281 research outputs found

    A Networked Dataflow Simulation Environment for Signal Processing and Data Mining Applications

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    In networked signal processing systems, dataflow graphs can be used to describe the processing on individual network nodes. However, to analyze the correctness and performance of these systems, designers must understand the interactions across these individual "node-level'' dataflow graphs --- as they communicate across the network --- in addition to the characteristics of the individual graphs. In this thesis, we present a novel simulation environment, called the NS-2 -- TDIF SIMulation environment (NT-SIM). NT-SIM provides integrated co-simulation of networked systems and combines the network analysis capabilities provided by the Network Simulator (ns) with the scheduling capabilities of a dataflow-based framework, thereby providing novel features for more comprehensive simulation of networked signal processing systems. Through a novel integration of advanced tools for network and dataflow graph simulation, our NT-SIM environment allows comprehensive simulation and analysis of networked systems. We present two case studies that concretely demonstrate the utility of NT-SIM in the contexts of a heterogeneous signal processing and data mining system design


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    A variety of hardware platforms for signal processing has emerged, from distributed systems such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to parallel systems such as Multicore Programmable Digital Signal Processors (PDSPs), Multicore General Purpose Processors (GPPs), and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to heterogeneous combinations of parallel and distributed devices. When a signal processing application is implemented on one of those platforms, the performance critically depends on the scheduling techniques, which in general allocate computation and communication resources for competing processing tasks in the application to optimize performance metrics such as power consumption, throughput, latency, and accuracy. Signal processing systems implemented on such platforms typically involve multiple levels of processing and communication hierarchy, such as network-level, chip-level, and processor-level in a structural context, and application-level, subsystem-level, component-level, and operation- or instruction-level in a behavioral context. In this thesis, we target scheduling issues that carefully address and integrate scheduling considerations at different levels of these structural and behavioral hierarchies. The core contributions of the thesis include the following. Considering both the network-level and chip-level, we have proposed an adaptive scheduling algorithm for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) designed for event detection. Our algorithm exploits discrepancies among the detection accuracy of individual sensors, which are derived from a collaborative training process, to allow each sensor to operate in a more energy efficient manner while the network satisfies given constraints on overall detection accuracy. Considering the chip-level and processor-level, we incorporated both temperature and process variations to develop new scheduling methods for throughput maximization on multicore processors. In particular, we studied how to process a large number of threads with high speed and without violating a given maximum temperature constraint. We targeted our methods to multicore processors in which the cores may operate at different frequencies and different levels of leakage. We develop speed selection and thread assignment schedulers based on the notion of a core's steady state temperature. Considering the application-level, component-level and operation-level, we developed a new dataflow based design flow within the targeted dataflow interchange format (TDIF) design tool. Our new multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC)-oriented design flow, called TDIF-PPG, is geared towards analysis and mapping of embedded DSP applications on MPSoCs. An important feature of TDIF-PPG is its capability to integrate graph level parallelism and actor level parallelism into the application mapping process. Here, graph level parallelism is exposed by the dataflow graph application representation in TDIF, and actor level parallelism is modeled by a novel model for multiprocessor dataflow graph implementation that we call the Parallel Processing Group (PPG) model. Building on the contribution above, we formulated a new type of parallel task scheduling problem called Parallel Actor Scheduling (PAS) for chip-level MPSoC mapping of DSP systems that are represented as synchronous dataflow (SDF) graphs. In contrast to traditional SDF-based scheduling techniques, which focus on exploiting graph level (inter-actor) parallelism, the PAS problem targets the integrated exploitation of both intra- and inter-actor parallelism for platforms in which individual actors can be parallelized across multiple processing units. We address a special case of the PAS problem in which all of the actors in the DSP application or subsystem being optimized can be parallelized. For this special case, we develop and experimentally evaluate a two-phase scheduling framework with three work flows --- particle swarm optimization with a mixed integer programming formulation, particle swarm optimization with a simulated annealing engine, and particle swarm optimization with a fast heuristic based on list scheduling. Then, we extend our scheduling framework to support general PAS problem which considers the actors cannot be parallelized

    Automated generation of an efficient MPEG-4 Reconfigurable Video Coding decoder implementation

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    International audienceThis paper proposes an automatic design flow from user-friendly design to efficient implementation of video processing systems. This design flow starts with the use of coarse-grain dataflow representations based on the CAL language, which is a complete language for dataflow programming of embedded systems. Our approach integrates previously developed techniques for detecting synchronous dataflow (SDF) regions within larger CAL networks, and exploiting the static structure of such regions using analysis tools in The Dataflow interchange format Package (TDP). Using a new XML format that we have developed to exchange dataflow information between different dataflow tools, we explore systematic implementation of signal processing systems using CAL, SDF-like region detection, TDP-based static scheduling, and CAL-to-C (CAL2C) translation. Our approach, which is a novel integration of three complementary dataflow tools -- the CAL parser, TDP, and CAL2C -- is demonstrated on an MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC) decoder

    Integrated input modeling and memory management for image processing applications

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    Image processing applications often demand powerful calculations and real-time performance with low power and energy consumption. Programmable hardware provides inherent parallelism and flexibility making it a good implementation choice for this application domain. In this work we introduce a new modeling technique combining Cyclo-Static Dataflow (CSDF) base model semantics and Homogeneous Parameterized Dataflow (HPDF) meta-modeling framework, which exposes more levels of parallelism than previous models and can be used to reduce buffer sizes. We model two different applications and show how we can achieve efficient scheduling and memory organization, which is crucial for this application domain, since large amounts of data are processed, and storing intermediate results usually requires the use of off-chip resources, causing slower data access and higher power consumption. We also designed a reusable wishbone compliant memory controller module that can be used to access the Xilinx Multimedia Board’s memory chips using single accesses or burst mode

    FPGA Configuration of Intensive Multimedia Processing Tasks Modeled in UML

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    Recent research have demonstrate interests in a codesign framework     that allows description refinement at different abstraction level.     We have proposed such a framework that allows SoC resources     allocation for regular and repetitive tasks found in intensive     multimedia applications. Nevertheless, the framework does not directly target     reconfigurable architectures, the difficult job of placing and     routing an application on a FPGA being postponed to a dedicated     tool. In order to limit the number of synthesis on this external     tool, we propose an algorithm that, from a high level description     of an intensive multimedia application, estimates the resource     usages on a given FPGA architecture. This algorithm makes use of a     simple mathematical formalism issued from case study     implementations

    Modeling and Mapping of Optimized Schedules for Embedded Signal Processing Systems

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    The demand for Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in embedded systems has been increasing rapidly due to the proliferation of multimedia- and communication-intensive devices such as pervasive tablets and smart phones. Efficient implementation of embedded DSP systems requires integration of diverse hardware and software components, as well as dynamic workload distribution across heterogeneous computational resources. The former implies increased complexity of application modeling and analysis, but also brings enhanced potential for achieving improved energy consumption, cost or performance. The latter results from the increased use of dynamic behavior in embedded DSP applications. Furthermore, parallel programming is highly relevant in many embedded DSP areas due to the development and use of Multiprocessor System-On-Chip (MPSoC) technology. The need for efficient cooperation among different devices supporting diverse parallel embedded computations motivates high-level modeling that expresses dynamic signal processing behaviors and supports efficient task scheduling and hardware mapping. Starting with dynamic modeling, this thesis develops a systematic design methodology that supports functional simulation and hardware mapping of dynamic reconfiguration based on Parameterized Synchronous Dataflow (PSDF) graphs. By building on the DIF (Dataflow Interchange Format), which is a design language and associated software package for developing and experimenting with dataflow-based design techniques for signal processing systems, we have developed a novel tool for functional simulation of PSDF specifications. This simulation tool allows designers to model applications in PSDF and simulate their functionality, including use of the dynamic parameter reconfiguration capabilities offered by PSDF. With the help of this simulation tool, our design methodology helps to map PSDF specifications into efficient implementations on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Furthermore, valid schedules can be derived from the PSDF models at runtime to adapt hardware configurations based on changing data characteristics or operational requirements. Under certain conditions, efficient quasi-static schedules can be applied to reduce overhead and enhance predictability in the scheduling process. Motivated by the fact that scheduling is critical to performance and to efficient use of dynamic reconfiguration, we have focused on a methodology for schedule design, which complements the emphasis on automated schedule construction in the existing literature on dataflow-based design and implementation. In particular, we have proposed a dataflow-based schedule design framework called the dataflow schedule graph (DSG), which provides a graphical framework for schedule construction based on dataflow semantics, and can also be used as an intermediate representation target for automated schedule generation. Our approach to applying the DSG in this thesis emphasizes schedule construction as a design process rather than an outcome of the synthesis process. Our approach employs dataflow graphs for representing both application models and schedules that are derived from them. By providing a dataflow-integrated framework for unambiguously representing, analyzing, manipulating, and interchanging schedules, the DSG facilitates effective codesign of dataflow-based application models and schedules for execution of these models. As multicore processors are deployed in an increasing variety of embedded image processing systems, effective utilization of resources such as multiprocessor systemon-chip (MPSoC) devices, and effective handling of implementation concerns such as memory management and I/O become critical to developing efficient embedded implementations. However, the diversity and complexity of applications and architectures in embedded image processing systems make the mapping of applications onto MPSoCs difficult. We help to address this challenge through a structured design methodology that is built upon the DSG modeling framework. We refer to this methodology as the DEIPS methodology (DSG-based design and implementation of Embedded Image Processing Systems). The DEIPS methodology provides a unified framework for joint consideration of DSG structures and the application graphs from which they are derived, which allows designers to integrate considerations of parallelization and resource constraints together with the application modeling process. We demonstrate the DEIPS methodology through cases studies on practical embedded image processing systems

    Electronic System-Level Synthesis Methodologies

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    Image processing applications often demand powerful calculations and real-time performance with low power and energy consumption. Programmable hardware provides inherent parallelism and flexibility making it a good implementation choice for this application domain. In this work we introduce a new modeling technique combining Cyclo-Static Dataflow (CSDF) base model semantics and Homogeneous Parameterized Dataflow (HPDF) meta-modeling framework, which exposes more levels of parallelism than previous models and can be used to reduce buffer sizes. We model two different applications and show how we can achieve efficient scheduling and memory organization, which is crucial for this application domain, since large amounts of data are processed, and storing intermediate results usually requires the use of off-chip resources, causing slower data access and higher power consumption. We also designed a reusable wishbone compliant memory controller module that can be used to access the Xilinx Multimedia Board's memory chips using single accesses or burst mode