125 research outputs found

    Design and clinical evaluation of robust PID control of propofol anesthesia in children

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    This paper describes the design of a robust PID controller for propofol infusion in children and presents the results of clinical evaluation of this closed-loop system during endoscopic investigations in children age 6y-17y. The controller design is based on a set of models that describes the inter- patient variability in the response to propofol infusion in the study population. The PID controller is tuned to achieve sufficient robustness margins for the identified uncertainty. 108 children were enrolled in the study, anesthesia was closed-loop controlled in 102 of these cases. Clinical evaluation of the system shows that closed-loop control of both induction and maintenance of anesthesia in children based on the WAVCNS index as a measure of clinical effect is feasible. A robustly tuned PID controller can accommodate the inter-patient variability in children and spontaneous breathing can be maintained in most subjects

    Optimizing robust PID control of propofol anesthesia for children; design and clinical evaluation

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    Objective: The goal of this study was to optimize robust PID control for propofol anesthesia in children aged 5-10 years to improve performance, particularly to decrease the time of induction of anesthesia while maintaining robustness.Methods: We analyzed results of a previous study conducted by our group to identify opportunities for system improvement. Allometric scaling was introduced to reduce the interpatient variability and a new robust PID controller was designed using an optimization based method. We evaluated this optimized design in a clinical study involving 16 new cases.Results: The optimized controller design achieved the performance predicted in simulation studies in the design stage. Time of induction of anesthesia was median [Q1, Q3] 3.7 [2.3, 4.1] minutes and the achieved global score was 13.4 [9.9, 16.8]. Conclusion: Allometric scaling reduces the interpatient variability in this age group, and allows for improved closed-loop performance. The uncertainty described by the model set, the predicted closedloop responses and the predicted robustness margins are realistic. The system meets the design objectives of improved speed of induction of anesthesia while maintaining robustness, improving clinically relevant system behavior.Significance: Control system optimization and ongoing system improvement are essential to the development of a clinically relevant commercial device. This paper demonstrates the validity of our approach, including system modeling, controller optimization and pre-clinical testing in simulation

    Closed-loop control of anesthesia : survey on actual trends, challenges and perspectives

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    Automation empowers self-sustainable adaptive processes and personalized services in many industries. The implementation of the integrated healthcare paradigm built on Health 4.0 is expected to transform any area in medicine due to the lightning-speed advances in control, robotics, artificial intelligence, sensors etc. The two objectives of this article, as addressed to different entities, are: i) to raise awareness throughout the anesthesiologists about the usefulness of integrating automation and data exchange in their clinical practice for providing increased attention to alarming situations, ii) to provide the actualized insights of drug-delivery research in order to create an opening horizon towards precision medicine with significantly improved human outcomes. This article presents a concise overview on the recent evolution of closed-loop anesthesia delivery control systems by means of control strategies, depth of anesthesia monitors, patient modelling, safety systems, and validation in clinical trials. For decades, anesthesia control has been in the midst of transformative changes, going from simple controllers to integrative strategies of two or more components, but not achieving yet the breakthrough of an integrated system. However, the scientific advances that happen at high speed need a modern review to identify the current technological gaps, societal implications, and implementation barriers. This article provides a good basis for control research in clinical anesthesia to endorse new challenges for intelligent systems towards individualized patient care. At this connection point of clinical and engineering frameworks through (semi-) automation, the following can be granted: patient safety, economical efficiency, and clinicians' efficacy

    A Synthesis Method for Automatic Handling of Inter-patient Variability in Closed-loop Anesthesia

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    This paper presents a convex-optimization-based technique to obtain parameters for a PID feedback controller, used to control the infusion rate of the anesthetic drug propofol. The controller design is based on a set of identified patient models, relating propofol infusion to an EEG-based conciousness index. The main contribution lies in the method automatically taking inter-patient variability into account, i.e., it guarantees robustness (sensitivity peak) and performance (disturbance rejection) over a set of patient models, without the need for manual intervention. The method is demonstrated using a clinically relevant design example. A controller designed using the proposed method is currently scheduled for clinical evaluation

    Robust fractional order PI control for cardiac output stabilisation

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    Drug regulatory paradigms are dependent on the hemodynamic system as it serves to distribute and clear the drug in/from the body. While focusing on the objective of the drug paradigm at hand, it is important to maintain stable hemodynamic variables. In this work, a biomedical application requiring robust control properties has been used to illustrate the potential of an autotuning method, referred to as the fractional order robust autotuner. The method is an extension of a previously presented autotuning principle and produces controllers which are robust to system gain variations. The feature of automatic tuning of controller parameters can be of great use for data-driven adaptation during intra-patient variability conditions. Fractional order PI/PD controllers are generalizations of the well-known PI/PD controllers that exhibit an extra parameter usually used to enhance the robustness of the closed loop system. (C) 2019, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    On Automation in Anesthesia

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    The thesis discusses closed-loop control of the hypnotic and the analgesic components of anesthesia. The objective of the work has been to develop a system which independently controls the intravenous infusion rates of the hypnotic drug propofol and analgesic drug remifentanil. The system is designed to track a reference hypnotic depth level, while maintaining adequate analgesia. This is complicated by inter-patient variability in drug sensitivity, disturbances caused foremost by surgical stimulation, and measurement noise. A commercially available monitor is used to measure the hypnotic depth of the patient, while a simple soft sensor estimates the analgesic depth. Both induction and maintenance of anesthesia are closed-loop controlled, using a PID controller for propofol and a P controller for remifentanil. In order to tune the controllers, patient models have been identified from clinical data, with body mass as only biometric parameter. Care has been taken to characterize identifiability and produce models which are safe for the intended application. A scheme for individualizing the controller tuning upon completion of the induction phase of anesthesia is proposed. Practical aspects such as integrator anti-windup and loss of the measurement signal are explicitly addressed. The validity of the performance measures, most commonly reported in closed-loop anesthesia studies, is debated and a new set of measures is proposed. It is shown, both in simulation and clinically, that PID control provides a viable approach. Both results from simulations and clinical trials are presented. These results suggest that closed-loop controlled anesthesia can be provided in a safe and efficient manner, relieving the regulatory and server controller role of the anesthesiologist. However, outlier patient dynamics, unmeasurable disturbances and scenarios which are not considered in the controller synthesis, urge the presence of an anesthesiologist. Closed-loop controlled anesthesia should therefore not be viewed as a replacement of human expertise, but rather as a tool, similar to the cruise controller of a car

    Quantification of the variability in response to propofol administration in children

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    Closed-loop control of anesthesia is expected to decrease drug dosage and wake up time while increasing patient safety and decreasing the work load of the anesthesiologist. The potential of closed-loop control in anesthesia has been demon- strated in several clinical studies. One of the challenges in the development of a closed-loop system that can be widely accepted by clinicians and regulatory authorities is the effect of inter- patient variability in drug sensitivity. This system uncertainty may lead to unacceptable performance, or even instability of the closed-loop system for some individuals. The development of reliable models of the effect of anesthetic drugs and charac- terization of the uncertainty is therefore an important step in the development of a closed-loop system. Model identification from clinical data is challenging due to limited excitation and the lack of validation data. In this paper, approximate models are therefore validated for controller design by evaluating the predictive accuracy of the closed-loop behavior. A set of 47 validated models that describe the inter-patient variability in the response to propofol in children is presented. This model set can be used for robust linear controller design provided that the experimental conditions are similar to the conditions during data collection