37 research outputs found

    ENCOMPASS: A SAGA based environment for the compositon of programs and specifications, appendix A

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    ENCOMPASS is an example integrated software engineering environment being constructed by the SAGA project. ENCOMPASS supports the specification, design, construction and maintenance of efficient, validated, and verified programs in a modular programming language. The life cycle paradigm, schema of software configurations, and hierarchical library structure used by ENCOMPASS is presented. In ENCOMPASS, the software life cycle is viewed as a sequence of developments, each of which reuses components from the previous ones. Each development proceeds through the phases planning, requirements definition, validation, design, implementation, and system integration. The components in a software system are modeled as entities which have relationships between them. An entity may have different versions and different views of the same project are allowed. The simple entities supported by ENCOMPASS may be combined into modules which may be collected into projects. ENCOMPASS supports multiple programmers and projects using a hierarchical library system containing a workspace for each programmer; a project library for each project, and a global library common to all projects

    Next generation software environments : principles, problems, and research directions

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    The past decade has seen a burgeoning of research and development in software environments. Conferences have been devoted to the topic of practical environments, journal papers produced, and commercial systems sold. Given all the activity, one might expect a great deal of consensus on issues, approaches, and techniques. This is not the case, however. Indeed, the term "environment" is still used in a variety of conflicting ways. Nevertheless substantial progress has been made and we are at least nearing consensus on many critical issues.The purpose of this paper is to characterize environments, describe several important principles that have emerged in the last decade or so, note current open problems, and describe some approaches to these problems, with particular emphasis on the activities of one large-scale research program, the Arcadia project. Consideration is also given to two related topics: empirical evaluation and technology transition. That is, how can environments and their constituents be evaluated, and how can new developments be moved effectively into the production sector

    Version Management for tightly integrated Software Engineering Environments

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    The paper introduces a version management model which exploits knowledge about the contents of documents. This is in contrast to most existing models which basically consider versioned objects as at (attributed) files. The benefits of the approach are illustrated by describing some sample operations which are not possible with a conventional model. The paper then discusses a feasible implementation of the model on top of an existing object-oriented data base management system. Finally, it discusses related work and indicates how a sophisticated configuration management system is being built on top of the version management system

    Semantics-Based Change-Merging of Abstract Data Types

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    Maintaining any software is difficult. Whenever an evolutionary change is made to the base version of a program and the new version of the program is created, changes made to the base version of the software must be made to the new version. The answer is to build the software initially with the knowledge that it will change and that the base version will evolve. In other words, change-merging of software is a possible solution. All the work in this area has been done on program integration, change-merging of PSDL programs and software prototypes. The present work explores the possibility of combining the results of two independent updates of an abstract data type into a merged version that is both correct and safe. This report describes a developing theory for semantics-based change-merging of abstract data types

    First Class Copy & Paste

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    The Subtext project seeks to make programming fundamentally easier by altering the nature of programming languages and tools. This paper defines an operational semantics for an essential subset of the Subtext language. It also presents a fresh approach to the problems of mutable state, I/O, and concurrency.Inclusions reify copy & paste edits into persistent relationships that propagate changes from their source into their destination. Inclusions formulate a programming language in which there is no distinction between a programÂs representation and its execution. Like spreadsheets, programs are live executions within a persistent runtime, and programming is direct manipulation of these executions via a graphical user interface. There is no need to encode programs into source text.Mutation of state is effected by the computation of hypothetical recursive variants of the state, which can then be lifted into new versions of the state. Transactional concurrency is based upon queued single-threaded execution. Speculative execution of queued hypotheticals provides concurrency as a semantically transparent implementation optimization


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    This report describes the current state of my research in software development environments. I argue in favour of strong support for project management, comprehension and navigation, and collaboration primarily based on experiences from developing large-scale industrial-strength applications.An underlying model of such an environment, named ``Ragnarok´´, is outlined. A design and first prototype of important parts of Ragnarok is described as well as some results from initial experiments

    SAGA: A project to automate the management of software production systems

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    The SAGA system is a software environment that is designed to support most of the software development activities that occur in a software lifecycle. The system can be configured to support specific software development applications using given programming languages, tools, and methodologies. Meta-tools are provided to ease configuration. The SAGA system consists of a small number of software components that are adapted by the meta-tools into specific tools for use in the software development application. The modules are design so that the meta-tools can construct an environment which is both integrated and flexible. The SAGA project is documented in several papers which are presented

    Parallel LISP

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    Projects in the past few years have looked into the problem of automatic parallelization of the Lisp programming language. Since it appears to be feasible to adapt Lisp to run on a general parallel computer, an implementation will be developed. This implementation will be as general as possible in order to locate the tradeoffs between implementing Lisp on a general parallel computer versus having an efficient interpreter. This implementation can be used to study the execution characteristics of Lisp in a parallel environment. It can also be used to derive information about architectural features which affect the performance of Lisp on parallel machines. This implementation will use a multitasking system and interprocess communication to simulate an MIMD machine. The implementation will include the formation, queuing, distribution, and execution of dataflow frames. Realistic Lisp application programs will be used with the implementation to examine the feasibility and efficiency of parallel Lisp. Measurements derivable from the simulator include number of processor cycles, processor utilization, memory requirements, and speedup. These tests will provide two main results. First, they will indicate possibilities for further gains by illustrating the bottlenecks in such a scheme. Second, they will help determine if it is indeed feasible to run Lisp on a parallel machine or if instead the overhead is too high for the application to be profitable. Most likely, some parallelism will be profitable. The simulation will provide information on the extent to which parallelism can be utilized