6 research outputs found

    The Kinematics Analysis of a Novel 3-DOF Cable-Driven Wind Tunnel Mechanism

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    The kinematics analysis method of a novel 3-DOF wind tunnel mechanism based on cable-driven parallel mechanism is provided. Rodrigues' parameters are applied to express the transformation matrix of the wire-driven mechanism in the paper. The analytical forward kinematics model is described as three quadratic equations using three Rodridgues' parameters based on the fundamental theory of parallel mechanism. Elimination method is used to remove two of the variables, so that an eighth-order polynomial with one variable is derived. From the equation, the eight sets of Rodridgues' parameters and corresponding Euler angles for the forward kinematical problem can be obtained. In the end, numerical example of both forward and inverse kinematics is included to demonstrate the presented forward-kinematics solution method. The numerical results show that the method for the position analysis of this mechanism is effective

    Vibration Control in Cable Robots Using a Multi-Axis Reaction System

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    The primary motivation of this thesis is to develop a control strategy for eliminating persistent vibrations in all six spatial directions of the end effector of a planar cable-driven parallel robotic manipulator. By analysing the controllability of a cable-driven robot dynamic model, the uncontrollable modes of the robot are identified. For such uncontrollable modes, a new multi-axis reaction system (MARS) is developed. The new MARS that is attached to the end effector is made of two identical pendulums driven by two servo motors. A decoupled PD controller strategy is developed for regulating controllable modes and a hierarchical sliding mode controller is developed for controlling the remaining modes of the cable robot using MARS. The performance of both controllers is studied and shown to be effective in simulation. The controllers are then implemented on an experimental test setup of a planar cable-driven manipulator. Both controllers are shown to completely eliminate the end effector vibrations

    Low Mobility Cable Robot with Application to Robotic Warehousing

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    Cable-based robots consist of a rigid mobile platform connected via flexible links (cables, wires, tendons) to a surrounding static platform. The use of cables simplifies the mechanical structure and reduces the inertia, allowing the mobile platform to reach high motion acceleration in large workspaces. These attributes give, in principle, an advantage over conventional robots used for industrial applications, such as the pick and place of objects inside factories or similar exterior large workspaces. However, unique cable properties involve new theoretical and technical challenges: all cables must be in tension to avoid collapse of the mobile platform. In addition, positive tensions applied to cables may affect the overall stiffness, that is, cable stretch might result in unacceptable oscillations of the mobile platform. Fully constrained cable-based robots can be distinguished from other types of cable-based robots because the motion and force generation of the mobile platform is accomplished by controlling both the cable lengths and the positive cable tensions. Fully constrained cable-based robots depend on actuator redundancy, that is, the addition of one or more actuated cables than end-effector degrees of freedom. Redundancy has proved to be beneficial to expand the workspace, remove some types of singularities, increase the overall stiffness, and support high payloads in several proposed cable-based robot designs. Nevertheless, this strategy demands the development of efficient controller designs for real-time applications. This research deals with the design and control of a fully constrained cable-based parallel manipulator for large-scale high-speed warehousing applications. To accomplish the design of the robot, a well-ordered procedure to analyze the cable tensions, stiffness and workspace will be presented to obtain an optimum structure. Then, the control problem will be investigated to deal with the redundancy solution and all-positive cable tension condition. The proposed control method will be evaluated through simulation and experimentation in a prototype manufactured for testing

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein