18 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Landslides in Mountainous Regions based on FEM Modelling and Rain Gauge Measurements

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    Vietnam is a country heavily influenced by climate change. The effect of climate change leads to a series of dangerous phenomena, such as landslides. Landslides occur not only in the mountainous province, but also in Delta provinces, where hundreds of landslides are reported annually in the North-Western provinces of Vietnam. These events have catastrophic impact to the community as well as the economy. In mountainous areas, the conditions for landslides to occur are met frequently, especially after heavy rains or geological activity, causing harm to the community as well as damaging or destroying much needed infrastructure and key transport routes. However, in Vietnam, investment in mountainous regions has been often lower than in urban areas. The meteorology monitoring and forecasting systems are ill equipped and overloaded, so they cannot deliver earlier and more accurate forecasts for complex weather events, unable to provide timely warnings. It can be seen that in countries that landslide often occur, researchers have been trying to develop low cost and efficient landslide detection system. This paper precisely addressed the problems mentioned, by designing and implementing an efficient and reliable Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning (LMnE) system based on the 3G/2G mobile communication system, and a rain gauge at the field site along with a carefully FEM (finite element method) simulation using the rain density information on the server. The system uses advanced processing algorithms combining obtained data at the central station

    Wireless Technology for Monitoring Site-specific Landslide in Vietnam

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    Climate change has caused an increasing number of landslides, especially in the mountainous provinces of Vietnam, resulting in the destruction of vital transport and other infrastructure. Current monitoring and forecasting systems of the meteorology department cannot deliver accurate and reliable forecasts for weather events and issue timely warnings. This paper describes the development of a simple, low cost, and efficient system for monitoring and warning landslide in real-time. The authors focus on the use of wireless and related technologies in the implementation of a technical solution and some of the problems of the wireless sensor network (WSN) related to power consumption. Promising compressed sensing (CS) based solution for landslide monitoring is discussed and evaluated in the paper

    Low-cost vibration chamber for landslide sensory and alarm system

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    Many previous research works published in the open literature aimed at designing a system that could detect landslide in early stage before the landslide becomes catastrophic. This paper presents a work-in-progress landslide early warning system for Malaysian environment. The aim of this paper is to develop the most effecienctly reliable cost-effective system in which slight earth movements are monitored continuously. The challenge this work aims at is to work with a low budget system that produce efficient performance. Hence, the material used is of-the-shelf. Early design optimization result of the vibration sensor used is quite promising detecting the slightest faint tremors, which are amplified using the best vibration chamber available. It is shown that the choice of proper pipe length and diameter dimensions in combination to a gravel to exaggerate the produced higher sensitivity level of 5dB. Furthermore, both systematic and random vibration tests produced similar results

    Low-cost vibration chamber for landslide sensory and alarm system

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    Many previous research works published in the open literature aimed at designing a system that could detect landslide in early stage before the landslide becomes catastrophic. This paper presents a work-in-progress landslide early warning system for Malaysian environment. The aim of this paper is to develop the most effecienctly reliable cost-effective system in which slight earth movements are monitored continuously. The challenge this work aims at is to work with a low budget system that produce efficient performance. Hence, the material used is of-the-shelf. Early design optimization result of the vibration sensor used is quite promising detecting the slightest faint tremors, which are amplified using the best vibration chamber available. It is shown that the choice of proper pipe length and diameter dimensions in combination to a gravel to exaggerate the produced higher sensitivity level of 5dB. Furthermore, both systematic and random vibration tests produced similar results

    Desain Awal Pengembangan Sistem Kontrol Irigasi Otomatis Berbasis Node Nirkabel dan Internet-of-Things

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    Irigasi merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam rangka mencapai produktivitas yang baik di bidang pertanian maupun budidaya tanaman. Namun, para petani terkadang tidak melakukan proses irigasi secara  teratur  dan  memiliki keterbatasan akses  saat  tidak dapat  berada di  lapangan. Dengan demikian, diperlukan sistem irigasi otomatis yang dilengkapi dengan antarmuka sistem monitoring. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem kontrol irigasi berbasis node nirkabel dan Internet-of- Things (IoT).  Sistem ini dirancang menggunakan komunikasi nirkabel antara node  sensor,  node aktuator, dan node kontroler. Node sensor dibangun menggunakan sensor kelembaban tanah YL-69, sensor suhu DS18B20, papan mikrokontroler Arduino Nano, dan modul frekuensi radio nRF24L01. Papan mikrokontroler yang sama dan modul komunikasi radio juga digunakan dalam node aktuator dengan relai sebagai output. Dalam node kontroler, digunakan Arduino Uno sebagai pengendali utama dan dilengkapi dengan modul WiFi ESP8266. Node sensor dan aktuator ditempatkan di lahan pertanian dengan catu daya baterai Lithium, sementara node kontroler ditempatkan di stasiun kontrol dan monitoring. Dengan menggunakan desain ini, sistem irigasi dapat dipantau oleh para petani di mana saja dan kapan saja selama terdapat akses internet. Desain ini juga kompatibel dalam hal implementasi karena portabilitas dan desain perangkat keras yang ringan.Kata Kunci:  irigasi, pertanian, node, sensor, aktuator, IoTIrrigation is one of the important factors in achieving good productivity in agriculture and crop cultivation. However, farmers sometimes do not carry out irrigation processes regularly and have limited access when they cannot be in the field. Thus, an automatic irrigation system is needed which is equipped with a monitoring system interface. This study aims to design irrigation control system based on wireless node and Internet-of-Things (IoT). This system is designed using wireless communication between sensor node, actuator node, and controller node. Sensor node is built using YL-69 soil moisture sensor, DS18B20 temperature sensor, Arduino Nano microcontroller board, and nRF24L01 radio frequency module. The same microcontroller board and radio communication module are also used in actuator node with relays as output. In the controller node, Arduino Uno is used as the main controller and equipped with an ESP8266 WiFi module. Sensor and actuator nodes are placed in agricultural field with Lithium battery as power supplies, while controller node is placed in the control and monitoring station. With this design, irrigation system can be monitored by farmers anywhere and anytime as long as there is internet access. This design is also compatible in terms of implementation due to lightweight


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    The study presents a meticulous investigation into the catastrophic landslide that impacted Malin village in Pune district of Maharashtra, India. By employing a multi-faceted approach encompassing field, laboratory, and numerical analyses, in the study, stability governing parameters were thoroughly assessed with respect to varying levels of water saturation. Field investigation provided crucial insights into the geographical profile, field density, slope strata, and representative soil sample acquired from hill slopes. Furthermore, extensive laboratory investigations were conducted to gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of stability governing parameters under different water saturation levels. The limit equilibrium method was employed for numerical simulation to rigorously evaluate slope stability. The results revealed the significant influence of increased water saturation on stability governing parameters, leading to slope instability, which was confirmed by numerical simulation. The study further established that excessive rainfall triggered the landslide, saturating the soil mass and deteriorating the stability governing parameters, ultimately leading to instability. The findings of this study offer valuable insights for mitigating landslides and can be instrumental in developing effective monitoring and warning systems

    Secret Key Generation Schemes for Physical Layer Security

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    Physical layer security (PLS) has evolved to be a pivotal technique in ensuring secure wireless communication. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the recent developments in physical layer secret key generation (PLSKG). The principle, procedure, techniques and performance metricesare investigated for PLSKG between a pair of users (PSKG) and for a group of users (GSKG). In this paper, a detailed comparison of the various parameters and techniques employed in different stages of key generation such as, channel probing, quantisation, encoding, information reconciliation (IR) and privacy amplification (PA) are provided. Apart from this, a comparison of bit disagreement rate, bit generation rate and approximate entropy is also presented. The work identifies PSKG and GSKG schemes which are practically realizable and also provides a discussion on the test bed employed for realising various PLSKG schemes. Moreover, a discussion on the research challenges in the area of PLSKG is also provided for future research

    Device Free Localisation Techniques in Indoor Environments

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    The location estimation of a target for a long period was performed only by device based localisation technique which is difficult in applications where target especially human is non-cooperative. A target was detected by equipping a device using global positioning systems, radio frequency systems, ultrasonic frequency systems, etc. Device free localisation (DFL) is an upcoming technology in automated localisation in which target need not equip any device for identifying its position by the user. For achieving this objective, the wireless sensor network is a better choice due to its growing popularity. This paper describes the possible categorisation of recently developed DFL techniques using wireless sensor network. The scope of each category of techniques is analysed by comparing their potential benefits and drawbacks. Finally, future scope and research directions in this field are also summarised

    Assessing the risk of slope failure to highway infrastructure using automated time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography monitoring

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    Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) monitoring provides time-lapse images of the subsurface. These images can be used to assess spatiotemporal variation in moisture content, which is a key driver of slope failure, making ERT monitoring an effective tool to evaluate precursory conditions of failure. This work presents the results of ERT monitoring on a slope above a major highway located on the border between England and Wales. During highway construction in the 1960s the slope was subject to several large landslide events which resulted in the re-design of the carriageway and installation of engineered mitigation measures. A section of the slope known as the ‘partially slipped area’ exhibited partial displacement during this time but did not progress to full slope failure, and therefore presents an ongoing risk to the highway, even though it does not experience ongoing displacement. An ERT monitoring system was installed across this area to monitor subsurface variations in moisture content. The results show a complex pattern of subsurface moisture dynamics within the partially slipped area when compared to the adjacent area of stable slope. This is most likely a result of the uneven and hummocky terrain in the partially slipped area and its effects on rainfall infiltration, storage and drainage, combined with the displacement-induced jointing present in the underlying sandstone units. The ERT results are used to assess the volume of unstable ground, placing the volume at the upper end of estimates from previous studies. Furthermore, analysis of the ERT dataset for surface displacements shows no movement at the site, which is confirmed by analysis of differential LiDAR plots and ground motion data derived from InSAR. This study demonstrates the application of ERT monitoring on a low activity, high risk slope, highlighting the need to understand subsurface processes at the slope-scale to inform long-term slope management