222 research outputs found

    Low-Cost, Water Pressure Sensing and Leakage Detection Using Micromachined Membranes

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    This work presents the only known SOI membrane approach, using Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) fabrication techniques, to address viable water leakage sensing requirements at low cost. In this research, membrane thickness and diameter are used in concert to target specific stiffness values that will result in targeted operational pressure ranges of approximately 0-120 psi. A MEMS membrane device constructed using silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers, has been tested and packaged for the water environment. MEMS membrane arrays will be used to determine operational pressure range by bursting.Two applications of these SOI membranes in aqueous environment are investigated in this research. The first one is water pressure sensing. We demonstrate that robustness of these membranes depends on their thickness and surface area. Their mechanical strength and robustness against applied pressure are determined using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The mechanical response of a membrane pressure sensor is determined by physical factors such as surface area, thickness and material properties. The second application of this device is water leak detection. In devices such as pressure sensors, microvalves and micropumps, membranes can be subjected to immense pressure that causes them to fail or burst. However, this event can be used to indicate the precise pressure level that malfunction occurred. These membrane arrays can be used to determine pressure values by bursting. We discuss the background information related to the proposed device: MEMS fabrication processes (especially related to proposed device), common MEMS materials, general micromachining process steps, packaging and wire bonding techniques, and common micromachined pressure sensors. Besides, FEA on SOLIDWORKS simulation module is utilized to understand membrane sensitivity and robustness. In addition, we focus on theories supporting the simulated results. We also discuss the device fabrication process, which consists of the tested device’s fabrication process, Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) for membrane formation, two different realizable fabrication technique (depending on sensing material) of sensing element, metal contact pads, and connectors deposition. In addition, a brief description and operation procedures of the device fabrication tools are provided as well. We also include detailed electrical and mechanical testing procedures and the collected data

    Low-power silicon planar micro-calorimeter employing nanostructured catalyst

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    This thesis describes the development of silicon planar micro-calorimetric gas sensors employing a nanostructured palladium (Pd) catalyst. Present commercial, bead-type calorimetric sensors have been manufactured for nearly forty years and are used in many applications, such as mining, water treatment and emergency services, with an estimated European market value of €221M by 2004. However, recent advances in both silicon micro-machining and nano materials have created the technologies necessary to transform the present labour-intensive fabrication process in to a new low-cost batch production. In addition, a reduction in power consumption, improved sensitivity and increased poisoning resistance of the sensor can also be achieved. Here, two generations of micro-calorimeter have been designed and fabricated comprising a silicon membrane structured micro-hotplate that can reach up to a temperature of 870'C without failure and an ultra-high surface area nanoporous Pd catalyst (about 20 m2/g), typically 25 run thick, deposited electrochemically on top of a gold electrode above the micro-heater. The exothermic reaction caused by the target gas (e.g. methane) interacting with the Pd catalyst results in an increase in the temperature and so resistance of the micro-heater. A Wheatstone bridge interface circuit is normally used to detect and measure the fractional resistance change. Full 3-D thermo-mechanical simulations have been performed employing experimental data in order to establish a simulation database for future developments. The differences between simulated and experimental results were found to be as low as 4.6%. The response of the sensors has been characterised in both continuous powering mode and pulse modulation powering mode. Device power consumption is only 50mW at 500'C in continuous mode, which is up to 100mW lower than that for commercial sensors. Typical response times of 2ms have been measured and so further power saving can be achieved when the sensors are operated in a pulse mode, e.g. 50% duty-cycle at 10Hz. Hence, an overall power saving of 75% could be achieved compared to commercial product. Infrared thermography revealed that a centre hot spot, commonly found with meander style micro-heaters, has been eliminated by the new drive-wheel micro-heater design. The sensitivity of the sensors has also been improved, up to a factor of 4 at 500'C ((60 mV/mm2)/%CH4), by the nanoporous catalyst and by heating it more isothermally. Furthermore, improvements have also been found on the poisoning resistance. Therefore, the potential commercialisation of the micro-calorimeter is very promising

    Microheated substrates for patterning cells and controlling development

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    Here, we seek to control cellular development by devising a means through which cells can be subjected to a microheated environment in standard culture conditions. Numerous techniques have been devised for controlling cellular function and development via manipulation of surface environmental cues at the micro- and nanoscale. It is well understood that temperature plays a significant role in the rate of cellular activities, migratory behavior (thermotaxis), and in some cases, protein expression. Yet, the effects and possible utilization of micrometer-scale temperature fields in cell cultures have not been explored. Toward this end, two types of thermally isolated microheated substrates were designed and fabricated, one with standard backside etching beneath a dielectric film and another with a combination of surface and bulk micromachining and backside etching. The substrates were characterized with infrared microscopy, finite element modeling, scanning electron microscopy, stylus profilometry, and electrothermal calibrations. Neuron culture studies were conducted on these substrates to 1) examine the feasibility of using a microheated environment to achieve patterned cell growth and 2) selectively accelerate neural development on regions less than 100mummu mwide. Results show that attached neurons, grown on microheated regions set at 37 circC~^circ C, extended processes substantially faster than those incubated at 25 circC~^circ Con the same substrate. Further, unattached neurons were positioned precisely along the length of the heater filament (operating at 45 circC~^circ C) using free convection currents. These preliminary findings indicate that microheated substrates may be used to direct cellular development spatially in a practical manner.$hfillhbox[1414]

    Micro flame-based detector suite for universal gas sensing.

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    A thin monocrystalline diaphragm pressure sensor using silicon-on-insulator technology.

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    The sensors market is huge and growing annually, of this a large sector is pressure sensors. With increasing demands on performance there remains a need for ultraminiature, high performance pressure sensors, particularly for medicai applications. To address this a novel capacitive pressure sensor consisting of an array of parallel connected diaphragms has been designed and fabricated from SIMOX substrates. The benefits of this include single crystal silicon diaphragms, small, well controlled dimensions, single sided processing and the opportunity for electronics integration. Theoretical modelling of this structure predicts a high sensitivity and low stress device with opportunities for scaling to suit alternative applications. A novel, process technology was developed to achieve the required structure with the inclusion of procedures to address the specific issues relating to the SIMOX material. The sensor was fully characterised and the results demonstrated high performance compared with similar reported devices. Alternative structures such as cantilevers, bridges and resonators were fabricated as a demonstrative tool to show the feasibility of this technology in a wider field of applications

    Conceptual MEMS Devices for a Redeployable Antenna

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    Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are becoming an integral part of our lives through a wide range of applications, including MEMS accelerators for air bag deployment in vehicles, micromirrors in projection devices, and various sensors for chemical/biological applications. MEMS are a key aspect of ever-increasing significance in a myriad of commercial and military applications. Because of this importance, this thesis utilizes MEMS devices that can deploy and retract an antenna suitably sized for placement on an insect or microrobot for communication purposes. A target monopole antenna with a length of 1 mm was used as a test metric. From this requirement, several MEMS designs using scratch drives and thermal actuators as the basis for powering the motor were developed. Some of the fabricated and tested designs included a gear with side flaps that flip up perpendicular to the substrate; gears that push an antenna beam off the edge of the substrate; and an antenna beam that is moved upwards such that it stands perpendicular to the substrate. These designs had the highest likelihood of success. Other designs included an array of micro gears and guiding beams, a large wheel powered by scratch drives, and a gear with the pawl requiring assembly. For these designs to be successful, several basic modifications would be necessary. The antenna beam that moves into a position perpendicular to the substrate was successfully self-assembled

    Non-silicon Microfabricated Nanostructured Chemical Sensors For Electric Nose Application

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    A systematic investigation has been performed for Electric Nose , a system that can identify gas samples and detect their concentrations by combining sensor array and data processing technologies. Non-silicon based microfabricatition has been developed for micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) based gas sensors. Novel sensors have been designed, fabricated and tested. Nanocrystalline semiconductor metal oxide (SMO) materials include SnO2, WO3 and In2O3 have been studied for gas sensing applications. Different doping material such as copper, silver, platinum and indium are studied in order to achieve better selectivity for different targeting toxic gases including hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide etc. Fundamental issues like sensitivity, selectivity, stability, temperature influence, humidity influence, thermal characterization, drifting problem etc. of SMO gas sensors have been intensively investigated. A novel approach to improve temperature stability of SMO (including tin oxide) gas sensors by applying a temperature feedback control circuit has been developed. The feedback temperature controller that is compatible with MEMS sensor fabrication has been invented and applied to gas sensor array system. Significant improvement of stability has been achieved compared to SMO gas sensors without temperature compensation under the same ambient conditions. Single walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) has been studied to improve SnO2 gas sensing property in terms of sensitivity, response time and recovery time. Three times of better sensitivity has been achieved experimentally. The feasibility of using TSK Fuzzy neural network algorithm for Electric Nose has been exploited during the research. A training process of using TSK Fuzzy neural network with input/output pairs from individual gas sensor cell has been developed. This will make electric nose smart enough to measure gas concentrations in a gas mixture. The model has been proven valid by gas experimental results conducted

    Alternative piezoresistor designs for maximizing cantilever sensitivity.

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    Over the last 15 years, researchers have explored the use of piezoresistive microcantilevers/resonators as gas sensors because of their relative ease in fabrication, low production cost, and their ability to detect changes in mass or surface stress with fairly good sensitivity. However, existing microcantilever designs rely on irreversible chemical reactions for detection and researchers have been unable to optimize symmetric geometries for increased sensitivity. Previous work by our group showed the capability of T-shaped piezoresistive cantilevers to detect gas composition using a nonreaction-based method – viscous damping. However, this geometry yielded only small changes in resistance. Recently, computational studies performed by our group indicated that optimizing the geometry of the base piezoresistor increases device sensitivity up to 700 times. Thus, the focus of this work is to improve the sensitivity of nonreaction-based piezoresistive microcantilevers by incorporating asymmetric piezoresistive sensing elements in a new array design. A three-mask fabrication process was performed using a 4 silicon-on-insulator wafer. Gold bond pads and leads were patterned using two optical lithography masks, gold sputtering, and acetone lift-off techniques. The cantilevers were patterned with electron-beam lithography and a dry etch masking layer was then deposited via electronbeam evaporation of iron. Subsequently, the silicon device layer was deep reactive ion etched (DRIE) to create the vertical sidewalls and the sacrificial silicon dioxide layer was removed with a buffered oxide etch, completely releasing the cantilever structures. Finally, the device was cleaned and dried with critical point drying to prevent stiction of the devices to the substrate. For the resonance experiments, the cantilevers were driven electrostatically by applying an AC bias, 10 Vpp, to the gate electrode. A DC bias of 10 V was placed across the piezoresistor in series with a 14 kÙ resistor. The drive frequency (0 – 80 kHz) was swept until the cantilever resonated at its natural frequency, which occurred when the output of the lock-in amplifier reached its maximum. These devices have been actuated to resonance under vacuum and their resonant frequencies and Qfactors measured. The first mode of resonance for the asymmetric cantilevers was found to range between 40 kHz and 63 kHz, depending on the piezoresistor geometry and length of the cantilever beam. The redesigned piezoresistive microcantilevers tested yielded static and dynamic sensitivities ranging from 1-6 Ù/Ìm and 2-17 Ù/Ìm displacement, respectively, which are 40 –730 times more sensitive than the best symmetric design previously reported by our group. Furthermore, the Q-factors ranged between 1700 and 4200, typical values for MEMS microcantilevers

    A three-axis accelerometer for measuring heart wall motion

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    This thesis presents the work carried out in the design, simulation, fabrication and testing of miniaturised three-axis accelerometers. The work was carried out at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Vestfold University College (Tønsberg, Norway), the MIcroSystems Engineering Centre (MISEC) at Heriot-Watt University and in collaboration with the Interventional Centre at Rikshospitalet University Hospital (Oslo, Norway). The accelerometers presented in this thesis were produced to be stitched to the surface of human hearts. In doing so they are used to measure the heart wall motion of patients that have just undergone heart bypass surgery. Results from studies carried out are presented and prove the concept of using such sensors for the detection of problems that can lead to the failure of heart bypasses. These studies were made possible using commercially available MEMS (MicroElectroMechanical Systems) three-axis accelerometers. However, the overall size of these sensors does not meet the requirements deemed necessary by the medical team (2(W) 2(H) 5(L) mm3) and fabrication activities were necessary to produce custom-made sensors. Design verification and performance modelling were carried out using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and these results are presented alongside relevant analytical calculations. For fabrication, accelerometer designs were submitted to three foundry processes during the course of the work. The designs utilise the piezoresistive effect for the acceleration sensing and fabrication was carried out by bulk micromachining. Results of the characterisaton of the sensors are presente