10 research outputs found

    Ensuring the discoverability of digital images for social work education : an online tagging survey to test controlled vocabularies

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    The digital age has transformed access to all kinds of educational content not only in text-based format but also digital images and other media. As learning technologists and librarians begin to organise these new media into digital collections for educational purposes, older problems associated with cataloguing and classifying non-text media have re-emerged. At the heart of this issue is the problem of describing complex and highly subjective images in a reliable and consistent manner. This paper reports on the findings of research designed to test the suitability of two controlled vocabularies to index and thereby improve the discoverability of images stored in the Learning Exchange, a repository for social work education and research. An online survey asked respondents to "tag", a series of images and responses were mapped against the two controlled vocabularies. Findings showed that a large proportion of user generated tags could be mapped to the controlled vocabulary terms (or their equivalents). The implications of these findings for indexing and discovering content are discussed in the context of a wider review of the literature on "folksonomies" (or user tagging) versus taxonomies and controlled vocabularies

    The state of research on folksonomies in the field of Library and Information Science : a Systematic Literature Review

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    Purpose – The purpose of this thesis is to provide an overview of all relevant peer-reviewed articles on folksonomies, social tagging and social bookmarking as knowledge organisation systems within the field of Library and Information Science by reviewing the current state of research on these systems of managing knowledge. Method – I use the systematic literature review method in order to systematically and transparently review and synthesise data extracted from 39 articles found through the discovery system LUBsearch in order to find out which, and to which degree different methods, theories and systems are represented, which subfields can be distinguished, how present research within these subfields is and which larger conclusions can be drawn from research conducted between 2003-2013 on folksonomies. Findings – There have been done many studies which are exploratory or reviewing literature discussions, and other frequently used methods which have been used are questionnaires or surveys, although often in conjunction with other methods. Furthermore, out of the 39 studies, 22 were quantitative, 15 were qualitative and 2 used mixed methods. I also found that there were an underwhelming number of theories being explicitly used, where merely 11 articles explicitly used theories, and only one theory was used twice. No key authors on the topic were identified, though Knowledge Organization, Information Processing & Management and Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology were recognised as key journals for research on folksonomies. There have been plenty of studies on how tags and folksonomies have effected other knowledge organisation systems, or how pre-existing have been used to create new systems. Other well represented subfields include studies on the quality or characteristics of tags or text, and studies aiming to improve folksonomies, search methods or tags. Value – I provide an overview on what has been researched and where the focus on said research has been during the last decade and present future research suggestions and identify possible dangers to be wary of which I argue will benefit folksonomies and knowledge organisation as a whole

    Controlled vocabularies and tags: An analysis of research methods

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    Social tagging has become increasingly common and is now often found in library catalogues or at least on library websites and blogs. Tags have been compared to controlled vocabulary indexing terms and have been suggested as replacements or enhancements for traditional indexing. This paper explored tagging and controlled vocabulary studies in the context of earlier studies examining title keywords, author keywords and user indexing and applied these results to a set of bibliographic records from PubMed which are also tagged on CiteULike. Preliminary results show that author and title keywords and tags are more similar to each other than to subject headings, though some user or author supplied terms do match subject headings exactly. Author keywords tend to be more specific than the other terms and could serve an additional distinguishing function when browsing

    Los Gestores de Referencias Sociales: índices de popularidad y descubrimiento científico

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    Comunidades Virtuales 2.0 d la SEDIC[ES]Los gestores de última generación han permitido disponer de estas aplicaciones en el navegador web, lo cual obedece a una lógica, si el navegador web es la herramienta natural para el descubrimiento de la investigación científica, es natural que ésta sea la herramienta con la que recopilar los registros bibliográficos; de manera que el entorno web se va convirtiendo cada vez con más fuerza en un elemento recurrente para compartir y descubrir información científica.[EN] The next generation managers have allowed to have these applications on the web browser, which follows a logical, if the web browser is the natural tool for the discovery of scientific research, it is natural that this is the tool to collect bibliographic records, so that the web environment is becoming increasingly harder for a recurrent element share and discover scientific information

    Información científica en Ciencias de la Salud por medio del etiquetado social: Connotea and CiteUlike = Medical Information Library & Knowledge: MILK or discovery of scientific information on health through social labeling: Connotea and CiteULike

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    En este artículo presentamos la segunda fase de un proyecto de colaboración entre bibliotecas médicas pertenecientes a diferentes instituciones, ubicadas en diferentes zonas geográficas y con diferentes objetivos e intereses (algunas de ellas centradas en la investigación y la docencia médica y otras en la práctica hospitalaría). El objetivo principal de este proyecto desde su concepción se ha centrado en un proceso abierto, flexible de biblioteca, promovido por la comunidad de participantes, con el objetivo último de apoyar la educación superior, la investigación y la práctica clínica o la atención, así como de servir como una herramienta para los profesionales que trabajan en las bibliotecas. La plataforma elegida por nosotros para el mismos es Netvibes. Para lograr una mayor integración y la eficacia de los servicios se ha realizado una revisión de la plataforma y se han integrado dos herramientas que creemos que facilitará el descubrimiento y la difusión de información científica en nuestra área de especialización. Eestas son dos de los gestores de referencias sociales con más proyección: CiteULike y Connotea Como suele suceder en los servicios de la web social, los gestores de referencias en línea se están convirtiendo en soluciones rentables que son simples, y de gran alcance para recopilar grandes conjuntos de metadatos resultantes de la colaboración científica. A través de los administradores sociales de referencia seleccionado, y Connotea citeulike, el grupo de trabajo MILK ha articulado una eficaz cooperación de las bibliotecas participantes y un nuevo canal para promover y facilitar el descubrimiento de información científica entre nuestros usuarios. ***** ABSTRACT ***** In this paper we would like to present the second phase of a Network Collaborative Project between medical libraries belonging to different institutions, located in different geographical areas and with different aims, objectives and interests (some of them focusing on research and teaching and other on medical practice). The main goal of this project from its conception has been developing an open, flexible, adaptive medical library, promoted by the community of participants, with the ultimate aim of supporting higher education, research and clinical practice or care, as well as of serving as a tool for the professionals working at the libraries. The platform of choice for us is NETVIBES. To achieve greater integration and effectiveness of the services we have conducted a review of the platform and have integrated two tools that we believe will facilitate the discovery and dissemination of scientific information in our area of expertise. They are two of the social references manager with more projection: CiteUlike and Connotea As often happens in social web services, online references manager are becoming cost-effective solutions that are simple, and powerful to collect large sets of metadata resulting from scientific collaboration. These are isolated data on interest, important for every researcher, but at the collective level are an interesting solution for the discovery and evaluation of large-scale scientific content. Through social reference managers selected, Connotea and CiteUlike, the working group MILK (Medical Information Library & Knowledge) has articulated a far more effective cooperation of the participating libraries and provided a new channel to promote and facilitate the discovery of scientific information between our users

    Información científica en Ciencias de la Salud por medio del etiquetado social: Connotea and CiteUlike = Medical Information Library & Knowledge: MILK or discovery of scientific information on health through social labeling: Connotea and CiteULike

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    En este artículo presentamos la segunda fase de un proyecto de colaboración entre bibliotecas médicas pertenecientes a diferentes instituciones, ubicadas en diferentes zonas geográficas y con diferentes objetivos e intereses (algunas de ellas centradas en la investigación y la docencia médica y otras en la práctica hospitalaría). El objetivo principal de este proyecto desde su concepción se ha centrado en un proceso abierto, flexible de biblioteca, promovido por la comunidad de participantes, con el objetivo último de apoyar la educación superior, la investigación y la práctica clínica o la atención, así como de servir como una herramienta para los profesionales que trabajan en las bibliotecas. La plataforma elegida por nosotros para el mismos es Netvibes. Para lograr una mayor integración y la eficacia de los servicios se ha realizado una revisión de la plataforma y se han integrado dos herramientas que creemos que facilitará el descubrimiento y la difusión de información científica en nuestra área de especialización. Eestas son dos de los gestores de referencias sociales con más proyección: CiteULike y Connotea Como suele suceder en los servicios de la web social, los gestores de referencias en línea se están convirtiendo en soluciones rentables que son simples, y de gran alcance para recopilar grandes conjuntos de metadatos resultantes de la colaboración científica. A través de los administradores sociales de referencia seleccionado, y Connotea citeulike, el grupo de trabajo MILK ha articulado una eficaz cooperación de las bibliotecas participantes y un nuevo canal para promover y facilitar el descubrimiento de información científica entre nuestros usuarios. ***** ABSTRACT ***** In this paper we would like to present the second phase of a Network Collaborative Project between medical libraries belonging to different institutions, located in different geographical areas and with different aims, objectives and interests (some of them focusing on research and teaching and other on medical practice). The main goal of this project from its conception has been developing an open, flexible, adaptive medical library, promoted by the community of participants, with the ultimate aim of supporting higher education, research and clinical practice or care, as well as of serving as a tool for the professionals working at the libraries. The platform of choice for us is NETVIBES. To achieve greater integration and effectiveness of the services we have conducted a review of the platform and have integrated two tools that we believe will facilitate the discovery and dissemination of scientific information in our area of expertise. They are two of the social references manager with more projection: CiteUlike and Connotea As often happens in social web services, online references manager are becoming cost-effective solutions that are simple, and powerful to collect large sets of metadata resulting from scientific collaboration. These are isolated data on interest, important for every researcher, but at the collective level are an interesting solution for the discovery and evaluation of large-scale scientific content. Through social reference managers selected, Connotea and CiteUlike, the working group MILK (Medical Information Library & Knowledge) has articulated a far more effective cooperation of the participating libraries and provided a new channel to promote and facilitate the discovery of scientific information between our users

    Guide to Options for ETD Programs

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    Dr. Martin Halbert of the University of North Texas documents the spectrum of ETD program implementation and offers guidance for academic decision-makers who are either creating or modifying ETD programs. Dr. Halbert identifies and offers in-depth analysis regarding the five key decisions that ETD programs must make. He also provides a literature review of publications, standards and reports that have been produced to date, and relates these to the key decisions

    Organizing scientific data sets: studying similarities and differences in metadata and subject term creation

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    According to Salo, the metadata entered into repositories aredisorganized and metadata schemes underlying repositories are arcane. This creates a challenging repository environment in regards to personal information management (PIM) and knowledge organization systems (KOSs). This dissertation research is a step towards addressing the need to study information organization of scientific data in more detail. METHODS: A concurrent triangulation mixed methods approach was used to study the descriptive metadata and subject term application of information professionals and scientists when working with two data sets (the bird data set and the hunting data set). Quantitative and qualitative methods were used in combination during study design, data collection, and analysis. RESULTS: A total of 27 participants, 11 information professionals and 16 scientists took part in this study. Descriptive metadata results indicate that information professionals were more likely to use standardized metadata schemes. Scientists did not use library-based standards to organize data in their own collections. Nearly all scientists mentioned how central software was to their overall data organization processes. Subject term application results suggest that the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) was the best vocabulary for describing scientific names, while Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) was best for describing topical terms. The two groups applied 45 topical terms to the bird data set and 49 topical terms to the hunting data set. Term overlap, meaning the same terms were applied by both groups, was close to 25% for each data set (27% for the bird data set and 24% for the hunting data set). Unique terms, those terms applied by either group were more widely dispersed. CONCLUSIONS: While there were similarities between the two groups, it is the differences that were the most apparent. Based on this research it is recommended that general repositories use metadata created by information professionals, while domain specific repositories use metadata created by scientists

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    Sexcams in a Dollhouse: Social Reproduction and the Platform Economy

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    Once a peripheral phenomenon on the Web, sexcam platforms have been gaining social and economic importance, attracting millions of visitors every day. Crucial to this popularity is the technical and economic model that some of those sites use. Sexcam platforms combine the practices of labor and user-generated platforms. As platforms, they mediate between users and providers, becoming the field where those operations occur. Sexcam platforms, however, are more than intermediaries, and their structures incorporate and reproduce discriminatory conventions. Sexcams in a Dollhouse: Social Reproduction and the Platform Economy is a research-creation project exploring digital labor through the American sexcam platform Chaturbate.com. Rather than treating this platform as an exception, this project invites the consideration of Chaturbate as a paradigmatic instance of work in the context of platform capitalism. Sexcam platforms, this research argues, illustrate recent changes in the notions of what is work and what is leisure, what generates value, or the shifting nature of social relations through social media. Using a made-up dollhouse as an interface and stage, this project set up a series of performative interventions on the sexcam platform. Through humorous yet critical play, these pieces asked about the situation of social reproduction on the platform economy, the role of maintenance practices in the generation of value, and the incorporation of new technological infrastructures into daily life