24 research outputs found

    Thunderclap: Exploring Vulnerabilities in Operating System IOMMU Protection via DMA from Untrustworthy Peripherals

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    Direct Memory Access (DMA) attacks have been known for many years: DMA-enabled I/O peripherals have complete access to the state of a computer and can fully compromise it including reading and writing all of system memory. With the popularity of Thunderbolt 3 over USB Type-C and smart internal devices, opportunities for these attacks to be performed casually with only seconds of physical access to a computer have greatly broadened. In response, commodity hardware and operating-system (OS) vendors have incorporated support for Input-Output Memory Management Units (IOMMUs), which impose memory protection on DMA, and are widely believed to protect against DMA attacks. We investigate the state-of-the-art in IOMMU protection across OSes using a novel I/O security research platform, and find that current protections fall short when faced with a functional network peripheral that uses its complex interactions with the OS for ill intent, and demonstrate compromises against macOS, FreeBSD, and Linux, which notionally utilize IOMMUs to protect against DMA attackers. Windows only uses the IOMMU in limited cases and remains vulnerable. Using Thunderclap, an open-source FPGA research platform we built, we explore a number of novel exploit techniques to expose new classes of OS vulnerability. The complex vulnerability space for IOMMU-exposed shared memory available to DMA-enabled peripherals allows attackers to extract private data (sniffing cleartext VPN traffic) and hijack kernel control flow (launching a root shell) in seconds using devices such as USB-C projectors or power adapters. We have worked closely with OS vendors to remedy these vulnerability classes, and they have now shipped substantial feature improvements and mitigations as a result of our work.DARPA I2O FA8750-10-C-0237 ("CTSRD") DARPA MTO HR0011- 18-C-0016 ("ECATS") Arm Ltd Google Inc This work was also supported by EPSRC EP/R012458/1 (“IOSEC”)

    LinuxCNC – Napredni sustav CNC upravljanja: primjena i kritički osvrt

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    Ovaj rad prikazuje osvrt na implementaciju upravljačkog sustava otvorene arhitekture, tzv. Enhanced Machine Controller-a (EMC2), koji je primijenjen na glodalici kao ispitnom postavu. Razvoj ispitnog postava motiviran je edukacijskim i istraživačkim potrebama, osobito u području razvoja i analize algoritama za nadzor i upravljanje procesima obrade odvajanjem. EMC2 sustav je razmatran s obzirom na kompatibilne hardverske komponente i mogućnosti prilagodbe specifičnostima obradnog stroja, kao i mogućnostima za industrijsku primjenu. U radu su također prikazane tehničke karakteristike ispitnog postava i upravljačkog sustava

    Master of Science

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    thesisOperating system (OS) kernel extensions, particularly device drivers, are one of the primary sources of vulnerabilities in commodity OS kernels. Vulnerabilities in driver code are often exploited by attackers, leading to attacks like privilege escalation, denial-of-service, and arbitrary code execution. Today, kernel extensions are fully trusted and operate within the core kernel without any form of isolation. But history suggests that this trust is often misplaced, emphasizing a need for some isolation in the kernel. We develop a new framework for isolating device drivers in the Linux kernel. Our work builds on three fundamental principles: (1) strong isolation of the driver code; (2) reuse of existing driver while making no or minimal changes to the source; and (3) achieving same or better performance compared to the nonisolated driver. In comparison to existing driver isolation schemes like driver virtual machines and user-level device driver implementations, our work strives to avoid modifying existing code and implements an I/O path without incurring substantial performance overhead. We demonstrate our approach by isolating a unmodified driver for a null block device in the Linux kernel, achieving near-native throughput for block sizes ranging from 512B to 256KB and outperforming the nonisolated driver for block sizes of 1MB and higher

    Advancing Operating Systems via Aspect-Oriented Programming

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    Operating system kernels are among the most complex pieces of software in existence to- day. Maintaining the kernel code and developing new functionality is increasingly compli- cated, since the amount of required features has risen significantly, leading to side ef fects that can be introduced inadvertedly by changing a piece of code that belongs to a completely dif ferent context. Software developers try to modularize their code base into separate functional units. Some of the functionality or “concerns” required in a kernel, however, does not fit into the given modularization structure; this code may then be spread over the code base and its implementation tangled with code implementing dif ferent concerns. These so-called “crosscutting concerns” are especially dif ficult to handle since a change in a crosscutting concern implies that all relevant locations spread throughout the code base have to be modified. Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is an approach to handle crosscutting concerns by factoring them out into separate modules. The “advice” code contained in these modules is woven into the original code base according to a pointcut description, a set of interaction points (joinpoints) with the code base. To be used in operating systems, AOSD requires tool support for the prevalent procedu- ral programming style as well as support for weaving aspects. Many interactions in kernel code are dynamic, so in order to implement non-static behavior and improve performance, a dynamic weaver that deploys and undeploys aspects at system runtime is required. This thesis presents an extension of the “C” programming language to support AOSD. Based on this, two dynamic weaving toolkits – TOSKANA and TOSKANA-VM – are presented to permit dynamic aspect weaving in the monolithic NetBSD kernel as well as in a virtual- machine and microkernel-based Linux kernel running on top of L4. Based on TOSKANA, applications for this dynamic aspect technology are discussed and evaluated. The thesis closes with a view on an aspect-oriented kernel structure that maintains coherency and handles crosscutting concerns using dynamic aspects while enhancing de- velopment methods through the use of domain-specific programming languages

    LinuxCNC – the enhanced machine controller: application and an overview

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    Ovaj rad prikazuje osvrt na implementaciju upravljačkog sustava otvorene arhitekture, tzv. Enhanced Machine Controller-a (EMC2), koji je primijenjen na glodalici kao ispitnom postavu. Razvoj ispitnog postava motiviran je edukacijskim i istraživačkim potrebama, osobito u području razvoja i analize algoritama za nadzor i upravljanje procesima obrade odvajanjem. EMC2 sustav je razmatran s obzirom na kompatibilne hardverske komponente i mogućnosti prilagodbe specifičnostima obradnog stroja, kao i mogućnostima za industrijsku primjenu. U radu su također prikazane tehničke karakteristike ispitnog postava i upravljačkog sustava.This paper presents an application and a critical overview of the Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC2), a Linux based CNC open architecture control system (OAC) implemented in an industrial milling testbed platform. The development of such a machine tool was motivated by educational and research requirements, especially in the field of design and analysis of machining process monitoring and control algorithms. The EMC2 was analysed in view of compatible hardware components and software interfaces, configuration abilities and industrial applicability. Also, characteristics of the developed testbed together with the basic implementation details are depicted

    LinuxCNC – the enhanced machine controller: application and an overview

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    Ovaj rad prikazuje osvrt na implementaciju upravljačkog sustava otvorene arhitekture, tzv. Enhanced Machine Controller-a (EMC2), koji je primijenjen na glodalici kao ispitnom postavu. Razvoj ispitnog postava motiviran je edukacijskim i istraživačkim potrebama, osobito u području razvoja i analize algoritama za nadzor i upravljanje procesima obrade odvajanjem. EMC2 sustav je razmatran s obzirom na kompatibilne hardverske komponente i mogućnosti prilagodbe specifičnostima obradnog stroja, kao i mogućnostima za industrijsku primjenu. U radu su također prikazane tehničke karakteristike ispitnog postava i upravljačkog sustava.This paper presents an application and a critical overview of the Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC2), a Linux based CNC open architecture control system (OAC) implemented in an industrial milling testbed platform. The development of such a machine tool was motivated by educational and research requirements, especially in the field of design and analysis of machining process monitoring and control algorithms. The EMC2 was analysed in view of compatible hardware components and software interfaces, configuration abilities and industrial applicability. Also, characteristics of the developed testbed together with the basic implementation details are depicted

    Gollach : configuration of a cluster based linux virtual server

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    Includes bibliographical references.This thesis describes the Gollach cluster. The Gollach is an eight machine computing cluster that is aimed at being a general purpose computing resource for research purposes. This includes image processing and simulations. The main quest in this project is to create a cluster server that gives increased computational power and a unified system image (at several levels) without requiring the users to learn specialised tricks. At the same time the cluster must not be tasking to administer

    Modulos: um sistema operacional modular baseado em interfaces

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação

    Using hierarchical scheduling to support soft real-time applications in general-purpose operating systems

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    Journal ArticleThe CPU schedulers in general-purpose operating systems are designed to provide fast response time for interactive applications and high throughput for batch applications. The heuristics used to achieve these goals do not lend themselves to scheduling real-time applications, nor do they meet other scheduling requirements such as coordinating scheduling across several processors or machines, or enforcing isolation between applications, users, and administrative domains. Extending the scheduling subsystems of general-purpose operating systems in an ad hoc manner is time consuming and requires considerable expertise as well as source code to the operating system. Furthermore, once extended, the new scheduler may be as inflexible as the original. The thesis of this dissertation is that extending a general-purpose operating system with a general, heterogeneous scheduling hierarchy is feasible and useful. A hierarchy of schedulers generalizes the role of CPU schedulers by allowing them to schedule other schedulers in addition to scheduling threads. A general, heterogeneous scheduling hierarchy is one that allows arbitrary (or nearly arbitrary) scheduling algorithms throughout the hierarchy. In contrast, most of the previous work on hierarchical scheduling has imposed restrictions on the schedulers used in part or all of the hierarchy. This dissertation describes the Hierarchical Loadable Scheduler (HLS) architecture, which permits schedulers to be dynamically composed in the kernel of a general-purpose operating system. The most important characteristics of HLS, and the ones that distinguish it from previous work, are that it has demonstrated that a hierarchy of nearly arbitrary schedulers can be efficiently implemented in a general-purpose operating system, and that the behavior of a hierarchy of soft real-time schedulers can be reasoned about in order to provide guaranteed scheduling behavior to application threads. The flexibility afforded by HLS permits scheduling behavior to be tailored to meet complex requirements without encumbering users who have modest requirements with the performance and administrative costs of a complex scheduler. Contributions of this dissertation include the following. (1) The design, prototype implementation, and performance evaluation of HLS in Windows 2000. (2) A system of guarantees for scheduler composition that permits reasoning about the scheduling behavior of a hierarchy of soft real-time schedulers. Guarantees assure users that application requirements can be met throughout the lifetime of the application, and also provide application developers with a model of CPU allocation to which they can program. (3) The design, implementation, and evaluation of two augmented CPU reservation schedulers, which provide increase scheduling predictability when low-level operating system activity steals time from applications