3,464 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor adaptasi logistik terbalik di sektor pembuatan

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    Dalam dunia yang mempunyai sumber yang terhad, proses pemulihan yang digunakan untuk bahan atau produk adalah kunci untuk menyokong populasi penduduk dalam meningkatkan penggunaan bahan. Pengurangan bahan buangan menjadi kebimbangan kepada industri negara yang berkonsepkan kitaran bahan kerana bahan buangan tersebut merupakan salah satu sumber yang menjana ekonomi industri tersebut. Proses terbalik melibatkan kos yang besar berbanding keuntungan. Perubahan dalam undang-undang untuk melindungi alam sekitar telah memberi kesan kepada ekonomi dan perkhidmatan. Kini, semakin banyak syarikat yang menggunakan proses aliran terbalik untuk pergerakan barangan dalam sistem logistik mereka. Industri pembuatan merupakan industri utama dalam penggunaan aktiviti logistik terbalik. Sistem logistik terbalik merupakan aktiviti yang membentuk proses yang berterusan untuk penggunaan semula produk sama ada digunakan semula ataupun untuk pelupusan. Pembuatan semula ditakrifkan sebagai salah satu kaedah pemulihan yang digunakan untuk produk yang rosak atau bahagian-bahagian yang boleh diperolehi semula dalam keadaan kualiti yang sama dengan produk baharu dan boleh dimasukkan ke dalam produk baharu dan akan dijual semula dalam pasaran sama dengan bahagian atau produk baharu. Aktiviti logistik terbalik sering dilaksanakan oleh pengeluar asal kerana bahan yang digunakan semula diperlukan untuk pengetahuan dalam pengeluaran tertentu. Eltayeb dan Zailani (2010) menyatakan kebanyakan pengeluar di Malaysia tidak berminat untuk menggunakan semula barangan kitar semula atau pelupusan disebabkan oleh perbelanjaan tambahan untuk mengendalikan aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan logistik terbalik

    Model-Driven Development of Interactive Multimedia Applications

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    The development of highly interactive multimedia applications is still a challenging and complex task. In addition to the application logic, multimedia applications typically provide a sophisticated user interface with integrated media objects. As a consequence, the development process involves different experts for software design, user interface design, and media design. There is still a lack of concepts for a systematic development which integrates these aspects. This thesis provides a model-driven development approach addressing this problem. Therefore it introduces the Multimedia Modeling Language (MML), a visual modeling language supporting a design phase in multimedia application development. The language is oriented on well-established software engineering concepts, like UML 2, and integrates concepts from the areas of multimedia development and model-based user interface development. MML allows the generation of code skeletons from the models. Thereby, the core idea is to generate code skeletons which can be directly processed in multimedia authoring tools. In this way, the strengths of both are combined: Authoring tools are used to perform the creative development tasks while models are used to design the overall application structure and to enable a well-coordinated development process. This is demonstrated using the professional authoring tool Adobe Flash. MML is supported by modeling and code generation tools which have been used to validate the approach over several years in various student projects and teaching courses. Additional prototypes have been developed to demonstrate, e.g., the ability to generate code for different target platforms. Finally, it is discussed how models can contribute in general to a better integration of well-structured software development and creative visual design

    Learning in a Flash

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    Text is no longer the primary means of learning transfer. Character-based simulation, in which animated characters provide a social context that motivates learners, can improve cognition and recall and bodes well for high-impact e-learning

    Complex Adaptive On-line Learning System “Theory of Automatic Control"

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    The controlled from distance teaching (DT) in the system of technical education has a row of features: complication of informative content, necessity of development of simulation models and trainers for conducting of practical and laboratory employments, conducting of knowledge diagnostics on the basis of mathematical-based algorithms, organization of execution collective projects of the applied setting. For development of the process of teaching bases of fundamental discipline control system Theory of automatic control (TAC) the combined approach of optimum combination of existent programmatic instruments of support was chosen DT and own developments. The system DT TAC included: controlled from distance course (DC) of TAC, site of virtual laboratory practical works in LAB.TAC and students knowledge remote diagnostic system d-tester

    Interactive Learning Media for Cellular Communication Systems using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle Model

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    Based on the observations conducted to the students of Diploma of Telecommunications Engineering Telkom University. It revealed that the students have difficulty learning and understanding the chapters of call processing and network optimization in the course of cellular communication systems. It has resulted from the current learning media, which are only in the form of textbooks and Powerpoint slides considered less attractive. Hence, the learning process becomes ineffective and has an impact on low learning outcomes. In this study, an interactive learning media was designed with the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method, Adobe Flash professional CS6 software, using the action script 2.0 programming language. Learning media were designed according to users’ needs and learning outcomes of cellular communication system courses. Based on the testing results, the functionality showed 100% of features function as design specifications. Meanwhile, the user satisfaction testing results obtained an average MOS of 4.73, which means that the learning media is classified great. Furthermore, based on the quantitative testing, the average value of Quiz after using this interactive learning media was 81, which means that the learning media can increase students’ interest so that it affects the increase in learning outcomes by 66% from previous years

    Mobile learning application for children: Belajar bersama Dino

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    Mobile devices and services have the potential in the enhancement of learning and education field. Because of that, computer based learning application has become inappropriate to be used based on the fast development of mobile technology which means all activity was conducted by using mobile devices. This paper proposed the design and development process of Mobile Learning Application which is Belajar Bersama Dino that mainly suitable for children who aged four to six years old. This paper will explain in details in every stages of the design development process for this application

    Иновационные методы, как важная часть обучения иностранному языку

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    Стаття розглядає роль інформаційних технологій у вивченні іноземних мов. Вона підкреслює велику важливість ІТ в навчальному процесі так само як і в процесі підвищення рівня мотивації студентів. У статті наводяться описи різних мультимедійних методів серед яких схема відео-уроків, рольові ігри, і проектне навчання грають основну роль. Стаття також підкреслює, що завдяки застосуванню мультимедійних технологій можливості сучасних методів вивчення іноземної мови значно розширюються і стають більш різноманітними. Вміст уроків за допомогою ІТ стає багатше, темп роботи на уроці прискорюється, і викладач отримує можливість використовувати учбовий час ефективніше, щоб створити оригінальні методи навчання і збільшити об'єм освітнього матеріалу для засвоєння і використання студентами. У статті аналізуються різні види мовленнєвої діяльності за допомогою сучасних технологій і вивчається їх позитивний вплив на ефективність навчання іноземній мові. Так само підкреслюється, що застосування мультимедійних матеріалів і комп'ютерних мереж скорочує час необхідний на навчання майже в три рази, і рівень запам'ятовування, завдяки одночасному використанню зображень, звуку і текстів збільшується на 30-40 відсотків. Це дозволяє вдосконалювати мовленнєві навички і здібності ефективніше і швидше.The article deals with the role of information technologies in learning foreign languages. The paper states the great importance of IT in the learning process as well as in the process of raising motivation among students to a higher level. It also describes different multimedia methods among which the outline of video lessons, role-playing game lessons, distance learning and project based learning have the leading role. The article also points out that due to the application of multimedia technologies the possibilities of modern methods of learning foreign language are considerably broadened and diversified. The content of lessons with the help of IT is enriched, the rate of realization is high, and a teacher gets the possibility to use educational time more effectively, to invent the original methods of teaching and increase the volume of educational material for students' mastering and usage. The article analyses various language activity categories with the help of different types of modern technologies and their positive effect on language learning efficiency. It also states that the application of multimedia materials and computer networks abbreviates time of studies by almost three times, and the level of memorizing through the simultaneous use of images, sound and text is 30-40 percent more. Due to the use of multimedia means, students perfect all aspects of language: phonetic, grammatical, lexical and communicative. This allows mastering language material, language skills and abilities more effective and quicker.Статья рассматривает роль информационных технологий в изучении иностранных языков. Она подчеркивает большую важность ИТ в обучающем процессе так же, как и в процессе повышения уровня мотивации студентов. В статье приводятся описания различных мультимедийных методов среди которых схема видео-уроков, ролевые игры, и проектное обучение играют основную роль. Статья также подчеркивает, что благодаря применению мультимедийных технологий возможности современных методов изучения иностранного языка значительно расширяются и становятся разнообразнее. Содержимое уроков с помощью ИТ становится богаче, темп работы на уроке ускоряется, и преподаватель получает возможность пользовать учебное время более эффективно эффективнее, чтобы создать оригинальные методы обучения и увеличить объем образовательного материала для усвоения и использования студентами. В статье анализируются различные языковые виды деятельности с помощью современных технологий и изучается их положительное влияние на эффективность обучения иностранному языку. Так же подчеркивается, что применение мультимедийных материалов и компьютерных сетей сокращает время необходимое на обучение почти в три раза, и уровень запоминания, благодаря одновременному использованию изображений, звука и текстов увеличивается на 30-40 процентов. Это позволяет совершенствовать языковые навыки и способности эффективнее и быстрее

    Designing nahshorna bilingual media for nahwu-shorof basic learning

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    This study is conducted on the basis of researcher’s observation that students are lack of interest of study in learning Arabic grammar, namely Nahwu-Shorof basic learning. Students have good basic on English ability. The objective of this study is to find out the feasibility of designing ‘’NahShorNa’’ bilingual media for Nahwu-Shorof basic learning for students. This study involved 12 students. The subjects of this study are second grade students of An-Nashriyah Islamic Boarding School. This study used qualitative data and used Research and Development (R&D) Research Design. The instruments of this study used observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation. The study focused on reading ability. The findings of the study that are the result of media validation is 88% score in very good category, the result of two materials validation  is interesting categories, English material is 75% score in pretty good category, the Arabic material is 73,75 % score in pretty good category and  the result of user validation in preliminary field study is ‘’Good’’ respons

    Application of Marketing Tools of Experiential Marketing in the Internet Sphere

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    The article examines the concept of experiential marketing in the context of production promoting in the Internet sphere. Two groups of motives for user interaction with content in the network are identified - active and passive. The ways of satisfying the active motives of users in the development of a multimedia product are substantiated. Proposals by the use of tools for the concept of experiential marketing in the Internet sphere, such as values strengthening, coolhunting, brand development, design, theatricalization, personalization and dialogue have been formed