1,514 research outputs found

    Depth Two Majority Circuits for Majority and List Expanders

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    Let MAJ_n denote the Boolean majority function of n input variables. In this paper, we study the construction of depth two circuits computing MAJ_n where each gate in a circuit computes MAJ_m for m < n. We first give an explicit construction of depth two MAJ_{floor[n/2]+2} o MAJ_{= 7 such that n congruent 3 (mod 4) where MAJ_m and MAJ_{<= m} denote the majority gates that take m and at most m distinct inputs, respectively. A graph theoretic argument developed by Kulikov and Podolskii (STACS \u2717, Article No. 49) shows that there is no MAJ_{<= n-2} o MAJ_{n-2} circuit computing MAJ_n. Hence, our construction reveals that the use of a smaller fan-in gates at the bottom level is essential for the existence of such a circuit. Some computational results are also provided. We then show that the construction of depth two MAJ_m o MAJ_m circuits computing MAJ_n for m<n can be translated into the construction of a newly introduced version of bipartite expander graphs which we call a list expander. Intuitively, a list expander is a c-leftregular bipartite graph such that for a given d < c, every d-leftregular subgraph of the original graph has a certain expansion property. We formalize this connection and verify that, with high probability, a random bipartite graph is a list expander of certain parameters. However, the parameters obtained are not sufficient to give us a MAJ_{n-c} o MAJ_{n-c} circuit computing MAJ_n for a large constant c

    Pseudo-random graphs and bit probe schemes with one-sided error

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    We study probabilistic bit-probe schemes for the membership problem. Given a set A of at most n elements from the universe of size m we organize such a structure that queries of type "Is x in A?" can be answered very quickly. H.Buhrman, P.B.Miltersen, J.Radhakrishnan, and S.Venkatesh proposed a bit-probe scheme based on expanders. Their scheme needs space of O(nlog⁥m)O(n\log m) bits, and requires to read only one randomly chosen bit from the memory to answer a query. The answer is correct with high probability with two-sided errors. In this paper we show that for the same problem there exists a bit-probe scheme with one-sided error that needs space of O(n\log^2 m+\poly(\log m)) bits. The difference with the model of Buhrman, Miltersen, Radhakrishnan, and Venkatesh is that we consider a bit-probe scheme with an auxiliary word. This means that in our scheme the memory is split into two parts of different size: the main storage of O(nlog⁥2m)O(n\log^2 m) bits and a short word of log⁥O(1)m\log^{O(1)}m bits that is pre-computed once for the stored set A and `cached'. To answer a query "Is x in A?" we allow to read the whole cached word and only one bit from the main storage. For some reasonable values of parameters our space bound is better than what can be achieved by any scheme without cached data.Comment: 19 page

    Expander-based cryptography meets natural proofs

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    We introduce new forms of attack on expander-based cryptography, and in particular on Goldreich's pseudorandom generator and one-way function. Our attacks exploit low circuit complexity of the underlying expander's neighbor function and/or of the local predicate. Our two key conceptual contributions are: 1) We put forward the possibility that the choice of expander matters in expander-based cryptography. In particular, using expanders whose neighbour function has low circuit complexity might compromise the security of Goldreich's PRG and OWF in certain settings. 2) We show that the security of Goldreich's PRG and OWF is closely related to two other long-standing problems: Specifically, to the existence of unbalanced lossless expanders with low-complexity neighbor function, and to limitations on circuit lower bounds (i.e., natural proofs). In particular, our results further motivate the investigation of affine/local unbalanced lossless expanders and of average-case lower bounds against DNF-XOR circuits. We prove two types of technical results that support the above conceptual messages. First, we unconditionally break Goldreich's PRG when instantiated with a specific expander (whose existence we prove), for a class of predicates that match the parameters of the currently-best "hard" candidates, in the regime of quasi-polynomial stretch. Secondly, conditioned on the existence of expanders whose neighbor functions have extremely low circuit complexity, we present attacks on Goldreich's generator in the regime of polynomial stretch. As one corollary, conditioned on the existence of the foregoing expanders, we show that either the parameters of natural properties for several constant-depth circuit classes cannot be improved, even mildly; or Goldreich's generator is insecure in the regime of a large polynomial stretch, regardless of the predicate used

    07411 Abstracts Collection -- Algebraic Methods in Computational Complexity

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    From 07.10. to 12.10., the Dagstuhl Seminar 07411 ``Algebraic Methods in Computational Complexity\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Derandomization with Minimal Memory Footprint

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    Existing proofs that deduce BPL = ? from circuit lower bounds convert randomized algorithms into deterministic algorithms with large constant overhead in space. We study space-bounded derandomization with minimal footprint, and ask what is the minimal possible space overhead for derandomization. We show that BPSPACE[S] ? DSPACE[c ? S] for c ? 2, assuming space-efficient cryptographic PRGs, and, either: (1) lower bounds against bounded-space algorithms with advice, or: (2) lower bounds against certain uniform compression algorithms. Under additional assumptions regarding the power of catalytic computation, in a new setting of parameters that was not studied before, we are even able to get c ? 1. Our results are constructive: Given a candidate hard function (and a candidate cryptographic PRG) we show how to transform the randomized algorithm into an efficient deterministic one. This follows from new PRGs and targeted PRGs for space-bounded algorithms, which we combine with novel space-efficient evaluation methods. A central ingredient in all our constructions is hardness amplification reductions in logspace-uniform TC?, that were not known before

    Expander Construction in VNC1

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    We give a combinatorial analysis (using edge expansion) of a variant of the iterative expander construction due to Reingold, Vadhan, and Wigderson (2002), and show that this analysis can be formalized in the bounded arithmetic system VNC^1 (corresponding to the "NC^1 reasoning"). As a corollary, we prove the assumption made by Jerabek (2011) that a construction of certain bipartite expander graphs can be formalized in VNC^1. This in turn implies that every proof in Gentzen\u27s sequent calculus LK of a monotone sequent can be simulated in the monotone version of LK (MLK) with only polynomial blowup in proof size, strengthening the quasipolynomial simulation result of Atserias, Galesi, and Pudlak (2002)
