7,065 research outputs found

    Detection of replay attacks in cyber-physical systems using a frequency-based signature

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    This paper proposes a frequency-based approach for the detection of replay attacks affecting cyber-physical systems (CPS). In particular, the method employs a sinusoidal signal with a time-varying frequency (authentication signal) into the closed-loop system and checks whether the time profile of the frequency components in the output signal are compatible with the authentication signal or not. In order to carry out this target, the couplings between inputs and outputs are eliminated using a dynamic decoupling technique based on vector fitting. In this way, a signature introduced on a specific input channel will affect only the output that is selected to be associated with that input, which is a property that can be exploited to determine which channels are being affected. A bank of band-pass filters is used to generate signals whose energies can be compared to reconstruct an estimation of the time-varying frequency profile. By matching the known frequency profile with its estimation, the detector can provide the information about whether a replay attack is being carried out or not. The design of the signal generator and the detector are thoroughly discussed, and an example based on a quadruple-tank process is used to show the application and effectiveness of the proposed method.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Building a Theory of Socio-technical Fraud

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    In the last decade, there has been an unprecedented global adoption of information and communication technologies. While developed countries are more attractive targets and suffer significantly higher losses to cyber-crime as a percentage of their Gross Domestic Product, developing and least-developed countries countries are more vulnerable. Phone-based scams such as phreaking and caller identity spoofing are instances of cyber-fraud, theft and forgery that are very widespread in these countries. Interestingly, deception is at the heart of these cyber-crimes. This paper acknowledges the extant literature on deception detection and the contribution of the related theories of deception, but proposes the development of a theory that treats cyber-deception and fraud as fundamentally socio-technical phenomena. Drawing on Humanities and the socio-anthropological concept of ‘cunning intelligence’, we aim to develop an explanatory lens of fraud that can be applied to different types of cyber-crime

    Refining the PoinTER “human firewall” pentesting framework

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    PurposePenetration tests have become a valuable tool in the cyber security defence strategy, in terms of detecting vulnerabilities. Although penetration testing has traditionally focused on technical aspects, the field has started to realise the importance of the human in the organisation, and the need to ensure that humans are resistant to cyber-attacks. To achieve this, some organisations “pentest” their employees, testing their resilience and ability to detect and repel human-targeted attacks. In a previous paper we reported on PoinTER (Prepare TEst Remediate), a human pentesting framework, tailored to the needs of SMEs. In this paper, we propose improvements to refine our framework. The improvements are based on a derived set of ethical principles that have been subjected to ethical scrutiny.MethodologyWe conducted a systematic literature review of academic research, a review of actual hacker techniques, industry recommendations and official body advice related to social engineering techniques. To meet our requirements to have an ethical human pentesting framework, we compiled a list of ethical principles from the research literature which we used to filter out techniques deemed unethical.FindingsDrawing on social engineering techniques from academic research, reported by the hacker community, industry recommendations and official body advice and subjecting each technique to ethical inspection, using a comprehensive list of ethical principles, we propose the refined GDPR compliant and privacy respecting PoinTER Framework. The list of ethical principles, we suggest, could also inform ethical technical pentests.OriginalityPrevious work has considered penetration testing humans, but few have produced a comprehensive framework such as PoinTER. PoinTER has been rigorously derived from multiple sources and ethically scrutinised through inspection, using a comprehensive list of ethical principles derived from the research literature

    A conceptual framework for cyber counterintelligence

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    Abstract :D.Com (Computer Science

    Design Thinking for Cyber Deception

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    Cyber deception tools are increasingly sophisticated but rely on a limited set of deception techniques. In current deployments of cyber deception, the network infrastructure between the defender and attacker comprises the defence/attack surface. For cyber deception tools and techniques to evolve further they must address the wider attack surface; from the network through to the physical and cognitive space. One way of achieving this is by fusing deception techniques from the physical and cognitive space with the technology development process. In this paper we trial design thinking as a way of delivering this fused approach. We detail the results from a design thinking workshop conducted using deception experts from different fields. The workshop outputs include a critical analysis of design provocations for cyber deception and a journey map detailing considerations for operationalising cyber deception scenarios that fuse deception techniques from other contexts. We conclude with recommendations for future research

    A Strategic Decision for Information Security

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    A utilização de recursos informáticos é a estratégia mais comum à maioria das organizações para gerirem os seus ativos e propriedade intelectual. Esta decisão estratégica implica a sua exposição ao exterior através de canais de comunicação (infraestrutura de dados). McDermott e Redish (1999), descrevem a terceira lei de Newton como o princípio da ação - reação, as organizações ao exporem a sua infraestrutura ao exterior despoletaram, como reação, estranhos quererem aceder à sua infraestrutura para diversos fins, seja como puro divertimento, detetarem fragilidades ou, mais relevante para este trabalho, roubarem ativos/propriedade intelectual e criarem uma disrupção no serviços. As organizações sentem necessidade de se protegerem contra estes estranhos/ataques ao implementarem estratégias de segurança, mas a realidade é que as linhas de defesa da rede são permeáveis e as arquiteturas de segurança não são suficientemente dinâmicas para travar as ameaças existentes. Uma estratégia de segurança informática baseada na tecnologia “Deception” poderá permitir de uma forma rápida detetar, analisar e defender as redes organizacionais contra-ataquesem tempo real. Esta tecnologia “Deception” poderá oferecer informações precisas sobre “malware” e atividades maliciosas não detetadas por outros tipos de defesa cibernética. Este trabalho pretende explorar esta estratégia recente baseada em “Deception”, que pretende ser diferenciadora face à panóplia de dispositivos/software de segurança informática existentes. Como resultados, pretende-se elaborar uma análise onde as organizações possam perceber a tecnologia “Deception” nas suas vertentes da eficácia, eficiência e o seu valor estratégico para que, eventualmente, a possam utilizar para suportar/adicionar valor a uma decisão de estratégia de segurança informática.The use of Information Technology (IT) resources are the common approach for most organizations so they assets and intellectual property are properly managed. This strategic decision implies its exposure to the outside world through the data infrastructure. McDermott and Redish (1999), described the third Newton’s law as the principle of action- reaction, when organizations expose their infrastructure to the outside world and, as a response, strangers want to access their infrastructure for various purposes, either as pure fun, detect weaknesses or, more relevant for this work, steal assets/intellectual property. Organizations feel the need to protect themselves against these strangers/attacks by implementing security strategies, but truly, the network's first defense lines are permeable, and the security architectures are not dynamic enough to face existing or future threats. A Deception-based technology could enable the organizations to quickly detect, analyze and defend organizational networks against real-time attacks. Deception technology may provide accurate information on malware and malicious activity not detected by other types of cyber defense. This work intends to explore a new technology, Deception, that claims a differentiation when compared with the range of existing information security suite. The types of cyber-threats and their materialization could be relevant to the information technology and risk analysis. Thus, the intent is to elaborate an analysis where organizations can understand the Deception technology, his effectiveness, and strategic value so they can, eventually, use it to support/add value to a decision regarding information security strategy


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    Advanced persistent threats (APTs) are determined, adaptive, and stealthy threat actors in cyber space. They are often hosted in, or sponsored by, adversary nation-states. As such, they are challenging opponents for both the U.S. military and the cyber-defense industry. Current defenses against APTs are largely reactive. This thesis used machine learning and game theory to test simulations of proactive defenses against APTs. We first applied machine learning to two benchmark APT datasets to classify APT network traffic by attack phase. This data was then used in a game model with reinforcement learning to learn the best tactics for both the APT attacker and the defender. The game model included security and resource levels, necessary conditions on actions, results of actions, success probabilities, and realistic costs and benefits for actions. The game model was run thousands of times with semi-random choices with reinforcement learning through a program created by NPS Professor Neil Rowe. Results showed that our methods could model active cyber defense strategies for defenders against both historical and hypothetical APT campaigns. Our game model is an extensible planning tool to recommend actions for defenders for active cyber defense planning against APTs.Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.Captain, United States Marine CorpsCaptain, United States Marine CorpsDISA, Arlington, VA, 2220