robots to operate in unstructured and dynamic environments. With this in mind, a low-cost prototype hybrid wheeled leg has been designed and built. The leg has been designed to specifications which were developed based on the tasks that a multipurpose horticultural and pastoral farming robot is expected to do. A joint actuator is extremely influential towards the performance of any robotic leg. Due to the unstructured terrain, in which the leg will operate, it was concluded, that a mechanically compliant actuator is required. Because of the prohibitive cost of commercially available actuators, a prototype high torque, low-cost mechanically compliant actuator was designed and built to meet the specified torque requirements. This was in addition to the design and fabrication of the leg itself. Once the leg was assembled, the sensors, actuators and the motor were interfaced with ROS™ (Robot Operating System). ROS makes it easy to coherently control each leg's DOF (Degrees of Freedom) and makes it easy to combine and control multiple legs into a robot. Testing of the leg produced very encouraging results, but there were two issues with the performance of the actuator. The first issue is due to the poor implementation of the position control algorithm that came standard with the actuator motor driver. The problem can be resolved through software or the purchase of a different motor driver. The second issue is that the actuator only outputs 23 Nm of torque, but the motor used is rated at 50 Nm. This is due to the cheap drill motor used which is from an unknown brand; it is hoped that a more powerful drill motor from a well known reputable brand will be able to output its rated torque