24 research outputs found

    Control-flow checking via regular expressions

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    The present paper explains a new approach to program control flow checking. The check has been inserted at source-code level using a signature methodology based on regular expressions. The signature checking is performed without a dedicated watchdog processor but resorting to inter-process communication (IPC) facilities offered by most of the modern operating systems. The proposed approach allows very low memory overhead and trade-off between fault latency and program execution time overhead

    Software dependability techniques validated via fault injection experiments

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    The present paper proposes a C/C++ source-to-source compiler able to increase the dependability properties of a given application. The adopted strategy is based on two main techniques: variable duplication/triplication and control flow checking. The validation of these techniques is based on the emulation of fault appearance by software fault injection. The chosen test case is a client-server application in charge of calculating and drawing a Mandelbrot fracta

    Automated Synthesis of SEU Tolerant Architectures from OO Descriptions

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    SEU faults are a well-known problem in aerospace environment but recently their relevance grew up also at ground level in commodity applications coupled, in this frame, with strong economic constraints in terms of costs reduction. On the other hand, latest hardware description languages and synthesis tools allow reducing the boundary between software and hardware domains making the high-level descriptions of hardware components very similar to software programs. Moving from these considerations, the present paper analyses the possibility of reusing Software Implemented Hardware Fault Tolerance (SIHFT) techniques, typically exploited in micro-processor based systems, to design SEU tolerant architectures. The main characteristics of SIHFT techniques have been examined as well as how they have to be modified to be compatible with the synthesis flow. A complete environment is provided to automate the design instrumentation using the proposed techniques, and to perform fault injection experiments both at behavioural and gate level. Preliminary results presented in this paper show the effectiveness of the approach in terms of reliability improvement and reduced design effort

    Static analysis of SEU effects on software applications

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    Control flow errors have been widely addressed in literature as a possible threat to the dependability of computer systems, and many clever techniques have been proposed to detect and tolerate them. Nevertheless, it has never been discussed if the overheads introduced by many of these techniques are justified by a reasonable probability of incurring control flow errors. This paper presents a static executable code analysis methodology able to compute, depending on the target microprocessor platform, the upper-bound probability that a given application incurs in a control flow error

    Radiation Testing of a Multiprocessor Macrosynchronized Lockstep Architecture With FreeRTOS

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    Nowadays, high-performance microprocessors are demanded in many fields, including those with high-reliability requirements. Commercial microprocessors present a good tradeoff between cost, size, and performance, albeit they must be adapted to satisfy the reliability requirements when they are used in harsh environments. This work presents a high-end multiprocessor hardened with macrosynchronized lockstep and additional protections. A commercial dual-core Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) cortex A9 has been used as a case study and a complete hardened system has been developed. Evaluation of the proposed hardened system has been accomplished with exhaustive fault injection campaigns and proton irradiation. The hardening approach has been accomplished for both baremetal applications and operating system (OS)-based. The hardened system has demonstrated high reliability in all performed experiments with error coverage up to 99.3% in the irradiation experiments. Experimental irradiation results demonstrate a cross-sectional reduction of two orders of magnitude.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Project PID2019-106455GB-C21 and in part by the Community of Madrid under Project 49.520608.9.18Publicad

    Compiler-Aided Methodology for Low Overhead On-line Testing

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    Reliability is emerging as an important design criterion in modern systems due to increasing transient fault rates. Hardware fault-tolerance techniques, commonly used to address this, introduce high design costs. As alternative, software Signature-Monitoring (SM) schemes based on compiler assertions are an efficient method for control-flow-error detection. Existing SM techniques do not consider application-specific-information causing unnecessary overheads. In this paper, compile-time Control-Flow-Graph (CFG) topology analysis is used to place best-suited assertions at optimal locations of the assembly code to reduce overheads. Our evaluation with representative workloads shows fault-coverage increase with overheads close to Assertion- based Control-Flow Correction (ACFC), the method with lowest overhead. Compared to ACFC, our technique improves (on average) fault coverage by 17%, performance overhead by 5% and power-consumption by 3% with equal code-size overhead

    Designing Fault-Injection Experiments for the Reliability of Embedded Systems

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    This paper considers the long-standing problem of conducting fault-injections experiments to establish the ultra-reliability of embedded systems. There have been extensive efforts in fault injection, and this paper offers a partial summary of the efforts, but these previous efforts have focused on realism and efficiency. Fault injections have been used to examine diagnostics and to test algorithms, but the literature does not contain any framework that says how to conduct fault-injection experiments to establish ultra-reliability. A solution to this problem integrates field-data, arguments-from-design, and fault-injection into a seamless whole. The solution in this paper is to derive a model reduction theorem for a class of semi-Markov models suitable for describing ultra-reliable embedded systems. The derivation shows that a tight upper bound on the probability of system failure can be obtained using only the means of system-recovery times, thus reducing the experimental effort to estimating a reasonable number of easily-observed parameters. The paper includes an example of a system subject to both permanent and transient faults. There is a discussion of integrating fault-injection with field-data and arguments-from-design

    A New Hybrid Nonintrusive Error-Detection Technique Using Dual Control-Flow Monitoring

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    Hybrid error-detection techniques combine software techniques with an external hardware module that monitors the execution of a microprocessor. The external hardware module typically observes the control flow at the input or at the output of the microprocessor and compares it with the expected one. This paper proposes a new hybrid technique that monitors the control flow at both points and compares them to detect possible errors. The proposed approach does not require any software modification to detect control-flow errors. Fault-injection campaigns have been performed on an LEON3 microprocessor. The results show full control-flow error detection with no performance degradation and small area overhead. A complete solution can be obtained by complementing the proposed approach with software fault-tolerance techniques for data errors.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government under Contract TEC2010-22095-C03-03