101,705 research outputs found

    ISO 9001: 2008-Based School Management at SMP Negeri 3 Purworejo

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    The purpose of this thesis is to describe the planning, implementation, and follow-up of school based on ISO at SMP Negeri 3 Purworejo. It was a qualitative research by using ethnography design. The main subjects were the principal, teachers, and students. Data collection method used interview, observation, and field note. Data analysis technique used an interactive model of analysis. Data validity was tested by using credibility, transferability, confirmability, and dependability. The findings suggested that the planning of SMP Negeri 3 Purworejo to become ISO-based school is by holding cooperation with an international accreditation (consultant). Principal and consultant organized training for introducing and interpreting ISO-based school. Specialized personnel consisted of principal, Deputy Quality Management, teachers, administrative staffs and also the school board. These personnel made a submission proposal and also collected supporting document as the physical evident to the consultant. The proposal contains a map of the process, the condition of eight national standards, as well as targets to be achieved. The internal party of school and also consultant reviewed and completed the incomplete document. ISO-based school implementation at SMP Negeri 3 Purworejo was based on ISO standards school management. These standards were made in SOP module (standard operating procedure) that contained the work and task procedures. School management included foreign elements such as curriculum implemented by organizing the bilingual classes. The management of document is still manual, not using barcode system. Follow-up of ISO-based school in SMP Negeri 3 Purworejo is by holding the management review regularly. The activity was conducted by reviewing the application of quality management system which included the audit results, customer complaints, process performance and product conformity, status of corrective and preventive actions, recommendations and improvements. Each school activities are managed by the parties designated by the principal through the division of job description. All school personnel are required to document any educational activity does

    ISO 9001:2008 - Based Learning Management. A Site Study at Vocational High School Muhammadiyah Kudus.

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    In this study are three aims to describe the follow is : first, lesson planning based on ISO 9001:2008 Vocational High School Muhammadiyah Kudus, second, System Operating Procedure (SOP) implementation of ISO 9001:2008 based learning in the Vocational High School Muhammadiyah Kudus, third, assessment of learning results based on ISO 9001 : 2008 in Vocational High School (VHS) Muhammadiyah Kudus. This study is a qualitative study using an ethnographic design. The research was conducted at Vocational High School Muhammadiyah Kudus. Informants in this study is the Principal, the Quality Management Representative, Deputy Head of the School Curriculum, Head of Skills and Competencies of teachers. Data collection method using in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are arranged in the site. The results as follows: (1) Preparation of learning conducted in accordance with applicable regulations and in accordance with the procedures set out in document quality, (2) Implementation of QMS in the implementation of learning will help smooth and order teachers in implementing the learning process because the system and the procedure are obviously implemented. By carrying out the implementation procedures of targeted and measurable learning facilitate the achievement of quality objectives in the school, (3) assessment conducted according to the procedure, consistency, system and program to help facilitate the teachers in conducting assessment of learning results. (4) Ease of Browsing Document, document contents easily traced to see the chronological order of the process and do so when there is a problem easily identified and resolved quickly or find a solution. And this can easily be separated to avoid mutual responsibility

    Herramientas para la implementación del sistema integrado de gestión en un establecimiento comercial prestador de servicios turísticos (Finca Hotel) ubicado en el Municipio de Barbosa, departamento de Antioquia

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    Con el documento se busca diseñar las herramientas para la implementación del Sistema Integrado de Gestión de los elementos más relevantes de las normas ISO 14001: 2015 para la gestión ambiental, ISO 9001: 2015 para la gestión de calidad e ISO 45001 de 2018 para la gestión del Sistemas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo y de Bioseguridad, en un establecimiento comercial prestador de servicios turísticos (finca hotel) ubicado en el municipio de barbosa, departamento de antioquia.The document seeks to design the tools for the implementation of the Integrated Management System of the most relevant elements of the ISO 14001: 2015 standards for environmental management, ISO 9001: 2015 for quality management and ISO 45001 of 2018 for the management of occupational health and safety and biosafety systems, in a commercial establishment providing tourist services (country hotel) located in the municipality of Barbosa, department of Antioquia

    Occupational Health And Safety Management System Compatibility Based On ISO 45001:2018 (Case Study At Teaching Hospital Of Andalas University)

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    This research was conducted for a preliminary audit of readiness in the form of conformity and unconformity of the OHS management system at the Andalas University Teaching Hospital based on the ISO 45001:2018 clauses. ISO 45001:2018 used in this study is an international standard for implementing an OHS Management System. ISO 45001:2018 sets out several requirements and recommendations for the design and assessment of an OH&S management system. The ISO 45001:2018 OHS management system process model consists of ten clauses with the classification of clauses one to three consisting of scope, normative references, terms, and definitions, while clauses four to ten are the main parts that describe the quality management system, namely organizational context, leadership, planning, support, operations, performance evaluation, and improvement. The research conducted examines the application and conformity of the OHS management system at the Andalas University Teaching Hospital based on the ISO 45001:2018 clauses. The purpose of this study was to obtain information and describe the conformity of the application of the OHS management system based on ISO 45001:2018, with the standard clauses used in its management. This type of research is field research, with qualitative descriptive and checklist analysis. In the data collection method, the author uses several methods such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The data that has been collected was analyzed using qualitative descriptive. Based on the research that has been done, the results showed that there was no major unconformity identified. There were 7 minor unconformities identified from the existing 35 sub-clauses. The seven clauses are organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities, action planning, resources, document creation and updating, documented information control, procurement, and fulfillment evaluation. It can be said that the implementation of the OHS management system at the Andalas University Teaching Hospital is in accordance with the ISO 45001:2018 clause. However, there are still some minor discrepancies that have not been met by the Andalas University Teaching Hospital. The implementation is adjusted to the ISO 45001:2018 clause with dynamic OHS management principles, namely plan, do, check, action, involving components and hospital K3 managers both based on the implementation guidelines. So it can be concluded that the Andalas University Teaching Hospital is worthy of ISO 45001:2018 accreditation

    Design of a document management system for a chemical plant

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    En este trabajo de fin de grado se lleva a cabo el diseño de un sistema de gestión documental adaptado a las necesidades de la empresa Adisseo Burgos. Para ello se usa como guía la norma UNE-ISO/TR 15489-2:2006 y otras normas relacionadas con la gestión documental. En la primera parte del trabajo se ha analizado la empresa y sus actividades, y se han creado herramientas documentales de acuerdo con las necesidades de la misma, como es un cuadro de clasificación documental, una tabla de análisis de riesgos y una tabla de acceso y seguridad documental, con el objetivo de complementar el diseño conceptual del sistema de gestión documental. En la segunda parte del trabajo se han estimado las actividades necesarias para la realización del proyecto de diseño e implementación del sistema de gestión documental, junto con su coste y duración. Se ha llevado a cabo un análisis financiero del mismo para ver su viabilidad y finalmente se han mostrado factores claves útiles en caso de realizarse el proyecto.In this end-of-degree project, the design of a document management system adapted to the needs of the company Adisseo Burgos is carried out. For this purpose, the UNEISO/TR 15489-2:2006 standard and other standards related to document management are used as a guide. In the first part of the thesis, the company and its activities have been analyzed, and documentary tools have been created according to its needs, such as a document classification scheme, a risk evaluation table and an access and security chart, in order to complement the conceptual design of the document management system. In the second part of the work, the activities necessary to carry out the project of design and implementation of the document management system have been estimated, along with their cost and duration. A financial analysis of the project has been carried out to see its viability and finally, useful key factors have been pointed out in case the project is approved and carried out

    Integrated management systems and workflow-based electronic document management: an empirical stud

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    Purpose: Many global organizations have aligned their strategy and operation via the ISO-based framework of integrated management system (IMS) that allows them to merge quality, environment, health and safety management systems. In such context, having a robust electronic document management system (EDMS) is essential, especially at global enterprises where a large amount of documents generated by processes flows through different work cultures. However, there is no "one-size-fits-all" design for EDMS because it depends on organizations' needs, size and resource allocation. This article discusses the interrelation between EDMS and IMS in order to suggest a best practice. Design/methodology/approach: This article methodologically based upon a qualitative, interpretivistic, longitudinal empirical study in a wind turbine factory. Findings and Originality/value: IMS improvement and effectiveness has been overlooking EDMS as a key factor in establishing appropriate technological support of the IMS processes. Rightful application of EDMS can further contribute to organizational learning, precision of documentation and cross-organisational collaboration. Research limitations/implications: Theorising on IMS needs a stronger perspective of the technological limitations and potentials of basing IMS on EDMS. Practical implications: IMS are complex systems involving a large number of administrative functions. EDMS provides a formal representation with automation potentials both heightening and securing document trustworthiness. Social implications: IMS has a tendency to stay with professionals, e.g. line managers and QA/QC/QMS professionals. The EDMS line of discussion suggests a broader inclusion. Originality/value: Researching IMS as a technological implementation is giving a better platform of aligning the IMS with other business processes and is bringing IMS closer to the operational activities within the enterprise.Peer Reviewe

    Implementación del Sistema de Gestión Antisoborno en la empresa INKAT SAC, basado en la Norma ISO 37001:2016

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Gestión EmpresarialLa presente monografía fue elaborada, siguiendo las directrices de la Resolución N° 00119- 2020-CU-UNALM, y utilizando el método descriptivo. Muestra el desarrollo para el diseño e implementación del Sistema de Gestión Antisoborno de la empresa INKAT SAC; siendo este a su vez el objetivo central, para lo cual se efectuó un diseño enfocado en procesos, estableciendo la interrelación de los grupos de procesos, analizando el mapa de procesos establecido en la organización, confrontándolos con los requisitos de la norma ISO 37001:2006. Para Inkat, históricamente las obras con el Estado han representado, más del 95% de sus ventas, por lo que contar con los requisitos exigidos por la OSCE, es de gran importancia; en tal sentido es que la Gerencia General, en el 2019 encomendó al bachiller (autor de la presente), la implementación de este sistema de gestión, dada la experiencia en desarrollo de sistemas similares, y conocimiento de la organización dado el puesto de Asistente de Administración y Finanzas que desempeñaba en aquel momento. En el presente documento se puede evidenciar que en la implementación se utilizaron técnicas de diseño y mejora de procesos, el uso de metodologías PHVA (ciclo de Deming) y el MPE de Harrington. De la implementación se pudo concluir que la empresa pese a tener un Sistema Tri-norma (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001), no contaba con controles suficientes para gestionar apropiadamente los riesgos de soborno implícitos en sus procesos, por lo que el resultado principal de la implementación del Sistema de Gestión Antisoborno, es aportar en el fortalecimiento del sistema de Gestión en la organización, contribuyendo en la mejora continua, y poniendo a la organización en la vanguardia de los requisitos exigidos en las licitaciones en las que participa.This monograph was prepared according to the guidelines of Resolution No. 00119-2020- CU-UNALM, and using the descriptive method. Shows the development for the design and implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management System of the company INKAT SAC; This was the central objective, for which a process-focused design was used, establishing the interrelation of the process groups, analyzing the process map established in the organization, confronting them with the requirements of the ISO 37001: 2006 standard. For Inkat, historically works with the State have represented more than 95% of its sales, so having the requirements demanded by the OSCE is of great importance; In this sense, it is that the General Management, in 2019 entrusted the bachelor (author of the present one), the implementation of this management system, given the experience in developing similar systems, and knowledge of the organization given the position of Assistant of Administration and Finance that he was performing at that time. In this document, it can be seen that in the implementation, design and process improvement techniques were used, the use of PHVA methodologies (Deming’ cycle) and the Harrington’s MPE. From the implementation it was possible to conclude that the company despite having a Tri-standard System (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001), did not have sufficient controls to properly manage the risks of bribery implicit in its processes, so the The main result of the implementation of the Anti-Bribery Management System is to contribute to the strengthening of the Management system in the organization, contributing to continuous improvement, and putting the organization at the forefront of the requirements demanded in the tenders in which it participates

    Quality Management System In Construction

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    This paper describes the Quality Management System (QMS) concept and its application in the construction industry. A misunderstanding among the construction players on the QMS concept has become the stumbling block for its successful implementation

    Beyond OAIS : towards a reliable and consistent digital preservation implementation framework

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    Current work in digital preservation (DP) is dominated by the "Open Archival Information System" (OAIS) reference framework specified by the international standard ISO 14721:2003. This is a useful aid to understanding the concepts, main functional components and the basic data flows within a DP system, but does not give specific guidance on implementation-level issues. In this paper we suggest that there is a need for a reference architecture which goes beyond OAIS to address such implementationlevel issues - to specify minimum requirements in respect of the policies, processes, and metadata required to measure and validate repository trustworthiness in respect of the authenticity, integrity, renderability, meaning, and retrievability of the digital materials preserved. The suggestion is not that a particular way of implementing OAIS be specified, but, rather that general guidelines on implementation are required if the term 'OAIS-compliant' is to be meaningful in the sense of giving an assurance of attaining and maintaining an operationally adequate or better level of long-term reliability, consistency, and crosscompatibility in implemented DP systems that is measurable, verifiable, manageable, and (as far as possible) futureproofed