408,216 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Public Transportation Information Management and Service System

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    经济的发展促进了我国城市化进程,直接影响了我国各地的公交系统,公 交网络的不断扩张,原有的管理方式和方法已经完全不能满足日益扩大的需 求,因此需要引入一个新的信息系统对公交网络体系进行信息化管理。 论文描述了乌鲁木齐市公共交通管理信息与服务系统的设计与实现,通过 技术分析和论证,首先确定了开发学程语言为C#语言,然后在数据管理方面采 用了SQLServer2005,这是目前比较实用和先进的数据库管理工具。 本文系统从用户角色上主要分为两个模块:管理员管理和一般用户的查询 模块。前者主要包括了密学修改、用户和员工信息管理、公交线路和公交车的 整体管控,以及每个公交车对应的票价的管...Economic development promoted the urbanization process in China, directly affected our country's public transport system, public transportation network expands,the original management way and the method has been completely unable to meet the growing demand, so need to introduce a new information system for public transport network system for information management.The dissertation researches the ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223100

    Design and Implementation of POS Transportation Management System

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    支付工具电子化近年来在我国得到迅速的发展,特别是面向庞大目标受众——所有消费者的金融POS机正越来越受到各方投资者的关注。随着POS终端数量的不断增大,对POS终端的管理也成为各收单机构的当务之急。为此开发一套POS终端管理系统对在网点的POS终端进行管理十分必要。 本文采用面向对象的分析与设计方法,详细分析了系统所需实现的功能,利用可视化统一建模语言UML及建模软件工具RATIONALROSE对POS终端管理系统进行多视角的静态和动态的建模。系统实现采取J2EE为实现平台,SQLServer2008数据库,结合数据库访问技术ADO.NET及最新用户体验技术Ajax(Asynchronous...The electronization of means of payment in China has developed rapidly in recent years. The financial pos machine , which face enormous target audience—all consumers atracts more and more attention from varius investors. With the constant increase of pos terminals, the management of them has been first imperative of all acquiring organizations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a management sy...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923045

    Design and Implementation of Official Document Management System of Guizhou Province Transportation

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    公文管理工作是政府部门日常管理过程中的一个重要组成部分之一,在传统的公文处理管理过程中,公文处理方式主要是采用的是邮递或者是直接送达方式来传递各种文件,这样在公文处理过程中不便会使其变得非常复杂、非常繁琐,而且还会使公文处理过程速度慢、容易泄密、容易丢失、使用成本也比较高等问题,在此背景下开发了贵州省交通运输厅公文管理系统。 论文介绍了贵州省交通运输厅公文管理系统的研究背景、项目意义和目前的研究与应用现状,明确了论文研究的内容和主要工作;在业务分析中,论文对系统存在的问题、组织机构、原有业务流程等进行了分析,给出了优化后的业务流程;在功能分析中,论文通过用例分析和用例描述,明确了系统的功能,...Document management work is a government department daily management an important part in the process of one of the traditional process of document processing management, document processing method mainly using sent by post or the direct service to transfer various files, so the inconvenience in the process of document processing will make its become very complex, very complicated, but also can ma...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201223084

    Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Transportation Management System Based on SSH

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    世界经济飞速发展的今天,物流现代化水平已经成为国家国力的有力证明。物流活动分为很多部分,而车辆运送管理对物流活动的时效性起决定性作用,所以它是物流活动的主要环节。如今现代物流行业中,存储创造的时间效用日趋减弱,因此,运输在物流行业中的重要性不断提升,车辆运送管理的信息化显得越来越重要。国内的车辆运送管理系统存在诸多问题,迫切需要一套需求分析准确,系统结构清晰、耦合度低、系统功能可扩展性好、具有一定决策分析能力的车辆运送管理系统。 本文首先介绍了UML建模技术和SSH开源框架相关概念和技术,着重分析了SSH框架的体系结构与工作原理。随后,针对目前存在的问题,使用UML建模方法对车辆运送管理系统...With the rapid development of global economy today, the level of logistics modernization has become a powerful proof of national strength. Logistics activity is divided into many parts. Vehicle transportation management is the major part because of its decisive effect to the timeliness of logistics activity. Nowdays the time utility created by storage is becoming increasingly weakened in logistics...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323124

    Design and Implementation of Logistics and Transportation Management System

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    随着中国加入世贸组织后,经济进入了快速发展的时期,中国的物流运输行业也正在迅速发展,受到了越来越多的关注。物流的信息化是未来发展的主要方向,随着互联网的发展及企业规模的扩张,物流运输管理系统逐渐成为企业降低物流成本,提高客户服务水平的重要手段之一,不少企业把建设网络化的物流系统作为企业的一项重要工作。 本文首先分析了建立物流运输管理系统的重要意义,接着从多个方面阐述了物流运输管理系统与传统物流管理的区别,总结了信息化系统的优点,给出了物流运输管理系统的需求分析过程。 本文以物流运输管理系统的建设为具体背景,采用基于UML的面向对象的方法对本系统进行分析、设计和实现。文章在分析了系统的国内外...With China's accession to the world trade organization (WTO),economy has entered a rapid development period,logistics industry of China is also developing rapidly, which has been paid more and more attention. Logistics informatization is the main direction of future development, with the development of the Internet and the expansion of the scale of the enterprise, logistics transportation manageme...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923038

    City of Gold Beach transportation system plan

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    147 pp. Includes maps and figures. Published June 2000. Received from ODOT January 2, 2007.The Gold Beach Transportation System Plan (TSP) guides the management of existing transportation facilities and the design and implementation of future facilities for the next 20 years. This Transportation System Plan constitutes the transportation element of the City's Comprehensive Plan and satisfies the requirements of the Oregon Transportation Planning Rule established by the Department of Land Conservation and Development. This document also identifies and prioritizes transportation projects for inclusion in the Oregon Department of Transportation's (ODOT's) Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). [From the Plan]"This project is partially funded by a grant from the Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Program, a joint program of the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. TGM grants rely on federal Intermodal Transportation Efficiency Act and Oregon Lottery funds.

    Evaluation, Selection and Planning the Implementation of a Pavement Management Optimization Model: Optimization Recommendations, 1994

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    This document briefly summarizes the pavement management activities under the existing Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pavement Management System. The second part of the document provides projected increase in use due to the implementation of the Iowa DOT Pavement Management Optimization System. All estimates of existing time devoted to the Pavement Management System and project increases in time requirements are estimates made by the appropriate Iowa DOT office director or function manager. Included is the new Pavement Management Optimization Structure for the three main offices which will work most closely with the Pavement Management Optimization System (Materials, Design, and Program Management)


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    As communities grow and change it has become increasingly important to understand, plan and design for the movement of freight in order to maintain goods movement efficiency and the economic competitiveness of communities, while integrating and balancing the needs of other transportation system users and the compatibility of surrounding land uses. The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has developed Freight-Supportive Guidelines to assist municipalities, planners, engineers, developers and other practitioners in creating safe and efficient freight-supportive communities. The Guidelines provide land use planning, site design, road design and operational best practices, examples and implementation tools that are applicable to a wide range of communities and municipalities across Canada. Transportation demand management strategies can also be used to improve the efficiency of urban freight movement. During the Toronto 2015 Pan Am and Parapan Am Games, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation conducted a pilot to explore the potential of using off-peak deliveries as an urban freight transportation demand management strategy. The pilot allowed businesses and municipalities to explore the suitability and potential benefits and challenges of off-peak deliveries

    Hierarchal object-oriented models for management of narrow passageways

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    Narrow passageways are a significant source of traffic congestion and delay in transportation networks. With traffic volumes expected to increase significantly in the foreseeable future, the effective management of these passageways is needed to mitigate the undesirable impact of these bottlenecks on transportation system safety, performance and cost. In an effort to address the significant challenges associated with the analysis, design, and implementation of appropriate management operations for narrow passageways, an object-based model for the management of narrow passageways in the transportation network is developed. The object model is developed in two steps. The first step identifies high-level management functionality, objects, and associated data/information sources that are common to all narrow passageway applications. In the second step, functionality of the object model is customized to the specific needs of the narrow passageway application domain (e.g., waterways and work zones).peer-reviewe