4 research outputs found

    Design and tracking of desirable trajectories in the image space by integrating mechanical and visibility constraints

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    International audienceSince image-based visual servoing is a local feedback control solution, it requires the definition of intermediate subgoals in the sensor space at the task planning level. In this paper, we describe a general technique for specifying and tracking trajectories of an unknown object in the camera image space. First, physically valid C2 image trajectories which correspond to quasi-optimal 3D camera trajectory (approaching as much as possible a straight line) are performed. Both mechanical (joint limits) and visibility constraints are taken into account at the task planning level. The good behavior of Image-based control when desired and current camera positions are closed is then exploited to design an efficient control scheme. Real time experimental results using a camera mounted on the end effector of a six d-o-f robot confirm the validity of our approach

    Design and tracking of desirable trajectories in the image space by integrating mechanical and visibility constraints

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    Since image-based visual servoing is a local feedback control solution, it requires the definition of intermediate subgoals in the sensor space at the task planning level. In this paper, we describe a general technique for specifying and tracking trajectories of an unknown object in the cam-era image space. First, physically valid C2 image trajec-tories which correspond to quasi-optimal 30 camera tra-jectory (approaching as much as possible a straight line) are peqormed. Both mechanical ('joint limits) and visibil-ity constraints are taken into account at the task planning level. The good behavior of Image-based control when de-sired and current camera positions are closed is then ex-ploited to design an efJicient control scheme. Real time experimental results using a camera mounted on the end effector of a six d-of robot confirm the validity of our ap-proach.

    Vision-based Global Path Planning and Trajectory Generation for Robotic Applications in Hazardous Environments

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    The aim of this study is to find an efficient global path planning algorithm and trajectory generation method using a vision system. Path planning is part of the more generic navigation function of mobile robots that consists of establishing an obstacle-free path, starting from the initial pose to the target pose in the robot workspace.In this thesis, special emphasis is placed on robotic applications in industrial and scientific infrastructure environments that are hazardous and inaccessible to humans, such as nuclear power plants and ITER1 and CERN2 LHC3 tunnel. Nuclear radiation can cause deadly damage to the human body, but we have to depend on nuclear energy to meet our great demands for energy resources. Therefore, the research and development of automatic transfer robots and manipulations under nuclear environment are regarded as a key technology by many countries in the world. Robotic applications in radiation environments minimize the danger of radiation exposure to humans. However, the robots themselves are also vulnerable to radiation. Mobility and maneuverability in such environments are essential to task success. Therefore, an efficient obstacle-free path and trajectory generation method are necessary for finding a safe path with maximum bounded velocities in radiation environments. High degree of freedom manipulators and maneuverable mobile robots with steerable wheels, such as non-holonomic omni-directional mobile robots make them suitable for inspection and maintenance tasks where the camera is the only source of visual feedback.In this thesis, a novel vision-based path planning method is presented by utilizing the artificial potential field, the visual servoing concepts and the CAD-based recognition method to deal with the problem of path and trajectory planning. Unlike the majority of conventional trajectory planning methods that consider a robot as only one point, the entire shape of a mobile robot is considered by taking into account all of the robot’s desired points to avoid obstacles. The vision-based algorithm generates synchronized trajectories for all of the wheels on omni-directional mobile robot. It provides the robot’s kinematic variables to plan maximum allowable velocities so that at least one of the actuators is always working at maximum velocity. The advantage of generated synchronized trajectories is to avoid slippage and misalignment in translation and rotation movement. The proposed method is further developed to propose a new vision-based path coordination method for multiple mobile robots with independently steerable wheels to avoid mutual collisions as well as stationary obstacles. The results of this research have been published to propose a new solution for path and trajectory generation in hazardous and inaccessible to human environments where the one camera is the only source of visual feedback

    Commande référencée vision pour drones à décollages et atterrissages verticaux

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    La miniaturisation des calculateurs a permis le développement des drones, engins volants capable de se déplacer de façon autonome et de rendre des services, comme se rendre clans des lieux peu accessibles ou remplacer l'homme dans des missions pénibles. Un enjeu essentiel dans ce cadre est celui de l'information qu'ils doivent utiliser pour se déplacer, et donc des capteurs à exploiter pour obtenir cette information. Or nombre de ces capteurs présentent des inconvénients (risques de brouillage ou de masquage en particulier). L'utilisation d'une caméra vidéo dans ce contexte offre une perspective intéressante. L'objet de cette thèse était l'étude de l'utilisation d'une telle caméra dans un contexte capteur minimaliste: essentiellement l'utilisation des données visuelles et inertielles. Elle a porté sur le développement de lois de commande offrant au système ainsi bouclé des propriétés de stabilité et de robustesse. En particulier, une des difficultés majeures abordées vient de la connaissance très limitée de l'environnement dans lequel le drone évolue. La thèse a tout d'abord étudié le problème de stabilisation du drone sous l'hypothèse de petits déplacements (hypothèse de linéarité). Dans un second temps, on a montré comment relâcher l'hypothèse de petits déplacements via la synthèse de commandes non linéaires. Le cas du suivi de trajectoire a ensuite été considéré, en s'appuyant sur la définition d'un cadre générique de mesure d'erreur de position par rapport à un point de référence inconnu. Enfin, la validation expérimentale de ces résultats a été entamée pendant la thèse, et a permis de valider bon nombre d'étapes et de défis associés à leur mise en œuvre en conditions réelles. La thèse se conclut par des perspectives pour poursuivre les travaux.The computers miniaturization has paved the way for the conception of Unmanned Aerial vehicles - "UAVs"- that is: flying vehicles embedding computers to make them partially or fully automated for such missions as e.g. cluttered environments exploration or replacement of humanly piloted vehicles for hazardous or painful missions. A key challenge for the design of such vehicles is that of the information they need to find in order to move, and, thus, the sensors to be used in order to get such information. A number of such sensors have flaws (e.g. the risk of being jammed). In this context, the use of a videocamera offers interesting prospectives. The goal of this PhD work was to study the use of such a videocamera in a minimal sensors setting: essentially the use of visual and inertial data. The work has been focused on the development of control laws offering the closed loop system stability and robustness properties. In particular, one of the major difficulties we faced came from the limited knowledge of the UAV environment. First we have studied this question under a small displacements assumption (linearity assumption). A control law has been defined, which took performance criteria into account. Second, we have showed how the small displacements assumption could be given up through nonlinear control design. The case of a trajectory following has then been considered, with the use of a generic error vector modelling with respect to an unknown reference point. Finally, an experimental validation of this work has been started and helped validate a number of steps and challenges associated to real conditions experiments. The work was concluded with prospectives for future work.TOULOUSE-ISAE (315552318) / SudocSudocFranceF