33 research outputs found

    ECO-CHIP: Estimation of Carbon Footprint of Chiplet-based Architectures for Sustainable VLSI

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    Decades of progress in energy-efficient and low-power design have successfully reduced the operational carbon footprint in the semiconductor industry. However, this has led to an increase in embodied emissions, encompassing carbon emissions arising from design, manufacturing, packaging, and other infrastructural activities. While existing research has developed tools to analyze embodied carbon at the computer architecture level for traditional monolithic systems, these tools do not apply to near-mainstream heterogeneous integration (HI) technologies. HI systems offer significant potential for sustainable computing by minimizing carbon emissions through two key strategies: ``reducing" computation by reusing pre-designed chiplet IP blocks and adopting hierarchical approaches to system design. The reuse of chiplets across multiple designs, even spanning multiple generations of integrated circuits (ICs), can substantially reduce embodied carbon emissions throughout the operational lifespan. This paper introduces a carbon analysis tool specifically designed to assess the potential of HI systems in facilitating greener VLSI system design and manufacturing approaches. The tool takes into account scaling, chiplet and packaging yields, design complexity, and even carbon overheads associated with advanced packaging techniques employed in heterogeneous systems. Experimental results demonstrate that HI can achieve a reduction of embodied carbon emissions up to 70\% compared to traditional large monolithic systems. These findings suggest that HI can pave the way for sustainable computing practices, contributing to a more environmentally conscious semiconductor industry.Comment: Under review at HPCA2

    Architectural exploration of Si-IF many-die processors

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    Monolithic, single-die processors dominate today’s computing landscape. High performance systems achieve massive throughput by connecting large numbers of discrete chips – CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs – through high latency, low bandwidth interconnects. However, such systems provide limited performance scaling due to high communication costs between the discrete chips. This thesis proposes an alternate path for performance scaling: integrating many dies onto a single chip using a novel assembly technology – Silicon Interconnect Fabric (Si-IF). Many-die processors have both a technical and an economic advantage over their monolithic counterparts. We demonstrate potential benefits of a many-die approach using two approaches: efficient workload coverage design space exploration using many dies and evaluating a many-die wafer-scale GPU design.Ope

    Monad: Towards Cost-effective Specialization for Chiplet-based Spatial Accelerators

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    Advanced packaging offers a new design paradigm in the post-Moore era, where many small chiplets can be assembled into a large system. Based on heterogeneous integration, a chiplet-based accelerator can be highly specialized for a specific workload, demonstrating extreme efficiency and cost reduction. To fully leverage this potential, it is critical to explore both the architectural design space for individual chiplets and different integration options to assemble these chiplets, which have yet to be fully exploited by existing proposals. This paper proposes Monad, a cost-aware specialization approach for chiplet-based spatial accelerators that explores the tradeoffs between PPA and fabrication costs. To evaluate a specialized system, we introduce a modeling framework considering the non-uniformity in dataflow, pipelining, and communications when executing multiple tensor workloads on different chiplets. We propose to combine the architecture and integration design space by uniformly encoding the design aspects for both spaces and exploring them with a systematic ML-based approach. The experiments demonstrate that Monad can achieve an average of 16% and 30% EDP reduction compared with the state-of-the-art chiplet-based accelerators, Simba and NN-Baton, respectively.Comment: To be published in ICCAD 202

    Towards Cache-Coherent Chiplet-Based Architectures with Wireless Interconnects

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    Cache-coherent chiplet-based architectures have gained significant attention due to their potential for scalability and improved performance in modern computing systems. However, the interconnects in such architectures often pose challenges in maintaining cache coherence across chiplets, leading to increased latency and energy consumption. This thesis focuses on exploring the feasibility and advantages of integrating wireless interconnects into cache-coherent chiplet-based architectures. Through extensive simulations of 16 and 64 core systems segmented in 4 and 8 chiplet systems with multiple inter-chiplet latencies we debug and obtain traffic data. By studying the inter-chiplet traffic for different chiplet-based configurations and analyzing it in terms of spatial, temporal and time variance we derive that chiplet scaling degrades performance. Further we formulate the impact of hybrid wired and wireless interconnects and assess the potential performance benefits they offer. The findings from this research will contribute to the design and optimization of cache-coherent chiplet-based architectures, shedding light on the practicality and advantages of utilizing wireless interconnects in future computing systems

    Massive Data-Centric Parallelism in the Chiplet Era

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    Traditionally, massively parallel applications are executed on distributed systems, where computing nodes are distant enough that the parallelization schemes must minimize communication and synchronization to achieve scalability. Mapping communication-intensive workloads to distributed systems requires complicated problem partitioning and dataset pre-processing. With the current AI-driven trend of having thousands of interconnected processors per chip, there is an opportunity to re-think these communication-bottlenecked workloads. This bottleneck often arises from data structure traversals, which cause irregular memory accesses and poor cache locality. Recent works have introduced task-based parallelization schemes to accelerate graph traversal and other sparse workloads. Data structure traversals are split into tasks and pipelined across processing units (PUs). Dalorex demonstrated the highest scalability (up to thousands of PUs on a single chip) by having the entire dataset on-chip, scattered across PUs, and executing the tasks at the PU where the data is local. However, it also raised questions on how to scale to larger datasets when all the memory is on chip, and at what cost. To address these challenges, we propose a scalable architecture composed of a grid of Data-Centric Reconfigurable Array (DCRA) chiplets. Package-time reconfiguration enables creating chip products that optimize for different target metrics, such as time-to-solution, energy, or cost, while software reconfigurations avoid network saturation when scaling to millions of PUs across many chip packages. We evaluate six applications and four datasets, with several configurations and memory technologies, to provide a detailed analysis of the performance, power, and cost of data-local execution at scale. Our parallelization of Breadth-First-Search with RMAT-26 across a million PUs reaches 3323 GTEPS

    Wireless Chip-Scale Communications for Neural Network Accelerators

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    Wireless on-chip communications have been proposed as a complement to conventional Network-on-Chip (NoC) paradigms in manycore processors. In massively parallel architectures, the fast broadcast and reconfigurability capabilities of the wireless plane open the door to new scalable and adaptive architectures with significant impact on a plethora of fields. This thesis aims to explore such impact in the all-pervasive field of AI accelerators, designing and evaluating new accelerators augmented with wireless on-chip communication.The last decade has witnessed an explosive growth in the use of Deep Neural Networks in fields such as computer vision, natural language processing, medicine or economics. Their achievements in accuracy across so many relevant and different applications exhibit the enormous potential of this disruptive technology. However, this unprecedented performance is closely tied with the fact that their new designs contain much deeper and bigger layer sets, forcing them to manage millions - and in some cases even billions - of parameters. This comes at a high computational and communication cost at the processor level, which has prompted the development of new hardware aimed at handling such large computing expense more efficiently, the so called \acrlong{dnn} accelerators. This work explores the potential of enhancing the performance of these accelerators by introducing Wireless Networks-on-Chip in their design, a novel interconnect paradigm proposed by the research community to overcome some of the communication challenges that manycore systems face. Specifically, both on-chip and off-chip wireless interconnect implementations have been studied and evaluated. In the off-chip case, a theoretical improvement of 13X in the runtime has been achieved, but at the expense of some area and power overheads.La última década ha sido testigo de un inmenso crecimiento en el uso de Deep Neural Networks en campos como la visión artificial, procesamiento de lenguaje natural, medicina o economía. Haber conseguido estos resultados sin precedentes en aplicaciones tan relevantes y variadas muestra el enorme potencial de esta tecnología tan disruptiva. Sin embargo, estos logros van muy ligados al hecho de que los nuevos diseños contienen muchas más capas y más profundas, lo que se traduce en millones - y en algunos casos billones - de parámetros. Esto supone un gran coste computacional y de comunicación a nivel de procesador, lo que ha impulsado el desarrollo de nuevo hardware que permita gestionar tal coste de manera más eficiente, los llamados aceleradores de Deep Neural Networks. Este proyecto explora la potencial mejora en rendimiento de estos aceleradores mediante la introducción de Wireless Newtorks-on-Chip en su diseño, un nuevo paradigma de interconexiones propuesto por la comunidad científica para superar algunos de los problemas de comunicación que sistemas manycore deben afrontar. Específicamente, implementaciones tanto on-chip como off-chip se han estudiado y evaluado. Se ha conseguido una mejora teórica de 13X en el runtime, pero con algunos costes añadidos de área y potencia.La darrera dècada ha estat testimoni d'un immens creixement en l'ús de Deep Neural Networks en camps com la visió artificial, processament de llenguatge natural, medicina o economia. Haver aconseguit aquests resultats sense precedents en aplicacions tan rellevants i variades mostra l?enorme potencial d?aquesta tecnologia tan disruptiva. No obstant, aquests èxits van molt lligats al fet de que els nous dissenys contenen moltes més capes i més profundes, cosa que es tradueix en milions - i en alguns casos bilions - de paràmetres. Això suposa un gran cost computacional i de comunicació a nivell de processador, cosa que ha impulsat el desenvolupament de nou hardware que permetin gestionar tal cost de manera més eficient, els anomenats acceleradors de Deep Neural Networks. Aquest projecte explora la potencial millora en rendiment d'aquests acceleradors mitjançant la introducció de Wireless Newtorks-on-Chip al seu disseny, un nou paradigma d'interconnexions proposat per la comunitat científica per a superar alguns dels problemes de comunicació que sistemes manycore han d'afrontar. Específicament, implementacions tant on-chip com off-chip s'han estudiat i evaluat. En el cas off-chip, s'ha aconseguit una millora teòrica de 13X al runtime però amb alguns costos afegits d'àrea i potència

    Reinventing Integrated Photonic Devices and Circuits for High Performance Communication and Computing Applications

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    The long-standing technological pillars for computing systems evolution, namely Moore\u27s law and Von Neumann architecture, are breaking down under the pressure of meeting the capacity and energy efficiency demands of computing and communication architectures that are designed to process modern data-centric applications related to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, and Internet-of-Things (IoT). In response, both industry and academia have turned to \u27more-than-Moore\u27 technologies for realizing hardware architectures for communication and computing. Fortunately, Silicon Photonics (SiPh) has emerged as one highly promising ‘more-than-Moore’ technology. Recent progress has enabled SiPh-based interconnects to outperform traditional electrical interconnects, offering advantages like high bandwidth density, near-light speed data transfer, distance-independent bitrate, and low energy consumption. Furthermore, SiPh-based electro-optic (E-O) computing circuits have exhibited up to two orders of magnitude improvements in performance and energy efficiency compared to their electronic counterparts. Thus, SiPh stands out as a compelling solution for creating high-performance and energy-efficient hardware for communication and computing applications. Despite their advantages, SiPh-based interconnects face various design challenges that hamper their reliability, scalability, performance, and energy efficiency. These include limited optical power budget (OPB), high static power dissipation, crosstalk noise, fabrication and on-chip temperature variations, and limited spectral bandwidth for multiplexing. Similarly, SiPh-based E-O computing circuits also face several challenges. Firstly, the E-O circuits for simple logic functions lack the all-electrical input handling, raising hardware area and complexity. Secondly, the E-O arithmetic circuits occupy vast areas (at least 100x) while hardly achieving more than 60% hardware utilization, versus CMOS implementations, leading to high idle times, and non-amortizable area and static power overheads. Thirdly, the high area overhead of E-O circuits hinders them from achieving high spatial parallelism on-chip. This is because the high area overhead limits the count of E-O circuits that can be implemented on a reticle-size limited chip. My research offers significant contributions to address the aforementioned challenges. For SiPh-based interconnects, my contributions focus on enhancing OPB by mitigating crosstalk noise, addressing the optical non-linearity-related issues through the development of Silicon-on-Sapphire-based photonic interconnects, exploring multi-level signaling, and evaluating various device-level design pathways. This enables the design of high throughput (\u3e1Tbps) and energy-efficient (\u3c1pJ/bit) SiPh interconnects. In the context of SiPh-based E-O circuits, my contributions include the design of a microring-based polymorphic E-O logic gate, a hybrid time-amplitude analog optical modulator, and an indium tin oxide-based silicon nitride microring modulator and a weight bank for neural network computations. These designs significantly reduce the area overhead of current E-O computing circuits while enhancing the energy-efficiency, and hardware utilization

    Resource-aware scheduling for 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems

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    This dissertation addresses the complexities of 2D/3D multi-/many-core processor-memory systems, focusing on two key areas: enhancing timing predictability in real-time multi-core processors and optimizing performance within thermal constraints. The integration of an increasing number of transistors into compact chip designs, while boosting computational capacity, presents challenges in resource contention and thermal management. The first part of the thesis improves timing predictability. We enhance shared cache interference analysis for set-associative caches, advancing the calculation of Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). This development enables accurate assessment of cache interference and the effectiveness of partitioned schedulers in real-world scenarios. We introduce TCPS, a novel task and cache-aware partitioned scheduler that optimizes cache partitioning based on task-specific WCET sensitivity, leading to improved schedulability and predictability. Our research explores various cache and scheduling configurations, providing insights into their performance trade-offs. The second part focuses on thermal management in 2D/3D many-core systems. Recognizing the limitations of Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) in S-NUCA many-core processors, we propose synchronous thread migrations as a thermal management strategy. This approach culminates in the HotPotato scheduler, which balances performance and thermal safety. We also introduce 3D-TTP, a transient temperature-aware power budgeting strategy for 3D-stacked systems, reducing the need for Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) activation. Finally, we present 3QUTM, a novel method for 3D-stacked systems that combines core DVFS and memory bank Low Power Modes with a learning algorithm, optimizing response times within thermal limits. This research contributes significantly to enhancing performance and thermal management in advanced processor-memory systems