16 research outputs found

    Towards an Inclusive Virtual Dressing Room for Wheelchair-Bound Customers

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    Método para la evaluación de usabilidad de sitios web transaccionales basado en el proceso de inspección heurística

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    La usabilidad es considerada uno de los factores más importantes en el desarrollo de productos de software. Este atributo de calidad está referido al grado en que, usuarios específicos de un determinado aplicativo, pueden fácilmente hacer uso del software para lograr su propósito. Dada la importancia de este aspecto en el éxito de las aplicaciones informáticas, múltiples métodos de evaluación han surgido como instrumentos de medición que permiten determinar si la propuesta de diseño de la interfaz de un sistema de software es entendible, fácil de usar, atractiva y agradable al usuario. El método de evaluación heurística es uno de los métodos más utilizados en el área de Interacción Humano-Computador (HCI) para este propósito debido al bajo costo de su ejecución en comparación otras técnicas existentes. Sin embargo, a pesar de su amplio uso extensivo durante los últimos años, no existe un procedimiento formal para llevar a cabo este proceso de evaluación. Jakob Nielsen, el autor de esta técnica de inspección, ofrece únicamente lineamientos generales que, según la investigación realizada, tienden a ser interpretados de diferentes maneras por los especialistas. Por tal motivo, se ha desarrollado el presente proyecto de investigación que tiene como objetivo establecer un proceso sistemático, estructurado, organizado y formal para llevar a cabo evaluaciones heurísticas a productos de software. En base a un análisis exhaustivo realizado a aquellos estudios que reportan en la literatura el uso del método de evaluación heurística como parte del proceso de desarrollo de software, se ha formulado un nuevo método de evaluación basado en cinco fases: (1) planificación, (2) entrenamiento, (3) evaluación, (4) discusión y (5) reporte. Cada una de las fases propuestas que componen el protocolo de inspección contiene un conjunto de actividades bien definidas a ser realizadas por el equipo de evaluación como parte del proceso de inspección. Asimismo, se han establecido ciertos roles que deberán desempeñar los integrantes del equipo de inspectores para asegurar la calidad de los resultados y un apropiado desarrollo de la evaluación heurística. La nueva propuesta ha sido validada en dos escenarios académicos distintos (en Colombia, en una universidad pública, y en Perú, en dos universidades tanto en una pública como en una privada) demostrando en todos casos que es posible identificar más problemas de usabilidad altamente severos y críticos cuando un proceso estructurado de inspección es adoptado por los evaluadores. Otro aspecto favorable que muestran los resultados es que los evaluadores tienden a cometer menos errores de asociación (entre heurística que es incumplida y problemas de usabilidad identificados) y que la propuesta es percibida como fácil de usar y útil. Al validarse la nueva propuesta desarrollada por el autor de este estudio se consolida un nuevo conocimiento que aporta al bagaje cultural de la ciencia.Tesi

    Enhancing the Usability, Visibility, and Responsiveness of an Airline Reservation System: A User-Centered Design Approach

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    This paper presents the idea, design, and prototype of a flight search and airline booking system based on the perspective of user-centered design. The system is first sketched roughly on paper in the form of a sketched plan and implemented through the proper system by connecting with the rapid API to develop a responsive web application. Booking travel tickets is a hassle and quite stressful because there is a chance that the webpages take time, and several decisions to make, hard to choose a discounted or less expensive flight, and the user will have to put in a lot of effort with many browser tabs may leave open. If a user is looking for the lowest travel options within a range of dates, they need to search a lot of websites looking for better options. As UX designers, it is our responsibility to do some user research and identify the problem areas, then we will recommend some design options based on the research findings. After that, we will create a wireframe and prototype before jumping into web design by collecting all the requirements and analyzing the problems. We will be focusing on UI controls such as location picker, date picker, color contrast, accessibility, and so on. In this paper, we present the design and development of a user-centered flight search and booking system for the airline industry. Our goal is to create a system that would meet the needs and preferences of a diverse set of users. This paper will summarize the design, development, and implementation of an airline reservation system. We have used bubble.io to design the overall system and MYSQL as the database management system for this webpage. Our objective is to upgrade the current website by improving the usability, visibility, and responsiveness of the functions that the user will experience while buying a flight ticket. We have generated and managed the design documentation and a perfect user-based online flight booking system

    The Gamification of Crowdsourcing Systems: Empirical Investigations and Design

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    Recent developments in modern information and communication technologies have spawned two rising phenomena, gamification and crowdsourcing, which are increasingly being combined into gamified crowdsourcing systems. While a growing number of organizations employ crowdsourcing as a way to outsource tasks related to the inventing, producing, funding, or distributing of their products and services to the crowd – a large group of people reachable via the internet – crowdsourcing initiatives become enriched with design features from games to motivate the crowd to participate in these efforts. From a practical perspective, this combination seems intuitively appealing, since using gamification in crowdsourcing systems promises to increase motivations, participation and output quality, as well as to replace traditionally used financial incentives. However, people in large groups all have individual interests and motivations, which makes it complex to design gamification approaches for crowds. Further, crowdsourcing systems exist in various forms and are used for various tasks and problems, thus requiring different incentive mechanisms for different crowdsourcing types. The lack of a coherent understanding of the different facets of gamified crowdsourcing systems and the lack of knowledge about the motivational and behavioral effects of applying various types of gamification features in different crowdsourcing systems inhibit us from designing solutions that harness gamification’s full potential. Further, previous research canonically uses competitive gamification, although crowdsourcing systems often strive to produce cooperative outcomes. However, the potentially relevant field of cooperative gamification has to date barely been explored. With a specific focus on these shortcomings, this dissertation presents several studies to advance the understanding of using gamification in crowdsourcing systems

    Improving accessibility for people with dementia: web content and research

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    The Internet can provide a means of communication, searching for information, support groups and entertainment, amongst other services, and as a technology, can help to promote independence for people with dementia. However, the effectiveness of this technology relies on the users’ ability to use it. Web content, websites and online services need to be designed to meet the abilities and needs of people with dementia, and thus the difficulties that these users encounter must be explored and understood.The primary aim of this thesis is to investigate web content accessibility for People with Dementia and develop recommendations for improving current guidelines based on accessibility needs. The secondary aim is to support people with dementia having a voice within research through development of accessible ethical processes.Qualitative data were collected with a scoping study using questionnaires about everyday technology use (people with dementia and older adults without dementia); and in-depth interviews to explore difficulties and web accessibility issues. A document analysis was conducted on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (ISO/IEC40500:2012) for inclusion of the needs of people with dementia followed by review of Web Usability Guidance (ISO9241-151:2008) to consider how gaps relating to the unmet accessibility needs for people with dementia could be met. The scoping study found that both people with dementia and older adults without dementia use everyday ICT to access the Web. Both groups described difficulties with web interface interactions, which refined the research scope to web content accessibility. The interview data with people with dementia (n=16) and older adults without dementia (n=9) were analysed using Grounded Theory techniques. It was found that both user groups experienced the same types of difficulties using the Web, but that dementia symptoms could exacerbate the difficulties from usability issues (older adults without dementia) into accessibility issues for people with dementia. Navigation was a key issue for both groups, with a range of web content design elements contributing to accessibility issues with navigation for people with dementia. The document analysis found that the accessibility guidance did not address all the accessibility issues encountered by people with dementia. However, the usability guidance did address many of the accessibility issues for web content navigation experienced by people with dementia. The research provides recommendations for improvements to web content accessibility guidelines including content from usability guidelines, and amendments to current guidelines and success criteria. A new ethical recruitment/consent process was developed and tested as part of the research process and is recommended for use in future research to support engagement of people with dementia.</div

    Cultural Context-Aware Models and IT Applications for the Exploitation of Musical Heritage

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    Information engineering has always expanded its scope by inspiring innovation in different scientific disciplines. In particular, in the last sixty years, music and engineering have forged a strong connection in the discipline known as “Sound and Music Computing”. Musical heritage is a paradigmatic case that includes several multi-faceted cultural artefacts and traditions. Several issues arise from the analog-digital transfer of cultural objects, concerning their creation, preservation, access, analysis and experiencing. The keystone is the relationship of these digitized cultural objects with their carrier and cultural context. The terms “cultural context” and “cultural context awareness” are delineated, alongside the concepts of contextual information and metadata. Since they maintain the integrity of the object, its meaning and cultural context, their role is critical. This thesis explores three main case studies concerning historical audio recordings and ancient musical instruments, aiming to delineate models to preserve, analyze, access and experience the digital versions of these three prominent examples of musical heritage. The first case study concerns analog magnetic tapes, and, in particular, tape music, a particular experimental music born in the second half of the XX century. This case study has relevant implications from the musicology, philology and archivists’ points of view, since the carrier has a paramount role and the tight connection with its content can easily break during the digitization process or the access phase. With the aim to help musicologists and audio technicians in their work, several tools based on Artificial Intelligence are evaluated in tasks such as the discontinuity detection and equalization recognition. By considering the peculiarities of tape music, the philological problem of stemmatics in digitized audio documents is tackled: an algorithm based on phylogenetic techniques is proposed and assessed, confirming the suitability of these techniques for this task. Then, a methodology for a historically faithful access to digitized tape music recordings is introduced, by considering contextual information and its relationship with the carrier and the replay device. Based on this methodology, an Android app which virtualizes a tape recorder is presented, together with its assessment. Furthermore, two web applications are proposed to faithfully experience digitized 78 rpm discs and magnetic tape recordings, respectively. Finally, a prototype of web application for musicological analysis is presented. This aims to concentrate relevant part of the knowledge acquired in this work into a single interface. The second case study is a corpus of Arab-Andalusian music, suitable for computational research, which opens new opportunities to musicological studies by applying data-driven analysis. The description of the corpus is based on the five criteria formalized in the CompMusic project of the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona: purpose, coverage, completeness, quality and re-usability. Four Jupyter notebooks were developed with the aim to provide a useful tool for computational musicologists for analyzing and using data and metadata of such corpus. The third case study concerns an exceptional historical musical instrument: an ancient Pan flute exhibited at the Museum of Archaeological Sciences and Art of the University of Padova. The final objective was the creation of a multimedia installation to valorize this precious artifact and to allow visitors to interact with the archaeological find and to learn its history. The case study provided the opportunity to study a methodology suitable for the valorization of this ancient musical instrument, but also extendible to other artifacts or museum collections. Both the methodology and the resulting multimedia installation are presented, followed by the assessment carried out by a multidisciplinary group of experts

    Accessibility of Health Data Representations for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for Design

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    Health data of consumer off-the-shelf wearable devices is often conveyed to users through visual data representations and analyses. However, this is not always accessible to people with disabilities or older people due to low vision, cognitive impairments or literacy issues. Due to trade-offs between aesthetics predominance or information overload, real-time user feedback may not be conveyed easily from sensor devices through visual cues like graphs and texts. These difficulties may hinder critical data understanding. Additional auditory and tactile feedback can also provide immediate and accessible cues from these wearable devices, but it is necessary to understand existing data representation limitations initially. To avoid higher cognitive and visual overload, auditory and haptic cues can be designed to complement, replace or reinforce visual cues. In this paper, we outline the challenges in existing data representation and the necessary evidence to enhance the accessibility of health information from personal sensing devices used to monitor health parameters such as blood pressure, sleep, activity, heart rate and more. By creating innovative and inclusive user feedback, users will likely want to engage and interact with new devices and their own data

    Käyttäjäkokemus ja tilannetietoisuus ammattilaisohjelmistossa: Tapaustutkimus karttapohjaisesta junaliikenteen käyttöliittymästä

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    Suomen rautatieliikennettä ohjataan enenevissä määrin sähköisin keinoin. Käytössä on useita digitaalisia järjestelmiä, joista jokaisella on oma roolinsa työn osana. Liikenteenohjaajan työhön kuuluu tilannekuvan muodostaminen useista lähteistä saatavan tiedon perusteella sekä päätöksenteko ja operointi muodostetun tilannetietoisuuden mukaan. Koska ohjelmien käyttö muodostaa suuren osan työstä, on niiden käyttäjäkokemus merkittävä tekijä käyttäjien työhyvinvoinnin kannalta. Ammattilaiskäyttö tuo järjestelmien käyttäjäkokemussuunnitteluun omat erityispiirteensä kuluttajatuotteisiin verrattuna. Operatiivisessa työssä on lisäksi huomioitava tilannetietoisuuden ylläpidon tuomat haasteet ja vältettävä esimerkiksi liiallista kognitiivista kuormaa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan käyttäjäkokemusta ja tilannetietoisuutta rautateiden operatiivisessa työssä. Aiheita lähestytään tapaustutkimuksena yhden operatiivisessa käytössä olevan järjestelmän, Yleiskäyttöliittymän eli YKÄn, kautta. Liikennetilannetta kartalla visualisoiva YKÄ toimii tilannetietoisuuden muodostamisen tukena monen eri käyttäjäryhmän työssä. YKÄn kehityksen tavoitteena on helpottaa käyttäjien työtä ja kehittää toimintatapoja tunnistettujen mahdollisuuksien perusteella, joten sovellus sopii tutkimuksen aiheeksi. Tässä työssä YKÄn käyttäjäryhmistä keskitytään erityisesti liikenteenohjaajiin, mutta kokeellisessa osiossa huomioidaan myös muut käyttäjäryhmät. Työssä käsitellään kahta tutkimuskysymystä. Ensimmäisen tutkimuskysymyksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaiset tekijät vaikuttavat YKÄn käyttäjäkokemukseen. Tekijöitä selvitetään käyttäjähaastatteluilla sekä UEQ–käyttäjäkokemuskyselyn pohjalta muodostetun priorisointitehtävän avulla. Toisen tutkimuskysymyksen puitteissa puolestaan selvitetään, millä tavoin YKÄ voisi auttaa käyttäjää hahmottamaan raideinfrastruktuurissa tapahtuneita muutoksia. Käyttäjätarpeita selvitetään observoinnin ja käyttäjähaastatteluiden avulla. Muutosten visualisoinnista suunnitellaan prototyyppi, jota arvioidaan työpajassa käyttäjien kanssa sekä UEQ:n lyhytversion avulla. Tutkimuksen perusteella YKÄn käyttäjäkokemuksessa tärkeimpiä piirteitä ovat pragmaattiset piirteet. Käytännöllisten piirteiden yhteys työn vaatimaan tilannetietoisuuteen nähdään sekä kokeellisen osuuden että kirjallisuuden perusteella oleelliseksi. Kokeellisen osion priorisointitehtävässä tärkeimmiksi nousseet tehokkuus, luotettavuus ja selkeys vaikuttavat siihen, kuinka hyvin käyttäjä kokee hallitsevansa tilannetta ja siten pystyvänsä tekemään muiden turvallisuuteen vaikuttavia päätöksiä. Hedonisten piirteiden osuus vastauksissa puolestaan jää pieneksi, mikä voi viitata tutkimusmenetelmän heikkouteen ja antaa siksi aiheen jatkotutkimuksille. Muutosten esittämisen osalta haasteita aiheuttavat käyttäjäryhmien erilaiset tarpeet. Tutkimuksen perusteella liikenteenohjaajien kannalta tärkein käyttötapaus on taustatietojen päivittäminen pitkän tauon jälkeen työpisteelle palattaessa, mutta muiden ryhmien tarpeet vaativat lisäselvitystä. Operatiivisessa päätöksenteossa käytettävän tiedon ja yleisen taustatiedon erottamiseksi muutoksia ehdotetaan tämän työn perusteella visualisoitavaksi nykytilaa kuvaavasta perustilasta erillisenä tilana. Tutkimuksen perusteella käyttäjäryhmien tarpeet eroavat eniten käyttäjää kiinnostavan aikajänteen valinnassa, minkä vuoksi komponentin on tarjottava monipuoliset toiminnot. Käyttöliittymäelementteihin liittyy kuitenkin vielä kysymyksiä, jotka vaativat jatkokehitystä

    Modelling a conversational agent (Botocrates) for promoting critical thinking and argumentation skills

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    Students in higher education institutions are often advised to think critically, yet without being guided to do so. The study investigated the use of a conversational agent (Botocrates) for supporting critical thinking and academic argumentation skills. The overarching research questions were: can a conversational agent support critical thinking and academic argumentation skills? If so, how? The study was carried out in two stages: modelling and evaluating Botocrates' prototype. The prototype was a Wizard-of-Oz system where a human plays Botocrates' role by following a set of instructions and knowledge-base to guide generation of responses. Both stages were conducted at the School of Education at the University of Leeds. In the first stage, the study analysed 13 logs of online seminars in order to define the tasks and dialogue strategies needed to be performed by Botocrates. The study identified two main tasks of Botocrates: providing answers to students' enquiries and engaging students in the argumentation process. Botocrates’ dialogue strategies and contents were built to achieve these two tasks. The novel theoretical framework of the ‘challenge to explain’ process and the notion of the ‘constructive expansion of exchange structure’ were produced during this stage and incorporated into Botocrates’ prototype. The aim of the ‘challenge to explain’ process is to engage users in repeated and constant cycles of reflective thinking processes. The ‘constructive expansion of exchange structure’ is the practical application of the ‘challenge to explain’ process. In the second stage, the study used the Wizard-of-Oz (WOZ) experiments and interviews to evaluate Botocrates’ prototype. 7 students participated in the evaluation stage and each participant was immediately interviewed after chatting with Botocrates. The analysis of the data gathered from the WOZ and interviews showed encouraging results in terms of students’ engagement in the process of argumentation. As a result of the role of ‘critic’ played by Botocrates during the interactions, users actively and positively adopted the roles of explainer, clarifier, and evaluator. However, the results also showed negative experiences that occurred to users during the interaction. Improving Botocrates’ performance and training users could decrease users’ unsuccessful and negative experiences. The study identified the critical success and failure factors related to achieving the tasks of Botocrates

    Multimodal social media product reviews and ratings in e-commerce: an empirical approach

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    Since the booming of the internet and the “.com” (e-commerce) in the 1990’s, everything has changed. This improvement created different areas for researchers to investigate and examine, especially in the fields of human computer interaction and social media. This technological revolution has dramatically changed the way we interact with computers, buy, communicate and share information. This thesis investigates multimodal presentations of social media review and rating messages within an e-commerce interface. Multimodality refers to the communication pattern that goes beyond text to include images, audio and media. Multimodality provides a new way of communication, as images, for example, can deliver an additional information which might be difficult or impossible to communicate using text only. Social media can be defined as a two-way interaction using the internet as the communication medium.The overall hypothesis is that the use of multimodal metaphors (sound and avatars) to present social media product r views will improve the usability of the ecommerce interface and increase the user understanding, reduce the time needed to make a decision when compared to non-multimodal presentations. E-commerce usability refers to the presentation, accessibility and clarity of information. An experimental e-commerce platform was developed to investigate the particular interactive circumstances that multimodal metaphors may benefit the social media communication of reviews of products to users. The first experiment using three conditions (text with emoji’s, earcons and facially expressive avatars) measured the user comprehension, understanding information, user satisfaction with the way in which information was communicated and social media preference in e-commerce. The second experiment investigated the time taken by users to understand information, understanding information correctly, user satisfaction and user enjoyment using three conditions (emoji’s, facially expressive avatar and animation clips) in ecommerce platform. The results of the first set experiments of the showed that the text with emoji’s and the use of facially expressive avatar conditions had improved the users’ performance through understanding information effectively and making decisions quicker compared to the earcons condition. In the second experiment, the results showed that the users performed better (understanding information, understating information faster) using the emoji’s and the facially expressive avatar presentations compared to the use of the animation clip condition. A set of empirically derived guidelines to implement these metaphors to communicate social media product reviews in e-commerce interface have been presented